Japanese Garden

Flosstube: Bananas over Cohana! My cross stitch adventures in Japan

Thank you so much for watching! Appreciate all of you!

Follow me on Instagram @bernstitches



Flosstubers mentioned:

Jordan @tattooed_stitcher
Sarah @MemphisSarahE
Amber @RogueMamaStitcher1
Denise @BlackRibbonStitchStudio
Lisa @CrossedbyFloss

Andrew @therunnerstitcher
Lauren @newhampshirestitcher
Liz @HelloFromLizMathews
Rachael @TalkingDogStitcher
Lindsi @BlushingPinkStitches

Hey everyone welcome back to my channel this is bernardette from Burn stitches happy Saturday everyone today is December 9th and I am back from Japan so it’s uh been a few weeks um I have been gone 4 2 and a half traveling and um this weekend is the first week

That I feel like I am back to normal uh basically I left middle of November came back last Monday and I have been completely jetlagged um I’ve basically been sleeping by 8:30 and 8:30 to 9: waking up at 5: and then kind of like the cycle

Keeps going on and on and so I’ve been a little bit of a low energy uh and yeah I think I I’ve finally caught up on all my sleep and I’m ready to film and give you guys an update so um I have a lot to

Talk about I’m trying to be organized so I made a little cheat sheet so let’s talk about Japan uh it’s been amazing as always uh if you’ve been here for a while uh you you may know that I actually went last year as well so this is

Kind of like a part two of that trip from last year we came back so usually my husband and I do two big travel um you know travel vacations every year it’s basically my birthday and then his birthday it’s about seven months apart and so we usually we don’t do gifts

Usually and so our gift to each other are trips so for my birthday we went to Europe although it was severely delayed so that’s the trip that I went on in August even though my birthday was in April and November is my husband’s birthday so his pick was to go to

Japan it’s amazing as always it’s one of our top countries to visit we’ve been there quite a lot of times and it feels like uh it’s one of those countries that no matter how many many times you’ve gone you will always find something new to do so that was really fun and for

This trip it’s been really exciting I ended up going to kohana which is a store in Japan that sells handcrafted sewing materials especially scissors that’s what they’re really known for and so I’m really excited to uh have a chance to go to the store so

Before I dived into it uh I wanted to share what I ended up bringing on my trip so I left my veli at home just because we were actually going to be moving around a lot um we moved around a lot um while we were in Japan and I

Didn’t really want to bring the the stand it’s it’s it’s easy you know that’s what it’s for it’s a travel stand but uh I was also going I also ended up working that week of Thanksgiving and so I had to bring my laptop and so I didn’t

Want to bring too many things with me and so I ended up leaving dalky because I have to bring my work laptop with me so for stitching I actually ended up bringing one project like one large project bag this this size um for comparison and purposes so you can see

How big it is this is a normal like bag and this is the bag that I bought this project bag is from Crab Shack Stitchery from Etsy um I absolutely love this project bag it’s super on par with the season when I left it’s basically fall so super cute

With the trucks and everything and this was also really affordable this huge bag was $25 and for $3 more so for 28 um it came with this notion pouch as well that I also ended up bringing um and Crab Shack usually has a 10% off coupon and free shipping after

$35 within the US so it was really affordable so this is the project bag that they ended up bringing and in that bag I basically bought this neck light so I bought two so this is the neckl that I bought for stitching on the plane uh it took several tries so the other

Light that I B is this light my daylight light that I use for um Retreat this is way too bright um I brought this when I went to Europe and tried to use it on the plane and it illuminated my pod so I don’t want to be that neighbor so I

Ended up bringing this and this was still bright but it kind of Blends in with like the overhead so it isn’t as loud in terms of like lighting you know um it was an 11-hour flight I didn’t want to disturb any people around me that are trying to sleep so this one

Worked really well I ended up bringing um like one hoop so I ended up bringing like this is the number three hoop from Nerge so that way uh I didn’t want to bring the biggest hoop because I am going to be holding you know cuz I

Didn’t bring my stamp so I ended up like bringing this and this is the perfect size number three and then I bought three projects one of them I didn’t end up touching but it was nice to have an option so the project that I didn’t end

Up touching is not this one um goodie grimwood from Plum Street Samplers um it’s okay um that I didn’t end up touching it but it was nice to have an option so the two whips that I worked on while I was in Japan I ended up working on the Thanksgiving fairy by mirabilia

I started this at the Queen City Stitch Retreat and this is my progress so just want to make sure yeah so this is the progress that I’ve made as you can see um I haven’t really fixed the hoop um grimeguard is also from Crabshack go check them out

They’re really good um so this is my my progress on Thanksgiving fairy I worked a lot on the wings um and the arms so I ended up putting a stop to this when I had to frog a little bit of the skin I had a miscount you can kind

Of still see the area that I had to frog um and then once I frogged it I was like okay I think I’m done with this project I don’t want to see it for a while um but this has been such an easy Stitch I don’t think I’ve hit seven

Stitching days on this yet like I probably have I’m probably on day four so it’s not a lot to get you to this section so if you are ever um if you ever want to stitch a mirabilia and you think that it’s a little bit intimidating I do recommend these like

Petite fairies they also have the norac Corbit line but if you know you’re like oh I want to try a mirabilia I definitely recommend these these fairies are available as charts on one two three stitch and then you can just kit it up yourself with these materials um and

Yeah I think it goes by really fast so that is the project and then I had a new start while I was in Japan it was um I ended up bringing this project bag uh uh this is from this is like a vinyl from dot dot goo design um that I picked

