Gardening Trends

Simple COLOURWORK KNITTING for this Cozy Knitter Podcast Ep. #46

Cozy-up for this season’s knitting podcast best tips and tricks featuring simple colourwork knitting ideas and an update on the sideways knitted cardigan.

For the best knitting tips and tricks and to get some cozy knitting done this season. There is also a cozy finished object. Let’s talk about future plans for the channel.

This podcast is about knitting techniques, crochet garments and blankets, yarn spinning and dyeing, vintage quilting and sewing. I am trying slow living, cozy routines and gardening in Orkney whilst recovering from a serious health concern. I hope you enjoy all my hints and tips.

Music by @epidemicsound

Buy me a coffee to help support the channel

Pinterest for my 2025 plans

#knitting #knit #knittingpattern #knittingdesign #knittingpodcast

00:00 Introduction
01:33 Sideways Knitted Cardigan
05:54 Simple Colourwork Knitting
09:22 Cozy Knitted Headband
10:41 Finished Object for staying cozy
15:21 Future Plans for the Channel

Hello I’m back on my sofa and I’m cozying up for the weekend I’ve got my lovely plush dressing gown on with hood and I’ve got my goodam Johnson Shetland spin driff hat on well it’s purples and colors it matches in with my dressing gown and I’ve got my electric

Blanket yes we’re expecting snow this weekend from Friday afternoon through to Saturday and yes we’ve just had a shower of hail so it’s coming I almost thought I could have put me sparkly purple gloves on that I’ve got that have for many years vintage ones um but I didn’t get them out and

It’s a bit difficult to knit with um I’m catching up with what I’ve done this week with you and it’s not been an awful lot but we’ve done quite well uh first of all the sideways cardigan well yeah it’s coming along and I found a ball of the fluorescent

Yarn and what I’ve managed to do now is finish off the body of the cardigan as you can see it’s all join up let’s just hold this out so there’s the cardigan body what I’ve done on the shoulders is a bit of short rows and I joined it together with a knitted

Row in the sense that I got two needles together and then with a third needle I um did a knit two together and then cast off Stitch all the way along there is a name for it and I can’t think of it at the moment I’m sure somebody out there will tell

Me so then I’ve still got the needles in this I’ve worked down picked up the stitches around the armhole and worked down in stocking stitch in the blue and then finished off in the patterning the Mosaic pattern and the fluorescent edging I’m going to cast off here I’m just going to leave that

There I’m happy with that yeah so then I’ll do exactly the same on the other side so it’ll be more of a 3/4 sleeve cuz I think I’ve only got a certain amount of the Aspen which is that color left yeah so I’m happy with that it’s

Coming along and I’ve just done a simple knitted row around the neckline and cast off that’s all I did nothing extreme just simple am I going to do anything around the edges no I will probably leave it as is I’ll probably have give it a light

Press because as as I often tell tell you I always knit a g stitch on the row on a pearl row so you get a bump I always do that so then that gives you an edging all the way around you don’t have to add another edging to it it’s already done much

Like on this side I’ve just finished on the bum Pro cast off on a bum Pro and that gives that bump Edge um when I cast on it had a bump Edge because I do use a thumb me method longtail thumb method so that’s that one so yeah I’ve got a bit left

There that will probably do that other sleeve if I’m stuck then I’ve got what I’ve got left is is uh to unravel the rest of that that’s so that will that will do it I did I’ve done a little bit more on the Sophie scarf I’m on the decrease Rose now this

Is just the short one so that’s that so the sideways cardigan is coming along and I’m happy with it it’s it’s fulfilling what I’d hoped in my head it pictured in my mind what I might do with it so that’s good now um I haven’t done any more on leners just yet

That will be probably coming next week when I’m um when I finished doing this now this had started a long time ago and hadn’t done any more on it but when I showed it up last week week I thought I think I went into town the

Following day and I got a couple more balls of the Um Shetland spin drift so I got some this one which is what I’m Ling on now which is called popurri and this one which is kind of a mile heathered one which is called Um o Loganberry so I I did that to my little collection and I’ve got some um some others left in here little bits Etc not much but a little in fact that’s as much as I’ve got left of a coral one so what I did was

This is where I started with a lace edging at the neckline and I’ve worked down in Fair a increasing as a go using my calculations for a circular yolk then I’ve got to a point where I ran out of that color can’t remember what that color is if you look on my

Rivalry page you’ll find all the colors I’ve used on this Fair ale um color and then I changed at this point from Fair ale to Mosaic knitting so I’ve gone down in a slightly different way carrying down a stitch just getting to um too many stitches on now so you can just about

See when I’m carrying down a stitch and each um every now and again I increase so I’m up now to um seven stitches and a slip stitch so that’s an eight stitch pattern and what I’m now doing is going back to continue in this lace Stitch and I’m going to finish it

Off in that I’m not going to split for sleeves I am making a sort of a so um it’ll be interesting when it’s done because it’s got quite a wide neck anyway so go of my head and whatever I’ve got on underneath it’ll it’ll be okay it

Won’t um be too tight around my neck it’ll be a nice loose one so I’m hoping that that will turn out beautifully it’s looking lovely already I love the color Arrangements I’m hoping it’s coming up the light is awful today so we just have to go with the flow don’t

We so yes I’m knitting on that today so I’ve got a little bit of the green left than for the skirt in chunky so what I’m doing is is doing the not the fair ass uh the fisherman’s rib Stitch but the other one the Brios and I’m going to make this into a

Headband um probably gather that in when it’s joined and put a little um cover on it it’s gone missing ah so this is just a sample a sample I did so I would put something like that around it when it’s joined you never know I might use that I

