Gardening Supplies

It Will Be A GORGEOUS Spring: Planting Spring Bulbs

It will be a gorgeous spring at Creekside next year because today we are planting over 5k spring flowering bulbs in our gardens! Join me as I walk you through the plans and share with you the stunning bulbs I chose for next year’s garden from @colorblends

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⏰ Nursery Hours:
Wednesday-Saturday 9am-3pm through December 16, 2023

Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034

Hey friends welcome to a very windy cool crisp  day here at gardening with Creekside it is a   very fun day because yes it may be chilly yes  the wind may be whipping and I may be in my big  

Coat and scarf but we are going to be planting  our spring flowering bulbs today and it is very   exciting because I can Envision in my brain what  the spring is going to look like with these more  

Than 5,000 bulbs yes you heard me right Jenny  went big this year and so we have over 5,000   bulbs that we need to get into the ground within  the next day or two what we’re going to do today  

Is I am going to um show you the bulbs that I got  I’m going to show you how they came to me exactly   what they look like and then we’re going to go  around to the different locations and I’m going  

To explain to you um what bulbs are going to go in  there why I chose what I did are they annuals are   they perennials all of those wonderful things that  that we want to know about spring flowering bulbs  

Because we preach here at gardening with creek  side right we plant for four seasons of interest   and even though it is December I am planting and  thinking about the springtime and what beautiful   colors I can have in the garden that I would not  otherwise have so here we go all right because we  

Are in North Carolina we are a Zone 8A this is  very important for you folks who are in warmer   zones it will depend on the bulb but there are  certain spring bulbs that we have to pre-chill  

For a minimum of about 6 weeks in order to get the  Gorgeous Flowers in the springtime as a general   rule flat off the top of my head if you are in  warmer zones you need to pre-chill your tulips  

And your aliums and your other um bulbs that have  to go through that pre-chill period in order to   store up enough energy to give us those Gorgeous  Flowers in the spring how do you pre-chill your  

Bulbs well if you buy your bulbs from like mail  order one if you get them from color Blends which   is where I’ve gotten this is my second year  getting them from color Blends last year I   just ordered them and they sent them to me and  I pre-chilled them myself what that looks like  

Is we had an extra refrigerator in our garage  and I put all the bulbs in there I only had the   bulbs in there and and there was no other food or  anything like that you have to be careful about  

Putting like apples and fruits because those  fruits give off a natural gas which is not   good for the bulbs so if you can just put them in  there by themselves that is perfect and they sat   in the refrigerator refrigerator not the freezer  for six weeks a minimum of six weeks what that  

Does is it fakes the plant out and it thinks that  it spent six weeks in a cold dark winter at that   point you then take them and you plant them in the  ground it’s got to be in the fall right so even if  

It’s December like it is right now that’s totally  fine get them in and then they will come up in the   spring and give you gorgeous flowers if you don’t  have that step if you don’t have that luxury of  

Having another fridge or in case like for me this  year you ordered way too many bulbs to go into a   refrigerator color Blends will pre-chill them for  you it is a very reasonable fee that they charge  

For just doing a flat rate for all of your bulbs  I chose that so when I ordered back in I think   it was August that I ordered my tulips and I went  ahead and hit that pre-chill feature they chilled  

Them for me and they just arrived yesterday in  their crates and on the front it says pre-chill   pre-chill pre-chill they have done it for me  I am ready to put them in the ground so just   know that if you’re in warmer zones and you want  to have beautiful tulips and aliums you’ve got  

To pre-chill them my daffodils which are jungles  I do not have to do this is not across the board   just do your research and be um a a wise student  of your own garden and understand what you need  

To do in your garden saying that also tulips for  us are annuals they will not reliably come back   every year with beautiful flowers I treat them  as annuals no I’m not going to dig them up and  

Try to save them because the process of having to  make sure that they get enough food and stored up   and stored properly for the next season is simply  not worth it I treat them as annuals if you are  

Blessed to live in an area where tulips come back  year after year and are gorgeous God bless you you   are one blessed Gardener we don’t have that luxury  here in the South now my daffodils my jonals oh my  

Gosh they get bigger and better every single year  uh just not my tulips all right enough of that   let’s get down to the fun stuff let’s see what we  have this is how my bulbs came from color Blends  