Up in August it’s super pretty I really love the pattern and I thought it was perfect so my new start in Japan is Feast of friendship by Blackbird design um so this was going to be like this was my Thanksgiving start this year and I started this with Jordan tattooed Stitcher um

And I made a lot of progress I wasn’t expecting to make a lot of progress but um I did for some reason just stitched up really fast like like I’m almost done this is my progress you guys I made made all of this project while I like

All of this progress while I was in Japan I was there for 2 and 1 half weeks this is probably um two weeks of progress but each day is probably like um I probably stitched like an hour or two so it definitely flew by so fast um I also

Like that the initial on the design already says ba so that was really easy for me because that is my initial technically that is my maiden name but I hyphenated and there’s not enough space for a third letter in here so I just opted to keep the ba

Technically bam but yeah and then I’m going to put the numbers in here I don’t have um like when I looked at the chart they only charted the alphabet they didn’t have the numbers and the the chart says 2012 and it’s 2023 so I think I need to look um one of

The other Blackbird design charts that I have has numbers on it so I think I’m going to take it from there but yeah this has been really easy um I’m like shocked how fast is stitched up especially um I’m going to bring you closer but the pumpkin and this bowl I

Thought that I was going to struggle with this because this is basically fill in but I honestly all I did was I watched like a few floss tubes and I went to town just like filling it in so that was great um I’m really obsessed it’s so pretty um

I did hit a snack so I started the house but then when I started the house so I got back Monday um very jet lag and so I tried to pick it up I actually did start the house while I was here um and the roof was really pretty

At that Patchwork and then the rest of it is just a house um and then I hit a snag I was like it’s December I want to do winter stitching so I haven’t touched Ed it but I really only have a few days left in here so I’m going to

See I’m going to see how the rest of the month plays out and if I have some time I will continue working on this it’s been really enjoyable and so I don’t really want to wait until next year um I’m not I’m not really a seasonal Stitcher like I don’t mind working on

Projects off season but I do I do like starting projects within the season so um sometimes I takes precedent so yeah we’ll see how long this is going to take me to finish um I might see if I can just power through we’ll see though so you’ll see on my

Next class to whether or not this project makes it in but yeah um the colors on these are um it’s like a combo of um classic color yeah there’s two colors of classic Color Works a lot of gentle arts and I did sub some colors with Victoria motto like for example this one

I ended up using this farmhouse roses I think the called for color is called Woodland Rose or something or Rose Garden but I looked at where it was on the chart and it didn’t seem like a lot and so I didn’t want to buy any new

Colors um because I have this on stash so it ended up working out um I thought it looked very similar to the to have called for so yeah that was basically the whip that I did in Japan um hiiki is sleeping next to me so if you’re hearing like some really weird

Noises that’s my child um all right so let’s talk about stuff that I bought from Japan cuz obviously I bought some stuff bought a lot I was very nervous that I wasn’t going to be able to fill in like I was wasn’t going to be able to

Bring back everything as usual um but I had a um I had three allowances for checked in bags for free and um each bag was um I’m allow I was allowed to bring 70 lbs so it worked out really well um okay so let’s talk about some haul I

Basically for this trip we went to so the trip was basically we arrived in Tokyo we stayed there for a few days um that’s basically the time frame that I worked so we stayed there for a few days and then we headed down south to Osaka

And that’s when we did our day trips to we did a Daye trip to coob we went down to Hiroshima um did a day trip to MIMA and then once we were down we were done down there then we headed back to Tokyo to

Spend and our last leg of the trip so um throughout the entire time I basically did some shopping um so first one um when we were in Osaka I follow I think I think it was SAU that posted it but I follow um SAU on Instagram and they posted a Christmas like

Um like I think it was like a clip of a Christmas Market in Osaka so oh like wait where is this it’s still is it still happening and so it turns out there’s a Christmas Market down in Osaka at the um at the hanku omeda mall and so

I ended up going um I dragged Jonathan with me yes no problem um but yeah ended up picking up some stuff so um let’s see so first of all I found a um I found um like a small booth that sold some of the SAU stuff so I didn’t bring

I didn’t buy a lot um because the conversion basically is very similar to the pricing in Europe maybe like5 or $10 cheaper but I just did a large haul from SAU so I didn’t want to pick up a lot of stuff so first um I bought a bunch of these tins these

Are the or pins that I have I ended up purchasing some more because I didn’t see this when I was in Paris I think they were actually out so I bought all four um but yeah these are the or jars so or jars um this is the red one got the yellow

Green and purple so I just bought these because I tend to put my Arts at the end of my um couch and then it just goes on my dog because I forgot to throw them away so I picked these up for SAU I was very tempted to get another pair of Scissors

Because um they put the wrong label on the scissors so I actually thought it was like $40 cheaper and so I was like oh I should just go get it cuz it’s like $40 cheaper here um but then she corrected the tag and then gave me and I

Was like oh it’s only $10 cheaper I think I’m good because I actually got a bunch of stuff from kohana so all right so that was from that one store um I went to this other store that was actually selling the liusa Parisian um which is basically veronic on janer um

But um again the pricing was very similar to Europe so I didn’t end up picking any new charts but I ended up picking up um these buttons so let me show you they are wooden buttons but I was thinking of making these into needle minders and so um I

Picked up like this really cool truck um some Christmas sweaters it’s like a really cute vintage deers retro Santa um Christmas tree there’s actually another Christmas tree a green one some other sweater a retro snowman and a teddy bear so yeah I picked up these buttons

Um the conversion was quite good so a lot of these are like a doll to $2 each so I picked some up from the market um um that one was really fun I also I also picked up um I also picked up this tin of cookies it’s Alice it’s really cute um oh

