Gardening Trends

outside opposition is being Silenced, Hey ! let’s talk truth

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Good evening and good night wherever you may be watching this transmission hey people I got a few minutes here before I open and I uh I slept in this morning so I feel good been kind of uh Sleeping off the last couple of weeks um of work

Really hard work and uh trying to keep my uh small business open uh doing what I can and and and putting in the extra time effort hours you know and um you know retail is not an easy it’s not easy retail is not easy it’s a little tough little little

Tough business to be into nowadays and uh it’s a tough business to you know having to compete with online and everything else but uh yeah made it through onward to the New Year 2024 and uh I hope everybody’s doing well out there I want to thank everybody

For sending me a lot of Merry Christmas and happy New Years and I want to thank everyone you know that’s for good the good positive reinforcement I really appreciate that and uh I want to thank everybody for uh for everything for a great year 2024 uh this Saturday uh I think that’s

Tomorrow we’re going to have the mik in the night uh we’re going to have the mik in the night New Year’s party like we do every year uh before that it was the trends in the housing market New Year’s party so we’re going into our seventh or

Or eighth annual or 9th wait 2014 15 yeah eth or nth annual like uh New Year’s party and uh I’m going to try really hard to get a lot of The Originals that used to call in years ago uh to come back because a lot of these people made

A lot of appearances on the show and uh and uh really helped build our 100 man army that we have today so we have nobody in the comments here this morning that’s fine but um yeah oh moon bug nobody in chat no moon bug what’s happened is um as of December

5th if you guys are noticing I’m not doing a lot of live streaming anymore um I’m doing you know my little shows and stuff that I that I do on uh try doing them on Rumble now because um we’re just not getting um after December 5th there

Was something that was done on on the YouTube platform and it it blanketed it out ACR it’s primarily across Canada uh to confer and to allow uh with the um censorship laws that we have here in Canada so so um it’s going to get a lot harder uh

For us to be seen right and six seven eight months ago we were telling you guys about we got freedom of speech but we don’t have freedom of reach so if nobody hears your message it doesn’t really doesn’t really matter anymore like it’s it’s getting to to that point right and

Um yeah we got our little 100 man army we’re going to give it uh we’re going to give our whole social media thing one more one year we’re going to give it till till the end of 2024 and really give it a good try uh unfortunately uh we we are outside

Opposition there’s controlled opposition and then there is uh outside there’s obviously mainstream media and government bought and paid for then you have controlled opposition and then you have outside opposition and we are outside opposition and outside opposition does not stand a chance it doesn’t matter uh

What we say or how we cuz the Channel’s built off a predictive model and there’s no it’s yeah it’s yeah business is okay we’re hanging in there we had a decent uh Christmas last two days uh because of the highways were uh the highways were pretty much uh uh

Cleared up which helped me out a lot and uh I’ve been really focused on dedicating the store to my business because five six seven years ago the AdSense would pay 12 14 16,700 a month with um 8,000 subscribers and back in the day when I was uh in my

Store here AC I was across the street actually that AdSense would pay for my store and pay and pay and I didn’t have a problem having the store as 24/7 mik in the night or come and meet me type of thing but then it’s gotten to a point

Where now I don’t make 30 bucks a month to maintain and it’s becoming an out a very heavily steep out- of- pocket expense that the store is starting to suffer now and I need to focus on the store and make the store my primary business again I thought after all these

Years being on social media and and getting the word out and warning people about inflation food prices rents set the double triple Canadians Australians new zealands forced into homelessness for the first time like one after another year after year after year I would have thought at least by now it

Could have been a little bit more something to help me in feed my family but it’s not now the store has been hindered and the store has been really taking a beating and I need to focus on like feeding my family because social media they’re doing a good job censoring

Social media and taking away uh the food out of our mouths right happy year in advance uh just just a cringe Channel what’s up buddy KCC what happens what happened to your old store new business there yeah there’s a uh um but I renovated the whole store

Already right so I I renovated it lady kicked me out uh because she sold the building and then after the building didn’t sell and then she came back and said I never told you to leave so this is like the types of problems we have uh like just problems like this

