Garden Plans

🎄⛩️CHRISTMAS WEEKEND IN JAPAN Gift ideas, Gumbo, Tokyo illuminations, Winter garden and more!

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CHRISTMAS IN JAPAN. Prepare with me for the holiday weekend! Tree decorations, gift idea, gumbo recipe, Tokyo illuminations, new clothing items, my winter veggie garden and more!


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Good morning everyone and welcome back to another Vlog happy holidays guys I’m actually on my way now to go get some groceries and a couple of things that I need everyone’s coming over this week to my house for Christmas uh because I’m making gumbo what this is why I don’t

Buy new cameras cuz like I’m just I’m actually on my way to the store right now to go buy groceries cuz everyone’s coming over to my house later this week because I’m making gumbo that is the only thing that I do for the holiday season like for Christmas that’s

The only tradition that I have is making gumbo and it’s the only time that I make it so it’s kind of special luckily like it’s a big enough dish so you can share with a lot of people comment down below what you usually do for Christmas like what are you guys’ Traditions it’s

Freezing finally I know I was like complaining that it was warm it was warm until like December 15th and then it was just freezing we didn’t even get fall anyways let’s go to the Store okay so I’m at like I don’t know the drugstore I don’t it’s like a big store with all kind of stuff in it you know the hot packs that you put in your pockets in Winter they sell them at the convenience stores but they don’t sell

This brand anywhere like you got to go to one of the real stores to get it it’s called magma oh my gosh these this is the only thing that we do in this Asian winter Cali winter you do the normal ones that’s the one you get also they

Have nothing for Christmas everything is uh New Year’s cuz they it really celebrate Christmas year Christmas year is actually a coup’s Holiday It’s a little too sunny out here but let me give you guys a quick tour a little update the main thing I planted is a bunch of leafy greens over here on the little trellis thing oh my gosh Puff You’re Adorable I got a couple different variations of spinach this is spinach

And then some herbs you know cilantro flat parsley Cur partially over here we have some peas and puff peas and puff I can’t tell the folks if you’re telling the folks this is what I’m the most excited for which is like replanting all my seedlings I’m actually going to

Upload um the Instagram stories that I did about this because I’ve already shown it all basically all I’m doing is planting my seedlings into their forever pots and I did make a mistake I said that this was like the first stage on Instagram but it’s actually this so

First I planted these plug trays inside the house where it’s like a controlled temperature and light situation and then when it’s big enough I plant them in something like this and everybody was asking like did I buy this plant but no this is just one seed exactly just this one thing like

You can literally eat off of this for an entire [Applause] season but like in that wild if you try to save money this season here you go after this I plant it in something a little bit bigger like this you don’t have to do these many steps you can literally just

Plant the seed in the one spot that you want it to grow but I’m doing it so I can do it like early also I get like healthier looking plants when I do it this way this is Dino kale this is a different variation of curly kale I’m planting like seven different variations

Of kale and then after like this second stage that’s what I’m doing right now which is planting them in the big pot I’m so excited they all grew so well look how beautiful I definitely overplanted again but again you never know what’s going to happen I mean last

Time a rat came in here and literally ravaged your girl I’m so glad I planted backups because I would have been starving he destroyed me this is the size that I plant for their forever home I have never tried these two variations of kale so I’m very excited this one is

Candy kale it looked so pretty and then this one’s purple kale which I assume tastes just like normal curly kale but it’s purple I don’t know we’ll see I put these poles in here cuz puff be in these pots destroying my plants dcci is such a

Good gardening cat like as long as I mulch she won’t mess with everything like she won’t poop in it or nothing puff this dude out here destroying everything he’s worse than the rat bro there’s been like multiple plans out here have just like died and I’m like

What happened to you look you got squished puff this is a no how am I supposed to have Beats if you’re sitting in them Puff get out the bell peppers and eggplants are literally still growing but I think this is their last go around I don’t see any new

Flowers that have sprouted so after these grow to full size I’m just going to harvest them all and then I will have a lot more space spinach these strawberries aren’t looking too good if you saw one of my other videos you might have seen that I planted garlic this is

The Garlic collar greens Green Onions more green onions lettuce I eat so much rocket I need to plant more cuz this is like I don’t know a salad then you cut it and it comes back but it takes a little while and finally my jalapenos are done look at these things they

Turned red I finally don’t see any more flowers on this plant so I think it’s done it took so long I was like why are all my summer crops just thriving this seems to be the last round of tomatoes as well I still don’t even know why