Oops Dro My Water um yeah so it’s Alice um it’s like a panda Alice and then when it looks in the mirror it’s a girl so I bought these these technically have cookies inside I don’t know if the cookies are good I honestly bought this for the Box

Because I love these tins they’re so cute so I bought one and then um I also bought one like this so she was telling me that this is actually a bracelet um but it’s just super cute it has like dogs in it and it’s like a

Denim so I bought these for the tins so really cool um I am trying to see I think that’s all that I can show you for the Christmas Market um yeah so that’s what I ended up purchasing from there and then when we went to MIMA

Um which is by hirosima um there was a rakuma store in there and they have the cutest things um these are not crossstitch related but I wanted to share how cute these things are basically I bought these notepads look how cute it’s like a dessert like look how cute this stationary

Is like look at that it looks so good and then I bought some stationary sets these are like $4 you guys that’s how cheap it is right now and and then um I bought these These are going to go on our tree this year

So not all of these um I’m going to give some to my parents but I basically bought these hanging ornaments um so usually when you go to Temples not like this cartoonish but usually you can hang like an ornament on the tree for like good luck like on

Temples so I just bought some um basically this symbolizes Mima this is the famous floating Tory gate the Red Gate that floats in the water and they are very famous for their Maple cookies um M moyak or Mamaki I can’t remember yeah so cute so I got a bunch

Um so I think I’m gonna let my mom pick out which one she wants for her tree but yeah oh this is a duplicate so I guess she’s getting this one for sure um so that’s what I got from reuma and then um sorry for the

Crinkle I did end up going back to that store that had the veronique books um and I picked up a few books but I bought them for gifts so I’m not going to show it um cuz I’m sure that you’ll see it in other people’s videos when they get my

Gift um okay so while I was there though I was checking out what they have and they have Cosmo FL flosses so they sell Cosmo flosses there so if you don’t know what Cosmo is Cosmo is a um another um floss brand um they’re Japanese they are

Very similar to DMC they actually have um like there is a DMC to Cosmo conversion list the difference is um there a lot more colors for Cosmo versus DMC so good example that I saw when I was in store is you know DMC 310 um there’s only one DMC 310 but if

You look at Cosmo I think like I saw like four different types like four different color ranges for 310 so um that was pretty cool so I ended up picking up a bunch of Cosmo flosses they are so beautiful I wanted to try them so one of the reasons why I

Really wanted to try Cosmo is when I was looking at the colors they actually look very shiny like they’re they have more Sheen than DMC they’re also like super super soft so these are examples of Cosmo flosses so I bought a lot um so these are actually these are

Not random colors I ended up kitting up three projects so I ended up kiding up north pole okay I ended up kitting up four projects so I ended up kitting up north pole by caty cath by Kathy baric um because those are NP eyes and I

Wanted um I don’t want I don’t not that I don’t want but um it’s a little hard for me to swallow spending that much on um npis right now and so I was going to do just do a DMC conversion but I figured might as well try it in Cosmo so

I ended up doing that I also have um Gerald from Kathy barck so I ended up also getting the cosmo conversion for those and then I also bought the Quakers from Le Leela Studios so I bought the colors for Autumn Quaker I actually haven’t bought the pattern yet for

Autumn Quaker um or Autumn is a joy um I wanted the PDF versus the paper so I’m waiting for Leela to put that up in her um Etsy shop so I can purchase it but I also um wanted to Kit up Summer Quaker um I have seen the

Um I’ve seen a lot of progress from Samantha from Huga Stitcher and a lot of the people that have joined her sale and so I actually want to join in but um I wanted to use Cosmo flosses so I ended up purchasing these they were actually I

Don’t think they’re bad pricing for what it is I think it was um actually I can’t remember remember how much it cost but it wasn’t bad definitely not like an overdye CL but yeah like I said look how shiny these colors are they’re shiny I’m excited like I wanted to point out look

Look what you’re seeing on camera is true to life like that’s how shiny it is um and then I saw they have variegated flosses so I ended up picking up a stack now these are random I literally just went ahead and picked some up um but

They are just amazing so I picked up a few random ones they’re just for fun um but I picked up these they all have like variegation so I thought it would be fun one to have look at these Green um so oh look at these oh it’s so pretty so yeah I’m really excited um I’m really excited to try these I will let you know when I start those projects and let you know how it feels working with Cosmos um I’ve heard good things about it um I

Know Abby from top knot Stitcher sses in her shop so hopefully I end up liking these flosses um and yeah I will definitely let you know how it is so those are the cosmos um and I ended up before I get into the good stuff I also ended up picking up the tulip

Needles um tulip is from um Hiroshima Hiroshima Hiroshima depending on how you want to say it but I ended up picking up a few um because in Japan these cost about four bucks only so I ended up picking up four size 24 and 25 so really

Good deal really excited um the yen is really weak right now against the US dollar so basically everything that I bought fell like I got a really good discount um all right let’s talk about kohana that was basically the highlight of my trip this year in terms of like crossstitch stuff so

Kohana kohana was magical um it has a lot of sewing tools first of all I went there by myself um cuz Jonathan wanted to go um try on some of his jeans and so he knows I probably wouldn’t want to go and so we ended up um splitting up and

Just meeting each other later so I went ahead and Venture it out to go and find the kohana store I’m not the best in directions um but Google Maps was really helpful thankfully I didn’t get lost too much and then I made it to kohana and it

Was like magical it was a it’s a very small store it’s not a huge store it was very neat and tidy um so I actually went twice so first I went during my first part of my trip to Tokyo because I wanted to see what they have and that way I can figure

