Garden Plans

How We are Still Eating Fresh Veggies Out of the Garden in December! Freezer and “Root Cellar” Tour

#acrehomestead #pantrytour #bulkfood
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Bulk Food Storage Containers:
Food Grade 5 Gallon Buckets –
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X-Large Food Containers with Gamma Lids –
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1/2 Gallon Glass Jars –’

Where to buy organic bulk food
Azure Standard —
Country Life Naturals – Use Code ACRE to get 10% OFF your first order and FREE shipping if you spend over $99 —

ButcherBox — | Sign up through my link to get two (2) 100% grass-fed NY strip steaks and raw cold cracked lobster meat for free in your first box!

Redmond Real Salt | Use the code ACRE for 15% off

Online Seed Companies I Order From:
Hoss Tools Seeds —
MI Gardener — | Use code ACRE for 10% OFF!
Seeds for Generations —

Green Stalk (Use Code ACRE for $10 an Order of $75+) –

Harvest Right Freeze Dryer -

American Test Kitchen Cooking School Cookbook—
Nourishing Traditions –
Ball Canning Cookbook –

Canning Supplies I Used:
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) —
Oster 22 Quart Roaster Pan —
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Presto Pressure Canner —
Canning Equipment Essential Supplies Kit —
Redmond Real Salt (Fine) —

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Hello friend welcome back to acre Homestead my name is Becky if you’re new we just did an entire tour of my dry good Pantry my candy Pantry my bulk items and the fresh things that I have still on the homestead that are fresh other than I guess what we’re going to

To wear today that is only kind of part of my pantry my other Pantry are my two deep freezers that I have down stairs plus I have a freezer up in my garage if you are new welcome I have a homestead where I’ve got a pretty large garden I

Have 16 raised beds that are 20t X 4T plus I have chickens and they lay eggs but that’s the only protein we produce on the homestead and we have no plans to get into any other type of livestock and so what I like to do is partner with

Local farmers and purchase from local farmers my pork and beef and chicken when possible and so I’m going to show you what I have in my freezers plus I am learning to preserve Reserve things in a few different ways this year and I’ve actually been relying on my freezers for

Some of the things coming out of my garden and my refrigerator I’ve got I don’t have a cold room I mean I’ve got this basement but it’s not a root seller it’s not a cold room and so I have a refrigerator upstairs that I’m using as

A cold room and we are going to tour that refrigerator together so I can show you what I’m keeping fresh from the garden for context it is now late November and I still have fresh produce in my refrigerator and I will for the next few months because I’m using it like a root

Seller now I’m going to show you these two deep freezers and a freezer upstairs it took me Josh and I have been married it’ll be almost 10 years and it took us that entire time to work up to three freezers we started out with one when I

Wanted to buy my beef from a local farmer that was the first thing I ever purchased from a local farmer and then I want wanted to buy a hog from a local farmer and that takes up space it takes up freezer space so I’m going to show

You what I have now the last time we’ll start with this freezer so I’m going to shut this the last time I purchased a whole a half a cow was August of 2022 and so I’m going to show you what I still have from that half a cow over a

Year later this basket is empty because this is where I had things like New York steaks and the fancier cuts of steaks that you think of when you think of steaks and that’s now been eaten through but over here we still have some steaks and these are steaks that I will throw

On the grill I’ll marinate them you I have some skirt steaks and I have one flank steak you only get one flank steak when you order a half a h a cow and then what is this I don’t even oh um carnas and I have a beef tongue so sometime

This winter I will thaw these out marinate them and cook them on the grill for probably a taco Tuesday now the beef tongue is something I have never cooked before you all have given me a ton of recipes that I need to try to make it

I’m a little bit nervous about making it I have read that it tastes absolutely delicious it’s just a mental block for me so this winter I need to tackle that so that’s going to be on the list of things to do in these two bags I have a

Ton of Chuck roasts we don’t go through a ton of chuck roast in the winter I me excuse me in the summer so this winter I will be going through quite a few of those and then in here we have the brisket so probably this winter when we

