Garden Plans

FURNISHED NEW HOME TOUR I New Build | Our Future Plans For Our New Home

Hi, I’m Lisa. We’ve moved!! Here’s our furnished new home tour. We’ve moved into a New Build. I’m also sharing our future plans for our new home. Thanks for watching. Lisa xx …. Please see below for more details and links ….

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Hi there and welcome back to our new home um I’ve already shared the empty house tour of when we moved in which was a really quick fly around um before the removals came in so now we’ve been in our house um almost 3 weeks I thought I

Would give you another look around with some furniture in it this time it feels a little bit more like a home today um there’s still lots that we want to do I’m going to talk you through that when we go around show you what we’ve done so

Far what we plan to do any changes we’ve made any problems we’ve got and anything that were maybe a little bit of a compromise when we bought the home I’m open to suggestions if you have any storage ideas or anything that you would suggest we’re open to it it’s a blank

Canvas for it we plan to be here for a very long time we’re in no hurry to get things done straight away it’s going to be a little ongoing project something that we can do in our own time and enjoy but it’s a new build just in case you

Haven’t seen my previous video and we’re the first ones to move in in the whole area so that is amazing we’re living on a little bit of a building site at the moment so we’re discuss that as well but thank you for joining me today if you’re

New to my Channel Please Subscribe and let’s have a little look around our new home this is the front of our home we definitely wanted something with CBA pill this time as it was something I didn’t really like about our old house the flat roof on the front and we have

Fields everywhere we love the front this is all going to be wild flowers uh which we’re really excited about they’re coming back in the spring to finish and we love the little steps and it was all landscaped for us before we moved in I’ve been dying to have a

Front door with a little porchway so that we can put a cute little wreath on the front so I cannot wait to start decorating this really really excited um one question we’ve been told this is the finish of the porch and that it needs that Gap because of

Damp um we’ve noticed some houses I think there’s few houses like ours they’ve got like a finish on there um but apparently you’re not supposed to but I don’t think that looks quite finished if you’re an expert in this field if you’re a carpenter or anything please let us know what you

Think should there be a finish like I said some of the houses have added something but we’ve been told it’s just going to rot so if you’ve got any advice there please let us know site at the moment they’re still working on houses like I said we’re the first to move in

This will be a pond and um beyond that there’s going to be um allotments and um beyond that it’s just fields and Hills so we do have amazing views and we look forward to this or being finished in the spring let’s go inside so we loved the openness of this house

When we first arrived a very very special story as to why we ended up with this particular house we never wanted it in fact we came to the foundations in April and we immediately said no um but things kept happening this house has a proper backstory to it just so many

Things happened it’s so weird so I think we’ll share that in a separate video as to the story behind this home but the entrance way really sold it to us as soon as we walked in having come from a typical 1960s house SE three-bedroom semi which was then extended before we

Were even born to over the garage we loved the openness it just feels so bright in this home before I go any further I just want to let you you know that um I’ve been completely honest with how we’re living at the moment we have got boxes there is a lot of mess

Everywhere but we haven’t even been in this home 3 weeks and I haven’t wanted to put things away to make it look perfect because it’s not perfect at the moment and I would hate for somebody else to be living in a house they’ve just moved in and think oh my goodness

They’ve done all that so far we haven’t and you’ll see in other rooms that we have got lots of stuff everywhere um so I did want to be honest and not hide things to make it look perfect because it’s beyond perfect at the moment we have bought some Ikea storage to go here

For shoes this at the moment I’ve had this for oh gosh I had this when Holly was a baby I used to put stickers and things in it um and she’s nearly 25 so that’s how what this is this is going to end up in the pantry but for now it’s

Fine here um Aid’s got some like I said a shoe storage to go here which he’s hoping to do this weekend we haven’t put anything on the walls yet we’re very nervous about doing that with it being a new build so we’ve got a few mirrors

Propped up um so this is just here for the time being but this piece will end up in the pantry not quite sure what to do here is we’ve got the radiator I was thinking maybe a mirror over the top got a few mirrors dotted around we bought

This Lantern the other day in the garden center you may have seen that video and um the candles are timed so they go on at night which is really really nice but that was2 it was a really good find we’re on a building site our shoes are