Now depending on your company is they’re going to  arrive in different uh ways color Blends use es   these nice sturdy black crates that are wonderful  I mean cuz you can reuse these year after year for  

Just a multitude of things so what happens is  is they come in these crates um they had some   white ties and then they have this cardboard  on top right so when you the bulbs can breathe  

They’re good and then we can come in here and  we can lift them up now see right here where it   says pre-chill they pre-chilled them for me so we  are um we’re great to go also you will get little  

Info packets and it tells you everything you need  to know like how to unbox them choosing the right   sight um planting planting depth everything that  you will need to know about your bulbs you get a   great little handy uh handout on that as well and  then right planting pre-chilled bulbs it tells me  

That they were pre-chilled how to do this um and  just how to take care of them but it says now that   you have your bulbs we urge you to plant them as  soon as possible so they’ve got to get in ASAP  

So that is what we’re going to do now each of your  bulbs will come in a bag depending on the bulb and   how many you got will depend on the size of your  bag here we have gigantic star this is a daffodil  

Um specifically this is in the JN Quilla family  so it is great for the South had these last year   and y’all they are spectacular um we’ll get into  more of the information though later but so you’re  

Going to have attached right here so they’ve  got a little uh almost like a paper clip that   will attach to the bag has the name of your plant  it says your count so you know exactly how many  

You have the size of them your color your Bloom  time how tall they will get and then what I love   is right here on my tag it tells me that I need  to plant them 4 in apart so that’s four to five  

Per square ft and I need to plant them 6 in deep  so not four inch did I say four did I say four   feet I said I think I don’t know y’all the wind’s  getting to me it’s four inches apart so four to  

Five per square feet and it’s 6 in deep so that is  what it is going to look like when they come let’s   go ahead and talk about our supplies what do we  have um of course I have biotone you could use if  

You had bulb tone you could absolutely use that I  just happen to have a nice supply of biotone so I   will use that with all of my bulbs and then I have  two different um augers here with power planter I  

Have my 5 in Jenny’s Edition so this has the heavy  duty tip on it which is great for my clay soil I   can use this really nicely when I’m using that  5 in I might be even sometimes I kind of cheat  

A little bit especially on the Tulips and I’ll  put maybe two in per hole right and my daffodils   as well so you can fit about two uh bulbs with  a 5 in and then we have the 3 in so the 3 in is  

Absolutely perfect for your bulbs because you can  just go through and go Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and you   can just drill a ton of holes and if you have uh  somebody helping you one person can be drilling  

The holes and the next person can go sprinkle a  little biotone and then drop the bulbs right in so   using the augur makes quick work of this project  now in certain areas I’m not going to be able to  

Use my augur what I’m thinking specifically of are  my raised deck boxes I mean I guess technically I   could I’m not going to so what I’m going to use  for that is my Hy Hy I absolutely love this Hy  

Hy we also have the felco one that has more  of a rounded Edge so you could use the felco   one Whatever H Hy it is that you have this will be  great so on your H Hy on this one it tells me what  

My depth is it has a little ruler right here um  so when I’m planting if I need to go 4 in I know   it needs to be that deep if I need to go 6 in it  needs to be all the way up here in those deck box  

Boxes what I can simply do is take my Hy Hy jab it  in pull it wiggle it around a little bit and then   drop the bulb in there so we have that as well now  the fun part what we’re going to do we’re going to  

Walk around to the various parts of the gardens  here at the house and over at the nursery and   I’m going to uh show you which bulbs that we are  putting in those locations I’m going to show them  

To you so you can see their size and kind of give  you a reasoning of why I chose those bulbs for   that location so we’re going to do is start here  at the house first we’re going to head over to  

The back patio because we have smooch that needs  to be planted here we are on the deck by the back   patio because this is the main area where smooch  is going to go now I love the name of this blend  

It is absolutely fantastic smooch is a beautiful  blend of like pinks and reds so various shades of   Pinks and the plants the flowers themselves will  actually kind of transition from a new Bud to a  

Mature flower so this is going to be really fun  last well this past year right so this past spring   my Megan was likez she Lov she inherited it from  me she loves having fresh flowers in the house  

And of course in the springtime it is tulips right  so this past spring she was like Mama can we plant   pink tulips that way I can cut them and bring them  in the house and I said absolutely so smooch is a  

