Gardening Supplies

๐ŸŽ Unbox More Plant Mail with me from TGE on Etsy & Update on the Last Round ๐ŸŽ„

Yep, I ordered more lol. I decided to film a quick unboxing video of a couple new plants I purchased as well as give you an update on the last round of plants I ordered from the green escape on Etsy. If you missed the unboxing video I will link it below!

Unboxing Video:

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I have a mail box now! ๐Ÿ“ฆ๐Ÿ’Œ
1201 W Peachtree St NW Ste 2625
PMB 746407
Atlanta, Georgia 30309-3499 US


Thiccly GrowPoles:

Fluval Stratum:

Soil Mixes:

Nursery Pots:

Grow Lights:

Moss Pole Supplies:



Pest Control:


Ikea Cabinet Supplies:

Plant Pots & Stands:

Plant Trellis:

Soil scooper + tool for props


Plant Room Items:

00:00 Intro
00:31 Update begins
05:34 Unboxing begins
13:50 Rinsing off plants
16:21 Potting into stratum
18:33 Outro

Business Inquiries:

Music by epidemic sound

I am not an expert. Iโ€™m sharing what has worked for me through my own trial and error. The description of this video may contain affiliate links, which means if you choose to make a purchase via these links, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my channel! ๐Ÿ’—โœจ

#unboxing #plantunboxing #newplants

Welcome back I’m Melissa and today’s video is another unboxing slash update I wasn’t going to film this unboxing but I figured I did have some people ask about how my plants were doing that I got from the green Escape so I figured I might as well film this quick video unbox some

Plants that I purchased and give you a little upate on these ones so let’s do the update first we’re going to jump right into it I have all four plants here and I will link the unboxing that I did for these it wasn’t that long ago

Maybe a couple weeks so this is from the green escape on Etsy and I ordered two Hoya and alacia and oh no two alaka so two Hoya to alacia after unboxing you know the plants didn’t look quite as happy but I I know like yellowing is to be expected especially in Winter and

They’re being like shipped in a box like I don’t see yellowing as like a sign of uh the plant isn’t healthy it’s just to me it’s normal for that to happen but the plants themselves are very happy and they’re healthy and doing well I think

The only thing that I was most sad about was the variegation on the alaka pink poly but the plant itself is happy and it pushed a new Leaf I have some new growth coming in on one of the HOAs and some new Roots growing in so let me give

You a closer look at them okay I moved a little bit closer so you could see the update so let’s start with the alaka pink poly one of the original leaves that were yellow in the unboxing it did kind of yellow all the way and I

Actually feel like I might be no maybe I actually might be getting a new Leaf soon again so this this was the one that was unfurling during the unboxing it had very little pink and this is the new Leaf here it does have some pink but

It’s not that variegated but you can see a little bit of speckling and I feel like there could be something wanting to push out again it’s hard to say I can’t tell that it’s rooted too much into here yet I did kind of shovel away some

Stratum and I do see some new roots that are forming and who’s to say what’s going to happen with this plant and with the variegation I could get some good collar down the road and that’s just the price you pay with variegation especially when it’s unstable I could

Have a highly variegated plant right away and then it come in less variegated and vice versa I mean the chances are if it’s highly variegated it’ll continue but who’s to really say and this plant eventually when it grows maybe some corns will grow variegated or maybe

It’ll surprise me so I am a little unhappy with the variation side of this one but again I mean it’s a healthy plant it’s growing and I feel like I mean I’m happy with it I’m glad that it didn’t like not make it or anything like

That I just I can only hope for better variegation but that’s kind of on me cuz I bought a corn or I bought a plant without knowing what the variegation was going to be if that makes sense and this aloca here was a oh God aliccia Waton or

Something but this was the dark form and one of the leaves that were yellowing yellowed off all the way this is the other one that was yellowing it’s still a little bit yellow and this is the one that was like new right there and this

One is growing in some new roots in the stratum it’s really hard to see but you can see kind of some healthy white Roots so this one is definitely like stabilized it looks kind of kind of firm I can tell it’s hydrated it’s going to do just fine it loves being in my

Cabinet conditions I have all these in my Ikea cabinet beside me this one is the H what what was this one this one was the Silver Splash or Hoya I don’t know I’ll put the name on the screen I can’t remember this one uh it’s definitely

Like perky I can tell the Hoya leaves they’re not like I don’t know I can just tell when plant leaves are more plump and they’re healthier compared to when they’re soft and limp and they’re kind of lifeless in a sense when they’re dehydrated and just

Not able to take up water they have a poor root system the super silver here the cronana actually has new growth in a couple of places it’s going to be really hard to see but I want you to see if you can see down there at the bottom you can

