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Can’t sleep WTF ๐Ÿ˜• let’s talk

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What’s everybody up to if anyone’s out there let me know can’t sleep what the hell’s going on is anyone sleeping out there who’s awake this is Mike in the sleepless nights Sleepless Sleepless in Merit think somebody just emailed me here oh my my email is letting me know I’m live on my channel

Interesting where’s everybody at anybody out there oh there we go Mr telling Mr telling the truth boss lady saying hey what’s up spark Jive what’s going on man I saw your message on um Skype so um if you don’t mind coming on the prediction show uh our annual

Prediction show show on Mike in the night is this Saturday 7:00 p.m. Pacific Time come on hey T lon’s in the house Trump ju’s in the house Richard that’s Junkyard Dog I just woke up for a piss Sarah is in the house good uh good night Mike I’m in Williams Lake cooking

In a logging C uh in a logging Camp wow Sarah right on uh Thomas is saying um Southern Ontario here dude what is like 2:00 in the morning there yeah I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on folks but it’s just I don’t know if you’re feeling this

Let me know if you’re feeling like this there’s they’re throwing all this crap at you in the news they’re recycling things that happened 10 years ago and making it like it’s happening today are you guys just like not interested anymore or am I just feel is

It just me are you you feeling like oh this is happening or there’s a flu here in this country or this country’s having this and there’s drought and then you’re you’re like you know what I don’t even care good luck selling it so we got ad uh adol in the house we

Got Josh in the house we got Sarah in the house Meritt love this town thanks for all the games yeah no worry Sarah uh Trump won I couldn’t care less yeah I could I don’t care uh right I don’t watch right I don’t watch no more I don’t

Care we’re all here says well he’ll everybody’s here tonight yo I don’t I don’t care oh there’s this happening in China there’s this happening in what was it in the Middle East and there’s happening in Israel good luck that’s all I have to say say good luck hats up uh uh you’re not

Sleep uh hello Mike hope you are well awesome my friend hey Rick what are you doing awake why is everybody awake man like everybody’s here like everybody’s here yeah I’m just not I just people I I get messages from people look Mike you are right there’s so many empty homes in

Canada uh I you know you you were right like there’s so many empty homes all over the country yeah I said that in 2014 I don’t care it’s it’s what is what I want to see is the problems should have been dealt with then this Israel problem could have be

Settled could have been settled in 1947 1948 this problem with uh wi with uh with America could have been solved with ending the fed the problem with all this stuff could have been solved long time ago it all it’s it’s making it a big deal now when it could have been fixed

Long time ago and we knew there was a problem long time ago it’s not like we didn’t know what’s going on says Phillip uh junkyard dog says You must have sent a message to my family and we all res what you must have sent a message to the whole family

And know we all responded uh truth boss lady saying Rich folks leaving their homes where are they going yeah it’s something while everyone’s being distracted something’s happening in the background and it’s no it’s not this huge diabolical it’s this this feeling of evacuation in a sense a feeling of leaving in a

Sense a person who is Happy on Mondays is called unemployed they are going into hiding they know the angry mobs will want a scapegoat what’s the immigration rate in Canada per year now the I can’t tell you that because we have immigration and then we have

Investors that come in uh Canada gets 3 to 500,000 investors in per year doesn’t count towards stats can immigration and then from Canada immigration bringing in people from Pakistan Bangladesh Dash um Sri Lanka and stuff like that that Ethiopia that’s uh Somalia that that’s a couple of hundred thousand a year

Bunkers I don’t know any I don’t know we we’d see if everybody had a if everybody in the upper class had a bunker we’d see Construction all over the place building the bunkers like remember when they were building the airport in Denver they took out so much

Dirt um from the ground because they built an underground tunnel uh in the Denver underneath the Denver Airport and they used the airport as a front so we’re putting an airport here but they use the airport Port as a front for them to build this huge underground uh facility

Huge and when I say huge I’m talking about like like 65 square miles underground like that’s how much dirt they took out 450,000 is a target says Thomas yeah see these are not immigrants immigrants I’m an immigrant we come to Canada my dad my uncles whatever they built the

Subway built the subway station they don’t work at the subway station they built the subway station they built the stadium they built they built these things these people coming these are not immigrants they’re they’re coming in to go work at the stadium they’re not going

