Backyard Garden

Cement craft idea / Garden design ❤️ Fast and Beautiful ❤️How to design a garden

Garden design ❤️ Fast and Beautiful ❤️ Best gift for your wife !
garden designs and layouts
How to design a garden in 10 steps


  1. Can not believe I watched this. I was thinking what is this going to be. Then when it was finished and he put fish in tank. What lot of work and time for this tacky pond
    He could of bought an aquarium for cheaper and more attractive. Not sure if that cement will be good for the fish.

  2. Классно, только серый бетон внутри тоже чем-то закрасить.

  3. А надолго ли цемента в контакте с водой хватит? Любые перепады температур и все – нет аквариума…

  4. Аквариумным рыбкам нужна натуральная трава. Они ею питаются. На улице аквариумные рыбки все сдохнут.

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