Constantly muddy so I’ve just put that clean rug down I love the Ikea rugs it’s £20 it goes in the washing machine dries on the radiator overnight but I have got a big Z rug going because coming today because um it’s getting grubby constantly at the moment let’s go into

Our first room this is definitely a work in progress this is where we both work um we bought new desks to go in here we need need some kind of tall storage to go here and I think we’ll end up with shelves here as well because we’ve got a lot of stuff

Between us it’s we both work from home fulltime a bought a little desk over there but obviously we need there’s a lot of cables and bits and pieces we need to store our paperwork so um we’re thinking tall storage here right the next room this is our huge downstairs

Toilet um it’s quite big it’s currently being used at the moment just store boxes of things that need to put together we’ve got shoe storage we’ve got lights and some other bits and pieces in here as well but we eventually plan to get some proper decent storage

Built in here I want a vanity I want units um I think this could potentially oh and we’re going to turn it into a cloak room we’re going to put coat hooks up the side yeah we want to do something in here though to utilize this space

Properly I just bought a step ladder the other day so I’ve just slotted that in there for now but that will probably eventually go in the pantry next is my favorite room the kitchen uh we’ve had integrated washing dishwasher and washing machine there isn’t a utility

Room in this house and the doors are on order so we’re due to um receive those soon and we went for quart quartz worktops and the Platinum colored doors with the they’re kind of like black but they’ve got like a brass undertone we do have a d tap so we’re

Waiting for somebody to come and fix that got the coffee machine behind the door if you would like a proper kitchen tour let me know you know how much I love to cook so if you’d like a full look around the kitchen um let me know

And I could do a separate video on that so I’ve got a gas hob and an electric cooker I still need to ring up and do the warranties on those ladder and integrated fridge freezer I love all this space it just makes me so happy this is the room that

We’ve been most excited about we’ve just bought these sofas which we’ve had our eye on for months they make us so happy we’ve been wanting a kitchen space with family space as well Aid is after a big TV hopefully to pick one up in the sales

To go on the wall there um because we’re finding that we’re spending a lot of time in this room want to do something on the wall there I found this piece of art of Hollies actually just go so so well really kind of brings in all the

Colors of the room so um I might be asking her if we can use that and we’re thinking about doing some kind of feature display on the wall there but um this tablecloth is just here for temperary at the moment I was trying something out the other day uh we got

Some new lights from Amazon and we love our hilly views we’ve got Farmland over there um and in the mornings on Frost mornings it’s so so beautiful we didn’t want a huge Garden I did want a wall Garden so I’m really pleased with that but we absolutely love this little spot

And it’s a south facing Garden we have got a tandem garage there um that’s where the tumble dryer is at the moment and we’ve also got our big American fridge freezer and Aid is planning we’ve got big um Rafters they call rafter I don’t know um he’s planning to board

Them this weekend so we’ve got storage then in the roof which will be really handy um so yeah we would eventually like to get um a something over the top to give us some covered space here on the patio so we can always have nice patio furniture and that kind of thing

So that’s something that we’ll be planning to do um I don’t know about this year but and eventually we would like to have doors in the garage and have like a little summer kind of room there as well maybe for games that kind of thing or a little bar got um benches

In that box the benches are going to be replacing the chairs the chairs the other chairs are in the garage at the moment and we got some bar stores recently as well at the moment though again because we’re living on a building site we’ve just got this flooring down

That flooring that’s what covered the whole of downstairs when we moved in so that the removals didn’t damage anything and it’s been so handy we were just finding the rugs we getting too dirty going in and out the house so for now while we’re on a building site they’re

Staying in just to protect the flooring and the rugs and it’s also become a bit of an area to keep tools and things that need to go in the garage Aid’s at work today so that’s a little job for him for when he gets back this is going to be

Like a little cocktail station um I need to sort the drawers out these are still from when we had our hallway in the other house so I’ve still got hallway bits and pieces games in the cupboard so I need to sort that out and um yeah like

I said we want to get a TV in there if you’re wondering what all the stickers CU are these are for our snag list when you move into a new house you get to snag everything um just look out for any problems for example our front door you

Have to really push against it to lock it and unlock it the dripping tap and so we’ve gone around and then they have um a certain amount of time to come and fix it um so we’ve put stickers this door doesn’t close properly it just needs adjusting like the front door but