Have a party at my mom’s house I will bring this over and we will have that as a family meal at some point I’ll have my mom put it on her smoker and then here we’ve got some soup bones and then this is a Tender Loin from the halfa beef one thing I

Love about when you order a half a cow is you pay the same price for ground beef as you do for the entire Tender Loin roast at Costco last time I looked at these for conventionally raised beef it was about $150 for this roast and I

Paid about 525 a pound for this roast so I paid a fraction of that price I think it was around like $36 a pound or something like that and this is grass-fed grass finish beef now you only get one of them when you order

Half a cow and I’m going to make this I think for my dad’s birthday I think I want to make him a beef what is it called what Beef Wellington I think I want to make a beef wellington I’ve done that one other time turned out absolutely delicious and it was a lot

Easier than I expected so I think that’s what I’m going to do with this and then I still have quite a bit of ground beef left this box was full all the way to the top with ground beef be these are 1B packages plus when I ordered I still had

Some ground beef from the previous half a cow I ordered so we still have half this box so I probably won’t need to order beef until next August so half a beef lasts Us 2 years this right here is Tallow this is the fat that is around

The animal’s kidneys it is the cleanest fat on the animal and I need to render that this that needs to be a winter project where I render that and turn that into Tallow you can use it for for beauty products you can use it for cooking McDonald’s french fries used to

All be cooked in beef Tallow until they wanted to make them vegetarian friendly and now they cook them in seed oil I don’t know which kind and they put Tallow flavoring in it cuz they still want it to taste like Tallow but they don’t want it

To be in Tallow and so they use artificial flavoring so beef Tallow especially if you use the leaf lard it has a very delicious flavor and it’s not super strong but it adds good flavor especially if you’re roasting potatoes or anything like that it just adds a

Really yummy flavor and then in here I have a few pork products most of my pork is in my other freezer but I have two of these ham Hawks for making with beans and then we’ve got some tender loins this is the leaf lard from uh pork that

I need to render as well I’ve got more of that got a lot of rendering I need to do and then this is a oh that’s that’s the heart so I need to freeze dry this for dog treats my dogs absolutely love freeze-dried heart and liver and things

Like that so when you order a whole hog or half a beef you have the option of getting things that you wouldn’t normally get if you buy things well I guess you could get some at the grocery store but then you’d have to buy them

And I like to get the organ meat and Josh and I don’t really enjoy eating it but what we do enjoy is being able to freeze dry it and giving it to my dogs and my dogs go crazy for it the butcher that I go to does not make beef patties

And so I do like to pick up some grass-fed grass finish beef patties so that’s what those are just for easy throwing on the grill so that I don’t have to make my own sometimes I make my own patties but sometimes I don’t want to so that’s that freezer and then this

Is this freezer it’s not super full except for that is a ton of t uh lard that I need to render I like to keep my whole wheat flour in the freezer just so it stays fresh longer over here is where I’ve got bacon I just ordered a half a whole hog

And so I’ve got a lot of bacon and then I’ve got some sausage I have Italian sausage and breakfast sausage and some BR worst when I order my half a hog and whole Hogs now I only have them made into bacon and sausage because that’s

What we eat the most of I don’t do well next time I think I’m going to have them keep the loin whole cuz I like to to do a stuffed loin but I’ve just found that this is the way we prefer it to be processed cuz this is the way we eat it

So that’s the way I have it processed the last hog that I ordered was a Cooney Cooney it’s the variety or the breed of pig and it is a lard Pig hence why I have so much lard and it didn’t have that much meat that came along with it

And so even though I ordered this not that long ago we we have a ton of bacon still but we don’t have that much pork or sausage and so at some point here coming up I’m going to have to order another one just so I can fill up my

Sausage but for now that is a good amount for us these two containers are chicken I’ve got chicken breasts over here and then I have chicken thighs and those are just from the grocery store I got those on sale and then here we have some salmon and some cod this is a this

Is where I have whole chickens I’ve got a chicken that I found on sale at the store plus this box is actually pasture raised chickens that I got from a local farm and then there I’ve got two pork butts here I’ve got some nuts and chocolate chips and then strawberries I