Out which one I wanted I also wanted to see like what they actually have in store because they do have a website but some stuff it says are sold out but then when I went to the store they actually have it so I wanted to see what is ail

Available I also picked up a bunch of stuff for some people so I wanted them to know like what is available for them if they want me to go grab them so um overall I want bananas because it’s me um okay so really excited I ended up purchasing a bunch of

Good stuff so first of all look how cute this is I picked up um a measuring tape this is a measuring tape look how pretty um like the craftsmanship is amazing and then you just like pull pull the measuring tape and then there is like a like something in here

That you press and it will retract back so super cool so I got this really pretty and then goana is very is known for their scissors so I ended up picking up one I bought tiny Snips is what you call them um but I bought on I bought a bunch of

Different ones so first of all I bought the one that comes in a pouch so here it is it comes in a pouch you guys want to see how small it is actually fell out of its little case but but check out how small these scissors are they are tiny they’re so

Small um yellow is my favorite color so I had to get one this is more like a merry gold color but I absolutely love it so um the Snips these tiny snips in store cost about 10 bucks if you buy the pouch it’s about 27 so you do pay an

Extra $10 for the pouch personally I don’t really think this is needed but um um yeah it’s not really needed sorry my dad is texting me be right back sorry my dad was asking me about Netflix okay yeah so I don’t really think that this is necessary um so if you’re ever in

Defense if you want to um you know if you’re debating if you feel like you need to pouch I think this is I think this is good um so yeah these are tiny Snips this has been really good um this is basically how small the blades are it’s actually very good at

Cutting um so yeah I really like it um super exciting I ended up picking this up in a bunch of other colors basically almost all the colors so I’m super excited to show you I ended up picking it in three other colors um I’m going to open it

Now so you’re going to hear crinkling um but I got this in blue the blue tassel um teal so pretty teal and pink so all of these are actually the same the only difference are the tassels um so I didn’t pick up the yellow but then I like was looking at the yellow

Later cuz I was like I thought it is more gold than yellow and then I picked up a yellow for someone and I was staring at it and I was like why does it look a little bit different front of course I noticed this after I already

Left but I realized like when you buy the pouch the ones on the pouch like at least for the yellow one this one is a different see how like the handle is brown and this is more beigy Ivory so yeah that’s the difference and then um the ones that

Just comes in here are is more yellow like pastel yellow whereas this one is a merry gold so kind of a little bum that I didn’t pick it up but I think it’s okay um let me fix this real quick um okay whatever so yeah I got

That and then what else did I get I bought a seam ripper it’s such good craftsmanship look at the yellow tassel um but yeah really pretty so I got a seam ripper and what else I also got um trying to find the one that I

Opened I ended up buying these this is a needle minder polisher so this is like a needle minder um but this is more like ones that this is magnetic so technically you can pick up like um actually no not this one but you can basically pick up like

Your needle like you can like if you drop a needle you literally will just do this and should pick it up um you can also rest your needle at the top it is magnetic at the top and then it has a hole so you can actually um sharpen your

Needle which is cool so I bought a yellow one and I also picked up a blue one so yeah um what else so kohana is really good so right now um because I went around Christmas season they ended up like um they do gift wrap so she actually ended up gift wrapping

This but this is actually just for me but look how beautiful the wrapping is the lady was so good she gift wrapped everything for me so um I had gift wrapped like gifts and stuff to people and so she gift wrapped it individually for me I was in that

Store for like 2 hours um but yeah it’s beautiful so I ended up getting some pins so as you can as I mentioned yellow is my favorite so I bought bought these pins counting pins basically they’re so pretty so I ended up buying these these are all handcrafted so everything that I showed

You they are all made in Japan handcrafted in Japan and then I bought a pair of scissors look how beautiful the box is so pretty I’m going to remove this um let’s see how you open this up oh that’s what it looks like ooh it’s like wow look at

That wow it has a really nice weight so this is the pair of scissors that I bought this is the dark red um and this one costed about $60 USD um and com so to compare the sju scissors are €15 so I think that’s about $15 so it’s this is half price

So it comes in a leather case um it’s really snug in there o okay so it’s very very sharp says goana ooh that’s very it’s very smooth so I’m really excited to pick up a pair kind of wish I bought the other one as

Well so they also have a dark red but I wanted this one they also have really large scissors like more for like fabric but um I didn’t think I needed it of course I have a little bit of I it’s not buyer Shores because I didn’t

Buy it but fomo I have a little bit of fomo for not purchasing it but I think it’s okay um I this is basically what I’m going to end up using a lot more anyway so then um I splurged and bought myself my Christmas gift so I bought this beautiful sewing kit from

Kohana um she was actually very sweet so I um when I went my first time um I saw how big this is so I asked her do you have a lot because I will be back in December and she told me like oh yeah I have two so I was like oh you

Only have two should I go buy it now and the lady was like oh it’s okay I will put it aside for you and so she put it aside for me so when I came back in December first of all she recognized me and she was like she was so cute she was

So excited to see me and then um when I was checking out I asked her like oh do you still have the box and then she was like what box and then I was like oh remember I asked you to hold um like a

Kit for me and she was like oh yeah yeah yeah so she went in the box and pic um gave this to me this is so pretty um I don’t even want to open it look how beautiful the packaging is um beautiful um technically you can give this as a

Gift this is a gift for myself so there’s nothing in here but you if you ever give this as a gift you can write a note in here but this is the packaging um it’s beautiful so pretty all right we’re going to open it together

