Garden Plans

What’s NEXT For Season of Discovery

WoW Classic Season of Discovery Upcoming Phases
by @EbonhardtTV
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The current classic team owns yeah I’m going to be honest guys like I think everything that the classic wow team is doing is good straight up the Ashen Veil thing isn’t really that great for a lot of people but overall I think that they are making all of the right decisions

Outside of the wow token which was a horrible [ __ ] decision I think that every decision they made for Wrath of the Lich King has been good too I think that they’ve actually like they kind of have an idea of what the [ __ ] they’re doing maybe they play the actual game

Season of Discovery ends phase four with Kazan Crips but what about what comes before that season Discovery ends phase four with Kazan Crips who the [ __ ] said that I mean I don’t know if that’s true or not now there’s a chance it could be true and I think that like I mean

Honestly it probably will be true but I don’t know if it’s going to end then the fun question of what comes after well we all know that season of Discovery has four phases and that phase one is black fathom deeps at level 25 as well as the

Ashen Veil PVP zone for its PVP event it’s our introduction to level up raids and new PVP event zones letting blizzard test the waters dipping their toes into see just what the classic player base enjoys and just what it hates and I think they’ve hit the nail on the head

On how to properly release content and make changes the season of Discovery because of the phase system 4 to 12 weeks between each phase is a sweet spot for letting people enjoy content without getting bored this system lets everyone share how they feel about a new experience because every person you ask

Will have a widely different answer to what is Classic Plus so this is far more useful to Blizzard than it’s also like it can be kind of hard because like right now for example Warlock are like insanely [ __ ] good right they’re like disgustingly good but maybe at 40 they

Won’t be as good because other classes will have tools to stop them thousand voices yelling different black bom deeps in the ashenvale PVP event zone are testing ground or player reactions when you keep that information in mind it makes the remaining phases and schedule make a lot more sense Phase 2 is no

Maragon at level 40 and it’s a dungeon that’s massive full of flavor and still abandoned in retail leaving the Gnomes as homeless refugees for almost two decades just like black fathom deeps it’s a large dungeon that can essentially be broken into different wings and be filled with bosses events

And quests that just feel natural and just how phase one had a massive PVP event Zone Phase 2 will have one as well well it should so long as the player base doesn’t lose their Collective minds and tear Ashen Vil down so hard that blizzard cancels their plans Warlords I

Think that people don’t really like Ashen Vil from like everybody that I’ve talked to I haven’t really heard anything positive about Ashen Vil so yeah like I don’t think they’re probably going to do another one of those I don’t think they should like if it’s like maybe they should they should

Try it again if they feel like really confident about it but like I don’t think it’s really a good place to invest your time into Jen and whilst BFD is in Ashen Vil so is waron G so you’d think that phase 2’s PVP Zone event should be

In the Highland to tie it into a ray Basin but you’d be wrong because phase 2’s PVP event zone is in stranglethorn Veil honestly it would be funny if they kept PVP Zone event in the zone of the dungeon but how could they turn an alliance leveling Zone into a PVP event

Zone are all dwarves and gnomes just being exiled to alen Forest no that won’t happen but stranglethorn Veil itself makes perfect sense a highly contested PVP Zone and one that should have had a Battleground from the Geto we can I think the problem that like World

PVP has is that there’s a lack of like I don’t think blizzard knows how to create objectives for World PVP that don’t just turn the game into a minmaxed grind because like usually what happens for example like in classic wow is that people would just Farm a they would just

Do AV over and over and over again nobody would do PVP because the truth is that people usually participate in this content for the rewards that’s what they usually do and after people stop getting the rewards from the content most the participation drops off and I think that’s really what the problem is

Is that if you want to have people play PVP and enjoy it you should make PVP an intrinsic an intrinsic design and an intrinsic goal to just simply be fun to play rather than trying to get people to do it by motivating them through like

Gear or some sort of item how I don’t know how I think that like what I would like them to do for STV like this is just my guess is just give you a weekly quest to kill 50 people in the zone kill 50 people that are of least you know

Like green level to you and within like your level and you just kill those people and that’s it like that’s probably the best way that I can think of and I don’t even know no please well why not why do the quest well I don’t know like have it give like honor or

Something like that monus honor for gray players no I don’t really think so weekly scrub Farm yeah and like again I really just don’t I don’t know how to incentivize it won’t people just trade wins yeah I mean I think they probably could or you’d have like fiveman groups

Going around and killing people like so yeah that could be a problem too that happens in a in retail while so it’s like I don’t really know how to incentivize MMO PVP other than just like letting it be be what it is because I think the moment that you incentivize it