See some new leaves and then the tip there has some new growth as well it’s hard to see like any roots on these ones I don’t see new growth on this Hoya yet popping out but I feel like Hoya loves stratum and semi Hydro so they’re definitely going to do well

I’m going to put these all into pond eventually once they grow some new Roots so overall I am very happy with these plants again just the variegation factor with the pink Polly but I’m happy to have like healthy plants growing so uh sometime I would say like a week

After the unboxing maybe a little bit shorter I don’t remember when I placed my order and my phone’s on my charger so I can’t get my phone uh do you know how like when you are logged into an app or sometimes you get notifications and so something from

The green Escape it notified me that there were new plants in stock or new ship sh or something and I clicked on it and it took me to their site and guess what I found or guess what I saw more variegated alaka uh amazonica or poly but it’s a mint

Version so I went on to the greencap and I ordered it along with one more plant so there’s two plants in here and you guys are going to think I’m crazy really you guys are just going to laugh at me because I honestly I don’t know why I

Just I’m just a sucker for variegated plants and the other one I only saw uh I didn’t need it because I I got one just like it but you guys will see hold on let me let me just open this and yeah I feel like we’re all like this

Sometimes I don’t know maybe it’s just me sometimes when I see a plant I just I have no self-control so we have one and oh no that’s the paper so we have one and two right here these were delayed in the mail uh let’s see if I have an order

Date I ordered these 1211 and it shipped 1213 I don’t know that might be the date that the shipping label was printed actually I don’t remember but I do I do remember checking the status and it said delayed like shipping was delayed this actually came yesterday evening but uh

I’m waiting till today to film so they have been in my home for about uh 20 hours I would say so yes this is a mint alaka poly so we’re going to see what this one looks like I do have two cups of stratum here I’m going to go ahead and put them

Straight into stratum I’m just going to rinse the dirt off and do the same thing that I did with these guys and stick them straight in there together the mint ones on the website looked good and I’m a sucker for minty plant leaves anyone who knows me knows I love mint and variegated

Plants [Applause] so oh it looks tiny hold on it’s taped it’s very tiny oh it’s got like interesting color oh that’s interesting and there is a little baby New Leaf it is very tiny a lot tinier than I was expecting oh Focus there we go can you see the variegation

It looks more like pink than mint it could be just that that leaf and then there’s a little baby one right there it’s so cute it’s so tiny I just love baby plants at first I thought it was uh another pink poly but I guess it is a

Mint I’m just making sure there’s nothing pest wise on here you know sometimes when plant leaves are dirty or they’re Dusty it looks like spider mites in a way but it’s not very cool it’s very moist still I’m very surprised by that so yeah that is

Adorable it’s so cute I I know they they’re probably going to look very similar but I don’t care I just I don’t know what’s wrong with me and this next one is another watania but this one is a white vein so this one I ordered was a dark form and I

Didn’t know like the difference when I ordered these I didn’t know that they even had this one on the website I feel like it must have been new because I didn’t remember seeing this when I ordered the dark form so I’m curious if this one looks any different it looks smaller oh wow

Oh that is pretty I think this is the one that I was looking at on the uh website or on Instagram cuz I really liked the white veining can you see that oh that is beautiful I have to do a spiderm check oh wow that is beautiful

Beautiful that leaf here is a little bit discolored see I already like this one better than the dark form I don’t know if you can tell let me see if I can do these Side by Sid so you can tell the difference this is what I thought I was getting when I ordered

This and you can already see like the sinus up here that veining how it looks like it’s closed like that this is going to be beautiful once it grows I’m excited to have two forms of the Wata uh even though I don’t need two forms and this one still feels pretty

Moist like a good root system yeah I would say overall these plants these two alaka look happy I’m very happy with them look at how cute I’m obsessed I’m obsessed with aliccia right now so so what I’m going to do is I didn’t show you guys last time me like

Rinsing the dirt off but let me see what kind of plug this is really quick I think it’s just dirt I don’t know if it’s one of them had like a sponge type of a plug but I remember someone asked me like in the comments how I got the

Little dirt off and I was just very careful it’s easier for me to like soak the over the sink uh with running water I just kind of get it really moist and it falls off and that has a healthy root system that’s going to do so well in stratum and let’s see this

One see this one has a far less root system I don’t see any roots with this this one let’s kind of pluck some of this away and see okay we do you can see the root system there do you see it peeking out so I just kind of plucked off the bottom

Little piece so it is it is rooted all right so yeah I’m just going to take these to my sink really quick I’ll show you me rinsing these off and then we’re going to pop them into stratum just like what we did with these ones and then we’ll

Have yeah we’ll have them growing with the other ones and I’m I’ll be super excited to pop these all up oh this alligation just so beautiful I think I like this one more than the variegated one just because this Leaf is stunning it reminds me of the regular