Blend for Megan that we all get to enjoy because  it’ll be outside um and she can cut to her little   heart content I am planting these for her to cut  and but she can’t we’ve got 400 of them so if she  

If she were to cut all of them we would have a  gorgeous house inside I know she’s not going to   cut all of them so we will get to enjoy them  as well where they’re going to go is all back  

Through here on the back patio here we have the  deck boxes that I was telling you about you were   with me when we planted these with some violas so  we’ve got this beautiful uh kind of a blue purple  

Shade of a viola so we’ve got those we have got  the Ascot Rainbow euphoria that I love and then   Cardon so lots of fun different kind of heights  and textures and colors in here what we will do  

Is take the tulip bulbs that are right here um  and we will take that Hy Hy and anywhere where   we see little holes we’re going to pop tulip bulbs  in there right so all throughout here we’re just  

Going to tuck them in and then come springtime  they’re going to come up amongst all of these   plants and we’re going to have beautiful tulips  that are going to be popping up now let’s talk  

About the bulbs and you know what you can expect  from a nice healthy bulb now a nice healthy bulb   you’re going to have um some of the paper um skin  on the plant right so you see that the main thing  

Is with your bulb is when you squeeze it they’re  nice and firm it’s got a smooth texture it doesn’t   look dried up and shriveled and nasty and smooshy  right it’s nice and firm now if you have a little  

Spot like right here where it had gotten nicked  and it looks a little moldy it is fine if it is   firm it is good to go so some of them will have  their paper skin on them some of them will have  

Fallen off you can see it looks like we have like  a little bit of a a piece of a growth right here   popping up don’t worry about it just get them  in to the the soil right away and they will be  

Perfectly fine see we got a little tip coming up  right here it is great the B main thing is when   you’re looking at your bulbs right your tulips  your aliums your daffodils is make sure that  

They’re nice and firm if they’re firm you are  good to go so they’re going to go here uh let’s   let’s go look to see where else I’m going to put  them because I got 400 of them I can’t fit 400 of  

Them in these deck boxes another main area that  they are going to go go is this bed right here in   front of the gardinas and my nine bark so we are  going to fill in this area right here with as many  

As we possibly can we are just going to chalk it  full I want a mass right there then depending on I   might even um I might I thought about even putting  some here in front of the David Austin Roses but I  

Know that I’m probably going to put some ricula  and some an right there so I think I’m going to   hold off I’m not ready to plant those today what  I think I’m going to do is like I said jamack  

This in right here and then we’ve got plenty of  room here between the incredible hydrangeas the   pillow talk gardinas and the Spy Ras so what I  may do is just when I was standing up there on  

The deck boxes and looking down I may just come  in here and do them in groups I think they would   be really really pretty kind of down here in front  between the spireas and just do them in like you  

Know masses groups so there’ll be clusters so like  a cluster here and then we can do a big cluster   right here and that way this whole little area  will have them here the deck boxes up there and  

Then right over here I think we can fit 400 we can  squeeze them in so smooch really sweet pink red   tulips going back here in the back patio now we’ve  got some going up at the chicken coops let’s go  

Look at that here I am up at the chicken goop and  the girls are talking to me so if you hear some   squawking it’s just the chickens now we are going  to plant daffodils up here we call them jonal  

Growing up here in the South my mama always call  them jonal that’s what I knew them as now that I’m   an adult and I am a professional Gardener I know  that daffodils jonals jonals are a type A cultivar  

Genius of daod de s they are the Jan quillas so if  you find JN quillas that means that they are going   to be perfect for the South they can handle the  Heat and the humidity much better say than maybe  

Some other different types of daffodils you do not  have to pre-chill them now if you do it does not   hurt mine are pre-chilled and it’s not going to  hurt them one little bit just know if you’re in  

The South and you’re debating you know which area  you should go in as far as your theod theils if   you can find the John quillas then you know that  you are safe last year from color Blends I ordered  

Gigantic star y’all when I say that this plant  lives up to its name I am not joking from the   moment you open up the bag and you see the bulbs  I want to show you what these bulbs look like  

All right so I have two of them here but they are  huge so you can get some that will look like the   one on the right where it is just that nice big  bulb right it’s huge but then you’re also going  

To get quite a few of them that already have two  or more bulbs on it they are attached I go ahead   and leave them alone I leave them right there I  suppose if you wanted to separate them you could  