These things were growing so now I have a whole bunch of Aroma Tomatoes what is going on they were all just coming in in November I have no idea puff I had to put like something on top of here cuz you just kept sitting here squishing everything if any of these

Radishes grow I’ll be surprised I know a lot of you guys are interested in starting a vegetable garden and if you want a little bit of help you can download my free vegetable Gardening Guide which I made with the sponsor of today’s video which is Squarespace if you didn’t know Squarespace is an

Allinone platform that allows you to create a variety of things like a website a store a blog or even a podcast there are so many different reasons for creating a website in Squarespace makes it very easy I absolutely love their pre-built templates you can connect your social media accounts to display your

Posts and they have 24/7 customer service if you get stuck or need help even if you just want to create something for funsies like how I did with my hobby with vegetable gardening it’s a great place to start go to and sign up for a free

Trial try it out for yourself and when you’re ready to launch go to suunday love and you can save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain thanks so much Squarespace for sponsoring today’s video F get down So I’m trying to figure out where I could put this tree I just realized this is my first Christmas tree in this House Is it just me or does he look a little Sparse all done she’s cute At first she was looking a little bald thought she lost her edges but after I fluffed her out a bit you know she’s looking full it’s kind of tiny I did get a bunch of really cute ornaments to put on the tree

But I think I’m going to wait for my friends I think it’d be fun if we like decorate them together this is wood so perfect for my house so yeah I’m going wait for them to come to decorate the tree so we can do this together but I’m going to start wrapping these

Presents for me birthdays are for the one serious gift and then Christmas is for multiple small fun gifts I take gift giving way too seriously but here are a few things that I got my friends this year the Mini version of one of my favorite scents pajamas warm pajamas

Everyone needs those I got a lot of items off of yesy because they ship fast and they’re inexpensive this is my favorite makeup remover and then I just got a bunch of my favorite go-to skincare products some of these were new something that I thought they might like

To try out this right now is my favorite sunscreen the pink one when it comes to gift giving it’s a thought that counts whether you made it or you bought it I think the important part is to tailor the gift to the person like is it something they need is something they

Want is it something that they mentioned long ago I just really love thoughtful gifts also if you want to grab any of these items from yes style I do have a code for you guys it’s Sunday love you can save on orders of up to $49 and up chiso Men’s skincare products chocolate

Harry Potter wands and Harry Potter jelly beans my friends love Harry Potter It’s Not Christmas Without socks lotion because men always need lotion and ChapStick and then I just got a couple of goodies from America some stuff that we can’t get here in Japan you can’t get Reese’s so that’s always a good

Gift I could have sworn I got them two gifts each I don’t even know how this happened you know I had to put my uh my little ornament up on the tree just in case Santa didn’t get the memo the only thing on my list Santa is a buff chocolate

Carpenter can I can I please get that this year he does even got to be chocolate but he’s got to be able to chop wood at least and he’s got to be buffed come on Santa how long girl got to Wait puff is like watching like he’s learning or something yeah a man moment are you learning Dukee like Japanese people drink this a lot really yeah so apparently it opens from the top like the whole thing opens I’ve actually never seen this in my life I have never seen this before that’s so weird something new even after all these years yeah you’re sh this one you’re supposed to drink

Like this oh that’s so cool it’s like a cup so a long time ago for Mother’s Day I got my mom this like chopping thing and when I went back home to America I tried it out while I was cooking bought it for myself I can’t live without this

This is the best in ion ever you just put something in here and then you smash it and it chops it for you and this thing is really sharp I already cut myself of course Game Changer and they have like a lot of different ones get

That one full star all right it is time to get down to this gumbo first things first comfortable clothes men’s clothing preferably this is actually my grandma’s recipe passed down from who knows when cuz our bloodline ends at slavery anyways the only thing I did change is

That it calls for oil like and flour to make your Rue however I make mine a little different I make mine with oil from the chicken so I cooked the chicken first and that way the r is flavored already but you do have to strain it cuz

You can’t have any of those little bits and stuff in there otherwise you’re going to burn your R I’ll be here all year the r is the hardest part you’re going to be sitting here stirring for forever we’re trying to go from light skin to dark skin don’t move until it’s

Like a chocolate brick color I think I have this recipe somewhere up on my website it’s not free though I charge a dollar not because I need the dollar but because I should be giving away Grandmama’s recipe for free I don’t know it just felt wrong but yeah this dish