Um oh it’s so pretty I don’t want to open it but I also want to show you what it looks like all right let’s open it together oh it’s so pretty all right I waited for this video you guys so I’ve been itching oh look at it so this is

What the box looks like oh the craftsmanship I’m so happy it survived in my luggage okay so beautiful all right let’s take a look smells like the store too all right let’s open it up y’all want to see this is what I ended up grabbing so this

Is a sewing kit it’s so beautiful I’m going to take off the if I could okay looks like this I’m going to take it off real quick so you can see what it looks like um so I guess let me just tell you so

This is what it is it’s a box so when you open it it has all the goodies so pretty um but this top it actually has a hoop so let’s take it out so you pop it out and it’s a hoop so you pop back the

Hoop oh it’s so pretty I don’t want to damage the wood I’m a little nervous popping this back in you just loosen it up a little so it doesn’t damage it but oh look how beautiful the craftsmanship yeah so I saw this in store and I was like oh I must have this

So this is what it looks like um so let’s open it up you can see the inside so um this is really pretty so this is going to be my um my table kit So currently I do have um we do have a box you should you might have seen this

Before but um this is my box right now has a lot of my gadgets so here’s my sju um but I basically want to make this my travel box when I travel and use this at home so this is why I bought it um it is beautiful it has a

Divider um and let’s see what it comes with so it looks like it comes with the measuring tape as well so I’m probably I don’t need two so I’m going to give one of them to my mom probably or maybe my sister if she uses the tape I can’t tell

But maybe he just woke up from his SNP all right so first of all it comes with this really cute pin cushion is so cute where the counting pins will go um like I said the measuring tape and these Snips um so this is actually have been

Sold out online but wow look at that craftsmanship I’ve also seen videos on how they put these together so it’s amazing wow when it comes in the leather case um that looks amazing um um let’s see trying to take out this wood okay so it looks like comes with these trying to open

This up sorry I really wanted to wait for you guys unbox this we can unbox this together but these look like little floss holders it comes with some thread it’s beautiful it’s a black and then white and then ooh this is a needle threader a pink one braided

And then it comes with a push pin like um Counting pins which will go really good with this along with the ones that I purchased and then it comes with this thing it says it’s a needle set so let’s open this up it’s say light to medium weight so um I don’t

Sew but I am hoping to get a sewing machine so this is what it looks like oh yeah oh okay oh it comes with a lot of needles yeah these are sewing and embroidery needles so um I might I might put those aside and replace these with needles I actually use like

The you know crossstitch needles so that’s what I’m going to do um but yeah so it’s what the bottom looks like let’s put them all together um this is so pretty I’m very excited um so yeah this is what it looks like I’m basically going to fill this in with

All my stuff and it’s going to sit with my table so really pretty oh it’s so beautiful this also um has a different color there’s a blue one if you’re interested but I ended up getting the pink one um but yeah there’s also like a really beautiful blue one that looks

Exact L like this this is also the larger size they do sell a smaller size um so go check out kohana um if you’re interested in any of these they do ship to the US shipping is about $30 minimum which is not too bad considering where it’s coming from but

What I would suggest is go if you really want some kohas go go at it with a bunch of friends so you can split the cost of shipping so yeah beautiful so yeah that is it for my haul in Japan um I hope you all really enjoy

That um I’m so excited to um basically use all of these products I love goana I also really enjoyed the customer service that was amazing really great jaese service I really appreciated everything she was also super nice she told me she used to live in San Francisco for a few

Years and so um that was a great connection so thank you so much kohana um thank you so much for making my experience really really um really really amazing I can’t wait to go back in the future um so yeah now let’s go on and talk about other stuff so

Um yeah there’s just I haven’t really done a lot so because I’ve been traveling a lot but let me just show you some of the whips that I worked on since my last video so Apple Farm I ended up making a lot of progress um I haven’t touched this since

I got back but I wanted to show you how far I have gotten so since the last one I basically finished this side but I ended up um moving the hoop and having the rest of this at the top so that one has gone really good progress um I’m probably not going to

Touch this for the rest of the year but um it came by really fast uh this is stitched on 28 count I want to say vanilla latte from B Stitch me it’s a lugana I really liked it this is a combination of a DMC conversion plus um Victoria motto flosses the like

I said before though don’t be like me I was a I was a newbie when I did this but I didn’t take into a count that it was 28 and so when I did the 28 count I didn’t realize how much floss it would eat up

So yeah but it’s okay so I ended up um using DMC for a few of them so it doesn’t eat up as much okay so that’s apple farm and then I ended up um for Sarah’s birthday Memphis Sarah E it was her birthday yesterday happy birthday again Sarah uh

She did or is still doing a s for her birthday so feel free to join it’s # so fancy bday s and it’s basically Stitch whatever is fancy for you so it doesn’t have to be it’s not like whatever your definition of fancy is so um I ended up pulling Christmas Elegance

By Mira bilia I actually started this last year for her birthday so she started a hashtag last year and I ended up joining it and so I figured I’m going to make this a tradition of picking up Christmas Elegance every time it’s her birthday and working on it until it is

Completely finished um so this is the progress that I made I didn’t really make too much progress because I’ve been extremely tired so I think I only put like 200 stitches in like I filled in some of the the greens so um I’m okay with that though honestly

Um I’m okay with like having a lot of whips and just finishing them over the years because it’s actually I have a lot of stuff so it’s nice to like start it so really excited to slowly see this come to life it’s beautiful this is on 32 count um

Winter uh no it’s whimsical by B Stitch me this was um I believe like a fabric of the month from two years ago um so it’s really beautiful it sits in this really pretty um Nutcracker bag from little boat 88 from etsc so that is that um I then have a

