Japanese Garden

I built a Japanese Street in The Sims 4

I built this Japanese-inspired street in anticipation of the next Sims 4 pack, For Rent. This lot has six dwellings and many businesses: a bookstore, a noodle restaurant, a karaoke bar, a grocery store and a plant shop!
I hope you like this build. Thank you for watching 🙂

EA ID: CatsAgainstCrime

Twitter: twitter.com/wistofu

Gallery Credits
Wires: a-winged-llama
Produce: FallenInLimbo

Hello welcome to a new video in this Speed Build I will be showing you a Japanese stre or a Japanese style Street build that I did with uh six units and also some businesses uh because the new expansion is coming in 2 days roughly uh for rent I thought it would

Be fun to make a build like this where you could have a lot of units but also some businesses where you can entertain your Sims and the first thing I did was browse through the debug catalog and as you can see right there on the left I have a lot of objects that

I put down first thing and I started building this like grocery store type of build um I wanted it to look really local with fresh produce and I’m just decorating the the outside of outside of it I am placing down a lot of like vegetables and uh some of this stuff

Took me a while so I could I cut some of it out but I left also a little bit of the process and all the things I did so you can see uh how I did it and yeah adding some more produce and some more clutter to the outside I added these

Carrots as well I thought it looked fun and we will be adding here some pairs as well I’m using the tool mode like throughout the whole build uh the tool mode allows you to manipulate objects uh rotate them uh off the axis uh scale

Them in uh in a Freer way than the game allows you to and you don’t actually need to have the mod to download the build and the objects are if you place a lot the objects are exactly as I placed them with the uh mods so that’s a good a

Good thing about it now we are extending some of the build and making more uh businesses and more stuff to do around this one I think is going to be a bar probably but right now I’m figuring out the colors I did this roof with an angle

I thought it looked really good and uh to me it’s just very Japanese and I’m choosing the colors again I think I will be swapping the colors in in a minute in a second yeah just putting some decor decor um there we go changing the colors to a more darker

Shade and uh there we go changing it again Yeah starting to uh make some more decorations to decorate a little bit more to me it just uh reminds me so much of uh Japanese culture to have these like small places with just a lot of uh squeezed in um businesses least in in tight Spaces so this one is actually the only unit that is the one I’m building now the the one that doesn’t have a business on the bottom part it is a full home and when I was building this I thought it would be fun to imagine like someone who

Didn’t want to give up their home to become like a business under because it’s you know surrounded by cafes and stuff like that I thought it would be fun to have that that story line here as well and so it it just becomes being a full house which is the only one that

Has two levels now we are extending for the I think it’s the flower shop here so for the flower shop or the plant shop however you want to call it I wanted it to be a really not silly but like fun place I use on the inside some

Pastels some brighter colors because the outside is looking a little bit darker And I wanted it to be realistic and resemble some of the Japanese architecture I did have some inspiration pictures I made a mood board so I can just I could just look at it and have some references and that is something that I like doing searching for references and

Inspirations on the internet but I had never done a mood board before and I I liked it especially for a complex build like this where you need to have or you want to have a lot of variation I think uh I think it helped me a

Lot now I go back and forth adjusting a lot of the details uh for a bill like this it’s so difficult to stick to one thing only um because I’m just scrolling through the catalog and I see oh this would look good in this uh place this would look

Good in the bookstore cuz I add a bookstore later on and I think this is when we start adding the restaurant yeah some stairs and then the restaurant exactly so I had this idea of making this maybe I um three level unit or a three level building with possibly two

Units I discarded that idea I thought it looked weird cuz the others were just two levels so I kept it simpler and I thought it looked better in the end and now we are picking the colors for this Building This is when I started to think about what it was going to look like around it and maybe at the back I I’m adding some more landscape to make it look more realistic or more true to reality I add those posts all around the the lot and some Street lamps as well

And again I do that all around a lot I think we will be seeing it later I spent so much time looking through the debug catalog and also the the live edit cataloges because they have so much good stuff and a lot of stuff I just miss on the first