I’m not going to do that I just like to leave them  but gigantic St the bulbs are absolutely massive   and then the flowers that you get from gigantic  star are stunning they are tall I want to say  

Those like 18 to 20 in tall with the plant they  are that classic daffodil right really really rich   solid yellow and they smell Divine they give off  a delicious fragrance that really when you plant   them in Mass especially or if you’re up close to  them you will definitely smell the fragrance it  

Is a very sweet fragrance high high performer and  just was phenomenal planted them in Mass U behind   the dalas in the Phantom hydrangea bed could not  have been happier with them last year gorgeous  

When we did our daffodils we planted them used  the augur and I use like the 9 in augur on it   and I planted maybe like four or five bulbs in  groups together I will probably do that again  

Here or I’ll plant them I don’t know we’ll see I  always say something and then the mood strikes me   and I do something differently but these are um  more deer resistant so if you have problems with  

Deer eating say like your tulips the D the junal  are going to definitely going to be more deer   resistant these are perals for me every year they  come back bigger and bigger um better they they   will naturalize they’re not invasive but they  will spread and give me gorgeous color so what  

I’m going to do is like I said we are up here at  the chicken coup so I am going to plant them all   amongst probably more so back here in the back  between the uh I’ve got hydrangeas back there  

Fire Lights I’ve got of course the um the Nelly  Stevens Hol but I will tuck them up in different   areas all throughout here now as far as the  maintenance on these in the spring after they   bloom they’re going to be stunning right you’re  going to have those gorgeous yellow flowers but  

With the foliage you’ve got to leave the foliage  until it naturally dies back that is why we’re not   going to put junk wals within the confines of the  signature Garden because that is a display Garden  

And we’re going to constantly be changing it out  and we won’t always look Primo the thing that kind   of drives Jerry crazy and I’ll admit it drives me  crazy too to a point is that with the jonal you’ve  

Got that green foliage after they bloom and you’ve  got to leave it until it dies back and that can I   mean that can take you know a month six to eight  weeks for it to die back I can’t have that in the  

Signature Garden but I can have it up here in my  more personal Cottage Gardens that don’t bother me   at all so that is what we’re going to do and that  is why I’m going to put the the daffodils up here  

If you are a neat and tidy person like you like  the garden super neat and tidy and you don’t like   to have kind of Ratty foliage then maybe daffodils  are not the plant for you um because what they  

Need is to have that folish to stay up so that  they can get the energy from the Sun and get   all that great energy so that the next year they  have beautiful flowers so I got 200 gigantic star  

Coming up here to the chicken coop here we are are  at the entrance to the nursery into our house and   we are going to plant some of the best yellow  tulips yep that is that’s what they’re called  

On color Blends the best yellow so obviously this  is going to be a gorgeous solid pure yellow tulip   that is going to be about 20 to 22 in tall and I  have 50 of those now I’m going to be completely  

Honest I this is see I practice what you preach  Jenny I forgot where I had intended these to go   I didn’t write it down or if I did I lost that  note so I was like hm 50 yellows where can we  

Put 50 yellows we’re going to put 50 yellows  right here at the mailbox yes we are so what   the plan is going to be I’ve got 50 which will  be perfect number that we are going to plant  

Those solid yellow tulips and we’re going to put  them behind on the back side of this flower bed   of course because remember this is at the entrance  to the nursery and the customers will come through  

Here and see it plus we’ll see it every time we  drive up to our house so this will be a perfect   spot because it is it’s got some nice depth to it  right here the 50 I’ll make them fit just perfect  

In here and then if you remember I told you that I  had um some enmies and piculus that I want to put   in the ground I already have them and I have some  flaming red re UL um and they are not ricula sorry  

Enmies I have got gorgeous solid red ones I mean  they are bright and they are beautiful so we are   going to put them in the front of the flower bed  I will not do that today because um I am not ready  

To to do those today they do have to to soak for  about 4 hours in some water and I’ve got my hands   full right now today with plenty of tulips so I  will get get the enmies planted at a later time  

Than the Tulips but it will be a gorgeous display  of yellow and red all together so that is what   we’re going to do now got some going down to the  nursery just got one or two down for the nursery  

