Japanese Garden

STUDIO CAT SMACKS HAPPY ARTIST! | Swatching Kuretake | Polychromos & Art Books You Must Have!

Hello Artsy Friends! I’m so happy to be back after many months of rehab from hyperextended and broken fingers! Who knew gardening could be so dangerous! You won’t want to miss meeting my newest studio cat who just happens to hate cameras, but loves getting into mischief with my watercolor rinsing water! BE SURE TO START THE VIDEO FROM THE BEGINNING TO SEE THE CAT SMACKING! lol

If you haven’t already, please give me a Thumbs Up & Subscribe if you like my videos – It’s always so encouraging to know you love watching them as much as I love making them for you!

I made this video with iMovie and the music is by Asuka Ito, “Asagao”

In this video I use or mention the following materials:

Stillman & Birn Beta Series 7.5 x 7.5 Sketchbook
Limited Watercolor Palette as shown in Video 22
Size 6 Billy Showell Synthetic Watercolor Brush
Kuretake Gansai Tambi 48 Watercolor Palette
Faber-Castell Polychromos Coloured Pencil 120 Set
“The Joy of Botanical Drawing” by Wendy Hollender: https://drawbotanical.com/product/the-joy-of-botanical-drawing/
“Botanical Portraits with Colored Pencils” by Ann Swan: https://annswan.co.uk/product/botanical-painting-with-coloured-pencils-book/

Thank you for watching – Blessings!

My Website: https://asthepaintflows.com/
Business Inquiries: asthepaintflows@gmail.com

Want to be a part of my video today so today I am wanting to um Swatch my kiraki gansai tombi 48 watercolor set got these back in the summer I have done a little bit of um just kind of using them slightly to kind of get a general

Idea of them and at that time they seemed very opaque almost like a gouache um type of watercol look at this beautiful box I absolutely love this I just think it’s gorgeous and the colors are amazing the gold I I just think it’s fine like it’s beautiful so I am going

To open this up and as you can see um I am going to Swatch these colors from here onto the color palette they have available to me and I’m going to pull my Waters over hopefully you can see all of this just fine and take my

Lids off my Waters I’m going to have two little um containers of water so that if it gets muddied up too much I’ll have another one to just go to directly and I’ve got my terry cloth and my size six Billy sh watercolor brush that I’ll be

Working with so I’m going to pull up my sleeves and so the first thing you see when you take the lid off is this plastic cover and I suppose you could almost use this as a palette um you know getting your colors wet and then putting them into these

Um it almost could be used that way but it is you know it’s plastic and so it attracts hairs easily um but I think I might keep this handy for that purpose so I’m just going to go ahead and get swatching right away um this first one here is Rose matter

Deep and I can see that it’s written right here um and the first thing besides the beautiful packaging that it comes with you’ll see the wide range of vivid Rich colors that they provide um and I love these extra large pans I like to work with a big brush and so you can

See how that is just so convenient and these do come in out they they um can be lifted out and you can just take out what your what you need and then underneath look at this Rose matter deep number 36 and it’s written in Japanese which I love

Isn’t that just gorgeous I love it I just I love their packaging and I love their large extra large pans of color greenish yellow number 48 and of course on the back you’d expect that it’s written here too so you can’t lose place so number 48 number

48 isn’t that gorgeous I love it all right okay so um let’s see how quickly these colors wake up with water applied oh my goodness did you see that instant um some of my watercolors it’s like I have to let water sit on them for

A while before they all wake up um this is not the case with this one or at least for this color right here here okay beautiful so with this Rose matter deep I’m going to just go ahead and Swatch right in here look at that very opaque I’m going to rinse and

Drag that color down and see how it does just grab it there and just drag that color down beautiful beautiful wow I just love that color look at that it’s Rich it’s very opaque I’m going to just add a little more to the top there and see how that does look at

That it’s absolutely beautiful wow I’m going to lift with my brush and just see how it does with that I love it look at that I love it that’s my first first one and it’s beautiful all right so now I’m going to go to what is the Carmine color again it

Wakes up quickly look at that very opaque beautiful color okay oh these colors are definitely um just rich and Vivid very Vivid I’m G just pull that down wow just uh so beautiful so beautiful all right we’re gonna go to Just Rose matter look at that and oh this one is really