And you try to drive gameplay it contrives the entire system expect a new reputation a new Quarter Master for some PVP loot down there but we’ll find out more in the coming weeks now phase three is where it gets spicy but also still makes perfect sense since we have Scala

Monastery which comes with the level cap of 50 but it’s also just north of a very conflicted and iconic Battleground that’s right alak mountains and thus Al Rock Valley the monastery being the most iconic dungeons because of Sally white I mean because of badass Crusaders and Al Valley being one of the most

Recognizable Battlegrounds in World of Warcraft see I actually think that AV is my favorite Battleground like I think AV probably aisle of Conquest is but it’s like both like the 40-man Battlegrounds like I personally don’t like playing Battlegrounds in like a 10 V10 or like a very small competitive like function I

Think Battlegrounds should be a a Battleground right it should be like uh you know like a skirmish in Lord of the Rings or something like that seeing like a you know 10 V10 it just doesn’t excite me that much maybe I’m weird but that’s what I think perfect combination to throw out

For phase I wanted that I play another the level cap of 50 and scol Monastery being turned into a massive level up raid with bosses remastered bosses new event Quest and perhaps even a brand new reputation phase 3 is looking to be incredibly exciting the PVP is just

Icing on that beautiful delicious cake and then that brings us to phase four and the First new dungeon in classic Kazan Crips a dungeon that was designed back in 2002 or 2003 and then abandoned because they ran out of time before becoming the raid known as Kazan and the

Burning Crusade we know nothing about Kazan CPS and people will be making pure conjecture until it comes out but I expect us to perhaps the original quest lines and ideas make it back in into the game it could be the I hope that they do like original quest lines and new

Content like that I I do worry that it could be done in a bad way but I just want blizzard to try just try and do it see what happens 10 V10 allows for more tactics and more meaning allows for War Fantasy and grander strategy both have

Value yeah for sure I just personally don’t really care a lot about the tactics or anything like that it’s uh you know it’s not really a competitive game I I don’t view wow as as a competitive game I think that’s basically like what it comes down to

Like I know some people play W competitively but I just don’t view it as a competitive game start of an alternate timeline with ideas from vanilla making a Frontline return we will likely get a new reputation to grind new Quest new items and perhaps even instead of being a 10man level up

Raid we’re looking at the First new 20 man or 40 Man raid in class I want to see a 40 man yeah like I dude I think it’s so badass whenever you get 40 people together and you’re ra with everybody I think it’s awesome I know

Some people are like oh 40 mans are too big n dude 40 mans are [ __ ] awesome you get all the boys together everybody’s riding there on their mounts like everybody gets their world Buffs oh it’s [ __ ] awesome I love it should absolutely be 40 minutes but PVE without

PVP just isn’t World of Warcraft and thus the new PVP Zone event for phase 4 is also likely to be new content since Kazan Crips an abandoned and forgotten concept and ideas being brought back to life so will in my opinion ajara Creator complete a new Battleground dream back

To life or classic as well as turning ajara into a massive level 60 Zone wide PVP event Zone new reputations quest lines and much more are going to be given to us and our dream is the limit or in this case the amount of risk blizzard is willing to take and thus I

Conclude what I call the season of Discovery introduction phases which are amazing and incredible whilst we don’t know exactly what we’ll be getting it’s only the beginning of season of Discovery because blizzard has already said we’re getting more content at level 60 and thus let me well I think that’s

What I’m going to be really curious to see how they Implement that content man I really doce you all to the season of Discovery endgame phases which is Phase 5 to 8 now you might think that eight phases is a lot but classic when it came

Out in 2019 had six phases and that was re-releasing the original six raids now this is what we call the educated guessing phase where we have ideas and we know what they’re going to do nominally but despite knowing we’re getting content new and old changes and

More we don’t know what that is so this is more of a wish list for Content so phase five is of course none other than molten core and the top five most iconic raids in World of Warcraft after black Temple ulwa IC and Siege of orria don’t

Crucify me I think that we’ll probably see the raids come out like pretty consecutively like maybe a new raid every month or something like that I don’t really know but what I really am looking forward to seeing is the actual like I think they should do the opening

Of the gates of AQ again for example I think that would be [ __ ] awesome and like it would just give people something cool to do top five in the comments whilst Molton call might not be the most iconic raid Thunder Fury blessed blade of the wind Seekers the single most iconic

In-game weapon from World of Warcraft if you don’t count Frost or the war glaves we’re looking at a remastered mol new bosses mobs quests items and perhaps even legendaries and reputations a legendary that’s already in the game but only one singular person got is a necklace back from vanilla which got

Removed cuz it wasn’t meant to be the game yeah I think that would be really cool like if for example like yeah the Talisman a binding Shard I remember this this is like a you know like old school like wow Legend item and it would be

