Backyard Garden

Landscaping Mistakes That Are Costing You Money

👉️70+ Landscape Design Mistakes:

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💵 Landscape Design Mistakes That Are Costing You Money
Creating a beautiful landscape often involves a financial investment. But, missteps along the way can drain resources without giving you the result you really want.

In this video​, I share some money-saving approaches to maximize your budget while crafting a beautiful outdoor oasis.

💲 Mistake 9: Lack of Planning – How a lack of planning creates unforeseen challenges, resulting in unnecessary expenses for your project.

💲 Mistake 8: Not Hiring a Pro (or Studying) – How neglecting professional guidance leads to avoidable errors and costly mistakes.

💲 Mistake 7: DIY’ing Above Your Skill Level – How DIY’ing landscaping projects beyond your skill level often results in mistakes that require professional intervention.

💲 Mistake 6: Selecting the Wrong Plants – Why investing in plants that don’t match your garden conditions is a huge waste of money.

💲 Mistake 5: Not Caring For Plants – How neglecting your plants reduces their health and create additional expenses.

💲 Mistake 4: Buying from Sale Rack (Without a Plan) – Why purchasing “sale rack” plants often results in a cluttered & mismatched landscape.

💲 Mistake 3: Lack of Preparation – How overlooking soil preparation can lead to struggling plants and the need for replacements.

💲 Mistake 2: Falling for Gimmicks & Trends – Why falling for fleeting trends or gimmicky products can reduce property values and waste your hard-earned money.

💲 Mistake 1: Purchasing Too Many Tools & Products – Why you don’t need to invest in so many tools and products to have your dream landscape.
🌷Helping you create a vibrant, manageable 4-season landscape that is uniquely you.🌷

I’m Amy and I help home gardeners design design landscapes that are uniquely you.

3 Gardening Secrets Revealed (Free Training):
Free Plant Pairing Guide:

Creating your dream landscape often requires a bit of a financial investment so in this video I want to cover nine really common mistakes that I see home gardeners make when they’re diying their landscape and I’m also going to give you a lot of really practical solutions to

Not make these mistakes and what you should do instead so let’s get right into it my name is Amy and over at pretty purple door I help home gardeners design Landscapes that are uniquely you number nine is a lack of planning and this is the most common mistake I see

With home partners and let’s be honest without actually writing some things down trying to draw up a plan or really just get a vision for what you want in your space you’re going to end up spending extra money here and there where you wouldn’t otherwise have to so

I always recommend looking at some inspiration photos trying to find that style that you’re really going for and then making a plan a plan will also allow you to sort of make a better budget for your landscape so you can decide exactly what you want and then

Break that plan down into different pH that you can accomplish over the course of a few weeks a few months or even a few years so if you find inspiration photos and write down a plan and start drawing out exactly what you want you’re

Going to end up saving a lot of money in the long run mistake number eight is not considering hiring a professional or at least studying landscape design professional landscape designers can be super helpful so definitely consider calling someone and just seeing the pricing you may be surprised if you’re

Not comfortable talking with a landscape professional the next best thing is to study landscape design landscape design is actually a degree that people get in college so I think it’s easy as a homeowner to just assume that you can just put some plants in here and there

And make it look really nice but there’s actually a lot of design principles and things that you can learn if you start studying online for example this YouTube channel uh my website I have online courses I have ebooks I have all different products that will guide you through different steps of your

Landscape design Journey Consulting with the pro or at least learning some of the design principles and things that go into a professional landscape design is really going to save you a lot of money and possibly help you to catch things that you wouldn’t otherwise think about

If you just went into it blind and started planting number seven is another big one and that’s diying above your skill level so there’s certain projects that you can probably do at home and then there’s others that you may take on and then realize later that you’ve made

A mistake and you actually need a professional to come in and fix or clean up what you’ve done ask me how I know I have been here I have made this mistake and I’ve had 20 random DIY projects that I just never finished and then never felt like I could actually hire someone

To come in and clean up the mess that I made so I definitely consider hiring a professional for certain parts of the projects things like hardscaping and walkways come to mind call some professionals get three different quotes from contractors and just see what that cost is you may be surprised that a lot

Of the things that you’re considering diying when you add up all the time and energy that you’re going to put into the project plus the materials it may actually be a lot simpler for somebody to just come in and get that done for you so that you can get to the parts

That are more fun and enjoyable for your gardening experience I love to DIY projects and I’m not discouraging anyone from trying that it’s just to sort of like know your skill level and your limits with diying and make sure that you’re not making that mistake of taking

On too much and and then ending up with a landscape that just never gets finished number six is selecting the wrong plants for your landscape and this is definitely one that can add up cost wise over time when you’re picking plants and then they’re not growing or

They’re dying or they don’t look great and then you have to keep replacing those plants so definitely do some research before you head to the garden center and make sure you’re thinking about things like the amount of sun that the area gets the type of soil that you

Have the type of exposure for that location and just make sure that you’re picking plants that will suit sh the conditions that you have I have an entire article on my website about flower gardening 101 and the things you should think about so you should definitely check out that article or the

Video that goes along with it it is a big mistake to just go to the Garden Center pick out some pretty plants and put them wherever uh odds are you’re not going to right off the bat pick the right plants for the conditions unless you are aware of what conditions you

Have first mistake number five is not actually caring for the plants that you do plant and this goes hand inand with the last stake where you’re looking for plants that will suit the conditions you have now that you have those plants they are living things and you do have to

Take care of them especially in the beginning when they’re first planted they’re going to need supplementary water and sometimes protection from the elements so it’s really important to take care of those plants that you do have and protect that investment that you’ve made plants are alive they don’t

