Gardening Trends

The Best Garden Trends From 2023 πŸŽ‰

The BEST garden trends from 2023 that I hope continue into the new year. Gardening is often filled with hacks and tricks but there are sometimes diamonds in the rough. These are the top garden trends for 2023. e

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A B O U T M E:
Ashley is a soil scientist who has had a passion for plants since she was a small child. In the long summers as a child, she would garden alongside her grandmother and it was then that she realized her love for greenery. With years of great studying, Ashley had begun her post-secondary education at the University of Saskatchewan.
At first, her second love, animals, was the career path she chose but while doing her undergrad she realized that her education would take her elsewhere. And with that, four years later she graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a bachelor’s degree in science and a major in Soil Science.
Some of Ashley’s interests are YouTube, in which she posts informative videos about plants and gardening. The focus of Ashley’s YouTube channel is to bring science to gardening in a way that is informative but also helpful to others learning to garden. She also talks about the importance of having your own garden and the joys of gardening indoors. Ashley continues to study plants in her free time and hopes to expand her YouTube channel as well as her reach to up-and-coming gardeners.
This description or comments section may contain links to affiliate websites. I receive a commission for any purchases made by you on the affiliate website using such a link. This includes the gardening in Canada website. You should assume all links both on the gardening in Canada YouTube, Blog, and all other social media are affiliates and I will receive compensation.

These are the trends that I love from 2023 that we need to continue onward into 2024 because they’re either doing great things for our garden great things for us and our community or just in general make gardening easier and the more we Implement these techniques the better our future will become so let’s

Get into the trends of 2023 that need to continue onward into the 2024 growing season okay so cut flower gardens this needs to continue seriously whether it’s for your own cut flowers indoors or something that you’re selling as a side hustle or something you want to make

Like an entire small business off of cut flower gardens are debone reason being it’s great color-wise it’s great for bringing in pollinators and let’s face it it’s nice to have fresh flowers indoors and the cutl flower garden allows this I’m selfish in saying the trend of cut flower gardens needs to

Continue into the future more so because it is also an Avenue for learning about gardening and when I say that I mean there is some research that has to go into utilizing a c Flower Garden in your yard whether it’s containers and ground you have to look at stem length and

Times to harvest and fertilizer choices that sort of thing so it’s one of those if you feel like you’ve mastered gardening from a vegetative standpoint or just florally looking pretty florally is that but I’m going to use it as such anyways uh it’s it’s just another step

So it’s another thing you could learn to use in your garden so cut flower gardens I hope this continues as a trend indefinitely because benefits all around Trend number two is the whole lawn to Garden switch so this took place more so in 2021 kind of after Co really hit people

Started thinking about increasing their Garden size because they loved what they achieved in 2020 I hope this trend continues the reason for it is because monocropping and that’s what a lawn is is a monocrop is less than ideal so you the more diversity you have in your soil

The healthier your soil is the more diversity you have in your yard the healthier your micro and your macrobiota are so when I say macro I mean insects and birds and other Critters when I say micro I mean you know little tiny bacterias and amibas that you may not be able to see

That just overall help your environment I think it’s more appealing like I like looking at a lawn garden over a lawn if that makes sense so it doesn’t necessarily have to be a vegetable garden my front yard is more vegetable garden Vibe but I’ve seen some really

Nicely done perennial or rock or flower um it’s kind of to you what you want to go with but I hope this trend continues because some of these are just they’re gorgeous especially when we start looking at like geometric type patterning of the beds and that sort of

Thing so I hope this continues okay next one is steel beds so the everyone’s seen them they’re the ribbed steel there’s so many Brands out there and some of the brands are less Stellar than others I’ve bought a few now I have another brand I’ll take I I’ll insert what brand it is

Here but I haven’t set that up yet and I got another one so I’m going to try out all the different BL Brands there are some that are better than others I will say that however the whole steel Garden thing is way prettier than the wood in my opinion it’s cheaper than decorative

Decorative rock it has variable Heights so you could do miniature raised to like 4ot tall raised and the other thing is is it looks a aesthetic longterm so wood if you do not know this warps it bends it uh gets kind of Mucky looking unless you’re investing in like really

Heavyduty wood you should never use treated wood in your garden or you should avoid it whenever possible this whole steel Trend I love it it is clean it is as far as I’m concerned so far long term it’s I don’t see any rusting or anything like that and it’s

