Japanese Garden

Complete 403 Kanji Guide for Japanese Learning Beginners

This video introduces the first 403 kanji that Japanese language learners learn, along with the images and readings of each kanji.
In addition, although there are multiple ways to read kanji, this video narrows the list down to the two most used readings.
Watch this video to gain a better understanding of the images and readings of kanji!

0:00 Level1 (N5~N4)
25:01 Level2 (N5~N3)
1:12:31 Level3 (N4~N3)

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I am a Japanese (Hamster) living in Japan.
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【How to use this video】
When the sound is heard, Japanese is displayed. Then, after a short time, it will be read out, so please think about how you will read the Japanese during that time. (Of course, you can just listen!)
If you are beginners: video playback speed of 0.75x to 1x is recommended!
intermediate student: video playback speeds of 1.25x to 1.5x are even more efficient.

I want many people to learn Japanese, so we are adding subtitles for your country.
Subtitles are added manually by me.
✅Subtitle size and color can be changed from the smartphone’s settings!!

・Using only hiragana and katakana

・Japanese Vocabulary

・Japanese Phrases

効果音提供 オトロジック(https://otologic.jp)


First / one person music / timbre rain / rainy season circle / ― king / kingdom spark / fire flower viewing / vase seashell / ― learn / study rest / holiday nine / September onion / throne sky / airport underwear / underground moon / Monday see / sightseeing dog / stray dog

May / ― lipstick / argument school building / ― safety box / gold left hand / left and right triangle / crescent moon mountain climbing / mountain range four years old / four seasons child / wife and children knitting wool / ― letter / ― earpick / otorhinolaryngology seven colors / July

Car / carport limbs / surgery October / tenth day exit / departure girl / woman small bird / elementary school correct / correct answer up / sky above forest / forest human / life water / moisture blue sky / springtime of life deficit / equator stone / coal evening / dinner

One thousand yen / ― tip of / teacher river / river fish grass / grasslands fast talk / early morning footstep / excursion villager / rural village loud voice / large amount boy / male bamboo / bamboo grove insect / insect middle / center town / town mayor weather / angel

Rice field / countryside soil / land second floor / two people sun / sunlight entrance to school / entrance age / years and months white / swan August / greengrocer one hundred yen / department store bookshelf / real name name / honor tree / wood eyeball / table of contents

Sentence / character (i.e. kanji) right hand / left and right powerful / sumo wrestler stand / three-dimensional grove / forestry June / six pull / retirement feather / down feather cloud / sea of clouds far / distant place gardening / zoo house / family something / what time summer clothes / summer season

Song / lyrics image / painter meet / conversation rotate / rotation sea / seawater picture book / painting outside / eating out corner / angle fun / paradise between / interval complexion / face rocky mountain / rock round / pill write down / article steam train / steam whistle return / return home

Bow and arrow / archery cow / milk fish / fish meat teach / classroom strong / strengthen shortcut / neighborhood now / tonight older brother / siblings shape / shape Kyoto / ― measure / measurement word / language energetic / New Year’s Day old / ancient times cupboard / family register

Talk / linguistics behind / regret square / advertisement intersection / traffic construction / industry light / ray of light thought / consideration yellow / gold go / queue high / high and low fit / synthesis country / king bottom of the valley / ― black cat / blackboard thin / cell

Talent / ― make / work arithmetic / calculation paper bag / paper money arrow (mark or symbol) / bow and arrow elder sister / elder sister citizen / market stop / stop clock / time temple / temple oneself / oneself color / colored paper indoor / classroom company / company president

Coward / weakness collar / capital city weekend / published weekly autumn / ― spring / garland chrysanthemum write / bookstore few / boy place / venue eat / food product new / New Year parent and child / best friend heart / worry shape / library head / scalp number / mathematics

West / Western starry sky / constellation voice / voice actor clear weather / clear weather snowy mountain / heavy snow cut / incision ship / crew member railroad track / ― front / first half assemble / organization run / running gain weight / sun many / busy body / physical condition

Kitchen / typhoon younger brother / disciple pond / battery ground / earth know / wisdom green tea / tea ceremony noon / lunch long / stature morning / breakfast bird / swan fix / straight line pass through / transit dot / turn on shop / clerk electricity / train winter / hibernation