Amazonica in a way but it’s just the the sinus on it is different I don’t know it’s very beautiful don’t mind all my million water jugs so here’s the two plugs and we’re going to do lukewarm water not hot not cold anything super hot or super cold can shock it

So let’s do this little one first and I have a strainer In My Sink to catch the Dirt Sh Okay now this fated Mint one is super super tiny like it’s a very tiny corn hardly any root system so this going into a strum is definitely going to help this plant grow super tiny and then this one here is a little bit bigger you can see the root system on that

One little bit of a bigger corn now I did get a little bit of roots off but that’s okay like the there’s a root system there on that one um a little bit there but sometimes it’s just impossible to not pull all the roots off and and that’s why I think sticking them

In stratum is going to be the best thing for them to grow because they really love stratum and they’ll get nutrients and then they’ll grow new roots and stuff in I am worried that could be fungal that little spot there I’ll have to watch that if anything I’ll cut this Leaf

Off so yeah we’ll pop these up real quick all right we’re going to stick these straight into the stratum this one is so little it’s so tiny such a little guy I just ordered a new bag of stratum cuz I was out and it was like so nice to

Fill up my little container with fresh stratum but I seriously love it it’s the best for like rehabing plants now for me I don’t really care how full I fill it because it’ll continue to wake up until there’s no more water in here I just try and keep

It more on the full side when I’m topping them off so that they don’t go completely dry when I go to water them again especially since they’re in my cabinet they tend to dry out a little bit more quickly at least like halfway 34 full of water and it’ll continue to

Wake up and that’s it they’re done look how little this one is though compared compared to the pink poly do you see how I thought this one was pretty small but look how tiny that one is it’s cute though and then this one is definitely long like the stem is super long

Compared to this one it’s a little crck crooked because of how it was packaged in the box but it’ll straighten out they’re super cute so now I have four aliccia that are the same and then the two Hoya so very happy with everything I’m just hoping I get

Some really good color to come in I imagine I’m going to leave these in stratum probably for at least another month probably through January it really depends on the root system I feel like some of these I could probably go ahead and put into stratum

Or put into Pawn in a few like few weeks but I might keep them in the stratum just until they get like a healthy root system and then put them into pond and these two new ones of course will be in the pond for a while especially this

Little guy this one definitely needs to grow some more so yeah I hope you enjoyed thank you so much for watching and yeah I’ll talk to you guys again very Soon


  1. yay yours came! ๐Ÿ’š my monstera mint is bigger than I thought it would be I'm satisfied ๐Ÿ˜‚. one of the bottom leaves looks damaged from transit but overall its ok. I'm thinking about just getting a majestic but I should've done the by 3 deal ๐Ÿ˜ญ ugh

  2. I put all my starter plants from Green Escape in a Stratum-pumice mix right away upon arrival. It's worked for all of them so far. I'm waiting on a Frydek and Varigated Frydek from them as well as 2 scratch and dent Queen Anthuriums. I've never had an alocasia or anthurium before. Here hoping they make it. You inspired me to get the Frydeks๐Ÿ˜ I'm going to put them in my Rudsta cabinet for high humidity. Next I want an alocasia with pink variegation.

  3. Yours came in nice and healthy! When I got mine the paper was wet on the leaves and they all rotted off ๐Ÿ˜… they refunded me but it was my second time trying to order a Jacklyn (from different companies) so I think Iโ€™m just not supposed to have a Jacklyn ๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. The plants from green escape always have good roots. If they got lost in the mail it wouldn't be good but they are never rotten or sopping wet. That's pretty good for baby plants ๐Ÿ˜Š and yes I think we're all like that ๐Ÿ˜‚. I love being on YouTube hearing people who love plants as much as I do

  5. Sometimes I feel like these plant some sellers send you their worst plants first. Kind of like a grocery store putting almost expired to the front. When I order a plant I want the best or there will be a problem.

  6. I placed my starters from them in stratum as well and they all do well. I was alerted by someone on IG, that TGE had King of Spades Anthurium seedlings. I had to buy another package as well ๐Ÿ˜Š. It is addictive ๐Ÿ˜‚

  7. I wish you luck transferring to Pon on your Hoya. I had Lacunosa snow cap that grew wonderfully in stratum and rotted in 2 days in Pon ๐Ÿ˜ข same with my aff. burtonia. I transferred 6 altogether but those 2 didnโ€™t make it.

  8. omg that watsoniana white veins! its stunning. i love that you included the rinsing of the plug they came in! but do you have any recommendations for removing the more sponge-like ones? i have 2 plants from TGE that came in the spongey ones and i didn't remove much of the plug because i was worried about ripping all the roots off. thanks for sharing the haul and happy holidays!