Don’t know we’ll wait till we get to the end so yes so I’m in the middle of using up that last little bit to do a nice headband cozy headband cozy cozy this is what we’re doing today cozy cozy so yeah what I did finish um in the week

Was I’ll put a picture of it up here and it was one of those ve my very first Marling adventures with cones I had been given and I um knitted up a long sweater and I was going to do a I was going to make it into a cardigan but

What I did in the end was actually join it all together and then what I’m going to do is is put some buttons down the front and it’ll just be a jerking something that you can put over something else um for extra warmth even under a coat it

Doesn’t you don’t have a lot of sleev here that’s going to bulk up underneath a jacket or something like that I quite often like to wear a Gile a padded Gile and I might have a couple of um jumpers on underneath wool ones because if it

Gets cold here it gets cold and if you’re standing about you know about it so I quite often layer up sometimes I’ll wear my um knitted skirt under another skirt if it’s a skirt day trousers I sometimes wear leggings under jeans um yeah basically that’s the rule of the

Day if you’re living in somewhere like this and we you have to understand that although we’re at the very tip of Scotland the UK we are actually on the level between Oslo in Norway and Alaska on the other side and you know that they’re very cold places but we’re luckily quite

Temperate um we don’t get maybe as much as we used to the Snows and the frosts and the ice I’ve not seen much of that but this year it’s been pretty cold um this winter and I’ve felt it more this winter hence my the electric banket that

Maly bought me to to to put well the electric throw it’s called I haven’t got it on at the moment let me just put it on oh it’s not switched on at the plug either so um I don’t always need need to put it on but it’s quite weighty enough

Just to give me a bit of to give me a bit of warmth whilst I’m knitting and as you all know as Knitters if you’ve got cold hands it is more difficult to knit I thought I heard ver voices I thought I heard balky coming back because he’s gone out and I’m thinking

Oh it’s awful out there so he might be back soon so yeah yet so I’ve not done an awful lot I’ve still got the November jacket to finish the November jacket looks as if it’s going to be finished in January I’ve done nothing more on it since I showed it you

Last that’s it that’s it as it is at the moment anyway I’m going to go and make myself a brew in a minute a cup tea yeah going to go and make a cup of tea I hope you have a nice weekend and have some time off to do some

Knitting um and hopefully I’ll see you again next week with a few more bits that I’ve finished over the over the coming days over the holiday period um yeah I might give myself a few days off and do some knitting yeah so that’s all I’ve got to

Tell you today it’s a bit brief isn’t it but you know I can’t I haven’t really got that much to tell you because we did we did about 10 days didn’t we 10 days of little knitting podcast nit pods as I call them I don’t know if I’ll do that again it’s quite

Intense but I did enjoy doing that and then you’ve got an hour and a half doing a recap from start to finish of each week so you’ve got two of those so there is plenty to look at I’ve been doing a little bit more on my um house housekeeping shall we say in

The sense of video housekeeping and teaching myself a few things so I’m hoping that um if you’ve not seen me before hello my name’s Claire and I live in ory and I talk about my um lifestyle in orne and what I like to knit and sometimes the rare

Breeds and the interesting Yarns that you can find in ory and that are easily available even online um yeah I talk about my life and sometimes I take you on a little trip around the islands where I live so keep stopping by and um find out

What I’m doing I’ve been having a little um Peak at the uh spring summer 2025 knitting Trends why 2025 and not next year I am always a year ahead of myself when in the in the fashion trade you’re always well ahead because you have to be and therefore I’ve got some exciting

Trends to look at and in the New Year I’m going to do a little um episode on my Pinterest board I think the Pinterest board is up my Pinterest account is up on my channel um links so I have a look there um because I’ve been saving a few things for 2025

And um the colors for 2025 and so I’ve started a little wish list of what color arms I would like to get um yeah it’s very interesting I I do that at this time of year and um at hopefully next week all being well I shall um do the video on what I

Knitted in 2023 what I knitted in 2023 is my collection of garments in 2024 you see cuz it takes a long time to knit you all know that it’s not a quick job do is it I seem to throw them off me needles quite a bit

But I’ve had more time to do that now I’m finding that more difficult because I’m actually doing some work now and plus that makes it more difficult for me to sit down and do a video or at night time I’m I’m sat with my needles and that’s when I tend to do the

Majority of my knitting now I have to sort of um push that slightly to the back burner and concentrate on what I have to do on an admin basis so yeah I’m a busy bee a busy knitting bee anyway as I said enjoy yourselves over the weekend have a lovely

Holiday um and I will see you again hopefully next week with with another little video if you want to see something that was really special to me this year I’d love you to go to episode 13 because that’s a special video that I did on making a garment out

Of sheep’s fleece from start to finish from washing it to wearing it so click on that one there ooh and keep knitting


  1. love your creative colours, the sideways cardigan is lovely & bright & looks very warm, the vest was interesting, i do like that style, then the gorgeous cape! WoW! you'll have to model these ones, think you'll look stunning in them.
    have enjoyed all your videos on knitting (& the occasional gardening) your garments are always a creative surprise!
    have a merry xmas & a safe & happy new year!
    look forward to seeing you in the new year again, thanx so much for sharing

  2. I really enjoyed your knit-pods. I love your sideways cardigan, I am amazed how you can knit your ideas just straight onto your needles. I enjoyed seeing your designs on your mannequin, you are very talented with colour combinations and designs. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your work. Have a wonderful Christmas season! πŸŽ‰β€πŸ˜Š

  3. Love everything about the cardigan, the colour combination is great. Glad you found more wool.xxπŸπŸβ˜ƒοΈ

  4. Cozy-up knitters podcast with simple colourwork knitting to keep you entertained over the holidays. Thanks for all your generous support over this very difficult year you have all got me through and I appreciate that more than you know!❀

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