Like to use these black totes in my deep freezer as a way to organize them and right now I don’t have a ton of things in here and when I do have more stuff I can actually stack these totes on top of each other and then I can keep like

Things with like things and I can just pull out the whole tote using handles if I need to that way I can keep everything a little bit more organized in my deep freezer so that’s these two deep freezers let’s go upstairs and look at the freezer that I have upstairs that’s

Where I have things that I preserved from the garden so this is my one standup freezer and this is where I have mostly freezer meals and things we preserved from the garden so let’s go ahead and start up here so here this whole entire tote is all corn I did 150

Ears of corn this year it is one of the favorite things we preserve I’ve tried growing it every year it’s done absolutely terrible and so I purchased it from a local organic farm cuz if I buy it in bulk I can get a great price

On it so that’s what this is here I have two freezer meals I’ve got two meatballs with marinara sauce and two pasta bakes these three boxes here are frozen fruit I purchased in bulk I’ve got mangoes and strawberries these are going to be freeze-dried my freeze dryer is

Currently running these are just going to be for freeze-dried snacks I figured this is a great way a timesaver I can buy them already prefrozen and pre- diced and ready to go and I can just freeze dry them because freeze-dried fruit is one of our favorite snacks this

I’m going to gift to my mom I’m going to cook it down and I’ll show you we’ll do it together I also have some bread products in here that I purchased from Costco we’re going to be making some make aead Christmas casseroles so I’ve got some I needed what are these called These

Are croissants I needed croissants and some kind of like rustic bread I’m not going to make those for a little bit so when I was at Costco last I went ahead and got those and then I just threw them in the freezer I also pick it picked up

A thing of spinach this is the pre-washed ready too spinach I did not grow any spinach in the garden this year and I like doing this because the leaves are individual as opposed to buying the blocks I do that sometimes too but there’s something really nice about buying the spin that’s

In these containers so it’s pre-washed ready to go and if I freeze it like this I can just grab a handful of spinach and throw it in a pasta dish or a soup or whatever it might be or smoothie and it’s ready to go for me here I have some

Corn cobs cuz I want to make some corn cob jelly so that’s what that is I’ve got three things of tortillas now I do need to mention I don’t have very many freezer meals I just have these four plus a couple marinated Meats at the

Bottom when we get to it so I’m going to need to plan another another day where we make a bunch of dinners now on this shelf we have a ton of sliced onions and diced onions this is only about half of what I have done the other ones aren’t

In these bags they’re in just a Ziploc bag in my inside freezer and I put these ones in the vacuum seal bags for in here cuz these are going to be for later in the year so I figured they should be vacuum sealed versus just in a Ziploc

Bag we’ve got butter so I’ve got some butter back there as well I buy butter and bulk and then I just freeze it so I have it on hand whenever I need it here is pizza sauce this is one of my absolute new favorite things how I did

This pizza sauce this year so delicious I will link a video on that we have same with this I’ve got frozen Peach salsa and tomato salsa from the garden and phenomenal love it absolutely delicious down here I have some Elderberry one of of my neighbors happens to have an

Elderberry tree and they didn’t know it and they let me pick some elderberries so I get to do something with that I’m not sure what I’m going to do with that yet but I think I’m going to make Elderberry tinure and then here we’ve got frozen hash browns in this tote this

Tote is nois homemade nois I can link a video on this as well and these are great for a fast easy dinner here I have three apple pie fillings I absolutely love making apple pie filling and freezing it because then I can turn it into apple pie apple crisp hand pies

Whatever I want to turn it into down here I have some pumpkin puree I have about four pumpkins I still need to roast up and turn into puree we use that in Savory and sweet applications this is just Frozen sliced apples I could freeze dry that or we could turn it into

Something put it in baked goods I’m not sure yet what I’m going to do with it I have half plums these are from the orchard both the apples and the plums are from the Orchard and then here I’ve got some peppers these are sugar rushed Peach Peppers these are one of our

Favorite peppers I have some cherry tomatoes for making quick pasta dishes this right here is a new thing to me this year this is homemade tomato paste and they’re frozen in little pups so I can just throw one of these in a dish my freezer alarm is beeping at me