So let’s head down there and see what we’re going  to plant all right my friends so here we are at   the nursery yesterday uh my sweet people brought  over the Tulips that are going to be here in  

The signature garden over here to the barn so we  have got eight crates ready to go and ready to be   planted here we’ve got two different blends that  are going to go into the signature Garden another  

Great thing that I love um as I make my way around  here with the color Blends is when on the on the   outside of the crate it will tell you what is  in that crate so when I have this is one of the  

Blends is called super collider um and so you can  see exactly it tells you what is in there so I’ve   got 600 of the super Collider in these crates and  so that just makes it really nice that you can um  

Know exactly kind of what is in the crates before  you have to like open them up and dig through and   figure out what is in there now okay so the super  collider is the biggest blend that I have and  

That’s going to be uh Reds and yellows and purples  so it is a blend and they are going to be I try to   get the Tulips overall generally that are going  to be early to mid Bloomers because we have such  

An early season here as far as planting annuals  I didn’t want a lot of late bloomers on tulips I   needed early and mid that way they can do their  thing be gorgeous be beautiful we can rip them  

Out and then put our summer annuals in the ground  so super collider I have um 3600 of that bulb now   originally when I purchased them when I ordered  them the plan was is that they we’re going to go  

Into the burm the Privacy burm um that separates  the nursery from the house we were just going to   do this massive huge planting of them and we’re  still going to plant some of them over there but  

We’re going to plant also first what we’re going  to do is plant the nursery side of these raised   beds for the signature Garden these beds are each  33 ft long and I’m thinking that we rough y have  

About 3 ft of distance from the edge of the Rocks  up to the Sprinter box woods so not that we’re   going to have I mean it’s definitely going to be  a full multi-layered um effect of the Tulips but  

It’ll be on both sides of these raised beds will  be that super collider in a mass planting then   whatever we have left over which should be more  than half will then go into the Privacy burm on  

The house side so when we’re sitting on the front  porch we can see them and enjoy them so super   collider Reds yellows and purples will be here  next we have Miss confection and Miss confection  

I have a thousand of those so I think we’re going  to have uh be able to put those somewhere else is   going to go her Main Place is going to be here at  the fountain we already have of course the violas  

That are in here really kind of a nice soft uh  kind of purple purple white with a little bit   of a yellow Center misc confection is going to be  more in that creamy white and pink with a little  

Bit of the yellow hint in it and I am planning on  chalking this full of her so we will do multiple   layers again anywhere there’s a hole we’re  basically going to come through and just plant  

Them solid just tons of them in here because I  want to make a massive statement with these tulips   right that is the beautiful glorious thing about  the Tulips is that when they’re blooming man they   are just spectacular and what I may do is because  I really don’t have plans for other additional um  

Places for misc confection I’m I’m this is this  is how I Garden y’all I just think off the cuff   so how pretty would it be if I then take the  extras the leftovers and I plant them on the  

Backside of the garden here um between this is  the Glitters and glows viburnums right they’re   spaced about four to 5T well probably about 5T  apart if not six feet apart and then I could do  

Um Pockets um like nice big areas like right here  and I could put misc confection right in here I   think that would be really pretty I think that’s  what we’re going to do see you know sometimes you  

Just do some spontaneous gardening and that is  what we just did here my friends so we will put   the leftover misc confection we’ll kind of have an  idea of how many the numbers we have and we will  

Fill them in right there so that is the plan for  all of the bulbs what I’m going to do is I think   I’m going to start with uh the mailbox cuz that’s  only 50 and I’ll get those done and it’ll make me  

Feel very accomplished and I’ll feel really  good about that and then we’re going to go on   from there um we have all of our our folks here at  the nursery are in various places Jerry and Andrew   are working on installing irrigation at the new  production Greenhouse I’ve got my ladies that are  

Down here work in the nursery so I think we’ll  see how much help I get as far as planting all   these today and then we’ll just we’ll get done  what we get done today and then we will finish  

Them up tomorrow so let’s first go ahead and go up  to the mailbox and get those done at the mailbox  all right my friends so uh y’all are going to  love this little story um yeah the bulbs have  

Gotten planted and I really think the bulbs  were multiplying in the bags we are actually   um 24 hours since I last talked to you on the  video um because I was working in the patio   right and I got um smooth in the ground got  it all sorts of beautiful places the raised  

