
What on earth happened?

What on earth happened?

by psipolnista


  1. psipolnista

    These were both perfectly fine a few days ago. Watered a few weeks ago (maybe two) and I only water when they’re wrinkly and soft.

    I watered and they plumped up. They were fine until now apparently. I swear I looked at them 2-3 days ago and both were healthy.

    What’s happening here? What do I do?

  2. Check the roots. They could have dry rot or something

  3. UncannyCueto

    I’ve had this happen to me before with similar plants, I can’t tell for sure what happened to yours, it seems it rotted, but I want to share something that has been a huge improvement for me, proper ventilation by taking them outside if possible. With lithops, mesembs, and other similar plants, again, this is something that has worked for me, and might depend a lot on the conditions from my location, but they kept dying on me while I kept them inside, thinking I was protecting them from the weather and any unnecessary water, but when I moved them outside because I decided I didn’t know how to care for them properly, so I decided to let them do their thing, they all started to thrive, they grew, some got into better shape than ever, and all seem to be doing great in general.

    Good look with your plants!

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