To fix it if it breaks that’s not their job their job is to sit there and and and collect a good pay right hey night owls says Britney I heard they have creatures there as well yep there’s yeah there’s something going down definitely I I

Don’t want to I don’t want to get in trouble with some stuff that yeah get me in a bit of trouble here uh if I sold bunkers I’d have uh eded an art special Eden Eden Edith and Archie that’s from the bunkers there Noah is saying and also Joe S in

One of his books had mentioned how World War II uh fell people from from Berlin were looting the countryside more than a 100 miles outside of the city just to find anything to not stop starve yeah Nathan is saying 600,000 per year for us uh 600,000 per year for Australia

It’s hard to recognize people who aren’t Indian uh at the airports these days yeah again these English-speaking countries are built or they’ve been built up they don’t need the European expansion anymore right it’s game over they don’t need Europeans anymore the the whole sanitation and bringing over and building the facilities they think

These facilities will last forever they’re going to crumble and fall uh bunkers price skyrocketed yeah for sure of course everything’s skyrocketed the price of plastic is going up aluminums Metals I think uh what was the other one that’s going up a lot I think it’s boite it’s going going

Up like crazy we got Mr Nobody in the house hey Mike many in Canada are forming groups making plans and keeping it quiet just an observation says Gary well Canada to take Canada back to what it needs to be Canada needs to be Canada and again Canada was buil off of European expansion

Right and anyone that wanted to come to Canada had to pay to come here you had to buy your ticket you had to make sure you weren’t stealing a Canadian’s job you made all this stuff you made sure you know how to Spokey like every everything and if they could go back to

That and just go ahead and Deport all the people that that are just not doing anything here just Deport them all oh Mike that’s not nice well they did it to the Portuguese in 2007 don’t get me started on that they deported 47,000 Portuguese in like in one in two years

2007 and 8 don’t look it up because it’s already been all taken down uh hey Mike uh many in Canada are for okay got that money is just worth nothing now it’s worthless what and then someone saying what 25 years ago my my 300 my 300 wage got me more than a, in

Kiwi today 6 or 700 CBC employees to get laid off yep nobody cares it’s because nobody cares I one on the head science zalinski China is doing this and this in the hospital um what else did I see something happen happening in the Middle East who

Cares it looks like some of the European countries will start deporting islamis I’m curious if you think this will happen for sure or not Etc well no what um Noah um Europeans always take Europe back they always did I at times it was like three to three to

One and the Europeans took it back they were losing 3 to one like it was three others to one European and the Europeans always take it back always they’ll take back Europe uh we have no gold reserves uh who is we can Canada doesn’t have any Golds United States apparently

Has the biggest gold reserve on paper um I put a little Post in the community section for you guys on gold reserves by country today St Peters show did a segment on mass immigration of sa males entering the US border yeah we this is shock troops we

Covered this on mik the night multiple times over the years we’re talking about the shock troops coming in through the American southern border um I think the first video we did on that was I think in 2014 you know I got a video taken down uh this morning today yeah for medical

Misinformation and it’s vacant homes across the Commonwealth I remember that video that video I talked about the empty homes and I said Canada has 40% empty 40% of homes in in Canada are empty 45% in homes in Australia are empty 35% of New Zealand are empty and then I

Went over all the countries the Commonwealth that speak English and I went over and I discussed which how many what the countries and how many vacant homes they had I remember that video uh they took it down for medical misinformation this morning well Gold’s going to have to go

Up interest rates in a Australia stayed on hold today all the mainstream news are calling it a Christmas present for Australians prime minister Anthony albanes is called uh a third class PM we have gold and oil greens won’t mine it can’t sleep here says David oh he’s in Maple

Ditch and uh yes I remember that mic in the thousands yeah Mr Nobody is kind of like a reference sheet a reference sheet or a cheat sheet for the uh Channel he’s been watching me and been calling into to Mike in the night and Trends in the housing market

And been following for I don’t know maybe eight years now would you move back to Portugal or Philippines Mike uh in the future well Nathan yeah okay if I have to move to Portugal or the Philippines if I have to watch out I’ll tell you why the only reason why I’m

Here is cuz I have no debt I don’t have any debt at all I don’t owe anybody any money my business I don’t know anything I own everything in my store I own okay I don’t have any debt so if I have to leave because I’m falling on severely

Financial hard times and I can’t afford food or I can’t I can’t I can’t everybody else like that’s I don’t know anyone that’s not in debt everyone I’ve spoken to is in debt like everyone except maybe one or two people in 10,000 people so going