Really cool if like the first Guild to clear ragnaros got this item like on each server so like you only had one item like this on each server and it’s like it’s really not that great of an item whenever you look at it is this like a

Gamebreaking item no it’s not I don’t know I just think having little cool things like that would be cool the game now that necklace might not come back but they already have legendary they designed back then which they could reincorporate into season of Discovery I’m not sure exactly how much

They’ll change Molton core and with it an nixia but there will be changes as for PVP Black Rock Mountain is the single most cancerous PVP Zone in the game if you played on a PVP server then you’ll be having Vietnam flashbacks so we know that mol core and Nixie are

Coming but what about new content allow me to introduce the new and improve diam or Black Rock deps these uh BRD I mean if they make BRD into a raid this is what I think that they should do for BRD okay I think what they should do is they

Should retune you know how like whenever you go into BRD there’s like and I’ve said this before there’s like that uh the door on the left that you have to open with the special key I think that you know the big giant [ __ ] Golem that’s guarding the giant door I think

They should completely ret tune him and make him a raid boss that’s harder than nefarian and if you kill him the door behind him opens and that’s the new raid or it leads to like a whole new area in BRD that has like new 40 Man bosses

Because like that’s how you make a game bigger and that’s how you make something cool like that that would be [ __ ] badass because like everybody always wondered back in the day like why is he guarding this door like what’s behind the door well let’s find out two

Dungeons are massive so massive in fact that in cataclysm they got cut down and reshaped into multiple separate wings and in brd’s case they just scrapped well over half of it either of these two dungeons make most sense being 20 man raid or 10 man raid and logically it

Makes sense because blizzard stated that they wanted new players to be able to catch up easily phase to facee introducing more level 60 level up raides makes gearing a lot easier and allows transitioning into raids more easily albe it I don’t know if you really need more level up raids or not I

Think that honestly molten core is really easy the the reason why people aren’t able to raid in classic wow like there’s a couple of different reasons right number one they could be on a dead server like this is a big problem and I think it’s something that blizzard like

If blizzard allowed you to raid cross server I would be happy I think that would be great uh I I don’t like the idea that you can only play with people from your server I think it’s very harmful and uh just in general like it might sound like a good idea like oh

Yeah it makes server community but what happens whenever somebody else’s server Community is dead right you have somebody who like literally can’t play the game because there’s not enough people on their server I don’t think that’s a good thing that’s a very very

Bad thing it hurts the game a lot so I I would like to see free transfers they shut down the realm merge the realm do something right make sure that everybody has the ability to actually play with other people because like for example like there’s a lot of burning Crusade

Realms or wrath Realms now uh that are just pretty much dead Realms so if you want to play the game and you’re on this realm you can get a free transfer to like maybe one other realm but that’s it I’m not sure if they’ll Focus all the effort into making the already existing

Raids are better and more fun to interact with and keeping and I think also another factor is um they need to have an in-game group finder and I don’t mean like the looking for Dungeon tool but I just mean like a bulletin board that you can put up that can be accessed

By players and like I personally don’t care like theoretically if you had something like this that you had to click on it in town in order to open it up like it was like a adventurers notice board or something like that and the only way that you could use it is by

Going to it and clicking it right because that would get more people to go into town like it kind of like maybe that would be a good idea good for RP bad for like functionality hard to really say which one’s better maybe start with that and then if it’s too

Annoying get rid of it and then just make it a menu but anyway like having an adventurers board where you can click on it and it says these are the raids forming for molten core these are the raids forming for MC these are the raids forming for World PVP and like you can

Find stuff to do by clicking on the adventurers board right maybe have it inside of Tavern yeah something like that like think about like how many like fantasy animes like are built off of that right like Goblin Slayer for example so I I think that again it’s a

Uh it’s a Trope that a lot of people appreciate and really like and I think also it’s easy to uh to implement into the game and it just makes the game better in general uh I think a big problem is that nobody wants to sit in

Trade chat all the time or sit in looking for group chat all the time spamming and like waiting for somebody else to start a molten core group it’s annoying and it’s completely Antiquated like there’s no reason that you should have to do that so yeah I think that’s

What they should do is make a bulletin board system because the reason why people I don’t think players need catchup raids I think players need tools to play with other players that’s the main problem between and also like another thing [ __ ] forgot another thing is that some specs were just

Garbage in classic wow like if you’re a rat Paladin I would never bring a rat Paladin unless it was like a friend of mine to a raid because they’re useless trash they’re garbage why would anybody want to play with that uh same with a moonen why would anybody bring a moonen

They’re useless trash why bring something that’s bad it’s like you you can either bring a a warrior that does twice as much damage or you can bring a paladin why would you ever do that 12 weeks long so we get a lot of hyperfocused content then new phases

