Front Yard Garden

The Big Yard Takeover! | Ep. 5 Front Trees Clean Up

Nothing too crazy with this mini project in the front. I just wanted the trees to look a little better in the front.

And we’re back with some more projects I know I said I was going to take a little bit of a Hiatus um cuz we’re doing wedding stuff but right now we’re still looking at some venu so while that’s still going on and we’re waiting to see

Other venues I’m just going to go ahead and dive back into some smaller projects and the project that we’re doing today is getting these trees there are three in my front yard here just to look a little bit better Spruce them up a little bit so I have some mulch I have

Four bags of the black dyed Mulch and I have black border to go around I’m not going to make it a wide area or that um tall of an area cuz I don’t like the look where it look like as if it’s an ant hill so first things first I got to

Clean up these trees I want it to look a little bit nicer than what it is right now with all of these leaves and stuff growing on these trees I don’t like the look so let’s clean that up real quick so the weed whacker or Edge Trimmer

Whatever you want to call it just was not trying to work at all I don’t know what was going on with it the battery is fully charged and all the pieces or parts of it was where it was supposed to be so I don’t know what happened but

It’s not the only tool that I could use with doing the clearing of the trees it’s just I felt that that was going to be the easier tool in a faster tool so I ended up just using my machete which I do need to sharpen the machete because

It did take a little bit of some time getting this one tree cleared out but if the machete was a bit sharper I think it would have cut down a little bit of time with clearing out and you’ll probably see here that I used the machete to kind

Of like stab into one part of the tree that’s because I found some spiders over there and um definitely needed to get rid of them so they won’t attack me oh So I didn’t clear off the entire tree one cuz I couldn’t get up there and two um it’s not necessarily a problem I I think just by clearing out and getting rid of those really thick roots that that was kind of like the source of the nutrition for those leaves so now that

Those U thick Roots were cut and they’re gone I don’t think those leaves will be thriving although maybe it will I’m just assuming in my head that it may die eventually but I’m not a tree expert and I’m not a plant expert so this is just what I thought All right at least step two was a lot easier now step three we’re going to lay the weed Barrier you For is you’re probably wondering why I have the bees suit on it’s because I found some bees over in between these trees now I don’t know if they’re ground bees or if they’re Hornets or yellow jackets well they’re definitely wearing Hornets but I don’t know if they’re yellow jackets and

I have been stung like six times by yellow jackets so I’m not trying to take that chance again okay so that was step three so wasn’t too bad to put down the weed barrier it was just putting in the um pins because of the roots I every time I

Put in a pin in one location there was some Roots deep in the um dirt preventing it from going all the way in so yeah there’s that um step four was going to be putting this lawn edging in but I think I would have needed to dig for this and I don’t

Want to do that so what I’m going to do instead is skip the step five which is putting the mulch down and if I find a no dig Edge or border then I’mma do that or I might just get some bricks we’ll see but for now I’m going

To just go ahead and put down the mulch and if I do do bricks I can always do that later and just like move the mulch if I need to and then any extra weed barrier outside of the Border um I’ll just cut off so we’ll go for next [Applause] So as I was spreading the mulch all over to make sure that it was even my rake kept getting caught in the weed barrier here and I don’t think that was just something that I could avoid it was just going to get caught but it wasn’t too

Much damage where it was like huge holes it was just like little holes here and there but um I don’t think we’ll have a problem with that with any weeds growing through hopefully we don’t have a problem [Applause] oh [Applause] just okay so I may need a few more bags maybe two to three more bags in some areas over here to make it feel a little Fuller and I need more bags for the third tree cuz I used all four bags for right over

Here but so far it is looking pretty good so I think I might do the bricks cuz it’s just easy iier to lay and what I’m going to do I’m going get the bricks first and then I’m going see um how much more bags I’m going to need to kind of

Like you know level it out with the top of the brick um but so far so good it’s still a lot of work I didn’t think it was going to take this long but it is what it is so I’m going to finish this up probably next weekend um or maybe on

Thursday if I have some time but for right now I’m just going going to let it sit do its thing and uh figure out what I need next okay so I got the right edging in the mail ordered it off Amazon I’m sorry about the sun I

Did not realize that the sun was in my frame until afterwards bear with me I’m sorry this is a no dig edging so I’m going try to get this done as fast as I can um basically just putting these steaks in the ground uh I’m going to read the instructions as

Fast as I can though but for the edging it’s about uh 90 ft in general so it’s more than enough and it can be cut uh so let’s see how hard is it okay so doesn’t look like it’s too bad uh hopefully you can see the instructions

Here uh but essentially the staks go one every two t every 10 tabs and then you can cut it if we need to and then if I need to connect the end then um there’s a connector but I’m going to go ahead and get the hammer cuz I forgot that and

Then I’ll be Back so this was really simple to put down and easy to cut with scissors I did try to use a utility knife but scissors is the best to use um so I guess 1010 I would recommend if you guys are looking for a no Edge uh no dig edger So I’m sorry my camera did die but I added four more bags of the mulch um and I did not do the third tree but it came out pretty good it looks great I don’t think I’m going to do anything else to it so I’m just going to leave it just

Like this but I appreciate you guys for tuning in make sure you guys like comment subscribe turn your post notifications on so you can get notified of the next video and I’ll see you guys soon


  1. Nice job… Yeah removing those vine roots was a good call. Over time if the vines get too big they begin to suffocate the tree and eventually the tree dries up. By removing the roots you cut the vines energy source.

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