
Native California Dudleya

I took this picture of this native Dudleya overlooking the Pacific Ocean near San Simeon, CA. They are growing everywhere right on the coast. Sadly, these are one of the species being poached and sold overseas for big bucks.

by Stugotts5


  1. Stugotts5

    I fully realize Dudleya are not a Mesemb, but I thought others might find it interesting that these incredibly common wild California succulents are being poached in significant numbers. Same thing happening to ancient and rare Mesembs in South Africa.

  2. I love them. Saw some yesterday and they made me happy.

    On top of the poaching, and to be on topic, there is a mesemb that is a problem: Carpobrotus edulis is gorgeous but super invasive and its very visible how in state beaches and parks where its being managed the dudleya are thriving.

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