Milky very very milky I’m going to just see if I can well that one is very much like a gouache to me a gouache feeling I am not a gouache artist I don’t work a lot with gouache I have used gouache in uh like when I was um

Painting um Hilltop I used gouache just a little bit for the window seals the white window sills but other than that I’m not a gouache artist um I’m go back over here and grab some of this darker Rose matter deep and just put it back in there kind of pulled

It down with all the water I put in there wow but that feels like a gouache to me very milky whereas these two just feel very rich and creamy um or just opaque this one feels more milky okay um so now I’m going to go to the

Red which is the fourth one in there’s 48 colors in this set by the way and um they’re done in traditional Japanese colors this is information I got about this particular set um it definitely can achieve a high opacity with less water and one thing I you may notice this I

Love this brush because it holds a lot of water look at that um they are professional quality it says on their website they’ve also included metallic colors here as you can see the metallic colors down at the bottom for um accent any accent that you might want to do um

I found out too that they were established in 1902 all these colors have been made in Japan they also have different sets of colors and they come in different amounts of colors so you can I saw one for with 12 colors I saw one with 36 colors and then this one with 48

Colors um they are API AP certified so they’re considered not not toxic to humans and um this particular um set I don’t remember how much I paid for it it seems like it was more I I feel like it was close to $80 when I found this but I’m noticing

It’s on sale right now for $41.50 $41.50 on Amazon there was another one that was like $2 but if you search you’ll find hopefully find this one for 41 uh 4150 and that’s in US Dollars five so I’m going to go here to the cadmium red again really milky creamy and very Vivid

And then cadmium Scarlet which I had already dropped a bit of water on um just very very gach gachy oh my goodness I cannot I can’t even express how I feel about these they’re just so creamy and be beautiful I’m really enjoying swatching these I hope you’re enjoying this as

Well I’m going to flip over to this CU these are lighter colors here and not to get any of that those are beautiful Reds in with this orange here this is cadmium orange beautiful W isn’t that gorgeous okay I’m going to rinse in this one and cut new clean water in this one

Now this one is cadmium yellow wow just beautiful I’m doing this inside the lid they also offer um a palette to um Swatch on that’s not inside the lid not attached to the lid so you can use that as well I’m just choosing to do it inside

The lid so it so that it’s um stays with my my set here that’s beautiful it’s a beautiful beautiful color of orange of yellow all right now we’re going to go to um this let’s see get some this Aran Aran AR I can’t pronounce it arolin arolin let me know in the comments if you know how to say that better oh beautiful and this one is lemon yellow I can say that oh gorgeous very opaque very opaque all right what is this greenish yellow oh this looks like a gorgeous

Color look at that very creamy I think this one’s going to be kind of gouy Too oh yeah isn’t that beautiful I love it okay let’s go to olive green very I wouldn’t say this is like a typical olive green um it’s got a lot of blue kind of grayish blue in it it’s really pretty um Yes again very gash yeah very much a grayish bluish

Green this this is very thick and opaque for sure but look how it Waters down that is nice okay now we’re going to the lime green look at that definitely bright green who that’s like neon I love that and do you see that yellow underneath wow that is

Gorgeous let’s see how it thins out yep I was expecting that yellow to really come out look at that it’s so thick it hardly you know bleeds into the water there it’s interesting how they each leave this little Bleeding Out area where the final swipe

Is I wonder if it’ll do that in the paintings like if it’ll be hard to control it from doing that cuz I like kind of a smooth seem to pick up pretty easy let me see if I can do that with this seems to even out pretty

Easily just work with it a little bit all right let’s go to the next one sap green light really bright kind of grassy green sap green light very opaque let’s see how it comes down yeah that comes done with the water nicely very nice I’m not really like a green um

Greens are not my favorite um but if I do lean toward using a green it would probably be in here this would be the range that I would that I would definitely go for okay I hope this is staying in view for you guys here’s sap green oh yeah very much like a

Gouache that run down going to Red that a little more beautiful and the final um Green in this row hooker green look at that whoa really bright I seem to have a visitor you know what they say curiosity killed the cat this Kitty and me we have our

Moments this is my daughter’s cat her name is rookie Rook she had a cat named Raven that was a Calico like this and when she got this one she wanted to name it after a blackbird as well and so Rook I guess is a smaller form of the Raven

Maybe um or a smaller black bird and so her name is rook and I call her rookie Rook what do you think what do you think rooky rook and she she’s fine as long as she doesn’t get too aggressive with me here as far as like don’t drink the paint