There’s a few things that we’ve got um nothing’s been sealed above the door frames they miss those off and there’s been a few things um like the French doors we were told before we even moved in that they’d been scratched but there’s an 11 week wait so the hob was

Scratched as well when we moved in and that’s being replaced so we’ve got a few stickers around that you might notice um just so that we know when people come in to fix it after Christmas we know exactly what they need to fix this is also a work in progress this will

Eventually be a walk-in ladder we’re planning to get a drinks fridge in here we thought there was a light in here and there isn’t so we’re going to need to fix that as well but at the moment the microwave will live in here but that will be um we’re planning like a work

Surface I want to get the Hoover on the wall but at the moment we’ve got our old furniture I’ve got some of my studio storage in there as well but we’re planning to get full shelves and Proper Storage so that it will be a proper walk-in Pantry but at the moment um this

Is making do but it’s not like one of the urgent things on our list but that’s a little project we look forward to doing I wish I’d Got A Light Above here as well it was £70 to add an extra light I thought there was one in the ladder

That was our mistake and I’m kind of thinking I wish there was one in this one there was in one of the show homes and you know what it’s like when you’re starting to add things on and it starts mounting up you think oh no it’ll be

Fine but I wish I’d got a spotlight above here now um but never mind I think we’re just going to look for a lamp to go in here I’d always dreamt of a kitchen that I could entertain in use as a family space I’m so looking forward to

The kids coming home from uni and us all just being in this room I am so excited Christmas will be amazing around this table I am just so so excited this is like the kitchen of my dreams I absolutely love it I am so so happy and

I look really forward to when we have got a cover over the French doors where we can have chairs out there have the barbecue out there and just open those doors maybe even bu fold doors one day and um just sort of like have that outside space that you know when the

Outdoors becomes inside I don’t know you know how what I mean I’m looking forward to that right let’s go into the lounge next up is the lounge the sitting room we’re yet to really use this room yet um we’ve been working really long hours since we’ve been here so we might

Pop in here for an hour in the evening but that’s about it it is Christmas as I’m filming this as well so we are all decked out for Christmas um the color red will not be staying in here afterwards um we’ve popped the tree in the corner there which goes quite nicely

Um I don’t know what we’re planning to do in here yet TV won’t be staying there uh well it will be staying in that spot but we kind of want some kind of furniture built around it a bit of a media center maybe but also to have it

Slightly hidden so we’re not quite sure what we wanted to do I really wanted a fireplace um with the radiator being there though might be a little bit of a problem um Flooring by the way lots of you have asked about the flooring it’s called cardine it’s apparently very very

Hard wearing obiously gone for the wood look but it can look like tiles it can look like vinyl we’ve got quite a few scratches on here from before we moved in it looks like a knife’s gone through whether they’re opening packaging um so certain areas do need to be replaced

Which is also on the list but um apparently it’s very easy to keep clean um we’ve just been wiping it over um with a damp mop cloth um I’ve bought one that can go in the washing machine so it’s reusable and a broom so so far so

Good but it’s very early days but we’ve been really happy the flooring was included with the house throughout so we’ve gone for the wooden floor all downstairs and in the bathrooms and then a cream carpet which you’ll see going up the stairs um but we felt really really

Fortunate that that was included because it is a very very large expense and I know cardine is very very expensive so we feel really really lucky about that I’m also planning to have a big zot rug which I’ve seen and um I’ll get at some stage next year but we’re in no hurry

For things like that the other thing we loved about the house was the big open landing and the massive windows at the top of the stairs the land Landing in our old house was so tiny and really really dark so this was a big seller for us even though it’s a

Space you can’t use it’s just a feeling that we have and actually this spot here one of my favorite to sit with my back against the radiator and what’s that with my girlfriends I love sitting there we have the most amazing views from the top up here is where it gets real though

This is where all the boxes are let’s start with the third bedroom which will be Holly’s room lots of boxes going in here um it has improved I had a massive sort out this week which I was really really pleased with kids are coming home

In a week’s time so we’ve got a week to clear this out this is Charity box stuff we need to I need to call a charity shop today actually and work stuff we’re slowly bringing in bits and pieces from the garage um so each time we feel yeah