Before we get bored or maybe phases 5 to 8 will be 6 months long each with a storm of content to keep us all content nonetheless phase six is Blackwing lir and zulou two fun and interesting raids which will definitely get more quests perhaps reputations new mechanics

Changes and loot the dungeons I really hope that blizzard doesn’t just make season of Discovery harder like I think if you want to tune up things for Molton core and a couple of other raids it’s okay but I really hope that blizzard understands the reason why classic wow

Is so popular is because it’s very easy if you make the content hard you alienate the people that the content is designed for like classic wow was always a game of knowledge and skill or sorry of knowledge and preparation rather than skill and dexterity it’s too much BFD

Difficulty is good yeah BFD is fine uh Kus is not yeah I think Kus is too hard like I think there’s a lot of groups that are not going to be able to do him like it’s not really that bad but it’s really hard if you compare it to the

Other classic W bosses Kus ain’t that bad I just I I love whenever I hear this from people that are sitting at 1 in the morning watching a twitch Channel talk about World of Warcraft thinking that you have any sort of idea what the average player is I’m not talking about

You how how many people beat kellus this the second lockout on like your first three tries it’s a joke right it’s a joke boss and a joke raid that’s free loot yeah first try yeah we did too but that doesn’t doesn’t really mean that this is the average experience does it

Most likely to get this Temple of atal haka for zg and Black Rock Spire for Black Wing correlating nicely with each other also Black Rock Mountain being a horrible war zone probably continues into phase six maybe strangle FL andil yeah making Black Rock Mountain War PVP

Zone would be really cool as well at this point but then again perhaps this is an overload of content and I’m overestimating Bard Zeal desire and goal when it comes to Classic season of Discovery there is a lot that they could do here so much in fact this could be I

Think that their goals will change based off of how many people play the game like if a lot of people are playing classic wow and they’re having a lot of fun with it I think that blizzard will invest more money and time into classic wow and if they don’t if they’re not

Getting that out of it and they’re not really making any money off of it and like you know people are quitting then I think they’ll end it early that’s just what will logically make sense like that’s what I’d do if I was them right if like it’s not hitting then it’s like

Okay we’ll pack this up let’s try it again usually be a 6mon Content stretch between the 10 10 mans 20 mans and 40 mans let’s move on though to phase seven which is where I think we’re going to see the most new content in the game

Scar BL is a very coveted title and the black Kaji battle time they 100% need to bring back the opening of the gates of AQ ABS [ __ ] lutely they should do this they should do different events for like uh for even like Knack and like bwl

I would love to have like open world events for like these different like raid uh raid releases or like let’s say for example um you had like lieutenants of nefarian that like on the opening of the Gate of the opening of bwl like leading up to it like they would just

Like fly around uh Searing Gorge or some uh or burning steps right and these are like level like unknown bosses and you know you’d have to need like I don’t know maybe like 40 people to kill one rarest m in the entire game the opening of an kiraj in the scepter of

The shifting sand quest line is long awesome and genuinely a wild exper it’s one of the best quest lines in the game or he said so imagine the things they could do here the things they could add imagine a massive Zone wide PVP event in silus where the horde and Alliance

Battle it out for new PVP reputations and items aq40 and aq20 are incredible raids full of awesome bosses law mechanics and loot and I can’t wait to see what blizzard does here now we aren’t Theory crafting if we don’t think about new content and with that allow me

To introduce em man the new 10man dungeon and another location to gear with level old man in a dungeon I think that like again I want to see extensions of the existing Dungeons and I want to see them make the dungeons bigger like What if after old the man I

Don’t know like if you killed arcadas like whatever the guys uh the [ __ ] the last boss is and like you kill him in under one minute for example the entire platform opens to like a giant spiral staircase and you can go underneath all a man and there’s even more raid underneath

It that would be [ __ ] insane and that’s the kind of stuff that they need to do right they need to have something that like makes you wonder like what is that next really big crazy thing that’s going to happen cuz I’m trying to think about like the best example that I can

Give of this is alolan like who here remembers the first time that like you saw Al Goan or you opened up the gate yourself and you walked out into that area it was [ __ ] badass and yeah actual Discovery yeah just put it out and don’t tell anybody yeah alalon was really cool um

Are there any other examples like for example I love the fact that you can go to Molton core from BRD I actually think that’s one of the coolest things in classic wow that like you can do like the whole lava run and everything and like the way

That it’s designed it is one of the coolest things blizzard has ever done to this day 60 gear so you can delve into the raids faster last but not least phase8 and the dreaded ax ramas The so-call Guild killer and vanilla and definitely Guild killer and classic is everything

