@Gary Pilarchik

Gary Pilarchik: Distorted Tomatoes: What is Tomato Cat Facing and Round & Cylindrical Beets – TRG 2014

Cat Facing is not a disease. It is more related to physiological issues of the moment. At pollination… cold weather, insects, moisture fluctuation or bad pollination can cause tomatoes to distort. The distortion is commonly called Cat Facing. Beets come in two basic shapes round and cylindrical. I thought you might want to know all beets are not round!

New to Gardening? Check out my 2nd Gardening YouTube Channel dedicated to New Gardeners. The videos are longer and more detailed. Each video presents as if you are new to gardening.

Join My Google+ Gardening Community called Our Tomato & Vegetable Gardens – we are approaching 5000 world-wide gardeners: https://plus.google.com/communities/114956817444053979636 or Link from My YouTube Page.

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