We’re sorted then we bring more stuff in but a lot of this is work stock and if you’re new to my channel I have an online business so I have an online shop I have massively decreased my Works Space I had a 7 met um 7 met Studio

Before and you’ll see I’ve Got The Works Space downstairs for admin and a really tiny Craft Space but I wanted it that way I want the family space now um I’ve had 20 years of having a massive studio and um it’s time now to have more family

Space so I’m just needing to find ways to store my stock so yeah this pulls out into to a double bed um our daughter’s not home that often she lives in Manchester so um this will be her little Retreat when she comes to visit um we

Will not be having all this in here this is the reality at the moment I’ve just realized these are empty boxes that need to go out let’s move these out the way packed um right we’ve got a big chest of drawers coming for this area here the TV

Will go on that we’ve got stuff of Louis so lots of this will go in the chest of drawers empty suitcases to go in the garage and apart from a typewriter and a few books the rest is all Christmas stuff Christmas presents um oh and mugs

We’ve got our we are here mugs as well we need to get some shelves for those but we’ve got stockings and various other bits and pieces to gift wrap my jeans on the radiator I just noticed I said I said it’s was going to be a real

Vlog didn’t I um yeah um all our gift wrap is at my in-laws AIDS there today picking that up so um I think we’re going to have a gift wrapping weekend we also changed our duvet set last night we had a new premier inset arrived so we’ve

Got the spare duvet on there which needs to be packed away and all the coats I think they are going to go in the wardrobe maybe in the garage um I don’t know and we’ve got Holly’s bedding on there as well um but yeah lots of

Christmas presents in here uh we do have quite an empty wardrobe so that will get filled and we’re thinking actually of having having another wardrobe here so this all becomes wardrobe space we quite like that idea and actually use that for some of my work storage again with the

Kids not being at home we wanted a four-bedroom house so that we’ve always got space for our children that was the most important thing we all so many people said to us why aren’t you downsizing we want the family space it’s so important that our kids have always

Got somewhere to come home to and I know lots of you get that because I’ve had so many comments um so that was really really important but when they’re not here we don’t want them just being kept as rooms for them we want to be able to

Utilize the room so that’s why we got rid of the double bed that was in our old house for Holly and it’s become a day bed so that we can use the room when they’re not here because they’re probably only here maybe 90 95% of the

Time so it seems silly to have these two spare rooms and not use them this will obviously become a guest room as well for when we have family and friends staying but I’m thinking a wardrobe in in that space so I can actually use that for stock I thought that was a really

Good idea the beds do all have under bed storage so we’ve got that to fill out as well we’re just slowly unpacking things like I said we’ve got things in boxes and we’re just slowly bringing things in I’m looking forward to the IKEA Chester drawers it’s a big wide six drawer large

Six drawers as well so that’s coming today which I’m really looking forward to doing Chang that too which I’m looking forward to a doing sorry just want to be totally honest there I do not do the flat pack stuff I have zero um patience and we absolutely love this

Open Landing space it just makes us so happy and just makes it feel like we’ve got so much space right let’s go into the family bathroom we did add the shower over the top that was an additional extra we got a lovely big radiator we have got paint and scratches

On the radiator um that’s being replaced sorry if you can hear the us outside cuz apparently once it’s got scratches on um it will end up going rusty so um yeah so that’s all being sorted but yeah there’s quite a lot of paint on things it’s not

The end of the world it will be fixed um so yeah we do eventually want a vanity unit there because we have no storage in any bathrooms at the moment so that’s a big thing we want to do sorting my stock like I said so this is more stock from

My studio space but um we have got a lot of people say about storage in new builds we have actually got better storage here than in our old house at the moment this is not being utilized properly but we plan to get this all shelved we’ve just got bedding and

Towels we used a lot of the bedding and towels for when we packed everything we wrapped everything um just to try and do it a bit more green than having all the plastic um wrap and I’ve got my Nan’s tight writer in here at the moment but

Um yeah we’re going to get this properly shelv and sorted but a lot of this bedding is old bedding which um we’re going to be um getting rid of next I’m going to take you into my workspace I haven’t tied it in here like I said I