Bunch of new starts since I got back back from Japan um I’m into mood for some Christmas stitching I’m usually not a seasonal Stitcher like I said but just a mood you know it’s just making me like really want to start winter stitching so

Um I’m going to you know have like a lot of my focus projects for this month is going to be winter stitching so my first new start of the month um sits in this beautiful project bag of Christmas cookies this actually is a project bag that I purchased from Jordan at Stitch

West um Jordan tattooed Stitcher she does make project bags um you guys should check it out look how cute beautiful and look at the coordinating charms so in this bag is my first new start of the month okay stop your sit not not with me okay all right okay it’s all right

All right come here sorry he wants to sit with me okay okay I know I know all right anyway so my start oh anticlimactic um so this one I’ve been really excited to start it is one of my favorite designers start is going to Grandma’s by praiseworthy Stitches I am doing this as

A stitch along with my table for mates from Queen City so um I’m doing this with Jordan tattooed Stitcher Sarah Memphis Sarah E Amber Rogue Mama Stitcher Denise from black ribbon Stitch studio and Lisa Cross by floss so really excited to start on that um trying to

Pull this is my start for this project I started on the edge of the border so this is on 40 count AGA Fresca by Grace NS fabric um I really enjoyed it um I started on the top which is actually the border is a kind of like a specialty it’s a cross

Like a full cross but it’s over four um so it’s quite big and it is a mix of junifer juniper week’s D works plus a blending filament so really cool and then here’s the trees and then I think that’s like a it’s supposed to be be like a reindeer and there’s supposed to

Be like a sleigh over here so yeah that is my new start with my TBL mates really excited praiseworthy is one of my favorite designers I absolutely love them I am doing I have a handful of projects from them and have been slowly collecting their Halloween haunted mansions that they’ve released over the

Past few years um I AB absolutely love them and they’re really fun to stitch so um I also wanted to show off that I transferred the flosses in these super duper cute floss tags um this floss ring first of all they’re all from sweet Autumn Stitch from Etsy um but look at

The floss ring it’s a gingerbread man this is what it looks like like actually gingerbread man look how cute and then I bought these floss tags these are basically a gingerbread man sitting in a hot cocoa and a hot cocoa this is really pretty so I transferred all of the

Flosses in here just to make it funner you don’t really need to do that but I just do so it’s really pretty so yeah that is my start for going to Grandma’s it comes with um I don’t have the beads cuz I’m just going to use whatever I

Have in stash but these are the colors that you need for the kic you need a green red and this white marshmallow blending filament although my marshmallow is a number four not a blending filament I’m pretty sure it’s fine though so that is my start and then yesterday I have another start I

Have haven’t posted it yet but I ended up starting um I ended up starting this series I’ve been wanting to start this for a very long time but it is the pansy patch quilts peppermint Lane Series so if you guys don’t know I am my sucker for houses and when I saw

This I was like yes I need to start these so um I have started them so um the first one that I’m starting is this one called peppermint house so that is my start um this is my progress so far it is so pretty um so this is the

Start of that one um this came from the border so you can actually um download the border from panty Patch’s blog site she has the PDF download for free for the Border if you want to stitch the entire house in one fabric which is what I’m doing so this is um 40 count

Um 40 count it’s a fat half it’s huge I got this from Queen City as well this is from Grace notes fabric um the fabric I don’t have the tag I believe it is called Swiss Swiss mocha is the color 40 count it is beautiful so I am super

Excited and again I transferred the floss tags I mean I transferred the floss to floss tags um this one is from Team eggner on Etsy these are pretty they’re like vintage cards they are just so pretty look how the cute so yeah absolutely love them so yeah

It’s not too many colors actually um I think there’s only 13 colors for um this series so really pretty it’s going to look beautiful against that so yeah so those are my two new starts I have one more um two more two more starts um for this weekend I

Don’t have one of them with me because I still need to Kitt it up um or I already have them kitted up I just need to pull them from my stash so one of them is Christmas Tiny Town from Heart and Hand I’m going to do a start on that I just

Need to figure out what fabric to choose and then the next start that I’d like to do is Christmas Parade from Cottage Garden samplings um it is really pretty it’s really cute so this is what the pattern looks like Santa parading um I am thinking of stitching this on this beautiful blue fabric

Called oxygen from Atomic Ranch to 36 count just so it’s like really happy and then um you can’t really see it but um I ended up getting the silk conversion from Vicky Clayton um because I have been hearing nothing but good news on her silks and

So um yeah these are some of the colors look how beautiful and vibrant I think it would look really good with this fabric there’s a bunch more but yeah I’m going to start on that probably later today um I need to put up my Christmas tree so

Um really excited so yeah those are my new starts and plant start um all right so um before I go I just want to share some haul that um I have picked up since the last video so um starting off first of all I got some stitchy kindness um I received a very

Generous Christmas gift from Amber Rogue Mama Stitcher um she really surprised me um like I got like a huge box it was huge so thank you so much Amber um it was really really sweet so I’m going to share with you some of the things that

She gave me so um she got me this really cute notepad with um oh that’s actually a dog and a tomato it’s super cute totally me um I got this really cute needle minder there is actually another needle minder but it’s sitting up on my um stand of needle minder so I’m not

Going to grab it but it was really cute it’s um it’s a bird a Christmas it’s a bird with a scarf it’s really cute um and then she got me like a mug the mug is outside so can’t show that but she got me like she went all out like look

How many patterns she got me it felt like a never ending box it was like amazing like it kept coming so thank you thank you so much Amber so I got um a bunch of Cory body Corey um pattern so this is Halloween and crossstitch um flax Farm which is really