Incredibly easy for anyone to set up a Garden anywhere it could be done on a deck it could be done on cement it could be done on gravel ashphalt front lawn un it these beds can be placed almost anywhere little to no leveling needed they are beautiful I love the

Steel bed Trend and I hope it continues into the new year I’m going to be doing a video on trends that I think are going to die in 2024 and I’ll release that in the first weeks of 2024 but this is one that is going to be on the trends to Die

List that I hope doesn’t die if that makes sense so I hope the trend of designer plants doesn’t die off and I’ll explain in my other video why I think this is going to happen but designer plants I think are so cool so whether this is unique exotic Tomatoes or unique

Exotic pumpkins or flowers you name it I think that there’s so much accomplish accomplishment that goes into growing something you’ve never grown before and something that looks different than your classic vegetable gardens or your classic flower gardens so I personally F I get sick of planting the

Same thing over and over again so I like to change things up unfortunately some of these more designer plants can be a little bit more difficult to grow depending on your zone of course uh they come with some different challenges and so I think they’re going to go the way

The dodo bird however if we could just hold on a little bit longer uh because there are a lot of cool varieties out there that have not come to Market uh for regular people to purchase that if we continue to show interest and exotic and unique plants may get put into like

The consumer world and so we would get our hands on it so long as we continue to show interest in that section of plant growing so that’s one thing that I hope can continues that seed companies or uh nurseries whatever the case is continue to plant and grow really unique

Varieties of flowers and vegetables because that’s one Trend that I never want to end because it keeps me personally really interested in gardening because the wider the selection the happier I am the next one is the kitchen Garden so I saw this heavily in 2023 I don’t know if it’s cuz

There’s an influencer that I follow on Instagram that does a lot of kitchen Gardens or what but it seems very very common and essentially what a kitchen Garden is is it’s not a preserve Garden meaning you’re not growing to preserve anything you were growing for the sole purpose of utilizing whatever’s in there

In your kitchen in that growing season so when I say that I mean you’re growing just enough beets to be able to make some dishes during the summer or enough herbs just to make dishes during the summer or enough cut flowers to fill your house for the summer and I think

That these are going to increase the reason for it is because you don’t have to think about preserving so we don’t have to think about canning and freezing and things going to waste all you’re planning for are your meals for the summer season and I think the more people get into gardening

The entry the barrier to entry or the entry level would be a kitchen garden and these can get really cool and the main premise is that they’re kind of like right at your back door or right next to your kitchen and there’s a lot of actual Cooks on YouTube for example

That are starting to do this I can’t remember the one guy but he recently moved um he he if you know his name comment down below but he makes dishes in Manhattan he’s like a Manhattan Chef anyways he never had a garden and he’s recently started gardening and really

Cool idea really cool concept but it’s a kitchen Garden I don’t think he preserves much from it so I can see this trend increasing we’re seeing it actually with a lot of even um Superstars Hollywood stars they have a lot of kitchen Gardens out there and they’re usually aesthetically pleasing

Small raised bed or container garden they’re usually not in ground they’re not your classic row cropping by any means and that Trend I hope continues into 2024 because I think it’s a great entry level to see the potential of growing your own food whether it’s payoff just in that immediate growing

Season or eventually transitioning into longterm so that is definitely a trend I want to see from 2023 continue onwards but those are my trends that I absolutely adore the trends I don’t adore will be a separate video cuz it’s going to get ranty we’re talking compost

The whole no till thing you name it so if you guys want to hear my thoughts on those Trends and why they just need to stay in 2023 and not continue on on words please stay tuned for that it will be coming out on Monday Monday New

Year’s no yes Monday is when I’ll be coming out I’ll talk to you guys later bye


  1. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year GIC crew. Love all my
    Fellow plant nerds and look forward to an awesome 2024. ❀ thanks for all the love and support.