Wanted to keep it real um and in case you aren’t aware I have a monthly subscription box club and I’m about to start kit packing as soon as we finish here so I’ve got all my boxes ready to take downstairs and I’m going to be kit

Packing on the dining table so it’s an absolute mess at the moment but that’s just the way it is I am in need of some Proper Storage but yeah all the boxes all the stock at the moment um all these double boxes I’m about to take

Downstairs and kit pack I was working on stuff last night as well so I’ve got bits and pieces out but this will end up being my creative space um I want something here some kind of desk with under storage I want some shelves up um

I had so much amazing storage in the old place so um we’re going to be living with it for a while just working out exactly what I need um a lot of these drawers and the baskets actually are still empty so I’ve still got lots of

Unpacking to do but it takes time I did have a week off when we arrived I worked ahead so I could have a week off work but since then we have both worked really really long hours I don’t know how Aid is surviving at the moment he’s

Been getting up for meetings at 7:00 and sometimes not finishing work with meetings until 9:10 um having a bit of time in the day to like go and sort things out in the garage and sort of stop for dinners and things it’s not like he’s working completely through but

He is just being incredible at the moment he’s like Superman I don’t know how he’s doing it um yeah um he deserves a little medal at the moment actually he’s been a real Superstar and then takes you to our Master room we just put the premier edding on yesterday it’s so

Cozy but this space is definitely a work in progress Cas is in yesterday so we’re still unpacking things and we do need to get a proper drawer dra unit we’ve SE one we liked um but we’ll be getting that next year but at the moment I’m making do with Studio space and I’ve

Even got my scrapbooks in here just cuz I’ve got to put them somewhere the unit there on the end was actually in our on Suite before we don’t know where to put that at the moment cuz we have no bathroom storage but um yeah eventually this will be nice and tidy with drawers

And we’re definitely after the minimal look problem we had we had fully fitted wardrobe and drawers and everything in the old house so obviously all stayed there and there was quite a lot of storage so we did pay extra to have this dressing area here and it’s

Fully um fitted out top and bottom all the way to the ceiling which is great all the way along but there still not as much as we had before so at the moment we’ve got the plastic boxes that were underbred storage and used in my studio

As well under the bed which has got like t-shirts and and jumpers pajamas things like that toiletries they’re all under the bed so we do need to get some kind of system and decide how we’re going to use this space properly and how what we’re going to use for storage the other

Thing is we have a much much smaller on Suite in this house but we really like it we love the double shower we love the rainfall whatever you call it and the little side one um we really really love this space there is no storage whatsoever and we don’t have a lot of

Space for storage either I don’t think would even fit a vanity um so maybe some drawers I don’t know what we’re going to do the we’ll come up with some plan but the on Suite in our other house was huge it was bigger than our fourth bedroom actually

Um so that is something that we need to deal with but we are actually really happy with this little space of ours so that’s it that’s our little home tour I really hope you’ve enjoyed it we are so so happy here I still can’t believe well

Neither of us can that we actually live here it is such a change from our old home just everything the surroundings the noises just the feel of the place I can’t believe it’s ours we are so happy but um also it’s very echoey I know when

You move into somewhere or you move out of somewhere it’s very echoey is it just the when you add curtains and blinds is that what takes the echo out or rugs I don’t know let me know but thank you very much if you’ve got any suggestions especially for storage let me know we

Would love your ideas ideas or anything else that you’ve got suggestions for but thank you very much and we look forward to seeing you in the next video take care Bye


  1. So glad you both love your new home so much, hope you all had a lovely Christmas in it and wishing you all a really happy New Year. I want to thank you for all your videos this year. Thoroughly enjoyed them so thank you and looking forward to lots more next year. X

  2. Thank you for sharing your beautiful new home! I think you have done very well in only 3 weeks. Storage is always tricky in bathrooms – I wonder if you have space for a mirrored cabinet on the wall which would hold a few toiletries and then perhaps store some further toiletries/toilet rolls etc in the cupboard on the landing where you said that you are going to have some shelves for the bedding/towels. I keep a few cleaning products in my landing cupboard to save taking them up and down which works well for me. I look forward to following your journey as you all settle in x

  3. It’s interesting how in the UK many homes have doors on the kitchen and lounge/family rooms. That’s not something we do in Canada.
    Lovely home! ❤❤ your pantry is a dream!!!