Into debt now is a big problem guys so you got to get that Deb out would you move okay um they even changed the TV show uh time team to a Nigerian guy presenting British history Mr Nobody saying uh cheers you’re a good man it’s funny you’re up

Mate I’m feeling something coming to too Noah saying Brazil might be better than Portugal If you do have to immigrate not a perfect place but they are booming with agriculture right now your family wouldn’t starve yeah I I am allowed to because I have a Portuguese Union Portugal passport with a Portugal

Union it’s like Portuguese Union I could just show up in Brazil with my Portugal passport and there’s yeah whatever here we’ll give you a number in your passport to use in Brazil to work or or not work I wouldn’t go to Brazil to work but to allow to stay in Brazil without any

Hindrance right derv saying hey Mike hey buddy hey everyone hey everyone that’s not good Mike I’m not in debt either good I like to hear that uh Mort mortgage means death sentence yeah uh Mort Morag Morag Mor is Latin for uh uh a tight grip death in Latin Mor is the death by

Grip and mor Mor in Portuguese means dead the azors is where I want to go yeah I I’ll go back to S Miguel mortgage is French for death pledge in French I believe says Mr maybe I don’t know French but Mort Mor muerto in Spanish m is dead right in Latin is

Mor I think it’s Moralis Mor what they I I kind it’s going to bug me now but in Latin it means uh slow death grip slow death Suffocation a slow death Mike I really like Latin culture both Spanish and Portuguese so many nice people I like that there’s less social

Ranking less cast system compared to the the yeah see the Noah the anglo-american English Empire is all about class system and levels and uh Circle Group groups that you’re in and and uh clicks and [ย __ย ] like that no I’m I’m that’s why I’m a that’s why I’m a

Portuguese and I’m G to die a Portuguese and my kids be my kids speak my my all my kids understand Portuguese They Don’t Really reply but they understand everything I’m saying which is a good start they need to be and the the Filipino culture my wife’s in she’s

Roman Catholic and she her language is almost like Spanish and it’s the same family same Orient family oriented same thing right m I really like the okay I got that I had a lot of videos about poverty come across on YouTube feed from New Zealand Australia Britain America

And and uh all old too shocking Mike I too feel something looming around the corner just today I heard New York has a law that anyone suspected of being uh infected can be locked up up in a Health Camp forever yep Noah saying Cool yeah it’s pretty bad I can’t sleep as well world has gone crazy that’s Dirk zinc C is saying yes no debt yes no debt I worked hard to pay off my property debt uh property debt and it’s a relief I stay home now looking after my health uh good food uh

From the garden and exercise on the treadmill and gy and stay home good for you C uh boss lady saying um I Heard New York new law they can come get your kids out of your house yeah well that’s why Americans have guns Durk is saying they don’t want

Anyone that tells the truth it’s not even it’s like the truth it’s just so apparent like it just it’s just so you could feel it you don’t even you don’t have to think if someone’s lying you could feel someone’s lying to you spark Jive is saying um Cyber attack currency rest cbdc Ubi

Some home is paid off and stay away from from crowds yeah they are restricting travel in 11 states now for what why because something some they have free sandwich day in China is it because they’re having free sandwich day in China JJ saying hi no what I mean by free sandwich day in

China what they do is they have this free sandwich day so everybody shows up for a free sandwich and then there’s like tens of thousands of people then they take pictures and then they say they’re in a hospital and this and that but no one talks about the free sandwich

Day they just make it look like there’s all this going on governments are losing grip it’s it’s finished it’s game over they’re throwing in their hats they’re they’re realizing that they lost governments are realizing that they lost yeah free sandwich free sandwich day all right who else is here everyone falling asleep

Yet yes JJ they are losing it and it gets scary what they will may try guys I I remember when years ago I was warning you guys about this like I was looking at a mic in there’s a a mic in the night’s playing right now I’m testing trying to figure

Something out on Odyssey so I’m running um a mic in the night for the week I’m just letting it run all week long and it’s running right now on Odyssey Mike of the night like just replays of shows and I was watching three episode 325 or 326 from like

20 19 and we were like yeah governments are losing grip they’re going to do something to us Mr Nobody saying enjoy your uh enjoy your family and your Christmas guys that’s for sure do they do tamales in Portuguese culture no we don’t that Portuguese foods like I eaten