That we we encounter through life yeah does anyone see the chat yeah I’ve seen the chat Bud looking forward to tomorrow y so that’s that folks you know I don’t know if you’re noticing I’m putting up Clips on a Time Time release basis um so this allows me to spend more time with

My family and stuff and uh yeah that’s what I have to do like going forward I need to separate the business from uh from Mike and the night because again Mike and the night isn’t uh I used to love like meet and greets and people would come in all the time

And stuff I mean people still do come in say hi and and uh talk for a bit but it was getting to a point where it was overwhelming and it and I I wasn’t able to function my business properly and there was no nothing coming in financially from from

M the night anymore it’s become a negative uh not even mic of the night Trends in the housing like all this stuff short videos videos prediction videos uh what’s up uh they don’t let me leave messages never mind what you’re saying understand completely love you Buddy says John Paul

Jones yeah the again December 5th YouTube did something to blanket live streams um especially it’s a test across Canada our internet companies are in cahoots with the um with the governments of Canada that’s why we have two three internet companies in Canada and by 2025 our prediction video I don’t know if it

Was taken down from medical misinformation we’ll have one internet company one internet governance and one internet uh you know safety board it’s going to be it’s going to be absolute destruction and um and uh it’s it’s it’s going to hurt it’s going to hurt a lot of people a lot

Of people are going to be hurt with this because the information won’t get out and we’re not talking about information because Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson we’re talking about the real information we’re talking about the outside opposition the people outside that are not the people that are not paying their

Internet bills to on social media those people the outside oppos opposition that weren’t selected there’s lots of selection out there you could see them blow up right after right in and around the trucker Convoy just blow right up and become the Alex Jones of Canada The Alex Jones of New Zealand all

These new faces coming out uh after after the after your math right so this is the problem we’re facing now this is the uh what would you do in Merit if you didn’t have a business oh I probably I’d probably work from from home I’d work

From home i’ do something from home it’s not a big deal I’m trilingual I I speak uh Spanish Portuguese and English fluently and I I could get a job doing financing underwriting man I could do there’s a lot of things I could I could rebuild transmissions in cars automatics that’s what I

Did get a CB radio mic Mike if you use a VPN to broadcast would your views go up I don’t even know anymore maybe a few years ago yes but now they have because of the the the software that they use they have a software that they use that they

Know where the where the okay if you have the message blocked on the end on this side and they don’t and I’m coming out of let’s say New Zealand or no no that’s that’s a bad idea South Africa somewhere but the problem is they know where it’s coming in from so they know

The source of the original Source it’s coming in from already so it doesn’t even make any sense anymore maybe four or five years ago yeah sure yeah it made sense Mike just so you know it’s too late to save Canada the damage already has been done for decades I know I know I

Know I’ve tried everything the whole I got like 700 moneya laundering videos up warning people how detrimental and destructive moneya laundering is to the middle class in New Zealand Australia and the UK and the blue States of America now they’re talking about war with Taiwan we told you Biden selection

Day one I sat right here on this chair made a video what’s going to happen bye-bye Taiwan buildup of military presence on the ran uh Ukraine border is going to continue what else did we we talked about everything we told you what the buy housing set the Skyrocket

Housing set the double in price a mariia here but unfortunately when you can’t get 300 people 300 views on a video there’s nothing you could do about getting the word Frank Frank Rizzo’s in the house what’s up Franco Brian C in the house what’s up buddy and then having trouble streaming

On certain platforms forms on and then getting removed and going to other platforms it’s it’s a it’s it’s a it’s an ongoing uphill battle right and I’ve done I’ve done everything I can I’ve done everything I can someone saying hey from Cornwell onario yeah they tell us what they want

Us to hear and not what we need to know and that goes back to what I told you guys about controlled information distribution C doesn’t exist I just made it up term I made up where the outside opposition is trying to get the message out in the outside opposition like

