Japanese Garden

How To Make An Alternative Christmas Tree Design

How to make an alternative Christmas tree design with natural materials

Ingredients – pine cones, hot glue gun, card and stiff wires. Bamboo cane, drill, dogwood twigs .
Decor items – we used wooden stars, dried fruit slices, acorn cups and a single red rose + test tube

This design was inspired by a competition piece in- the idea was to reflect Christmas and to create a design that was simple .

The best way to show a theme such as Christmas is to choose a design that instantly reflects this – and what’s better than a Christmas tree!

To make the tree we created a long panel of pine cones – hit glued onto a double card strip, strengthened with wires inside. This was set on a cane and then inserted vertically into the log base.

The dogwood twigs were perfect with a v shape from the way they grow. A structure was created – with a little securing with paper covered wire,and using the twigs upside down. When happy you can then decorate to suit. So keeping it natural and simple only wooden stars, dried fruit slices and acorns were used. As a highlight and a splash of colour a red rinse creates the final touch – and focal point.

You could style this to suit though. It is a fun project and can be created in advance then decorated when needed.

If this style suits you let us know in the comment section below! Would you go natural or style in a different way?

If you enjoyed this video and would like more inspiration the check out this other seasonal design – https://youtu.be/ZWWHVdzQ6Po?si=p7BBTwd0nHt37x7a

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Hello welcome to flow juice my name is John McDonald and today we’re going to make a funky Christmas design so I have this pre-made frame and this was one that I created because I wanted to enter a competition so we’re going to rework it and use it uh today just to have

Something that’s a little bit different for Christmas so the competition that I entered was uh the International Friends of Floral Design uh page on Facebook and during Co they actually started to create some online competitions I’ve entered one in the past I’ve entered this one don’t know how all have done

But it really gets your mind thinking and it’s a really good way to uh to get creative is when you you kind of give yourself a limit and you have to enter so what I did was I created this design I have to give some credit to Mark

Pampling uh for my cone piece that’s in the middle so let’s have a look at this in a little bit more detail Excuse me while I use my technology so let’s have a little look at our frame so what I’ve got is I have this vertical piece of uh pine cones now

This has been made by basically taking cardboard piece of flat cardboard adding some strong wires to it with a hot glue gun adding more cardboard to make a really strong base now you could use a piece of light wood it doesn’t really matter as long as

There’s a bit of strength there and then what I did was I came in with the hot glue gun and basically glued on a row of these cones now I had quite a big bag of cones I went through them all so that I could get ones that were quite

Consistent so that they’re generally the same size now that I put onto a cane and then I drilled a hole in this log and that’s our base so essentially the log is plant material aterial the cane is plant material the cones are plant material and then to add that extra layer what

I’ve done is I’ve used some corness which I have in the garden and what was great about the Cornus was we had these branches where it branched off and made like a triangle so at the very top I was able to use that to my advantage to

Create the peak of the tree so basically keeping a consistency and adding them in and what I’ve done is I have used some um what you call it and where is it yeah here we go here we’ve got this uh paper covered wire uh so this is just this type of

Paper um basically really really useful stuff wire covered in paper and you can use a little pair of pliers just to to get that uh nice and tight so that is how I made the frame uh just a little bit of planning some hot glue and then

Some materials I had so what I’ve done is I’ve just glued on a few little stars a few Little Acorn cups and uh some fruit slices just to add a little bit of interest but now we’re going to add our fresh flowers and just finish this off

Okay so we’ve got our base we’ve got a nice shape with our branches we’ve got a nice little line with our uh fruit there what I want to add first is a bit of a line into the design so what I thought would be nice was some element of

Foliage and uh I’ve got some nice Pine here that falls in a really nice way so I’m just going to take out any little brown bits and we can look at adding that to here so we’re going to use our paper covered wire as I say this is my little

Pliers that uh it’s only taken me years to actually get around to treating myself to some um but a good a good purchase to have for your toolbox and you can use big pliers but actually the little ones just give you a little bit more control they’re a little bit more delicate

Now when I was first playing with this concept as I say it was for a competition and if you were making something like this you don’t need to wire every single thing if it’s going to be in a place that’s not getting moved around then ultimately it’s not a