Glance so I kept coming back to it I just left a lot of a lot of the footage out but this is the bookstore the that I mentioned earlier I wanted it to have this like display on the entrance where you could like walk by browse a little bit of stuff and then

You could go inside it’s almost like an invitation and they also had this a reference picture that had two doors and in the middle it had a bookcase I wanted to do that initially but then the spaces aren’t really that big and I thought one entr was fine as it Was And I ended up adding some Greenery here just because uh it was looking a lot like kind of bare especially on the upper part and I think it added a nice touch brought a little bit of life to that part there and now we move on to the

Back which uh was also not a struggle but uh a challenge so for the back I wanted to have a kind of forch that wrapped around all of the units and I included this fence which just remind me a lot of uh the shows the Japanese shows I watched

When I was a kid they usually had or the houses in that show usually had this type of fence I added some Roofing details so when rain you could continue to uh stay in that uh part in that porch area without you know worrying about the

Rain and here in this back part I chose to do a garden and I wanted to do a garden because I expect this build to have you know a lot of people and there are a lot of things you can do in this build so it would

It’s I assume it would be busy so I thought it was nice to have a space where your Sims could just unwind uh relax read a book meditate so I thought a kind of zen garden would be the perfect thing to add here and I I think it also looks good

Because it adds a bit of greenery which there isn’t much around um so I thought that was a good addition uh a much needed addition I had an dig Stones uh in the sand so your Sims couldn’t can navigate better I don’t think they use it but uh it looks good

So I included that in I put also a bench there maybe you can read there uh and this is also where I included the the trash cans trash bins and I have the like a staircase some stairs there uh that lead to the upper part which is how you access the

Units but I I changed that in the end uh not in the end but I end end up changing it now I’m adding more posters and more decoration this would be the restaurant uh there I am using the tool mod again just to rotate the poster a little bit

And make it seem more realistic by you know making it look like someone actually glued it there or put up that Poster I also love these uh lights I think they had such a personal touch and they make me think so much about Japan this was probably one of the most ious parts of the whole build just because I thought it would be fun to add

Wires to these uh posts uh and the world has them as you can see there but I wanted to make it more immersive and that’s what I’m doing here it took me so long because I did it all around the the lot and I actually couldn’t find this object in the debug I

Had to go to the gallery and I will include the name of the user who put this wire in the gallery thank you and yeah as you can see now uh it’s all around a lot those wires I think they look good and they add uh some

Personality make it look a little bit more funky and lived in now we’re adding some doors and windows to the back of these units and is this is the part that I mentioned earlier which is when I get rid of those stairs and I actually make these units accessible through the

Stairs that I put in the front I don’t know why it took me so long to be like hey these stairs are here for a reason so let’s use them and that’s what we do I think it makes more sense and also res up some space in the back for other activities

Activities this is the flower shop or the plant shop I one of my favorite things in The Sims is decorating with plants so this was really fun to do I wanted to make a play this place seem light and fun so it has some brighter colors there is already a lot of clutter

Outside and I think it makes it inviting and I placed some shelves here these are not going to be the final shelves but yeah I just glitter all of them with plants and I decorate the place around a little bit uh I add some more plants in the middle as well and

Some kind of tables that they have in The Sims there there you see you can see there I had these leaves which I love I I think they look so good they add so much personality to the build and I think they frame really well windows

And doors so I put some in the front and also in the back and I add this arranging table I think it looks really good and it makes sense to have one in in a place like this and of course I had to use this

Table which I rarely use and to me this this was the the right place to do so and I of course I filled everything with plants I also like this uh plant lamp a lot and here I’m swapping the shelves for these ones from the I think

It’s the greenhouse kit and I I add these rugs I think they are so adorable and they add character and finally I add these flowers which are on brand for the space and I think they add color uh and some fun without having to paint the walls a different

Color at this here this produce section I actually took off the gallery just because I had already done a lot of intricate details on the outside I will also leave the username of the person that made them uh on the description so thank you whoever went through all that