Myself and other people there’s a lot of people in the outside opposition and uh we we just can’t penetrate uh we just can’t penetrate the controlled opposition right heavily controlled CID uh go back to our Channel just go to our Channel go on the little magnifying glass on their search channel

Just type in C if you type in CID on YouTube nothing comes up you have to search underneath our Channel you’ll see controlled information distribution and what I’ve been harping on for a little while now and how it it this destructiveness that’s happening over us and um it’s

Um it’s hurtful you know it’s hurtful when you when you put out thousands and thousands of videos I think I about 6,800 videos total uh YouTube is registering five and you’re doing your best to try yeah I made some dog review videos some car review videos those are all

Up those are still all up I call those fill videos those fill videos in between videos right those videos are still up but but the actual ones that they’ve been taken down like the ones they they’ve taken down for medical misinformation there’s a couple of them that they took down

Recently don’t trust the science it’s it’s a trap the truth about the Spanish influenza March 2020 that was taken down a few weeks back or two weeks ago now Biden selection say goodbye to transport transport uh uh transparent elections hello ameria November 25th 2020 us manufacturing will close will

Cease to exist by 2025 that and that was from July 2015 the video was made and they’re taking down specific videos and if I could zero in on the videos taken down we may be able to predictively figure things out more and what they’re um my migrant trains are gone Haitian

Migrant train to destroy America Texas border take over September 23rd 2021 Biden destruction uh migrant Invasion migrant train um ready to invade to the north November 11 2021 oh this one was taken down World War meet agenda 2025 climate change salvation it the video was for March

2015 World War meet and uh yeah it’s it’s I think what they want to do is they want to get rid of information that already pre-existed to allow the controlled opposition to to to manifest and take that information and move it forward right and get and get and get

The claim to fame right but my favorite is is when there’s two high-end controlled oppositions sitting at a table and they make a video Hey do you remember when I told you about this yeah I remember when you told me about this you were very indepth about that yes we went into this

And this and that yeah you were telling me this 5 years before it happened it’s like okay can we see the video of you telling us 5 years before it happened they don’t have one the controlled opposition are working together they’re giving you slideshows of stuff like slideshows you watch a slideshow they’re

Giving you a slideshow of inter city youth from an old commercial from the 80s or they’re showing you a commercial of a forest fire or something then they would go over and speak what is going to happen and make these predictions of what we’re where things are going with governments and

Everything you don’t see them saying it as a young age like 10 15 20 years ago like they claim they’re covering it with these images and videos and they’re just with a muffled microphone making it seem like they’re on top top of a mountain somewhere talking but

Realistically it it was made last week but they’re making you think that they’ve been on it all these years they haven’t they haven’t been on anything the last couple of years and I want you guys to know that and that’s your controlled opposition and we’re talking highkey figures that a

Lot of people believe in people that they believe in are sitting down and agreeing with each other on lies of things they never said it’s like me getting somebody in here and saying hey remember back in 2012 when I was telling you this this this yeah Mike you were telling you were

Telling me this in 2012 I still remember that but that person is a controlled opposition and that person is a high ranking trusted Source everyone’s wow you guys were wow it’s like no no who else is here uh am I uh r R rulas is saying am I wrong for being

Excited in chaos some would argue you are free my electric bill went up 40% I’m afraid of what will be in for the summer memory man’s in the house yep we read our electricity bills we reading our electricity bills and gas bills here for the last six seven years on the

Channel CU I’m warning you guys and showing the carbon distribution uh all the different taxes we’re paying they don’t have to they don’t have to do a carbon tax all they have to do is a facility facility safety tax they don’t have to do all this

Like if you read my G if you go back I have gas bills I read four five six years ago and I break down each thing delivery Cost Storage cost uh this cost uh manufacturing and distrib like they they made 17 different there 17 different my gas bill was 60 bucks but I

Paid 400 for it and the the the $380 $70 the the video is up you could watch watch the video please and you’ll see they don’t have to make oh a carbon tax all they have to do is distribution taxes going up 40% what are you going to do about it right