Have feet so they can’t really move around in your landscape so if you put them in a position where they’re too hot or you don’t give them enough water or it’s too sunny or or something like that they can’t just get up and like walk

Away I wish that they could but it’s up to you as the gardener and that’s part of the fun of gardening and while you can really reduce the amount of Maintenance that you have to do when you put the right plant in the right place there still are times and situations

Where you will have to take care of them so just make sure that you’re tending to your plants and that’s going to save you a lot of money in the long run and a lot of headaches too if you’re liking this mistake list and the tips that go along

With it you’re going to love my three gardening Secrets training and this is where I go over in great detail the top three mistakes that I see home gardeners make and the solutions to those problems so that you can have your dream landscape money wasting mistake number

Four is buying plants from the sail rack without a plan and this might be a little bit controversial but I really do think that just because the plant is on sale doesn’t mean it belongs in your garden and if you keep buying from the sail rck you’re just going to end up

With a landscape that’s looking cluttered and messy and doesn’t really flow together and that’s that’s going to end up costing you money because you’re going to be tearing those plants out and replanting I love me a good deal I love the sail rack but what I would recommend

First is to learn a little bit and uncover your garden style have a color scheme in mind and then when you go to the Garden Center you’ll be more prepared to choose plants that will fit within your style within your colors and within the conditions that you have so

Definitely don’t make that mistake of just grabbing every plant on the sail rack and then you end up with the big old mess of plants that don’t really go together and don’t look like that dream getaway that you’ve been wanting the number three mistake that

Can cost you a lot of money is a lack of preparation and specifically here I’m talking mostly about soil so if you have healthy soil you’re going to likely have healthier plants so if you’re putting a plant that’s alive into soil that really isn’t suited for that plant you’re going

To end up with plants again that are going to fail or die or struggle or going to cost you more money in fertilizing and adding amendments later so I always recommend getting a soil test you can send your soil out to your local extension office to get them to

Test it there’s also at home soil kits and there’s other ways to do it with mason jars at the very least dig down a little bit and grab a handful of your soil and just squeeze it in your hand and this is going to tell you quite a

Bit about your soil just in general if it’s really sticky and clumpy that means it’s clay soil that means that it’s heavier it doesn’t drain well but typically has a pretty good amount of nutrients if it’s just in the middle it’s probably a LOM and it’s a good soil

To start with and you might also have a sandy soil which just feels like sand and it’s really loose and gritty and that means that everything is going to drain really well so certain plants really like good drainage and certain other plants can stand wet feet so again

This is going to give you indications as to what types of plants you need to plant otherwise you can always work on amending your soil and the thing that I’d recommend is just using some compost and slowly working compost in the soil every year and that’s going to improve

The conditions of your soil and make your plants a lot happier so that they grow and Thrive and you don’t have to keep replacing them another mistake that can cost you quite a bit of money is falling for different gimmicks and Trends in the landscape design world just like interior design landscape

Design does have Trends and different things and while they’re really fun to try you want to protect your investment so just like if you were doing a kitchen you want to go for materials and things that will la that are Timeless that are classic then you can add in these other

Trends and things with smaller items like maybe planter pots or a set of curtains or things like that but hardscaping and the things that you’re going to be spending a lot of money on protect that investment and make sure that you’re keeping it Timeless so that you’re not reducing your property value

So that it will not look dated over time and then work the trends in in smaller ways and that’ll save you a lot of money in the long run and the final mistake on this list is overspending on tools and other products and I am certainly guilty of

This one and I’m sure many of you who are watching also are but there’s so many really cool and fun products for gardening but I find that the majority of them really just aren’t necessary I can get most of my gardening tasks done with just some simple tools like a hose

A garden cart a TRL a spade and some Clippers or pruners so those are really like my staple products and I’ll leave a link in the description to all of the products that I recommend but in General I find that when you’re new to gardening you have a new hobby it’s exciting and

You may want to overp purchase these products but in the beginning I recommend just getting some cheaper supplies and then as you start to use them and realize what products are really your go-tos and then from there then you can buy those more expensive tools with the better

Warranties so those are my nine best money-saving tips but if you have others I’d love to hear them so leave those in the comments below and I’m going to be sharing a lot more mistak SL tip videos in the future so I’ll put the next one

Right here and I hope you watch it I’ll see you over in that Video


  1. What do you think of pea gravel patios? I am on a 5 year home renovation journey so my funds are pretty tied up with that. But, I have a sweet little yard that I have been putting in all the pretties and I would love to have an area to put a table and chairs so I can enjoy my yard. I would love your thoughts on that, thank you!

  2. Hi Amy. I have been working on my Gardenscape project since having dead oaks removed last January. Thanks for your informative posts. You are one of my YouTube mentors. Please check out my new YouTube channel to see my progress. I am making weekly posts from documented pics and videos of my hard scape to plantings and my mini woodland renovation project. Since a traumatic injury 3 years ago, I gave up a career and my new office in my backyard. Also, cool shirt. 👍🤗

  3. is there a standard width one should use for pathways? I want to add an arbor with a climbing rose but want to make sure I can still comfortably use the pathway next to the arbor (not under) with out being pricked by rose thorns.

  4. I bought a 300 gallon water trough so on hot days I can dip and also scoop up a watering can for outliers like pots small trees and such.

  5. Did you know plants need boron for strong cell health and to move nutrients around? Better know as borax. A little goes a long way. It dissolves in hot water then can be mixed with cooler water to put on plants.

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