(single-edged) sword / wooden sword hit / in charge answer / Answer east / east and west road / road same / simultaneous read / reading books inside / inside the body south / north and south physical body / beef horse / horse-drawn carriage buy / buying and selling sell / business

Wheat / malt half / middle father / grandfather walk / a walk wind / windmill divide / one minute listen / newspaper rice / United States mother / breast milk north / Arctic every day / every year younger sister / sisters ten thousand / versatile purr / scream bright / lighting

Fur / hair gate / main gate vegetable / field night / nightscape friend / friend weekday / Sunday come / visitor village / ー talk / conversation think / thought bad / demon dark / memorization doctor / ― bring up / education hospital / hospitalization everyone / employee drink / drinking alcohol

Fortune / driving swim / swimming station / station staff side / transverse center / ― roof / rooftop warm / hot spring luggage / load open / blooming second floor / staircase Japanese hotel / hall impression / sensation cold / chill man / kanji shore / coast wake up / stand up

Visitor / passenger hurry / express luxury / promotion to a higher grade ball / table tennis research / ultimate leave / a past bridge / overpass miracle work / business compose music / bend bank / galaxy suffer / pain tool / furniture palace / labyrinth you / monarch transform / fossil

Light / lively staff / relationship blood / blood decide / decision prefectural office / Okinawa Prefecture lake / lakeside safety box / warehouse happiness / happiness head towards / direction port / port root / radish festival / school festival plate / ashtray thumb / fingerprint start / start front teeth / dental

Serve / work use / use next / next time hold / possession fact / incident ritual / formula fruit / fruit copy / photo hero / youth olden days / old story alcohol / drinking alcohol protect / defense catch / acquisition receive / examination learn / practice pick up / ―

Gather / gathering end / end Europe / ― weight / weight live / residence inn / accommodation hot / fierce heat place / kitchen help / rescue disappear / fire extinguishing sentence / school badge business / product win / victory ride / horseback riding plant / plant stature / contents advance / evolution

Deep / deep sea truth / serious face God / nerve world / public opinion prepare / sorting everything / everything think / imagination opponent / consultation send / remittance breath / rest fast / speed family / relatives other / other people hit / rapid fire confrontation / opposition wait / standby

Title / homework short / short legs coal / charcoal consult / interview wear / wearing pour / attention pillar / utility pole investigate / survey notebook / bankbook chase / addition courtyard / schoolyard whistle / steam whistle steel / impregnable roll / rotation metropolitan / city island / islanders

Climb / mountain climbing hot water / hot water throw / pitched ball bean / soybean move / animal child / fairy tale farmer / agriculture tsunami / sound wave distribute / distribution double / magnification box / treasure chest field / ― launch / Release bend / reflection board / blackboard slope / ―

Grieve / sad news skin / molting runny nose / rhinitis beautiful / beautiful person pencil case / pencil ice / iceberg table / display sick / illness one second / speed per second (material) quality / goods lose / game part / department head happiness / blessing clothes / uniform object / noise

Plain / unperturbed return / returned goods study / ― release / release tasting / bitter taste life / life face / vestiges ask / question medicine / herb role / military service oil / refueling play / playground equipment leaf / autumn leaves sun / sunset sheep / wool fall / fall

Journey / trip both hands / parents green color / green tea flow / trend etiquette / salute queue / lining up road / passage relax / Japanese style


  1. 基本的に文字の感じと絵をかわいいさがとてもいいですね。いつもありがとうございます。😊 難しくないで単語の選択について先生の努力が感じます。😻🙇‍♂️- N3を勉強している韓国の学生-

  2. 25번 문제 ‘네 살(사 세)’ 를 ‘사살‘이라고 되어 있네요. 27번 실은 실인데 털실^^ 2023.12.25 30문항/ 12.26 60번/

  3. 139번 시장[市場] 은 いちば 로도 しじょう로도 읽는다. 市長은 しちょう. 163번 ほしぞら [星空] 별이 총총한 밤하늘 즉 별밤. 넘 아름다운 단어인듯^^

  4. レベル1=日本の小学生1年レベル



    Level 1 = 1th grade Japanese elementary school level

    Level 2 = 2th grade Japanese elementary school level

    Level 3 = 3th grade Japanese elementary school level ✨

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