Trouble and I included it I think it looks so good it’s EX L the the look that I was going for that uh local feel and you know I I just imagine people coming here to shop to do their groceries people who live in the slot as

Well and I also had those stickers there I I thought they look really fun and this ATM isn’t actually functional but I thought it was so realistic to have one in a place like this and I end up cluttering this space a lot I was inspired by some of these

Local supermarkets uh in Japan I I looked up some references and they had a lot of stuff boxes around and I’ve been to some Asian markets here uh as well in my hometown not my hometown but where I currently live and they have a lot of stuff on the

Ground where you can just uh pick and sometimes you have to do some gymnastics to get around the the store but I think that’s also the the magic of it this is the Bookshop here I wanted to have this place that almost looked like a cozy

Cave I wanted to go for that feel with the Bookshop the Bookshop and also the bar I wanted it to have this old field but with a lot of new stuff so I imagine the person that works here sells new but also used books I put some those paintings on the

Wall which to me they look like a book Trilogy or a book series and I thought it was fun to like have that on display or have that as something that you know grabs your attention maybe they are best sellers I don’t know I like coming up with the these stories I think

They make more sense and I thought it was so clever to do this that I just did there with the stickers as if it was another Series and I thought it was it would be cool to include also maybe some action figures or some books and movies uh Collectibles maybe these are sold because uh the books were made into movies and people love them I thought it it would be fun to do that and this is the bar

That I mentioned earlier it’s a karaoke bar I’m not sure if it’s functional it might not be but it still looks as one I add the stereo there I add the karaoke machine later and I also put the microphone there to make it look realistic but again I’m not sure if it

Works uh I would have to play test that and I wanted to have this you know cave like um Vibe and also I added some red Hues and this is the house that I mentioned that is the only full house the only one that has two levels and I

Imagine an elder lives here uh maybe an another lady and I wanted to make it look traditional uh but also with some modernized bits and Bops this is the the bedroom and I try to add some personality through little details and some objects in a final tour

We we will see uh how it ends up looking all of it but yeah I included also some knitting so this elder has some activities to do and I’m just decorating and this is one of the units this one is above the book star if I’m not mistaken and I imagine maybe a

Young couple lives here it’s a tight squeeze all of them are and I wanted it to have this more juvenile feel maybe it’s newer it has has been renovated and uh also looks lighter than the one uh we just saw so I try to make them all look a

Little bit different and with different lived in States this one I wanted to be modern U more clean a little bit more minimal uh and that’s what we go for I think that’s that’s the look I achieved also Then record uh all of them and I think it would be better for us to just jump into the game and actually do a tour and see what the final build looks like so this is what she looks like in all her glory and this is what it looks like on

The side of the Bookshop and this is the back of the build we can start on this side on the flow shop this is the entrance a lot of clutter and we go through the door you see a lot of plants just plants all around I really like these uh decals on the

Wall now I’m going to get this one just because it’s a house and I’m going to move to the bar this is what it looks like um I added some beams in the ceiling even though you can really see that well and this is the Koke ke machine

That I added the bar and yeah just a place to have fun and hang out socialize this is the grocery shop and this what it looks like on the inside a lot of clutter a lot of produce the ATM and I added some lanks here just

Because I didn’t like the look of the original object and yeah a lot of clutter all around so this is the restaurant I actually didn’t record anything of it and I thought I was so clever putting this uh sticker here above the heater and yeah let’s go in when it go when it

Come in we have this is the restaurant I wanted it to be more like a noodle bar where you just order sit down and have a lot of like things that maybe locals and tourists leave thought it was cool and I also like these uh posters I think they

Come with the university pack and I had never seen these variations before I think they they have that uh Japanese cartoon style so I added them in we have some some paintings here and this I thought would be a good way to display maybe the their menu or things that they serve

Here but yeah I also like these dividers uh I think they’re from Discovery University and these posters are actually from high school not and over on this side we have the Bookshop this is the entrance a lot of books already and then we go in we have

