
Purple plants in your Garden | GARDEN | Great Home Ideas

Charlie talks you through some purple plant choices.

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Purple flowers have to be one of my favorite colors to use in the garden the tibas really are spectacular and they get covered in flowers all the way through Autumn but I also like using the color purple in foliage now this is Laura petalum Chinet Chinese pink it gets a

Tiny little fringe flower that’s an electric pink but I grow it for this lovely burgundy foliage now I love the contrast of this next to the buxus Japonica there it’s not only the size that makes the contrast but the lime green growth against the purple is absolutely amazing if you wanted

Something a lot larger you could go for Saka but this plant gets really big and it’s incredibly dark foliage so it sucks lots of light out the garden so you need to put it in a nice open spot if you’ve got a semi-shade or even a deep shade location you really can’t

Go past this ple tranis it’s called Mona lavender and it’s got an electric purple to the underside of the leaf I really like it when the wind blows cuz it makes the whole garden Dynamic next time you’re at the nursery why not think about the color Purple


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