Devolved into GD KPS and triggered hyperinflation will likely get more loot new quests new bosses new mechanics well the reason why KNX was a guild killer is because it was hard like there’s really not a lot to it besides that it was just a hard raid

Like the numbers were high it’s not like thus is hard but it’s like if you do something wrong on thus you’re instantly dead which is again I think that’s great design I’m totally fine with that I think that like a boss like Thaddius is I would rather do that type of a boss

Than the new bosses in retail wow because the bosses in retail wow there’s like 75 different mechanics none of them kill you but like it doesn’t really matter like you you know if you hit get hit by three of them you’re dead I find it to be very boring easy mechanics but punishing

Yes and more that’s to be expected but what else will change in Phase 8 well let me introduce you all to the new 20-man or 10man Raid stol one of the most iconic places in all of Warcraft in the beginning of the fall for our beloved Prince arthus now this is me

Wishing but it could make sense as once Eastern plag glands into a massive PVP Zone event which is already supported by the tower situated across the Zone it would make a lot sense to have more than just a ramus for the entirety of phase 8 and the size of statol already

Correlates to being a miniature raid anyways even if they only include a fraction of what if Strat was the raid I mean that would be really cool I would like that a lot where’s the Assumption for more Quest and things being added to existing raids coming from well blizzard

Clearly implied it like I mean they very very heavily implied it they’re literally showing footage in their own trailer of things that were never released in classic wow there is 100% a chance they’re they’re going to do this it’s not even a question I’ve spoken of and even if they

Go absolutely a completely different path the amount of content that blizzard seems to be planning to add to Classic Plus season of Discovery is staggering and whilst all of this might not be in season of Discovery it will definitely be in Classic Plus so whether season of

Discovery is Classic Plus or leads to Classic Plus expect an obscene amount of content just from the endgame phases now this last section is going to be the shortest but allow me to show you my terrible but somewhat decent guest to the final stretch welcome to season of Discovery Classic Plus phases this

Section right here isn’t going to have me phase 11 oh bro like this is just some [ __ ] bro this is like some straight up like like copium [ __ ] [ __ ] like Mount hydel oldum Grim Bal gilas like yeah bro like this is yeah 100% this is going to

Happen yeah 10 foil speculation what any of this will look like this gu of the content man this would be so [ __ ] cool wouldn’t it be this would be amazing Mount Hydro raid I don’t know I think that at Mount hydel cuz wasn’t Deathwing supposed to be in Mount

Hydel yeah I don’t know they could do something with that coming once they finish with existing content no matter how reasonable a guess everything is in the air based on player feedback and reactions through all the phases if you want to see more from me watch this

Video right here and subscribe and like the video if you’re depressed if you’re not depressed like And subscribe anyways thank you e and hard out well there it is and so like that’s kind of the way that I see a lot of it too is that I think that they’ll use season of

Discovery as a testing ground for what they’re really going to implement in a longer term Classic Plus server uh I don’t know if like we’re going to be using our season of Discovery characters like 5 years from now 3 years from now I I don’t think that’ll probably be the

Case but I’m okay with that classic team is 10 people by by the way yeah well I mean wasn’t the poe team seven people so I don’t really think that means that they can’t do anything like I mean what’s that didn’t one guy make uh what’s this year eight people yeah

Exactly valheim had two yeah like I don’t think that’s really a big problem just make the game it’s going to split the community in devor yeah for sure it will Grim Bal R to be sick too the current classic team owns yeah I’m going to be honest guys like I think

Everything that the classic wow team is doing is good straight up like I I’m happy with pretty much everything that they’ve done now obviously like I don’t really care a lot about PVP so the Ashen Veil thing isn’t really that great for a lot of people but overall I think that

They are making all of the right decisions and I think that also outside of the wow token which was a horrible [ __ ] decision I think that every decision they made for Wrath of the Lich King has been good too I think that they’ve actually like

They kind of have an idea of what the [ __ ] they’re doing maybe they played play the actual game so we’ll see we have four versions of classic and that’s insanely awesome yeah exactly just need to update the Antiquated server system exactly instead have a new raid give

This a dating simulator while token ruin the game for me yeah just just stop playing right and uh also like the wow token I can see that but let’s be real people were buying gold even before then what really ruins the game is that blizzard not Banning those people that’s

The real problem but yeah I think that more and more blizzard is starting to realize that they’re like in my opinion I think there is way more potential in classic wow than there is in retail wow like the ceiling for classic wow is way higher than retail wow I probably

Think that now there are more people that are playing retail because retail is like just that’s World of Warcraft right uh but B token uh token normalized it oh I understand that I’m just saying like like there’s an there’s like the uh the way you feel about something and