Cool because as you know I’m working on Apple Farm which is actually also from Cory borey so here’s flax Farm sunflower Farm Christmas farm and shabby Autumn calendar so and then she also sent me this really beautiful pattern from Li bruces Parisian um this one is very

Similar to the one I bought in Paris which is sitting in a box it’s a garden which is really pretty and it comes in this box so thank you so much Amber that was really really generous of you I’m so excited to stitch these um especially

The Parisian one it’s going to go really well with the other one that I got so thank you so much um I am sending off my Christmas gifts um early next week um now that I have some energy to actually put them together so yeah um what else I went Black Friday shopping

Um for crossstitch stuff so um not just Black Friday shopping I just went shopping so um what what else can I share with you um so you saw the Vicky Clayton silk pack for um Christmas parade I also picked one up for birds of a feather from Blackbird designs it is so

Pretty um this is going to be my Stitch West start in April so I’m really excited um I saw this stitched up from Lauren new Hamp New Hampshire Stitcher and using the Vicky clay and silk pack and it looked amazing and so I’m obsessed and I’m copying it so really

Excited to start that um so you saw some of the floss rings that I got so I wanted just show you the other ones that I picked up so I picked up a floss ring um this is fall themed it’s like a house that’s from sweet Autumn Stitch and I picked up like

This pick of the patch floss cards and this one it says like thankful for something but yeah it’s a very cute it’s a pretty house so I got that and then for team eggner I picked up this like pack of floss cards um basically these are like different like

Treats like holiday treats that’s pretty um those one came with floss ring so that was the floss ring for that um oh oh it fell this one’s a Halloween one it has like a skeleton skeleton so vintage cards it’s pretty um another one and sleigh rides so those are so cute

Um yeah I’m really into floss Rings right now and floss tags they’re really pretty um what else um oh while I was in Japan I forgot to share this but I picked up a new planner for the year um I don’t really like the book of days because it’s too big for me

But I ended up picking up this thing it’s really good it’s perfect size for me so basically um this is how I’ve been keeping track of my stitching so this is what December looks like so far so just really pretty it goes all the way to

2024 and then it also has a daily page for 2024 so I can pull up more information okay what else did I get um I signed up for the house series from Cottage Garden samplings so this is Santa house this is the very first house I picked it up from Abby top knot

Stitcher so I’m super excited to collect these and Stitch all of them in the future I just have to find the perfect fabric so beautiful um I got my floss frenzy um pack for November still in the letter c week week’s die works so for November it came with chickpea chrisanthony Cinnabar

Cinnamon twist citronella and Clockwork so actually really beautiful fall colors um I wanted to build out my floss stash so I did pick up a um some colors from stitchy stuff Co it is so pretty look at all of these pretty beautiful um what else um um so this is like a

Combination but um one two three stitch had a Black Friday sale so I did pick up some Fabrics because they were about 40% off so that was a really good deal I picked up a fat quarter wheat from fiber on a whim this is a 40 count I’m trying

To build out my 36 and 40 count neutrals because this is what I’m Laing packing so I went ahead and picked all of these up this is 36 count um picture this plus earthon I really love this after seeing seeing this fabric from Jordan so I went ahead

And pick one up um this is gingerbread 36 count a lot of these are picture dis plus that was basically what was like mostly 40% off so it was a really good deal this is Highland um 36 count 36 count Mirage these this color is popular for praiseworthy a 40

Count um color Barnyard or Barnwood 40 count Barnwood a 40 count of dubloon this is really pretty and a 40 count Heritage yeah so that’s my one two three Pro um haul oh I missed this um okay I was like it felt really light when I talked about

The Osaka Marketplace um forgot I also actually picked up Fabrics in that haul um it was really cheap but these are ornament size I’ve never heard of this brand it’s Italian Grano but I picked these up they’re ornament sizes and um they’re like $4 so I picked one

Up so just like a really cute yellow this is 28 count same with this 28 count oh thought it would be really cute to put some ornaments in there um these are 18 counts but look how cool so yeah and then I picked up these two Fabrics from zart they’re 28 and 32

Count but um this came out to be $10 only and it’s a fat quarter so that one’s really good so I picked it up even though it’s available here cuz it’s much cheaper so here’s the blue polka dot and the green one um okay so what I wanted to actually

Show you are my fabric haul from xjw designs so I have been hearing nothing but good things about xjw designs and so I went and pick up some Fabrics um their like packaging is very similar to Barber All Creations who is also in Hungary um but this is a 36 count marble

Bunny this is 36count Autumn gold it’s beautiful this is did I mostly get 36 this is morning coffee I absolutely love this one this a seashell again 36 I think I got I probably got all 36 yeah this is latte Grandpa sleeve I’ve been wanting this fabric it is so cool milk

Chocolate let’s compare this with just the difference between milk chocolate this is milk chocolate and this is latte so one’s warmer than the other and then lastly this is old sheep really beautiful fabric I’m very excited to um stitch on these um I have a lot of

Plans for 2024 stitching so I’m really excited and then lastly I picked up a bunch of patterns um during Black Friday because um there’s a bunch of sales from like pumpkin Creek Primitives um um what else top knot Stitcher um thread thread the needle Society the one that used to be um used

To be called Stacy’s Stacy’s needle but yeah um so I picked these up um I can’t remember which ones are which but I actually picked up a bunch of patterns but I’m just going to show you the ones that are for winter um so I picked up Christmas Moon Christmas Mini Moon by