So they’re doing and they’re creating these taxes so they can allocate funds and and uh reallocate funds launder money through different facilities and disenfranchise and Destroy middle class citizens right it’s a huge destruction of middle class the middle class is being destroyed we’re being picked apart right and then there’s internal Civil Wars

Happening right there’s a lot of internal Civil Wars right so uh happening within these our small little groups right so you know I was accused of being a Satanist because I put my hands up and talk right I do that all the time not today I’m just tired you

Know I was told if I pray to Mother Mary I’m praying to Satan like one after another after another it’s like I I don’t I don’t need this in my life I don’t need I don’t need this in my life I I don’t who built the infrastructure uh the taxpayers then

They sold it to private corporations proclamation of granting the pardon for the offenses of simple possession of marijuana attempted simple possessions of marijuana or use of marijuana sin at uh dream Asian power and we are all out and and he who wore out all the saints Mike you’re a saint the path is

Narrow my friend oh no I don’t think I’m I’m nothing I’m just I’m not even a truther I’m not even a uh what do you call Freedom Fighter or freedom I predate that by ears that’s different truthers are people that are trying to get the information of a new carbon tax coming

Out and we need to get the truth out to the masses so the people know what’s happening that’s a truther somebody like me guys they’re going to raise taxes they’re going to taxes to death we can’t afford to live in cities in the next 10 years we need

To do something now that’s different that’s I’m on a different whole playing field look up look up death to the city or leave the city or brain drain or mass Exodus of the Cities look those videos up on my channel you’ll be like holy he’s talking about England Ireland

Australia all the English speaking World years ago right truthers are people that are they see what’s happening in government they follow all the um stuff happening in Parliament and then go out and release it to the public and let people know what they’re that’s someone that’s on the ball

I’m more okay let’s look at what we’re saying 10 years ago let’s try to fix our predictive model right and then we’re going into this 2024 and I’m having a really tough time accepting this you know I’m having a really tough time accepting 2024 and like I’ve been saying to you guys 2024

Will be the year of government sanction murder right so that’s that I I been saying it for years now and um yeah yeah so somebody’s saying uh dude shut up it’s spiritual and Jesus is the only answer simple yep all by Design all engineered manufactured including parts of human

Biology yeah it has already started someone said iron fortification uh with rusty iron fillings is a silent weapon for quiet Wars um yeah happy New Year everybody so we’ll be doing our prediction show tomorrow tomorrow Saturday right I hope I got the days right here yeah tomorrow Saturday we’ll

Be doing our prediction show guys I’m pretty excited prediction our new year show so New Year show I want to see if I can get some callers in um from from back in the day and uh I want to sort of I want to rekindle I want to get a lot I

Want to get new waves of colors in uh I want to get a lot of first time callers into the show so if you want to be a first-time caller I would really appreciate that if you want to call into Mike in the night I would really really really appreciate

It very much if that’s okay with you guys if you want to call in um I would appreciate it like to hear from you guys I want to get some new regulars next year I want to get five or six new regulars on the show and uh move the show forward you

Know what I mean five or six maybe seven new regulars and give everybody give everybody a chance once a week uh once a month so everybody I want to have everybody like what I’d like to do with Mike of the night is have everybody on

Let’s say we have a rotation of a 100 man army try to get everybody on once a month we do four shows a month and if everyone could just come in do their eight minutes 10 minutes discussion blah blah blah I think we could get people on get their perspective see what’s

Happening and this this basically they’ll make you know if you could do 12 appearances a year and give us your perspective people like I don’t know what to talk about no one listens to me yeah we will listen to you we will hear what is going on we will hear if there’s

A shortage of food in your area we’ll hear if the price of food or the price of rent doubled and tripled we want to hear this we want to know where it’s happening how it’s affecting you because if we don’t get the word out from the outside opposition right if we don’t have

Outside opposition warning people about this then then the controlled opposition is going to make their going to decide when to make videos on when when uh the price of food has gotten too much when or when the price of rent is getting too high they’ll make the decision the