Food for all over I like Portuguese food because when I grew up with it I I it the the shice is so good the beef aaza so good the rotisserie nandos like the type of nandos rotisserie chicken so good with the pey pey sauce Buckaloo cfish 230 in the morning here I’m going

Back to sleep talk soon Mike see you man internet blackout says Thomas JJ true money’s running out yeah everything’s running out yes enjoy what you have uh while you can John is just checking in hey Mike digital ID coming to Australia by mid 2024 we covered that

Mike in the night we covered that we covered the whole it was about a 4minute just discussion we went through the whole whole thing 24 24 digital ID they’re pushing it hard JJ saying port wine yep no nandal in Campbell River California’s government is currently discouraging discouraging long-distance

Leisure travel to slow the spread of current what spread currently uh the states that we are asked to avoid are Northern Nevada Wyoming in Utah so we got good to see you John people are going to wish they didn’t spend money on xmus going to need it for food later

Watch Australia is ran by casinos right well lots of money was laundered into into uh into um through Australian casinos that’s something that we were really vocal about was that Australian Casino thing but um yeah that’s what I’ll do to tomorrow I’m going to go and rehash some

Of my videos from like eight nine years ago I don’t know why YouTube would take that CH that I took a video from 2014 or 2015 uh video I made uh vacant homes across the Commonwealth let’s talk numbers or let’s I can’t remember I have

It in my email so they took a video down where I talked about how many homes I think percentage wise are empty across the Commonwealth Australia New Zealand and some like 2014 or 2015 I don’t know why they took the video down for I don’t understand

Yeah guys yeah thank you um Craig for reminding me guys this Saturday um this Saturday is our prediction show okay on Mike of the night I’m going to try and be on every platform I I can’t do it on YouTube and Facebook and stuff but I’m going to try

And be on every platform possible that I can be for the prediction show I think it’s our seventh annual ual or a sixth annual prediction show every year around Year’s End we do a prediction show where people will call in and what will happen is people I’ll just you got your crystal

Ball what’s going to happen in 2014 and all you just do is tell us what you think is going to happen in 2014 point form and that’s it next caller next caller so we have lots of call that call in so if you guys want to do that I

Would appreciate that for you all to call in hey wouldn’t it be really good to have a wood stove kit to hide away in the house looks like many places will lose electricity so you want a small wood stove uh kit with a chimney Pipe kit yeah you could get something like that

And just put it away for emergencies and then in St it when something goes down the simultaneous uh us and can internet owner uh censorship crtc in Canada not sure what is in the USA America’s winning in the courts America America is winning their the censorship crap they’re trying to pull

That they’re pulling in Canada the Americans are winning in courts they’re losing um Bill Gates is getting sued a lot um fizer’s getting sued everybody’s getting sued in America everybody’s getting sued in Canada Canada you’re you’re nothing here man they don’t you know I’ll have a song for you between

Callers says Mr Nobody sure buddy uh boss lady saying uh Noah yeah I was going to get one $200 but the price went up and then uh dery saying I I think everyone should start their own hydroponic Farms yep that’s a great idea every if you got the right

Nutrients in the water for Hydroponics if you you have the right nutrients your stuff will blow up like your your I’m talk not mean blow up your vegetables will explode they grow fast if you got the right nutrients things are eroding fast get grain stored too yeah flower

Flower it’s illegal to the diving elderly electricity electricity that’s the only thing that stopped the blackouts in Texas well yeah I don’t think you want to deny anyone electricity especially if they’re paying for it especially if they’ve been paying for it all these years people need to start learning to defend

Themselves and network in their communities yep that’s a good one so how it starts folks is it starts on your street on your block it’s no it starts at the household first make sure no one’s pissed off at each other at the house and there’s no

Divide let people know hey you know what we divided we divided from global warming we divided from from the from the sickness we divided from Donald Trump we divided from whatever you divide it from 911 JFK whatever your family is divided from from arguments Let It Go move on and

Then from there start to know who’s on your block start to know who knows what who is skilled at what right who could fix cars who could weld who could sew who could Farm who like find out who is what you got in your block and then from your block start

Reaching out into other neighborhoods and figuring out what they’re doing and what they have and what they you know okay where are we here uh people need to start learning to defend them yep uh yeah we playing for things that’s supposed to be free we’re paying for we paying for