Plum Street sampler um I picked up oh and I also picked up some stuff from Fat Quarter cuz it was 15% off but I picked up all dolled up like I said I’m into houses I picked up a collection this is The Farmhouse Christmas um collection

There’s like I think nine of them so really pretty I got up on the housetop by Teresa Kat it’s so cute um finally picked up welcome to the North Pole by perm Rose Cottage I’m really excited to start this one I might start a this this year so

Pretty um I picked up winter comes by heart string samplery Abby had a really good sale um Christmas Rose by Blackbird design and I mentioned this earlier but I picked up this one North Pole by C Kathy baric so and I had to SK it up with the cosmo floss so I’m really

Excited It also says in here in the back that the model was stitched for one week so I guess it’s completely doable to do this in one week so really excited um and lastly for my last haul this is another Splurge but um I um have been watching

Liz from hello from Liz Matthews and she just totally got into Dimensions um and I’m really really proud to be the one who sent her down the rabbit hole but she ended up picking up one of my unicorn kits from dimensions and that pretty much just sealed the deal for me

Um this is My Last Unicorn kit from Dimensions um I have stopped collecting because I have everything I want in stack except for this one this was the last one so I ended up picking it up myself after seeing this on Liz but basically this is Christmas Cove from the gold

Dimensions um collection Christmas kit um it is so beautiful I’m so excited to stitch this um is this what the back looks like I think I got like I want to say that I probably got a reprint compared to the one that Liz got cuz the

One that Liz got came in like a shopping bag so that one is like the super old Dimensions I have some of those in my collections but this one looks like um this is the American version so this isn’t like um as new but um because you

Do still have to sort it out yourself but this came in a different Packaging so I think mine is a bit newer um it comes in like a light blue fabric um it looks like it’s 16 count based on how big the holes are but I’m super excited this is the very last

Unicorn kit um I actually got it for a pretty decent price it’s not as um it’s not as much as what it usually is in eBay um on eBay I did get it on eBay but most eBay pricing is about $200 plus dollars I definitely did not pay 200 but

It is still quite expensive but I’m really excited I can’t wait um so yeah that is it for my video I hope you all have a great um rest of the weekend I hope you’re all having a great holiday season I will be back by

The end of the month for my yearend whip parade where I I will be talking to you about everything for the year I’m going to show everything that I finished for the year it’s usually my like um yearend review so I go over like everything that

I finish for the year on my whips and just taking a look back at everything that happened for you know this last year so I’m really excited to share that video I am probably also going to do another one where I do like an updated winter

Christmas um chart parade um I did do that a few years ago with kits so I think I might do that with charts because I’ve accumulated quite a bit so yeah those are just some plants that I have um lastly there are I’ve received a lot of new subscribers over the last

Month um so I just like to thank all of you for joining me in this journey of crossstitch I’ve definitely changed a lot um over the last year so thank you all so much for joining me on this journey thank you for being part of my community thank you for reaching out

Leaving comments liking my videos and post on Instagram and chatting with me I read every single comment and I do try to engage with you if you ever message me on Instagram so um feel free to always drop me a note and thank you all for those that have mentioned me in

Their videos I do watch every single one that I’ve been tagged as much as I can anyway um and so I really appreciate it um quick shout out for um the ones that I have recently watched so um Andrew from the runner Stitcher have created did his very first floss tube so go

Ahead and watch Andrew um who else um I have been watching a lot of um Talking Dog Stitcher blessing blushing pink stitches um you know my usual Jordan Amber Sarah um I don’t want to drop too many names um but I have been very much enjoying Lauren from New Hampshire

Stitcher so I’ve really enjoyed all of her projects it’s very easy to get enabled by her um so yeah that was really great um and everyone else um yeah thank you all so much for watching um I can’t wait to see you guys again in the few weeks thank you all so

Much and hope you all have a great day bye


  1. I had a brand new pair of Cohana scissors and my adult daughter who new never to touch them wasn’t thinking grabbed a pair of scissors to open her box with and now they no longer cut thread they bend it. So bummed.

  2. Hello Bernadette! ❤ So great to see you happy, healthy and so pleased with your trip to Japan and your awesome haul! Your wips are incredible…and you made lots of progress. I'm super happy you liked your stitchy goodies from me too.😁 You're very welcome. It was fun to gather it up for you. 🥰 Your makeup was flawless too! 😍

  3. Hello Bernadette ❤ Great video!! I loved seeing your Cohana haul, that was a treat!! I’m looking forward to your next holiday update. ❄️🎄🎅🏻🦌☃️

  4. Isn't shopping in Japan so much fun. What store did you buy the Cosmos floss from and where are they located? Did you go to a chain store or the manufacturer? I just came back from Yokohama and Osaka. Do you have any tips on finding cross stitch items in Japan?

  5. I loved the Christmas gift you bought for yourself the most! Congratulations on your Dimensions Unicorn! I'm so happy to see your face! So happy you had a great trip! 💝

  6. Great catching up with you today and seeing all your haul! Have a wonderful week and happy stitching 😊🧵🪡🤗🤩🎄⛄️❄️

  7. Loved this update & welcome home! So fun to see all of your Stitchy goodies from Japan! Congratulations on your Christmas Cove acquisition!!! I am currently in the sorting floss phase for that one…any plans to start it soon? 😊🎄

  8. Love love the blue fabric for Christmas Parade. You are such an enabler, all the hauls are such an eye candy

  9. Love your haul. You show the neatest things I don’t have the eyesight for the smaller count material but it was really pretty I don’t know how you do that if you don’t have a pattern. Where do you buy the shadow box and pattern from I can see that one.

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