Even though it’s not toxic to humans it said not to cats she’s got stuff on her forehead I think she’s been into something all right so I’m going to Swatch this sap green deep now oh that’s a pretty col color no drinking the the water

Please I don’t know if you can see her but she’s definitely interested in the water splashing I’m doing all right this one is called forest green back to staying you know in the mode here excuse me and now I’m going to turquoise screen this is really beautiful this for screen

I’m going to turquise oh oh oh I think this is my favorite color so far I love that color I would say I adore that color that that is beautiful look at that oh it’s gorgeous that is gorgeous I could play with that all day

Let me see I’m gonna see if I can pick up some more of that and just smoth that out that’s gorgeous wow I love a teil color turquoise green deep that’s what that’s called all right now we’re on to this ver vidiian green this is not a color I would have in my

Palette it’s just not a favorite like I said I’m not a big fan of greens um but you know I could come To with a certain color begin to I have a bit more of a appreciation for them I guess that that is beautiful okay we have some construction going on on our street out front so if you can hear if you can hear anything out there um that’s what it is hopefully it

Doesn’t pick up the background noise this is called Mal malachite malachit never heard that before for oh that is really pretty that is really pretty I would actually probably use this color and this is like a isn’t it like a um kind of like a

Um should knock it over my stuff um it’s the word I’m trying to um kind of like a color from the 60s I love it I love that color it takes me back to my childhood definitely oh what is this like a Periwinkle or kind of going down toward moving toward a Periwinkle

Color oh that’s like a sky blue it’s called Horizon Blue perfect perfect name I love that Horizon Blue that is gorgeous and there’s ultramarine pale and these are again very gashy very milky gorgeous colors beautiful I love that color let’s see if I can get it to move around a little bit

More love that color kind of a per Winkle but oh look at that did you see that change colors wow again these are these are colors I love this is called turquoise blue wow that is gorgeous moves quickly with the water love that and now we’re moving down to celan

Blue look at that really beautiful I’m staying in view here excuse me whoa that moves quickly that’s beautiful very watery Cilan blue that is a beautiful blue color this I had used this before obviously because I have a little bit of a greenish color in there maybe yellow

I’m going to get that out before I um continue on so I don’t taint the color but this is called C Co cobalt blue cobalt blue oh yeah that’s beautiful I would say that’s right on for Cobalt I don’t know if you can see where

Bit in the camera but she is get your head out there don’t no no none of that this one is ultramarine oh yeah look at that nice dark Moody Blue for one wonder what cats are thinking just what animals are thinking that’s beautiful that’s right on ultramarine but still very you know sticking to their theme of watercolors here very thick and milky and wait Vivid and rich rich is a good color for them or a good uh description no no no

This one is Persian blue o I like that look at that really dark night blue very thick that is gorgeous very thick it’s got that bit of green to it I love that color this is another of my favorites this one one here this one

Here but Blues any blue I think is will catch my heart quickly this is indigo but I have to say indigo is my favorite always out of all the blues indigo is my favorite let’s see what their Indigo looks like gorgeous look at that oh it’s so

Beautiful okay I’m going to take get over here and just bring that down look at that right on for Indigo so beautiful okay and then we have blue gray deep I definitely want to try these in my house uh a Sketchbook my Urban sketching definitely want to try these oh that’s even a

Darker form of indigo I love that blue gray deep yeah definitely a gray color to that very beautiful all right what else we have here Imperial Violet right under this one imperial I am a lover of purples um although only in painting I think this cat wants to be on

She she must know I’m filming this huh that is a rich purple it’s a very rich purple and this is a Cobalt Violet I have to keep one eye on the cat and one eye on my swatching hair definitely a studio cat okay now we’re moving to

This it’s just called Purple but look at this color I hope you can see that all right oh my goodness this is gorgeous I would not call it purple I would call it like grape or like red no no now I see it on paper oh my goodness this is just

Beautiful oh my god um look at that very beautiful and then this is their lilac no this is their Lilac you know what would a studio be without an animal around to help out keep things interesting for sure okay this oh I love this color this is cherry blossom pink is very opaque very gouache gachy but it moves with the water which is really nice look at

That gorgeous color I love that color this is Rose beige all right very milky that’s a beautiful color I can see these two mixed or maybe this with with like this here or to make kind of like a salmony color maybe that’d be beautiful all right so let’s move on to natural