  2. I just can't WAIT to start my seedlings in a couple of months. So many plans, so little time, really!! Trying to expand everything here this year, by a little bit. Don't want to bite off more than I can chew, LOL! Best wishes and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you! ❀

  3. I love being able to grow food that i cant get at a regular old grocery store. Its fun, keeps me curious.

  4. Planning..more Asian greens..different types of lettuce.., beans..and blue tomatoes..and Huge Sicilian tomatoes..and all kinds of flowers along the fence..and different types of potatoes…and lots of herbs for cooking

  5. Happy New Year Ashley! This year I'm growing more flowers, and the same amount of vegetables to preserve. We get lots of food from Mexico and it rots as soon as I get it home, it's awful. I've finished the build-out I did last year, turning my 60×60 garden into 140×60 mixture of raised beds and in-ground, and I made a lovely flower garden too. So I have medicinal herbs, culinary herbs, and all the rest of the vegetables. I'm following my new year's tradition of sowing some Basil on Monday. Why? I don't know, just always started the year with new Basil babies. Have a very happy New Years!

  6. Four foot high steel beds are the future! MUCH kinder to your back. Also containers on benches. Also kinder to your back.

  7. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours and to everyone here. Gardening season can't come fast enough for me LOL

  8. Loofah! That's the new plant I'm growing (right now in my basement under grow lights). I had planted it from seed in my garden last summer. Unfortunately it takes nearly 200 days to mature, so in September I dug it up and potted it. It's blooming and there's mini loofah on the plant. A whole 4 x 4 bed of garlic, and a retraining of my raspberries is on my 2024 garden to do list.

  9. Permaculture is human history. Its got new names now, sure, but its away to function with the land so as to grow soil instead of deplete it.

    You have a deeply indulgant colonial mindset when it comes to gardening eh? Cause yer deff showing it in that last part. Im not going to look for your complaint vid. Id like my morning to be good.

  10. I am enjoying the new cool squash and eggplant.. nevermind my current pokemon like obsession with tomato and pepper varieties.

  11. QUESTION: On the 'raised metal beds', are they made from galvanized metal to prevent rust? If so, knowing a galvanized nail in your mouth will leach poison into your mouth, is there a risk for vegetables transferring that to us through roots, etc?

  12. Yay πŸŽ‰ To the rise of the kitchen garden!

    I live in a townhouse so my courtyard is my kitchen garden. In 2020 I expanded it from raised beds down the side of the house by converting the perfect grass at the front into a 25 square metre in-ground garden.

    🌱 A great channel for kitchen gardening is 'Becoming a Farm Girl' a suburbanite training for when she becomes a farmer also 'Huw Richards' has just created a new kitchen garden and is sharing how to get the maximum out of it. His goal is to get everyone producing their own food for everyday consumption 🍽️

  13. Grass lawns are pretty good at cleaning air pollution. They also filter water runoff and cool the earth.
    I used to be anti lawn but appreciate them way more than gavel lanscaping over plastic weed cloth or the increasing and horrible trend of rich idiots putting astroturf in their front yards.

  14. You have really hit on a great list of what will continue. I have 4 of the steel ribbed beds. I love seeing what I can make from what is pickable. Yesterday I used 5 greens for a chimichuri sauce: parsley, cilantro, arugula, basil and oregano. Why? Just because they were all available and delicious together in a fresh sauce. I am in Texas and winter has been very mild so I created pvc frames for frost cloth I just clip on when the nights are too cold.
    I would add one more trend to your list and that is the convenient garden. I walk very few steps out the back door to reach the garden beds. This makes it more rewarding and more likely that I will collect something to eat for the next meal. Love your channel.

  15. I used to kill the bugs at one restaurant that had a huge garden they grew to use at the restaurant.
    Always plant flowers every year, for my Kathy, small children passing by, for the pollinators and the birds, I even have morning glories going 20' up a utility pole.
    I enjoy planting "odd" things like luffas, bird house gourds, this year doing the yard long beans, just for something different.
    Another thing I hope that continues are your fantastic videos.
    Happy New Year!
    Stay Well!!!

  16. Thanks for providing so much informative videos in 2023. Happy Ney Year Ashley!πŸ₯³πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰

  17. I’m nervous to bring cut flowers indoors sometimes, for fear of delivering pests into my fragile houseplant ecosystem but I love making bouquets πŸ’

  18. I too love novelty in the garden so I requested a bunch of seed catalogues from across Canada to dream of my 2024 garden. I love fragrant flowers and last year I planted night-blooming stocks (mathiola) and lots of honey-scented wallflowers sprung up. It’s heaven to drink in the smells and watch dozens of hummingbird moths at dusk. Have fun and enjoy growing whatever you like eating, preserving, smelling or looking at.

  19. would love to know some steel bed recos! also i wish there are more steel garden containers for patio gardens – terracotta is so heavy!

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