Then the way it is I’m just saying the way it is was still the same uh blizzard can do what uh what’s this here uh what it going to do with the freeto playay games Dragon air did I don’t know what that is um never thought I’d see they

Wow was following OS rs’s footsteps but here we are yeah I think that classic wow just has like a much larger future than retail wow does retail wow has like its audience of people and it has like a very dedicated player base and blizzard should just probably just keep making

Content for that player base and then look at trying to make another big mainstream game like classic wow make that for a wider audience is that even true yeah I think so I mean I would assume that more people play retail W overall but I think that if you were

Looking at like engagement this is like my gift okay I don’t really know this I’m just making it up but this is based off of everything that I see and read and just like my general opinion on things I think this is retail wow and I think also this is classic

Wow and eventually classic wow will be more popular based on what uh based off of excitement and engagement and the amount of people that are consuming content for it and also just like based off of my own opinion about the game like I’m going to be real I think a

Big problem with retail wow is the fact that you have 50,000 different fomo mounts that nobody can get anymore there’s so many things in the game that it devalues everything in the game it’s overdesigned you need tons of add-ons in order to play the game I think these are

Big big problems and like again this is my opinion okay like I don’t have like data for this because blizzard doesn’t show data for it but as somebody who’s played the game for over 15 years this is what I think about it man I think it’s massively [ __ ] overdesigned I

Think that like there’s no way that a new player can get into retail wow and really enjoy it and sure yeah it happens sometimes but the the the frequency of it happening I bet is way less than it used to be and I think I hear a lot more

People like actually you know what let’s do a poll I want you guys to do a poll and I really want you to answer honestly so I can understand like if I’m off base on this or not okay so what I’m going to do is I’m going to do a straw pole here

We’re going to create the pole um what game are you playing okay um actually uh if you started wow in the last 3 years uh which version did you start with okay uh classic uh era era sod um wrath TVC okay actually let’s do four years we’ll include uh The Original Classic

Release too and then retail wow uh anytime so and then we’ll add another option uh I’ve been playing wow for longer or I do not play wow okay so that way added neither option yeah and so which one did you start with which version you start with okay here we

Go all right let’s do the poll let’s see what people say get give me your honest votes I want honest votes here honest votes okay a lot of people just been playing the game for a long time yeah I’ll link it again only new people yeah this is for new

People yep be honest yeah if I’m wrong then I’m wrong if I am if I’m right then I’m right it looks like classic is higher than retail but I also have cultivated an audience of people that play classic a lot more because uh you know I I’ve been streaming a lot of

Classic content so like there’s kind of a a selection bias with so I’m not really sure like I don’t think that this data is enough for me to conclusively say that my opinion is right yeah I I don’t know it’s not enough uh did you react to miss killing

In me yes I did I did see it uh it’s an indication yeah and uh the chat is classic biased all day yeah exactly that’s what I’m saying so like okay uh if like it was like for example like 7030 then I’d be like oh yeah I’m right

But no this is too close for me to call I don’t think so but anyway the point is that I think classic wow will grow a lot and I think that the growth that classic wow will have will have a lot more longevity than the growth that retail

Wow has and here’s the reason why I think a big problem with gaming nowadays is that every single game that you play you’re only playing the season of the game you’re only playing like a period of time in the game and if you stop playing and you come back usually

You’re completely left behind because classic wow is a game that builds on itself and doesn’t add a lot of catchup mechanics and like besides like maybe zg or something like that but there aren’t really a lot of catch-up mechanics and if you’re level 60 you got 60 at the end

Of phase six in classic wow you will probably end up doing molten core or zg like you don’t go directly into aq40 or KNX so if you build those steps like basically retail wow you go from step one to step two and then the patch comes out and you’re back down at

Step one and you get back up to step two again but in classic wow you go from step one to two to three to four to five so like the process of time of like character gearing and character growth is way longer in classic wow and that’s

What I like for example like if you’re level 40 and you quit playing classic wow a year ago you can come back right now and you’re going to be right where you left off there’s still going to be people clearing knacks that are way ahead of

You and there’s still going to be people that are lower level than you but it lasts longer whenever you get gear yeah exactly so because it takes longer it’s better um yes but not because it’s longer if that makes sense so the reason why it’s better is because it provides a

More robust progression system and there’s something that’s actually te geared out and it’s not created through artificial means so there’s not like a battle pass that’s driving it it’s basically like the progression Loop in classic wow in my opinion is more fulfilling because like in retail wow I

Know that every single patch that I play I’m building a castle on Sand I know that as soon as the new patch comes out everything that I’ve worked for will be meaningless and it won’t matter and I’ll replace all of it in no time and a