Things that need yeah my household doesn’t want a list household doesn’t want a list and not helping uh the elderly expire without air conditioning and electricity that’s the only reason we Texans have that law perfect Alberto stto saying same here I want to do I want to do that mic

But I don’t want nobody to know I got [ย __ย ] in my home I need to leave uh home I need to leave the city no it’s not telling people what you have at your home no it’s not that it’s being on good terms with everybody right

So if something breaks and you need to weld something let’s say in the backyard something breaks and you need something you know that catches your water every day from rain then you can knock on the Buddy’s door that you know hey you got some some gas left can you come and weld

Something at my place I really need this done I’ll give you two cans of beans or something or or two lighters and a candle you know that’s all oh we got much love from the Ozarks thanks Alberto Alberto sto wow I got over 50 people watching this man aren’t you people

Sleeping yeah I know I can’t I don’t know I’m just awake I’m awake I’m starting to yawn now which is good it uh it’s good yeah I hope my yawning is contagious and your yawning too right yeah I put I put a hat on my head just

Um I don’t mind having my bald head but sometimes I like to dress it up a bit you know new insight saying I can’t sleep well join the club woo yeah you just got to get just have to work with each other you know I’d be up every night enemies get

To you while you sleep Alberto saying wish I was sleeping you’ll go to sleep Thomas is saying I can’t sleep mine’s a buzz weld a pipe to a pole to fix the position of the Polaris forever uh forever for great grandkids Danielle uh sorry Danielle Patriot girl saying I can never sleep I

I work 311 huh three directory 311 or 411’s directory 311 311 all right who else is here oh 3:00 a.m. to 11: okay got it I think she means okay good okay 32 okay got it got it it I got it man holy smokes man it’s okay everyone’s jumping on at

The same time that’s good it’s good yeah everyone’s laughing now that’s not going to put you to sleep if you laughing Shelly can’t sleep either yeah just chilling out uh Patriot girl saying I enjoy your channel channel glad I caught your channel D you know what go back and see what we’re talking

About before like years ago it’s now it’s like we’re here we’ve arrived here and I had somebody take the time to do what I asked them I said I told somebody I said look something’s happening in Ireland go to my channel go to the m the magnifying

Glass type in Ireland and see what I’ve been talking about Ireland for the last 10 years all these videos come up it’s like holy crap inflation moneya laundering they’re taking over the country type in like something happen in the news or something type in that inflation gold silver see what we’ve

Been talking about for the last eons and uh yeah uh Patriot girl if you want you should call in to Mike in the night this Saturday uh we’ll be on Rumble and dve and I think we’ll be on Twitch and Twitter I think we will be on

All those uh it’s going to be our seventh annual call-in prediction show where everybody calls in and and gives their predictions for 2014 so everyone’s got 7 Minutes they’ll come on they got their crystal ball what’s going to happen in 2017 what do you see happening

Right d is saying yes I have been watching your past videos it’s amazing you predicted almost everything that’s happened today well if I I like to talk about stuff that I’m interested in too right so that like there’s some things I don’t talk about like because it doesn’t

Interest me but I try to be relative with certain things and and uh find I like talking about Finance I like talking about oil and gold and commodities and stuff I like talking about um real estate I like talking about making predictions I like talking about politics you know so but there’s

Some things I don’t talk too much about like prepping I’ve only made maybe 10 prepping videos but um okay yes I uh DZ is saying bottom line do not comply with anything they tell you uh do say no do not take uh the coming mark of the beast and remember

God wins woo Mike everything historians predicted for dystopian future is now all materializing in lightning speed events that’s right community so important and I’ve been trying to have fun as well in spite of it all mental health guys yeah have fun man I should call in yes please

Call in just add me on Skype that would be am amazing I am going through a lot right now my husband just had a stroke oh so sorry he was not jabed I wonder if it’s from the 5G and stress it was acute but it’s still major you know I spoke I spoke

To like a stroke specialist someone’s that that’s been researching Strokes for about 22 years 23 years and she told me I remember her telling me this that there’s really no medication to prevent a stroke high blood low blood uh thick blood it’s all almost impossible to prevent like I mean yeah

You okay maybe there’s a lot of people exercise and they get Str a lot of people that eat well and get strok there a lot of people it was like like I don’t know how to explain it it’s like there’s really no medication like there’s stuff that may help you but there’s nothing