Telling me I need to close the door so I’m going to close it for a second and then we can continue on with the tour all righty it has been closed long enough so I do have a marinated chicken recipe here I have Italian meatballs here these are just some homemade

Meatballs and then I have some homemade those are an Asian style hamburger patty and then in the door I’ve got quite a few things as well when I buy milk we can’t go through it fast enough when I get it at Costco so I like to freeze it I have a homemade

Bunt cake that is a pumpkin bunt I made it cuz I thought I needed it for a family thing didn’t end up needing it so I’ll probably pull that out next family event cake freezes beautifully but it does look like it needs to be used up at

The next family event over here we have this is garlic butter so homemade or not homemade butter it’s butter I got from the store but it’s homegrown garlic that I pureed up and I added it to butter I just cut a chunk off and I use it to

Sauté onions and peppers and it’s the beginning of a dish for the you know the butter and the garlic or I use it to make garlic bread and then this is this is one of my new favorite things this is it doesn’t look like much but it’s

Caramelized onions that are frozen so so delicious up here this is just classic frozen zucchini some frozen cherry tomatoes a bunch of Frozen peppers from the garden oh these are green beans this is Peppers no that’s not Peppers that’s snow peas green beans I used to only

Freeze my green beans but I decided to pressure can them this year and we really really enjoy that so I might not freeze as many green beans next year we’ll just have to see what I decide to do next growing season this whole section is diced peppers I do have some

More diced peppers in my inside freezer but I think I only have one or two packages so this year I got one two three 4 five six plus 7 eight plus all the peppers we’ve eaten packages worth of peppers I think that’s the best pepper year I have ever had more

Shredded zucchini more corn I did put on these packages how many cups of corn are in each one of these containers so that I know some of them have one cup some have two cups some have three cups and some have four cups and then this is some cookie dough that

I have Frozen I like to make homemade cookie dough and put that in the freezer here is a bunch of shredded carrots and frozen diced carrots this freezer wants me to shut it again but that is what this freezer looks like so a lot of the Homegrown goodies are in this freezer

And then we also have some fresh Garden produce so for context it is the end of November right now and we’ve been eating out of this freezer already we’ve been eating a lot of corn carrots I’ve actually been not eating too many of the Frozen carrots yet because we’ve been

Trying to I’ll show you next we still have a ton of fresh carrots so I’m trying to go through the fresh ones before I start diving into the frozen ones we’ve already eaten all the celery that I froze and I don’t think we’ve eaten through everything but the peppers will probably

Be the next to go cuz I don’t have any fresh Peppers so now I’m going to show you this refrigerator where we still have some fresh produce in this refrigerator from the garden this refrigerator was my 30th birthday gift gift from Josh and you know you’re an

Adult when you ask for a refrigerator for your 30th birthday so we can start down here first off you’re going to notice a whole bunch of carrots we I think I’ve gone through I got well I grew 40 no 77 lbs of carrots or something like that I’ve gifted quite a

Few bags we have already eaten I think four bags we’ve been eating a lot of carrots because that’s what I have fresh right now and these VAR ities of carrots are a storage variety I grew Bolero carrots and I grew Royal Chanty carrots I also have cabbages I harvested about

Eight of these when I did the garden cleanout and we’ve been eating these a lot we’ve been having a lot of Egg Roll in a bowl because I’ve got carrots homegrown onions and homegrown cabbage normally I make egg roll in a bowl with green cabbage but we have red so I’ve

Been making it with red I’ve also been roasting a lot of carrots with my Korean red pepper flakes and oh my goodness are they so good they are almost like candy and we also have still some home grown apples for fresh eating and this drawer

Was full of apples too but it’s now full of carrots and it was full of pears we’ve already gone through the pears and this thing of apples plus some lemons now these are from the store I have some celery and Brussels sprouts these are homegrown this right here I will have to

Show you how I made this my one of my favorite things I made and I we’ve gone through like six jars of it are these pickled carrots oh my goodness when we have like taco Tuesday or burrito bowls or whatever those I almost eat like chips they are so delicious and so one