  9. Iโ€™m cracking up cause your just like me girl! We do it and we laugh like why are we like this ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I love it!! And I support our bad decisions that make us smile and donโ€™t really do any harm! I have to say I donโ€™t love TGE idk everything Iโ€™ve gotten the variegation was very low almost not there , but Iโ€™m holding out itโ€™s better ๐Ÿ˜ข

  10. Wow that one is very tiny tiny . Iโ€™m surprised how decent it traveled being they tiny of a plug. But I know if anyone can do it you can โคโค

  11. I order a lot from them but all the plants I've bought in December have pretty much kicked the bucket. Even leaving them and not repotting, they just are flopped over, weak stem – good thing I had the winter insurance, but even the heat packs don't do much. I just cut it down and I'll see if anything comes back in spring.

  12. Nice plants! Donโ€™t worry about the variegations yet, right now theyโ€™ve just sprouted leaves; I believe theyโ€™ll be spectacular once theyโ€™re more establish.

  13. You can't say the Pant is not gonna be variegated, when the plant ๐ŸŒฟ is still a plug๐Ÿคท it's baby. It's not like the plant is Mature and it's it not producing No Variegation. You come if as "Complaining" and the plant has lots more growing to do.

  14. Thank you for sharing an update on your last haul and showing how you prepped these for potting in stratum! I love seeing how plants adapt to new environments and grow๐Ÿ’š

  15. I adore the two new plants ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŒต and the other four are growing well and look amazing ๐Ÿ˜Š

  16. I'm so jelly right now. I have the dark form watsoniana which i thought was the white vein when i bought it. I thought maybe once it matured it would get the white viens ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ but from watching your video i know now its not. I didn't even know there are different kinds. Now i have to wait until spring to get the white vein. ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜‚ Thanks for the videos. I would have never known that.

  17. I like the Green Escape. Iโ€™m also glad I can live vicariously through you on some of these. Iโ€™m building my relationship with my Frydek and โ€œwhite tigerโ€ Monstera ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Please get that variegated Jacklyn. Waiting for the vid.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  18. Theyโ€™re so cute! Iโ€™m definitely looking forward to the updates on all these babies. I was also very tempted to get the mint Polly but space isnโ€™t something I have ๐Ÿ˜ข. I cannot wait to see them thrive in your care!
    Hope you have a merry Christmas!

  19. Iโ€™ve purchased 4 plants from Green Escape: a Thai Con, a Joepii, a Florida Ghost, and a Tortumโ€ฆall were very small but theyโ€™re all thriving nicely (the Thai Con is doing particularly well!)โ€ฆI love this seller!

  20. Can you root the plugs in pon? I ordered from TGE again was thinking of reppoting them straight in pon.

  21. I ordered a micans and a neon pothos from the green escape and I was notttt happy with the micans. It looked like it had a bunch of pest damage. And just a tonnn of tiny leaves. I took it apart and just potted up the good stem or 2.

  22. Really beautiful plants Melissa. The White Vein one reminds me too of the Alocasia Amazonica so it'll be interesting to see how the leaves develop as they mature. And the Watsonia reminds me of the Azlanii haha. I'm really loving my alocasia now too. My alocasia collection is almost entirely in pon now and they are thriving. I was so excited to see that my alocasia macrorrhiza variegata is already pushing out a giant new leaf and I've only had her for 2 weeks in LECA ๐Ÿ˜ฑso she and my Regal Shield are the only 2 large alocasia that are still in LECA. Do you think I should move them into pon too or leave them in LECA since they're happy & pushing out new growth? Thanks for sharing your purchases with us…I LOVE watching plant mail unboxings cos it makes me feel happy, as though I'VE just purchased them ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿฅฐ

  23. When do you transition from fluval to something else? At what point of The growth of the plant do you feel itโ€™s time to move to soil?

  24. Beautiful new plants, under your care they will soon be striking large plants. Merry Christmas to you and Kevin and thanks for what you do.

  25. i grow a lot of alocasia polly corms, and even with the regular polly the color is always very different when theyโ€™re babies, so i think youโ€™ve got a good chance with your variegation

  26. Love your two new babies, so cute! Merry Christmas to you and your family, i hope you had a nice break ๐Ÿ˜Šโ˜ƒ๏ธ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ…

  27. Iโ€™m on like order 15 from them and only a small bit seems to survive ๐Ÿ˜ญ Iโ€™m not giving up though. lol they have such a nice variety, am Iโ€™m determined to master alocasia indoors. Best wishes for your new plant babies. ๐Ÿ

  28. If you have the patience and skill, which you do, these plants are a perfect way to get a wishlist plant at an affordable price.

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