Problem you know uh it’ll sit quite happy these actually kind of managed to hook onto themselves if you’re going to be moving it then that’s when you need everything to be really secure and that’s when it’s worth coming in with a little bit more a little bit more of

A you know tightening things up and making sure that everything is absolutely secure now I quite like the idea of bringing this in over here um this is where I’m need to be an octopus I’ve always said this as a florist is I should have been an octopus I absolutely love this

Poly um and this is the first time I’ve seen it in Hungary where I live um I think it’s kind of probably something that hasn’t been here here before and it’s a little bit expensive for what it is in a sense but really it’s worth the money because it lasts so well

Uh and I was very fortunate to actually visit a grower of this Holly and uh it’s very interesting what they do basically it produces all the berries it’s still covered in leaves and what they do is they harvest it all they stack it cover it in plastic stick and

Just wait for all the leaves to come off it and just keep it into cold green houses cold places and it works Bri great so flow wise I don’t really have very much I really wanted to probably do the gerbar as our main focal point so let’s have a little

Look when you have a bit of a structure like this things can tend to hold themselves I have a test tube so I’m going to use a test tube with our wire paper covered wire and um this is where we can put the stems down to so I think when we’ve got an

Arrangement like this that is really quite simple we don’t need to have a lot of materials and a lot of uh a lot of things going on it can actually be kept quite simple I I’m going to use that oops test tube for both because why add another

One and I think we’ll bring this one up into here so again just a little bit of that paper covered wire to hold it now because this is with a flare I’m going to be very delicate as I twist this so this is to

Hold it we don’t need to pinch it and um damage that stem things like Gerber and that they’re quite sensitive to damage um I would like that to sit forward a bit so I’m going to add another little bit other thing as well is I quite like

The the open nature of this tree so personally I’m not going to add a huge amount of materials that then hide that we’ve got the shape of our tree we’re really adding like highlight so if we think about this is like a brooch uh then essentially that’s what we’re

Doing I only have one or two and I don’t think I really want them in there um I do have a little bit of Mahonia do I want that maybe down to here would be quite nice but yeah if you’ve created something that is uh interesting and beautiful in a way

You don’t want to hide that you want to show it off to its base Advantage so and I think if that’s a conscious decision then that’s perfect yeah I like this the the fact that we’ve got more going on up here we’ve got a touch of something there um that works quite nicely

Now do I need anything else do you know what I’m happy with that what I would like to do though is put a little present under the Christmas tree and for that I’ve got this little uh Acorn that I found and uh I’m happy with that as is

But I hope this has given you an idea of the possibilities and you could really have fun creating something like this so hope you’ve enjoyed today’s video as you can see we’ve managed to create something that’s really quite eye-catching with not expensive materials just materials that are

Everyday so logs and Cones some nice twigs and then just a few highlight pieces so if we were to make this uh this would last for a good while as well it’s easy enough to change out the flower but you really have something that’s got a lot of impact and at a

Later date we can reuse this uh panel and turn it into some other design so thank you very much for watching um if youve any comments or questions then leave them in the comments section below we’re really glad that you join us to watch our videos and we really

Appreciate all the likes and comments that we receive so we’ve got a new video every week if you’d like to subscribe if you’ve not already subscribed then click here to subscribe in the description of this video we’ll post a link for another video and remember we’ve also got a 10%

Off discount affiliate link with uh W wakura which are a Japanese company that do pin holders and tools so if you’re interested then please have a little look so until our next video take care and we’ll see you then


  1. It just goes to show how you can reuse things it's very good and something different. Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2024 🎄

  2. Hello, John! This is indeed unusual, and I'm sure folks would stop and take a second look! Your sense of creativity is boundless. Thank you for sharing that, your talent, and expertise with us. Best to you for the week!

  3. I love this type of design. When you see such designs online it can be difficult to understand how they are achieved so thank you so much for explaining your design so fully. Good luck with the competition – No doubt you’ll do really well with this 🌸

  4. You are an Artist 🧑‍🎨 💯 That is an amazing piece!
    I love the level of creativity! So inspiring 🤔
    thnk you for sharing

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