All the bookshelves a wall full of those bookshelves and we have some here on display maybe these are the new releases and this is where you pay also added some candles maybe they are merch candles you know maybe let’s take a look at the Garden at

The back you come through here this is there’s a little gate here area and then this is the the little garden that we have we can relax think it looks really uh really cozy now let’s take a look at the full house that we have we have the entrance right here

Simple we have a half wall dividing the living space we have these things that maybe uh grandma made for her grandkids when they come visit yeah we have the kitchen I tried not to clutter it too much here’s the eating area it’s not very big

But it’s the biggest one of them all and we have some but here the washing and dryer and we walk down into the bedroom and this is what it ended up looking like I added the clock there I thought it was such a grandma thing to add or to

Have and this is the bathroom I wanted the bathroom to be cluttered and that’s why I put a lot of these here a lot of the bathroom clutter kit clutter kit uh I also added a robe and yeah make it lived in make it look like this

Person lives here for a long time or has lived here for a long time now we can go up the stairs and check out the rest of units when you walk up you have here on the left the second unit that we see and I thought this was a very traditional

And like family type of thing I haven’t renovated it or it hasn’t been updated and I imagine parents and a kid live here we have the bathroom here which is a 3×1 i’ squeeze but uh most of these units have this bathroom layout I wanted to give that a personal touch with the

Towels here now we can check the bedrooms which they are a squeeze for sure but I still wanted uh to have the personality so this is the kid bedroom uh we go out and then we go into the parents bedroom looks like this simple not much clutter again the space isn’t

Very big but I like how it looked in the end now I can move on to the other units so this apartment I wanted to be more dark modern contemporary that’s why there’s a lot of blacks and Grays some dark blues and whites and I wanted also to to have

Some uh hints that it was an older building here we have another 1×3 bathroom also all black now let’s move on to the next apartment we can check this one out and this is what it looks like there’s the living the dining area the kitchen has a full-sized bathroom our

Change also very simple and then we have the bedroom here which is a fairly sized bedroom considering the size of some of the units it’s build let’s move on to this one right now uh this one is similar to the last one but I imagine a single Sim lives here it’s like modern

Has the same Vibe and this is the bedroom also small bedroom but it has everything you need and then you have a 3×1 bathroom all toilet Pap now let’s move on to the sixth and last unit now this one I wanted to make it really pastel really soft also contemporary

Have a little bit of different personality uh there’s a TV there that looks like a painting love that have a heating area here and maybe also working area and if we move on through the store we have the bedroom which has a single bed a lot of pastel colors but also

Quite simple this one is above the flower shop and then we have the bedroom I also wanted to make it special and yeah it has a shower has this pink tile adorable this is what the build looks like this is what it look looks like on the upper Level this is what it looks like on the lower level I forgot to show that it has like a kitchen area on the restaurant but yeah I hope you like this build if you did let me know it is on the gallery my ID is cats against Crime I will leave

That also in the description and I’ll see you in the next video thank you for Watching


  1. nice click bait. If there is a question, "do you know what is Google Earth?", you can show this video as the answer. Because this video shown you don't know what is Google Earth

  2. Your voice is so calming and the build is incredible. I love this kind of build, bc they give so cosy vibes ❤

  3. This build is amazing! I grew up in Japan, and a lot of the details you added made me super nostalgic, so thank you for making the effort to pay attention to detail and making it realistic

  4. WOW!! Incredible, I love the detail you put into it, everything is just perfect. The amount of time it must have taken, I can't even imagine. So grateful to talented artists as your self.

  5. This building is absolutely amazing, but I see that you're struggling a bit with the dialogue. I am no professional but I would definitely recommend making a rough script of what your going to talk about (just pin points that type of stuff) otherwise great video 🙂

  6. I would looove to see more japanese inspired builds from you, it just looks sooo amazing!! I actually wanna live there 😂🩷

    And your voice made it all so much better, really soothing and overall nice video, thank you so much! <3

  7. whoa this build is INCREDIBLE there's so much detail and personality! thank you for building and sharing this!

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