Beige beautiful nice creamy cream color I love that and yellow ochre oh beautiful I love Booker colors so pretty oh that’s really pretty very creamy and Rich for sure beautiful okay yeah one thing that’s really standing out to me about these colors while swatching them is just how um rich and creamy they

Are okay burnt Sia look at that isn’t that beautiful okay BT Sienna beautiful burnt Santa is definitely one of my favorite colors all righty and maroon this one is thick very opaque creamy oh I love that color that’s a beautiful beautiful color love that and this one is Indian red brick red

Gorgeous gorgeous color seems to be very opaque we’ll see oh yeah very opaque very rich and cream me see how it moves with the water look at that beautiful I’m laughing at the kitty she’s very interested in the water this is raw umber deep for a nice chocolatey Brown Look at that and

Black solid solid rich black I love it beautiful color beautiful beautiful black all right and here we are with this gray again very solid very creamy see how we can move it down very nice and here is white I’m going to put a dot of black so

You can see the or a line here so you can see the opacity when I do that that dry for a second and there you go with the opacity let me see if I can get it to say less water more Opa opaque so oh yeah look at that

I can almost totally cover that kitty’s getting a little adusted again and then we’re going to go to our metallic colors this I love this is called white gold this I don’t feel like it gets as you know as it’s not as willing to wake up at first as these other colors

But it does and look at this color oh it’s just creamy I don’t know if you can see that but it’s just gorgeous white gold creamy I love that color kind of like a peeter a peeter color mixture of silver and gold just trying to put her paw in there now

Beautiful and let’s go with this brush Cil oh I wish you could see maybe you can see that I’m going to lift it up toward the camera um do you see that it’s just gorgeous yes these are beautiful beautiful colors right here I’m not I don’t typically paint with these colors these sparkly

Beautiful colors but I might with these just just to see them moving around in the water oh my good they really are beautiful and last but not least gold same thing it’s just look it oh it’s I wish you could see the sparkles in that I hope you can in the

Camera I hope you can okay Gold and wash it down with some water bring it all down look at that it’s beautiful I’m going to just divide these two a little bit because they want to creep together wow that’s just beautiful all right there you have it I’m going to say my favorite of these colors definitely

As I go down I like this one I would like this with a little more of this color in it I think I think these two mixed together would make me really happy I love these two colors um so I love this this this right here and maybe more so

This one this one these more these fall colors oh I do love about but I like this one with so I would go um I would go with the olive green the Indigo and blue gray deep the burnt sienna and potentially yellow ochre and definitely the Indian red I love this raw umber

Deep yeah those are the colors that I would probably uh choose to work with most in this color palette um and maybe even pull in the aolan aolan if I’m saying that correctly so there you have it for my swatching of the um kiraki and I hope that you can give them

A try if you haven’t because you will not be disappointed these are gorgeous Vivid creamy just Rich colors I have decided that I’m going to bring these colors into my Urban um my Urban Sketchbook and you can see I used a minimum palette um initially in the Sketchbook and it consisted of these

Colors here um you can see that in video number 22 when I did this this um palette and I have created um if you’ve been watching watching my videos uh from the past you know that I’ve created uh several Urban sketches of some various houses and buildings and um now that

I am coming back after hurting my hand I am going to do a new palette and I’m going to choose a few of the colors from here not all of them but a few of these colors and I’m going to do a new palette just

Like I did here I’m going to do a new palette with the Kiri and then I’m going to continue on my way with my house sketches my Urban house sketches so I hope that makes sense um so I’m going to be doing that but before I do that

Before I get back to this that’ll be my next video so that’ll be the video for next week you can look forward to that um I have a house picked out and everything I’m going to do um I’m going to do a palette blending some of the colors together like I did

Here look for cools and warms in this palette of kiraki and I’m going to put those here and then I’m going to continue on my way with some more urban sketches and who knows I might do maybe five or six Urban sketches in that and then do another new

Palette and continue on and I think that would be fun to have several different palettes with a few Urban sketches in that palette and then come up with a new palette and do a few sketches in that so I hope that makes sense I am super excited about that I

Just thought of that now that I have this all done so that’s what you have to look forward to next week in the meantime I want to show you I want to share with you something that happened when I hurt my after I hurt my hand um so while while I was recovering