Deck boxes then we did around um between the  boxwoods and the gardinas the boxwoods and the   David Austin Roses got my a little triangle  planted I still have 200 of those guys left   to plant so I’m going to put them like I talked  about um between the spireas so that will take  

Care of that I still need to do the gigantic star  daffodils up at the chicken coop those have not   been done so that’s another 200 so that’s 400  bulbs I still have to plant and then I just did  

We just didn’t get around to doing here at the  signature Garden yesterday so we came back this   morning and got those done and I thought okay  well I have all my hands all my sweet people  

Are here to help me we’ll get this done we’ll  get this knocked out you know well before lunch   and then I can move on to another project y’all  it is like 3:30 4:00 in the afternoon and oh my  

Word oh it has been very successful and it is  going to be an absolutely stunning spring so   let’s talk about it because here we have um at  the signature Garden we talked about that misc   confection was getting planted in the fountain  so we have the fountain is completely planted  

With misc conection we’ve got that then we’ve got  so much more of misc confection left over so what   we did is we came back in the curve of all four  of these interior beds and it’s a triple row so  

Here all the way over and then within the Curve  we have misc confection so it will be stunning   let me back up just a second that the fountain  will be blooming then each of the curves will  

Have that same tulip blend in it and the benches  are going to go like right here in the grass so   we’ll get the benches installed in there um  later so all four one 2 three four of those  

Beds have the misc confection in it and then  I said hm well we’ve got this whole flower bed   right here of the Glitters and glows VI burum so  let’s put some in there y’all we jam packed them  

At first I thought well maybe we can plant some  violas that’s why you can see those violas over   there we aborted that plan and just went straight  for the Tulips there is a ton of tulips here in  

Each of these beds we were able to go uh believe  five five deep so across here there’s five tulips   so five tulips across and then just jam-packed  these two beds full of misc confection so when   you’re standing at either side it is going to  be a gorgeous gorgeous spring the Tulips all  

In these beds right here in the interior curves  and then the fountain so that is misc confection   we still have like 400 of them left three three  to 400 of them left so they’re going I’m going  

To plant them tomorrow in the garden boxes up by  The Cottage Garden at the house so there’s that   now let’s talk about super collider because super  collider we had um 3600 of those Jerry asked me he  

Was like honey did you like how did you come  up with this number did you measure what did   you do and I was like well you know I just I just  kind of guessed so next summer when I go to order  

My bulbs I’m not allowed to order bulbs without  being supervised by someone with some math skills   and some sanity because dear Heavens y’all holy  cow all right so it is it has been a huming rub  

A day the nursery side of the raised beds have  super collider so these have all of the super   colliders in them I believe we went four four  rows deep so there’s four rows down and then of   course they’re jam-packed in there all together so  both sides of those guys have the super collider  

In them and then we had so many more left over  we’re like okay to the burm we go to the Privacy   burm so we went to the Privacy burm and if you  remember all where we had Petunia’s last year  

We slammed it full of the super Collider tulips  so every empty space on the house side of the BM   has got tulips in it it’s going to be stunning  then we still had tons of bulbs left over okay  

Where can we go next so next we came over here  to the nursery and this is the flower bed that   we plant the new introductions in this is kind  of like that new introductions bed of the annuals   from Proven Winners so obviously you know it’s  winter time we don’t have any new introductions  

And annuals and so you can see that it looks  like it’s been freshly tilled because there are   the super colliders in the entire bed the entire  flower bed is filled with those um beautiful bulbs

And at the risk of y’all thinking I’m an absolute  Looney Tune um we still had more bulbs left over   so I felt like Oprah you know how Oprah does like  the giveaway and it’s like you get a new car and  

You get a new car and you get a new car except  Jenny was like you get a bag of tulips and you   get a bag of tulips so everybody is taking home  a bag of tulips anywhere from like 300 So Randy  

Took home a bag Cece’s taking home a bag um Mary  CLA took some home to her mama Andrew was taking   some to his mother-in-law um Alyssa took a bag  to her house um so yeah everybody got a bag of  

Tulips of the super collider blend and uh yeah it  was their CH Christmas bonus as one of them said   and CC said only a gardener would be excited about  getting a Christmas bonus that requires work which  

It does but it’ll be a beautiful spring at their  house so we’re just sharing the Creekside love and   the uh the the bulbs so we are we’re done it is  we’re we’re calling it quits I will get the rest  