Controlled opposition not us not the outside opposition uh the problem is certain types of humans are not just spiritual are not spiritual uh uh once certain types of humans have certain abilities uh enabled by Tech uh science medicine they use it for power money and control of

Uh how look look the Condor Passa song meaning news questions come Hector talk uh folks ain’t been reading the Bibles Barack Hussein Obama yeah man I remember making videos about that guy hold hold on I got somebody at the at the oh yeah it’s just uh woo yeah

Anyways yeah I think I better be open my store now I just have a friend that checked the door he’ll come back in 20 minutes and check and see if I’m here but I want to um thank you guys for being here guys I really need you guys

To really like think about this whole outside opposition I really have a feeling about this outside opposition and I I I we are the outside opposition and if we can’t get our word out I don’t know what to say anymore I don’t know what to say right they’re they’re at war with

Our minds our thoughts they’re at war with our families they’re at war with us through big Pharma they’re at War like they’re taking down videos for medical misinformation this one here 1984 future as Ai and transhumanism Innovation are in full force June 2014 seven or 8 minute video why would

They take that down for for medical misinformation it doesn’t make any sense anyways yeah anyways we’re being attacked on all levels that’s right hey it’s Junkyard Dog and um you know outside opposition Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you at all thank you Alan yeah Merry Christmas

Happy New Year to everybody so good to be with you guys here so guys if you’re not seeing your comments it’s not not me I’m not doing that it’s not me it’s not me it’s not uh yeah you guys have to take it up with YouTube and uh

We’re going to try to I want to try to go live on my phone with Rumble and see if it works I tried last year it didn’t work properly maybe it’s changed maybe it’s better now I don’t know anyways folks I’m going to open this door I’m a little bit late but

There’s nobody outside it’s it’s dead it’s completely dead here here uh on the street um we’ll talk later I’ll see you guys tomorrow night on Mike in the night I look forward to seeing you guys and it’s an absolute pleasure to talk to you

Guys so if you could please uh add me on Skype Mike Martins m i k m a r t i ns 1981 1980 um go ahead and add me on Skype and just send me a quick message that you want to be a firsttime caller or you

Want to return and make a call cuz it’s been over a year or two or three and uh I want to get this good Groove uh moving forward I want to be positive I want to be strong I want to be helpful I want the outside opposition to be

Helpful anyways guys lots of love lots of strength lots of prosperity lots of hugs Mike Martin’s here I have spoken


  1. You are not alone in this mad house look to Jesus Christ hes the answer!!!
    2 Timothy 3:1-5 KJV
    This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. [2] For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, [3] Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, [4] Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; [5] Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

  2. Good on you Mike all the best for 24. I have a side hustle in retail part time for a large Australian/NZ outdoor clothing/hike store. They are nationally down 80% year on year in NZ in revenue/sales! Tourism is down and locals have no disposable income apart from usual cohorts ie boomers on pensions – even cafe owners report in my town the boomers only come to the cafe on pension day! I ride my bike everywhere and shower under the garden hose all year as cold water is free, growing lots of food, collecting firewood through the summer. Everyone here apart from the boomers (over 65) are struggling. A boomer couple receive $900 after tax in the hand for pension! I wouldn’t mind if they left the country the same as they found it or better but we are way worse off and now flooding us with migrants like all Commonwealths.
    You’re a legend Mike. Don’t worry God is watching and will sort the evil out. Keep strong brother we would welcome you to NZ any day. Think outside the square good you have lots of skills we are the same 🤙

  3. Hey Mike, sorry I’m late, looking forward to tomorrow, much love to you and your family and all the best for the new year

  4. Stay strong, Mike. Don't let this stuff get you down. Innovation makes $$. Take the time to get your store back on track and more time with your kids.
    Speaking for most, I certainly look forward to your shows, the live chats, and the material that's covered.
    Sending you blessings and prosperity for the new year from my family to yours.

  5. ❤ thanks Mike cheers appreciate all your help and information always appreciate it and respect all your hard work it benefits us all see you Saturday I usually don't go in the chats on rumble I don't like rumble chat set up the people are great

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