Um it was very hard for me to hold as I mentioned to you this a paintbrush these paint brushes they tend to be thick up here and then thinner and I tend to hold them back a ways when I’m doing loose verbon sketches um and so the brush

Would just fling out of my hand because I really I didn’t have a lot of control with the finger with my fingers at the time so in desperation to be able to create something I picked up a couple books that I had and I want to show them

To to move the stuff out of the way um the first book that I picked up was this book by Wendy Hollander um Wendy Hollander is a Botanical illustrator and she works in um colored pencil can you believe these are in colored pencil and I picked up this book

And I started just looking through it but anyways I want to show you some of this some of her work in color pencil if you do not have this book The Joy of Botanical drawing step-by-step guide to drawing and painting flowers leaves fruit and more she does it all with colored

Pencils and watercolor pencils but I want to show you some of her work very intricate work more Botanical illustrations but then also lots of Botanical art this is gorgeous Botanical illustration of an avocado just beautiful um let me show you some more of her look at this me

Trying to get colors I did all these swatches in here um so I just I started to read up on the colors that she uses the pencils that she uses and I just thought I’m going to do this so I bought myself some poly chromos by paper Castel colored

Pencils and I just bought a few the ones that she recommends but then I loved it so much after I created this mushroom and I want to show you um I went step look at this isn’t that beautiful just gorgeous work she has um after after going step by step through

The process of making um this mushroom isn’t that beautiful um I joined in with her and I did my own version of that um I’ll take it out so that so it’s not shiny I always put my artwork in these uh plastic covers to protect it and I

Always um attach my art artwor to these um mats and then a a matting back and then I slip them into this plastic just to protect it but anyways I made this following along with her ha I didn’t have all I didn’t have poly chromos at

All so I used some colored pencils and watercolored pencils that I had on hand but once I made this as you can tell I fell in love with working with col pencils so I saved up my money and I invested in um let me put this

Aside put this over here I’m put this over here I invested in this oh my goodness when this came in the mail I was so excited 120 po poly chromos colored pencils look at this cat hairs of course a studio would not be complete without cat hairs right

All right so here is the first layer here is the second layer and like the kiraki they have the metallic colors of course beautiful and here I don’t want them to fall is the third layer can you believe it look at all this goodness beautiful and I have to say if you go

Looking for these online you’re going to find so many different prices on them but I got these through Dick Blick Art Supply it’s so so what I love about these and why I chose the poly chromos is because they don’t break so super excited about these and I want to show

You some more art so these I this I did not make with poly chromos um but it’s so beautiful but I’m working on this one right now it’s a cone flower in bluish colors and I just love how it’s turned out like this my other new favorite

Thing to do is put the palette color down the side the colors down the side that I’m using um I just think that makes a really pretty piece of art so um I wanted to show you that and um I wanted to tell you what some of the ideas that I have our

So that’s what I’m going to be doing and there was one other book I wanted to share with you as well in Botanical illustration to using um colored pencil and that’s a book by Ann Swan and she also is a Botanical illustrator and a teacher um you can

Take online courses with her as well as with Wendy Hollander um and look at this this is in colored pencil if you can even believe it um she also uses polych chromos not total not totally I don’t think I think she uses various kinds of pencils um but

You can see her artwork as well look at this isn’t it just beautiful some graphite some colored pencil there’s a class online that’s free that you can take with her or just watch it’s a it’s a brief course but it’s free and I think she’s working on

This Leaf as a matter of fact but look at that pears eggplants look at these lies Cactus onions cherries she takes you step by step through how to do these cherries dancing cherries dancing cherries oh my goodness look at this oh that is gorgeous just beautiful the slipper orchid oh it’s just

Gorgeous yeah so I don’t want to share the whole book with you because she probably would like it if you would buy it instead of me sharing everything in here um but look at that oh so beautiful so these two books for colored pencil I highly recommend you can visit my

Website at as theepaint flows.com I will leave a link to it in the description below this have a blessed rest of your day and I will see you again next week bye

1 Comment

  1. Hello everyone! You have to, at the very least, watch the beginning of this video when Rookie Rook, my studio cat, smacks me! It's so funny – I think I've watched it a hundred times cause it cracks me up! Let me know what you think about this bossy cat of my daughter's. Do you have a cat? Is it this sassy? Does it boss you around when you're trying to get some art done? I'd love to hear all about it!

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