Of those bulbs in the ground um tomorrow so I’ve  got the 200 of the smooch and then the 200 of the   gig gantic star and we’re calling it we’re done  done done done done done so I told my employees  

And everybody here I was like don’t you ever dare  even think about buying some fresh cut tulips next   spring just come to the nursery and cut because  we’re going to have a gazillion uh flowers here  

So it is going to be a stunning spring here  at Creekside nursery and um next year I will   be much more uh methodical and planned on how I  buy tulips in my defense the signature Garden the  

Final design was not planned when I ordered the  tulip bulbs and so that’s where a little bit of   the quote issue came in from and then I clearly  overestimated how many the BM needed so I’ll make  

Sure and do some better math next year but anyway  it all worked out fine right again it’s going to   be beautiful of course you’ll get to see in the  spring and um yeah maybe we can get our sweet   friends our employees our Creekside family  to share some pictures from their house this  

Spring as well so anyway y’all we’re tired we’re  done our back’s hurt we’ll see y’all next time bye


  1. LOL, I did that exact same thing last year! Never thought planting was going to be done…BUT, as you say it's always going to be a magical display 😊 can't wait to see it! Love CC Christmas bonus, that requires work lol😅

  2. I’m in SW Washington state zone 8b and never pre chill bulbs or buy them pre-chilled. I just buy them from the big box store or from local bulb farms. I have planted tulips and other type of bulbs in November and they all come up. I have tulips come back year after year. I guess I’m blessed.

  3. Most of the things I've read and videos I've watched have said Alliums don't have to have a cold period, but then I've heard you say it a couple times and found one website that said yes they do. I guess I'll let you know next year, because I didn't pre-chill mine here in zone 9a.

  4. I have planted 5000 before,but now I am down to 1500 ,because I am old 🤣🤣🤣 also i CAN NOT Stand to wait till they die back but they don’t come back very well for me… annuals for me Other than a bed that I planted 1000 almost touching each other,the rest I dig holes and plant 10-12 It takes more than people think to make a statement. I cannot imagine a spring without TULIPS,Very good luck with ColorBlends 🌷🌷🌷❤️. It will gorgeous,…….at least you have an auger ,I don’t have one 🤣😢🤣 yes I can afford one but I broke my wrist,I have arthritis bad in my hands and I am afraid of it,not sure if I have enough strength to hold one

  5. Love these bulbs! I am in zone 9a so growing tulips isn’t very practical. It is a lot of work for very little display when they bloom. The signature is looking so good! I love it!

  6. WOW!!!! That's alot of bulbs! Im sure Jerry will be with you next year when you order the bulbs.😅
    It's gonna be beautiful this spring. Can't wait to come see them all. Glad you had all that help. Whew. 😊
    Do you have problems with squirrels digging them up? I hope not.

  7. Hilarious! I am laughing out loud on my flight listening to your multiplying bulbs … It’s like bulb manna from heaven! 🤣🤣 I’m glad you could share the wealth with the Creekside team. 🥰

  8. Should be a grand display. Great job guy’s. Thank you so very much for sharing.🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦😂😂😂

  9. Just love it 😂😂 I can totally relate I say the same thing each year how many bulbs do I have left to plant. It will be beautiful!

  10. A 10% over estimation on tulip bulbs is what you would expect, especially when you had to order before having the signature garden laid out. Estimating is a tricky business!

  11. Me when I'm planting bulbs in December: "What was I thinking? Why did I order so many bulbs?" Me in March/April: "These are so beautiful. Next year I'm ordering more bulbs!" Can't wait to see the tulip display come spring. Last year was the first year I actually did some color planning of my tulips and they turned out great. This year was my first year to color plan AND plan timing of bloom so I can have a longer season of color. I've gone with purples, soft yellows and peaches the last two years, but next year I'm going for pink and red. Love the "Smooch" blend.

  12. I’m the same zone as you and everything I read said alliums do not need chilling. Now I’m concerned, I sure hope I get some blooms!

  13. I had some lily bulbs that I forgot to plant and they got soft on me.
    I planted them anyway, and most of them came up!

  14. Y'all need a " lil' duck house" by the pond with some lil' white call ducks !!! And a peacock run because you need peacocks for the signature garden !!

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