Night I was making some Asian food and I thought oh my goodness wouldn’t this be good with onions and ginger and pepper flakes and rice wine vinegar and more of an Asian flare this is more of a Hispanic flare it’s got jalapenos and some different you know like Mexican style

Flavors versus this one is more of an Asian style and these are so phenomenal I just made a little jar and I need to make probably about six more jars of those and a few more jars of these we have some refrigerator pickles up here I’ve got some sour cream I just placed

My Azure order so we’ve got a lot of sour cream right now some adult beverages some mixers some carbonated water and then over here is where you will really see that I just picked up an Azure order this is mozzarella cheese this is just some cream cheese from Costco this is all

Cheddar cheese they had a sale on this brand I have never I haven’t even opened one of these yet so I don’t know if they’re good or not but they had a sale and it was A2 raw sharp cheddar cheese so I went ahead and got this instead of

What I normally get because it was a sale price and I’m kind of excited about this cuz they are in individual wrappers instead of you know dealing with what I normally get is a whole 5 lb block this might be actually what I go with moving

Forward but time will tell if I like this better or if I like the big block better I also have some provolone cheese back there I’ve got some Boris and cheese I have some pasta recipes I want to try with this plus it’s just absolutely delicious eggnog for

Some cookies I want to make some eggn flavored cookies this Christmas and then we’ve got heavy cream parmesan cheese apple cider Wier Shire sauce so that is the refrigerator mostly Dairy and carrots this refrigerator acts as my root seller because I don’t have a root

Seller I don’t have a cold room and so I store my things that need to stay cold in here now I you won’t see a lot of fermented stuff the the only thing that we really enjoy that’s fermented is kombucha and I keep my bottles of Kombucha in my refrigerator cuz I don’t

Make a ton of it I only make about a gallon every 2 to 3 weeks and so I just keep those bottles in my inside refrigerator and Josh and I don’t really enjoy or I haven’t found some really yummy fermented vegetables that we really like we love I love fermented hot

Sauce and I have only a little bit of that and it’s in my inside fridge I didn’t make a ton of fermented hot sauce this year I made a ton of it last year and I just didn’t get around to it this year but if I had ferments they would be

In here too like my fermented hot sauce or if I had a lot of Kombucha I’d probably put it in here but i’ only have I only make like a few bottles of it every few weeks so we kind of go through that quickly so I keep it in the inside

Fridge so friend thank you so much for hanging out with me as we toured my two freezers we are good on beef we are good on pork for a while I will have to order one probably in the next few months just so that I have it in the queue we’ve got

Still a ton of things the garden is giving us even though Garden season is over I’m still harvesting cilantro out of the garden and lettuce and a bunch of herbs like Thyme and rosemary and things like that and parsley are still coming out of the garden but for the most part Garden

Season I’m considering done so thank you so much for hanging out with me if you missed part one of this tour where we toured the pantry of the dried good and can good Goods I’m going to link that video here for you you can go enjoy that

Between now and my next upload I’ll pop another video down here you can go enjoy if you want to watch one before I upload next thank you for being here thank you for being you and I can’t wait to see you next time bye friend


  1. I take my beef tongue, liver and heart, slice it and freeze dry it! I’ll bet Orbit and Tibro would love it?!? My dog loves homemade treats and much healthier than buying those things in a box.

  2. How do you keep track of what is in the freezers, when the items are close to expiration date and when you are running low? Do you have some sort of barcode or digital system to help you keep track?

  3. With your chuck roasts, you can look up recipes to smoke them to do a poor man's burnt ends. They are sooo yummy. My husband loves to smoke meats and BBQ, and it is his most requested item.

  4. We love beef tallow! We have even used it to make biscuits. I still prefer lard in my biscuits.

  5. Did you ever try making traditional Kimchi? It's a fermented Korean pickled cabbage that is hot. You have all the ingredients for it already, also.

  6. Can you defrost meat cook it then re freeze it. I have some frozen chicken that I want to make into chicken nuggets but I want to do a big batch then freeze it again

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