That could cure you from or stop you from getting one you know I think Strokes are like 80 85% stress related 85% stress related I think it’s all stress Mind Games if they get you down you’re half best you’re half beat yeah you’re half beat if they get you

Down we’re back uh to the gym for mental health everybody having a stroke Now 60 years and yeah we’re in stroke season remember that video we put up about the guys those idiots at the uh at the at the mainstream media in Canada well I didn’t I know about stroke season I just

Found this out we’re entering stroke season we are under a lot of stress especially him it was an occup ocal stroke he was healthy interesting it’s stress you could look healthy on the outside but it’s stress the best thing to you know a good way to un I found to

Unstress is just to binge watch a TV show I noticed if you want to distress put yourself in a room you some people read books some people me I just turn on put on the like for example put on The Sopranos I’ve seen it four times put on season 1 episode one seven

Episodes in you’re like huh why was they so stressed out about because you’re focused in watching a story of other people and what they’re going through and you forget what you’re going through you forget you know just sit and watch a TV show I I have a friend that was so stressed

Out I went through his I went through a DVD collection I gave him a bunch of DVDs of 21 Jump Street he watched the entire show in three weeks and I said so what were you stressed about he’s like you know what I don’t know you know I

Watched that show and it just I got into these people’s minds like these these characters and what they’re doing and what they’re and I became kind of a part of it and I started to really stop worrying about things that I’m worried about or manifesting that are not going to happen

Anyway D is saying thank you Mike yeah just go watch The Sopranos from the beginning just watch an episode a day maybe to start and then maybe two episodes a little bit of binge watching if you’re stressed and by season 3 you’re like I I

Can’t stop this I got to keep going and then your mind’s on something you know I got music yeah see Mr Nobody Has Music it’s impossible to relieve stress when humor has been outlawed says uh dver derit said that Tony is saying my dad my dad died of a stroke at age 56

I’m really sorry to Tony to hear that Shelly saying uh you and your family have my prayers and speedy recovery yes yes stress kills his mom just went uh on hospice and is actively dying uh he was on strike and out and out the wait wait

Wait uh wait wait he was on strike and out dog out dog kept having our dog okay our dog massive kept having masses massive seizures and then someone says oh yes if the person dies after suffering an average number of Strokes for their ah where did that go for their age did make

Par uh thank you Shelly says D and the doctor said it was stress yeah watching corval Ro cor coraville Rose season 2 good I love that name Patriot girl great name awesome name YouTube channel Anchor Brand Ranch is better than Andy Griffin show is super wholesome Anchor Brand yeah Anchor Brand

Ranch good night catch you later says John and then yeah just jump on something guys Netflix is garbage um go pick up you know if you have a an old DVD player dust it off plug it in put the wire to the TV go get some DVD go get a big box DVD

Set like this open her up put it a DVD in Watch trailer park boys you want some to watch 10 seasons of trailer I think you could buy all 10 seasons take one disc at a time take your time play sit down just watch just watch someone else’s what’s going and

You know what when you watch like TV shows like Night Rider The A Team Alf myy you’re watching shows when the times were good you’re watching shows when time the time that that it was filmed in people were still living in relative peace people were happy people made money

People were kind of you know doing well in life like that brings you back to that you know boss l saying uh raise them vibrations do something to make you happy take your mind off of things D is saying I never post anything personal but some patriots have some good

Info pertaining to subjects I’m talking about y bubbles is pretty goofy yes bubbles is pretty goofy right live your life saying so true I like watch any I I like to watch anything before 19 2019 Seinfeld’s good you could binge watch that one too you could but it’s

The problem with Seinfeld is it doesn’t cross over so you’re done an episode of Seinfeld and that’s it it doesn’t cross over to the next show where they’re continuing exactly where they left off where if you watch Again The Sopranos is a good is a good example The Sopranos is completely

Crossed over the whole show crosses over into each episode right and you kind of you know and I’m just trying to think what else what else do you guys think is a good crossover yeah Mike life was good and simple I love watching old shows it’s nostalgics I love old Chevy Chase yep

The Lampoon stuff is great read the brain heals itself and subsequent yeah reading is good um reading is great um um I do have a couple of books here beside me and I’m always chipping away and just reading stories just trying to expand my thought process I

Guess yeah old Chen music make me feel good says uh truth boss lady Adam Sandler yeah Adam Sandler is pretty good he he’s he’s got some good stuff his early years you know someone’s saying the the good witch Flash series silly show but addictive you know what’s