Takes all day and I will say I have never tried anyone’s gumbo that was better than mine period And as always Lelo requests macaroni and cheese but I need to stop changing this recipe cuz I swear it is different every single Time Sh F good she’s literally munching down I about the arrival G at he is enough I think so what is how do you do this it lights up I don’t know how to do this me neither Oh It’s limp all by myself and douglas douglas and that’s a lot of gifts they like it I love how they came out as we’re like opening the gifts like they knew oh look you got you got a toy too that one’s yours to open to see

Love you really got all of my pets Duke of course where’s this is for dlas dlas I didn’t say hi to Douglas dlas what did you get oh he loves these I’ve never seen a tiny one on his own open your Sunday [Laughter] when someone ask you what did you get

For Christmas a family my God a multicultural family freaking weird twin things look we’re W we’re W twins oh they are happy Christmas Harry happy Christmas Ron what are you wearing sweat mother actually not Good morning it’s very early I’m in Tokyo I’m at Verve which is like that same coffee shop that I always go to in comic Bo y’all don’t know how badly I need this you just don’t even today is a shoot day going to be really fun we’re

Actually really near a Tokyo Tower right now because that’s kind of like the theme for one of the sweaters we have Two All right sh we have to be real quiet come with me hurry very rare sight hurry come get down get down down all right what we have here is trash cans in Japan never before seen very rare look at them in their natural state you just don’t find that inin Bad all righty so there are like a million different spots around Tokyo where you can see Tokyo Tower but we’re trying to find like a back street with not many people and B like really really close I think this one’s got wiser you two I said really close but not what

Sorry you saw that um this is the vibe I’m trying to get right now and I’m so happy there’s no people this street isn’t very cute though and that whole like bike is not it’s not a vibe All right I think we found the perfect Street look at this look Yes I think we got the shot it’s time for the next [Applause] One S without ruining it makeup feel like a turd the man’s watching it’s like the best hoodie I’ve seen like it’s a good shape it’s a good size the color is awesome this lighting

Is awful but the color is awesome yo so we were going to take like this shot I’ll put up a I’ll put up a photo on the screen of what it looks like like the super famous spot where you can see Tokyo Tower from like a staircase it’s

Just a random free spot tell me why there’s a real line outside for it like bro when the spot is no longer a secret it kind of never was but like this is wild I’m not getting a line Bro Oh


  1. happy holidays sundai! thank you for blessing us with these videos, they bring so much joy and comfort to me every week. hope you have a good rest! much love to you, your friends, and your furry babies <3

  2. Happy Holidays Sundai!! 💝 Hope you are feeling better! Getting sick and still having to work is just the worst 🙁

  3. First things first happy holidays to you and to all your friends. The video was a really good one until the end. I’m so sorry you are feeling unwell during the holidays. It really sucks to get sick at that time of the year but I really enjoy all your videos, keep up the good work and your sweaters are beautiful. Great job.

  4. I hope you're feeling better! We celebrate Kwanzaa but with everyone's schedule we have an eve dinner and will meet throughout the rest of the week briefly. ❤️🖤💚

  5. Hope your holidays were …wonderful …I was curious where your starter veggie guide was …I’ve checked your description and your website .. I haven’t had any luck finding it ..Thanks so much 😊

  6. I appreciate the long vlogs. Any chance you maybe design a bucket hat or peacoat in the future?

  7. Praying that next year your health improves a lot, honestly it's so sad to see that you get sick while you're trying to work 😢

  8. The Holiday, Cameron Diaz, Jude law, Kate Winslet and Jack Black is my favorite Christmas movie (or favorite movie for that matter). It's tied with Howl's Moving Castle. Favorite Christmas tradition is my family's sand dollar cookies, It's a Pennsylvania Dutch recipe, it's a sugar cookie with extra sugar and butter so they get really thin and super crispy.

  9. Your Gumbo is legit. I fix gumbo for all the winter holidays but it’s not really tradition. I also fix a lot and freeze a couple of servings for random rainy cold days. Oh! Live your garden it seems to give you so much joy. We all need as much joy as we can get. ✌🏾

  10. Hey Sundai, really love your videos'! Could you make a thing to know when moving to Japan video? Would be so helpful!

  11. Watching this while in bed sick with what feels like the evil step sister of covid…Gumbo looks good sis!! Love the winter garden, I still don’t understand how so many things keep growing here in JP while it’s cold. Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year, please post a video of your favorite lucky bags next week, mines are KFC, Dipper Dan and Baskin Robbins cause FREE Ice Cream in the new year of course!

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