Person that just came into to the game will be able to do the exact same thing that I’m doing with relatively no friction but in classic wow if I’m in bwl I know that whenever I come back I’ll be ready for aq40 so I have like a

Desire at that current time to gear my character out to look forward to the future of aq40 and in aq40 I look forward to the future of knack and here’s what was so crazy about vanilla wow is that in vanilla wow you wanted to get KNX gear because you could clear

Kazan In KNX gear and that’s a level 70 raid it was amazing so like there’s always a reason to progress and there’s never that like that reason to just wait that’s it a real are born in WoW would mean no token essentially modern classic wow yes like I’m very I’m very passionate about

This but like you can you guys see kind of where I’m coming from here really think somebody doesn’t know anything about wow would be prefer playing 20-year old game instead of a new game um that’s a really good question I don’t know because I don’t talk to any new

Players yeah I mean like yes and no right people new players come into osrs but I think you bring up a very good point you do I I really don’t know uh I think it is a big weakness it definitely is the gear treadmill was sooner or later happening classic dude

Horizontal progression games always failed to get large play player base see Guild Wars 2 there’s a reason why all popular games follow a seasonal mode I think that like at a certain point and this is an issue that lost dark has at a certain point you do need a way for

People to be like reset because you can’t have progression from like you can’t have like a 10-year progression path I think like maybe like a two or a threeyear progression path that then gets reset like an expansion is probably a good idea like that would be kind of

Where I would draw the line like this is again a it’s kind of arbitrary but that’s where I would draw the line like probably maybe five at the most you should interview a new wild fan yeah it’s just really hard to find somebody who’s like that that doesn’t

You know already kind of know what’s going on Lost AR treadmill was crazy well lost AR like Lost Ark had the fundamentals to be an incredible game because like you remember how fun lost AR was the first month of the game it’s like you finally you do all the [ __ ] the quests and

Everything you get to level 50 you fight the guardian you do your Tower you do the first raid you get the gear out of the first raid you finally get up to like 600 gear level I think that’s what it was and then you can do tier two you

Do tier 2 raids you finish your tier 2 raids the final Capstone raid is an actual your first eight-man raid against Poseidon under the [ __ ] water this is like super badass you finish that you finally go into tier three after you max out all of your gear and like then you

Fight Argos which to be fair is a [ __ ] garbage boss but then you fight vaon which is like an amazing boss then you do vikus you do clown you do uh [ __ ] BR shaza and there’s like so many other things are like in between that it was so [ __ ] good and they

Just killed the game with pay to win and time gaining right so like it’s not really the game’s fault and also like having over punishing mechanics to make it to where people don’t do carries but the first month of lost Arc was one of the greatest gaming experiences I’ve

Ever had and am I the only person that felt that way I loved it I thought it was amazing like I had way more fun the first month of lost Arc was better than new world it’s better than Tower of fantasy it was probably not better than

Final Fantasy but like that was like kind of I had played the game it’s kind of a weird thing to say that um uh [ __ ] like it was better than dragonflight was better than Shadow Lance oh maybe not Shadow Lance was pretty good on release but I liked Lost AR more I

Think yeah 100% better than Diablo 4 classic no classic was better Classic’s the greatest classic wow was the best MMO that’s ever been made and in my opinion I don’t even think another game even comes close I don’t think it even comes close like it’s just it’s just the best by

Far no I’m not a RuneScape enjoyer I don’t really play it a lot it’s not that I don’t like it either but uh the combat’s not really uh something I’m not interested in so like if I don’t see that or understand that I can respect somebody that says that like ah you know

You’re not really right about this like RuneScape kind of does this but um overall I I do think I I I I do think classic W is the best game yeah there is there’s a video make sure to give it a like hopefully we get more of these I love the copium videos

Oh yeah my waifu cup is finally coming out it’s been a while but um it’s finally happening tomorrow and uh you know this is pretty much exactly what you would have expected right yeah yep there we go even the uh the little cup has ear purple equals wi naturally of course


  1. For Strat they could keep it as a dungeon, but finally use that portal behind the gate in the area with the last boss, and put an actual raid in there 🤯🙏

  2. You clear Uldaman in a time frame, and then you go to Uldum and kill a singular boss where the platinum disc quest leads you. Drops fat loot obv.

  3. What he doesnt understand: they cant edit the world itself or item models. they can only edit quests, npcs, spells etc.

  4. that phases you called copium, you have those on TurtleWoW. Kharazan 10man raid and gilneas dungeon and zone. Go check it out

  5. I hope they keep 10 man raids. If they make it 25 or 40 our guild will be over. If they make the game for over 30 year old people. Then it should be 10 man

  6. TF you mean whats next? it JUST came out. slow down and enjoy the content, rushing through stuff just ruins it for yourself.