Good you should rewatch if you watch it watch it again Oz oie I thought that was a really well-made show really well put together I think Oz was good I think that was a showcase was it HBO or showcase that was a a decent show

I I I thought that was um like what you know good diet is very important and watch old funny shows when people had morals yeah the one IB British there’s a good British show if you want to watch if you want to look it up it’s called Water waterl

Road waterl road is not bad it’s newer though I think it’s like 2006 the show is newer but it’s called waterl Road you you could watch a few episodes I I I think you I think people watching this talking here would enjoy waterl road yeah I remember playing cards too see

Be I think it’s raining outside I’m just trying to think board games I mean I’m I’m in the I sell tons of board games board games are good guys board games are really good uh if you pick up a copy of dominion uh Lords of Water Deep they’re really easy like these games

Like I’m giving you now like splendor splendor Lords of water deep and Dominion go buy those three games play them you’ll get back to me and say holy crap we are into we’re getting it we’re getting in we’re we’re feeling it we’re playing it we’re addictive it’s fun we’re off the damn Electronics

I watch Prime movies sometimes I played settlers years ago and loved it yep I have music also like Mike said even Sopranos or a good series is good take your mind off of reality at times important uh stress is what will kill you yeah you won’t get stressed watching The

Sopranos right Janice has her moments then you have uh Richie and then the other guy gets out of jail uh Steve bu whatever his name is it’s it’s such a good show man they make it at home oxygen Theory hambers to help healing the body but uh especially especially the brain

Good Fellas is a great movie yeah I’m just trying to think what else I watch oh Boardwalk Empire Boardwalk Empire Watch Boardwalk Empire uh live your life is Mike Martins how much is shipping your games to California oh don’t shipping cuz I’m in Canada to ship to California it’s not

It’s it’s more money than the board games don’t just go buy the games locally I go to a store a board game store in California say hey I have a friend he told me to buy Dominion Splendor and Lords of water deep and just play them just trust me

Get them open them play them watch YouTube video see how it’s played with with YouTube video shows you how to play and then play it and I promise you you yeah I need games in the store they’re high yes I watched Dr Lee marriage talks that too I need to look

Into into that I’ve been watching Jac custo on YouTube it’s free this evening this evening distressing is important thanks Mike no worries Shelly is saying uh sorry Dr Daniel Amen is a great resource for brain health and healing I play Risk and Monopoly with my brothers at Christmas

Yeah okay writing it down okay Splender Lords of water deep and uh what was the other one Splendor Dominion buy those three games don’t just buy them play them and then you’ll get back to me and say holy crap this guy actually knows what he’s talking

About yeah I have all Blu-rays and DVDs but uh DVDs by at Sally ANS I love old shows fun times I was going to watch TP okay hey uh trailer Park Boys Hey Durk if you like old shows I think it’s only one season long or two seasons I can’t

Remember but if you like old shows there’s one from the 70s that’s really good Battlestar Galactica nothing new one but they made it in the 1970s and Starbuck was a man uh in the show I really recommend you if you like old shows watch the original Battle Star Galactica

I even seen it on a DVD box set it that’s a good show like the original battl Star Galactica what what were those titles uh Melissa says I got on and missed half of what you said okay so guys if you’re looking for board games to play over the holidays

Um hey Sharon board games Dominion it’s a card game Go by Dominion oh I want to play board no no play Dominion Lords of Water Deep you’re going to look at the cover and say I don’t think I want to play this you’re you’re going to want to play it you’ll

Play it and you be holy crap um and then um splendor splendor is good play Splender um someone saying uh Battle Star Galactica good is amazing yeah I’ve watched the old one and the new one right how’s Sharon Sharon aren’t you going away for vacation Outer Limits yeah Outer Limits was really good

I’m just trying to think what was um oh you’re leaving Sunday okay I’m just trying to think what else was really good original Battlestar Galactic was really well made and um Boardwalk Empire guys Boardwalk Empire that was during prohibition it’s takes place in Atlantic City in

19 e Harding was the president when when was e Harding president the Harding Administration you look at someone could look it up when Harding was President of the United States I have S sand Baggers on DVD a realistic S series from the UK about mi mi MI5 I think 1970s it’s 4:00 a.m.