  4. I am appreciative of you showing the process of moving in. Everytime we have moved We have down sized. It's not a easy task. I am so glad you are happy with your new place. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  5. Takes time especially with a new build putting your own stamp on it …. beautiful house can I please ask where the table green benches from they are beautiful x

  6. Lisa, your home is lovely. I love your lounge. My daughter has recently moved into a new build and she also has the storage space problem in the bathrooms. I don't understand why it should be such an expensive thing to build vanities. Please can we have another tour in the future once you are much more settled. Ps I believe youcould get battery operated sensor lights for your pantry. ❤

  7. I’d get a full home inspection done by a qualified firm or individual,spotting paint on a worktop is one thing ,but other points that may need rectifying may need a professional to highlight them ,and with the builders still on site will be easier to get sorted.Beautiful home looks really light and airy ,hope you can accommodate that fireplace somehow it’ll finish the living room beautifully

  8. Enjoyed your home tour. I really love the big windows and wide window sills to hold plants and things. In the alcove over the TV in the kitchen you mentioned that you wish you had a light installed… you can buy really nice light sconces with spotlights that run on battery / remote that could be installed on the wall. Would love to see a kitchen tour. Always enjoy your videos.

  9. Hi Lisa love your new home! Can I ask have you ever done a vlog on baking the breads you make? They always look so delicious and I just wondered as I would love to see how it’s done xx

  10. Lisa, everything looks beautiful! I love all the lovely views especially the view of the pond. That is going to be so nice once it is all complete. You have done so much already. It's nice to know that you don't have to rush get everything done. Enjoy the process.

  11. Yes def curtains/rugs to soak up sound. Its a major change but thats half the fun isn’t it. Your very close to that pond, luckily your children are all grown up and only visit, that would of put me off for sure.

  12. Lovely home. ❤

    As for the posts out front the builder should have added a “post foot cover” that would hide the gap. It should have been slide onto the wooden post before it was secured to the brick pillar. Then it would be slide down the wooden pillar and set on top of the brick work. No gap. These post foot covers come in plastic, aluminum and brick. They do not rot. The wood post, if it was treated wood, should last you at least 20 plus years.

    I agree you should have an outside company do an inspection. This is your forever home. You shouldn’t settle just because the builder took some short cuts or bought/used cheap materials unless it was agreed upon.

  13. You're home is looking wonderful, Lisa…thank you for sharing it with us! I'd love to see a kitchen tour as well! 🙂 I think area rugs, curtains and more "stuff" will help the echo go away.

  14. Lovely tour thank you Lisa, it’s looking lovely. Basically half our stuff from the old house is in our garage and we aren’t even going to look until next year! I feel we will just have to be brutal with some things and get rid of them! Because I don’t even want to create storage for things I probably wouldn’t even remember I had if they weren’t there lol x

  15. love it it looks amazing you will get it to how you want it it all takes time. Wiltshire is a lovely place i really liked it when we went to visit friends there. would love to see the kitchen tour. xxx

  16. Love your home Lisa! It’s coming along very nicely. I know you and Ade are going to be very happy there for years to come. I am excited for your new studio space.🎉❤

  17. It is all coming together. All the natural light is just wonderful. And yes curtains, fabric blinds and rugs will reduce the echoes dramatically. As a child in the 60s my parents bought a new build which didn’t come with central heating but before moving in they had the opportunity to have a gas/radiator system added. The problem was there was nowhere for the boiler so a small sunroom/porch was built off the back door/kitchen. The glass only went halfway with brick walls down to the ground. It also housed the tumble dryer, acted as a mud room and had shelves for storage. As children we always had to come in that way with our muddy shoes. It looks like your garage is closer to the patio doors than the front door so that may be an easier option for unloading shopping so sometime down the road a covered in porch could be a handy addition

  18. My husband is a carpenter and he said that’s correct about the porch however, you can get a plastic trim for the bottom to cover the gap. Do you want him to have a look for you? x

  19. Have you seen on Amazon a tv unit that has a fire built in not a real fire lol they look so good. I’m thinking of getting one as I live in a new build and no focal point in my living room

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