  7. Blizzard needs long term objectives. World PvP in Classic really should reward gold or something to some degree. Perpetually farmable currency for alt gear or something.

  8. I am basically a new player. Technically I made my first character in Mists of Pandaria but I quit before level 30 maybe even before level 20. I was a Druid Worgen. I remember getting stuck in a death loop in the city where I missed something and went back into the city when I was not supposed to and would die and respawn over and over so I quit the game. Tried the game again in original classic then quit because leveling solo was boring. Tried joining CDank's Blind guild for Wrath then quit for the same reason. Now I am playing Season of Discovery with some people and really enjoying it. I am a level 12 Tauren Warrior right now on Crusader Strike server. Name is Brynnia if you want to say hi. I really like the level cap being so low and not having to level for so long. Makes having to catch up to people not so daunting. I really want a Classic+ game. I love the lore of WoW. I watched all the cutscenes for Warcraft 3 awhile ago and was really interested in the story.

  9. there are so many big caves all over Azeroth that could easily be turned into new 5man dungeons and the old huge dungeons could be redesigned into new raids no problem

  10. By far, the best experience I've ever had in classic (that's by the way, not there in retail at fucking all) is teaming up with a random player in the open world to do a difficult quest together somewhere in the middle of who knows fucking where. That shit feels like an actual adventure, immense fun.

    They succeeded on that in SoD with certain runes that required you to climb a tower with elites in the middle of an opposite faction zone with no flight masters.

    Whispering randoms from /who that were attempting the same thing and going on an adventure together with them, fighting off alliance players and strategizing on how to get to the top of the tower together, inviting a third guy, coming up with solutions and emerging successful at the end. That was the best shit ever, I loved it. I want more of that. Maybe, introduce more elite hard quests that require you to go far away from the nearest flight master. Quests that yield something important other than xp, something desirable. Incentivise players teaming up with each other out in the open world to go on an adventure together. That's important. That's what RPG's are all about, aren't they? Nothing comes close to experiencing things like that in this game.

    Classic had that, SoD devs noticed it and further improved on it successfully, huge props to them for it. Legends. I hope to see even more of it down the line.

  11. I have two new friends who've never played wow before. We are playing classic. You really only need like two add-ons. The mechanics are less complicated for beginners. There is not as much bloat with tons and tons of spells and moves and the rotations are a bit more simplistic. As long as you install the add-on that shows you the quest markers and turn in points it's pretty beginner friendly.
    We're having a ton of fun so far 😊

  12. 5:00 give people HUGE mass of honor, buff and prices for killing opposing factiong bosses. And if attackers wipes, give that to all how participate defending. Thats how you make PVP happen

  13. Yeah the Ashenvale event suffers from the totally unavoidable consequence of it being a non-instanced activity. Whichever faction is more stacked on the server wins, almost every time. At least it gives decent rep even for losses as long as you snag a few lieutenants, but it does rob you of the excitement of actually winning. The boosts for defending players might have been intended to counteract this somewhat, but again, how could the faction with fewer players possibly afford to have any players trying to defend instead of bum-rushing the lieutenants?

  14. I enjoyed naxxramas very much. Also raids like kz or blackrock dungeon would be perfect for remaking or expanding.. no need to create new stuff just expand on what was already good.

  15. The most try hard player ever… that have clear every single dungeon and raid saying he doesn't see the game as a competitive lmao

  16. Yeah first raid, first attempt, no buffs we beat Kelris and every since then we've 7/7 every time. BRD is a joke but it's a fun joke. MT/Melee DPS go get on top of Kelris and then when they go into the dream OT/Melee DPS get on top of Kelris. Once they're in Melee DPS and 1 Ranged DPS get close. All other range stay back. 3rd group won't barely even be in the dream for long. Make sure you have a rogue (or 2) kick chains every 10 seconds (rogue kick is 10sec cooldown). Have everyone else who can interrupt (shaman, Warriors, mages) interrupt bolts to lessen damage. Once next phase starts just burn him down. If you have trouble you can use WBuff and FAP and Shadow Pot but you don't NEED it unless your DPS SUCKS. Easy fight. Last fight Aku'mai have MT soak until he dies, wait a moment and have OT pick up. Rez MT. have DPS just burn boss and avoid breath. Wand during protection phase. Easy. However I know PLENTY of people who are 5/7 and constantly wipe on Kelris.

  17. i have never played wow and im 16 but i just started SOD and its super awsome and i think that classic plus is the future

  18. Asmon's point at 18:30 seems to be the best explanation. Blizz will invest into this if there is an active player base. We saw this with Classic when demand for Vanilla servers finally made Blizz give it a chance.

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