Here Doctor Who uh I don’t know Harding Harding was like 20s I think the only problem with X Files this is the problem with X Files the episodes don’t really cross over like you have these independent Little Adventures but they only start crossing over after season four or five then it

Becomes more of a a crossover show a good crossover show Boardwalk Empire you are the board game master good good dreams glad you you could talk to us before you sleep yes says Cynthia no worries before I spotted your live feed I was doing I was going to put up an old

Comedy so many shows like the flying M house get smart get Smart’s really good here comes the bride the persuaders men from men from Uncle Etc yeah I can’t get I can’t get down with uh with do with Doctor Who either I mean okay my doctor was uh Baker Andrew

Baker I think it was the fifth doctor but that’s the only Doctor Who I watched as a kid yes the original Hitchhikers Guide from 198 series from 1984 wait Dirk zinc loved board Boardwalk Empire I will watch again so did you did you like that was an incredible show Boardwalk Empire the

Budget the Wardrobe the acting the the the set production in Boardwalk Empire huge huge like I I I I I think I have it on DVD I have it on my Plex and it’s it’s a show that I I cherish very much Texas in the house Twilight Zone was good everyone is from

Earth someone here is from Mar uh Melissa’s from Maryland on YouTube you can watch old shows for free yeah you can but I I don’t know man I just I just don’t want to deal with YouTube uh too much the V series there we go Sharon the

V where they take rats and Edom or mice and Edom yeah the show billions the show billions Planet of the Apes yeah that was a movie series though but that wasn’t bad true story the v v the vector you know I don’t I don’t mind

Um I’m I’m right now with my kids we’re watching uh Smallville and Smallville we’re almost done season 3 and we’re enjoying it very much it’s 10 seasons long so we’re just going to watch it through the winter and Game of Thrones maybe the first three seasons and that’s it for Game of

Thrones I’m just trying to think what like good non-woke good series you could put your head into Spartacus that one was good actually no World War II documentaries are all [ย __ย ] they don’t tell you the truth they don’t tell you why they don’t tell you with what they don’t tell you

They tell you who what and when but they don’t tell you everything else I don’t like watching Dr documentaries anymore I haven’t watched a documentary in like 10 years the only stuff I watch hey guys you want to you guys want to watch a good series it’s on

YouTube um you just have to piece it apart you don’t have to watch it in order you can watch it in any episode Mysteries of the Bible I watch Mysteries of the Bible at least once a week for the last 10 years even though I saw it already there’s

About 54 maybe 30 40 50 episodes I don’t know but it’s called Mysteries of the Bible it’s really well made it’s really well documented it’s really well researched the people they have coming on are really good so why is everyone’s messages why is everyone’s messages getting deleted I can’t see them

Why is everyone’s message getting deleted okay so every message is getting deleted now I don’t know why okay here well here we go yeah YouTube anyways guys it’s been an hour it’s been an hour folks I’m getting tired what time is it is it 12: let me see what time it is

Here there’s my Jesus there it’s 12:00 I’m going to hit the I’m going to hit the hay folks ever hear of a show called scorpions no I’ll look into it though Mike G to cover I Won’t Back Down For You 211 in Chicago good night uh clear your mind of

Today’s issues God bless thanks Sharon let’s shut it down and snore ridiculously have a good night thanks for the chat yeah Melissa don’t worry it’s 3:12 in Maryland all right guys I’ll see you guys probably tomorrow I don’t know tomorrow I got scheduled videos going up all week long and

Um and have a good night guys and uh Saturday Mike in the night Saturday on Rumble and dve and twitch and Twitter Mike in the night prediction show your predictions you are going to predict what’s happening in 2014 okay anyways guys good night guys have a good one Mike Martin’s here I have



  1. Hello from Mississippi!! 3:25 in the morning and it's been awhile since I've slept!! I'm so freaking tired & run down!! I'm exhausted & I've been sick with cold symptoms for a couple weeks!! ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข

  2. 20 hours and no processing of this video, poorest treatment of a YouTuber I've seen.

    Big converter webpage can't rip the audio after almost one day !?

  3. I've been thinking about Commiefornia and you saying Amerifornia coming. Thinking about how insurance companies are leaving in droves due to DEW attacks and homes becoming uninsurable. There's been a group of kids in town stealing Hyundai's and Kias and nothing's being done. One of them from what I understand is the DAs grandson. Probably letting it happen so people beg to have kill switches to their cars like what the elites want. Have a problem, have a solution.

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