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Don’t Forget Love. Russian Movie. StarMedia. Melodrama. English Subtitles

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Marina is a 37-year-old divorcee who raises her 12-year-old daughter alone and works as a teacher at an art school. It seems to Marina that her ordinary life is already over until she accidentally meets Nikita. The young man falls instantly in love with Marina and will do anything to be with her. Marina loves Nikita too but is more than aware of the 17-year age gap between them.

Nikita does not see their difference in age as an obstacle and is ready to marry Marina immediately. But Marina is afraid for their future and worried that people will disapprove. She hesitates and runs back to her hometown where her parents introduce her to their new neighbour Igor, a decent and responsible man, who is the same age as Marina. He too falls in love with her, and she agrees to marry him, but will Nikita let go of the woman he loves so easily?

Type: film
Genre: melodrama
Year of production: 2012
Duration: 90 minutes
Directed by: Vyacheslav Lavrov
Written by: Elena Laskariova
Director of photography: Andrey Lebedyanskiy
Music by: Anatoliy Zubkov
Producers: Natalia Bilan, Daria Lavrova, Vlad Ryashin
Cast: Natalia Antonova, Denis Bederin Svetlana Galka, Pavel Shingariov

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STAR MEDIA presents Natalya Antonova Dmitry Bederin In film DON’T FORGET LOVE Written by Yelena Laskareva Directed by Viacheslav Lavrov Oh, I’m sorry. We didn’t intend to. That’s all right. Things happen. Nikita! Really, I feel very ashamed… I’m so sorry… You have already apologized. It’s enough.

Go. Your friends are waiting. It’s all right with me. Very good, Marina! Very good! It’s vivid and dynamic… one can feel a mood in it. Way different from the landscapes in the “life-is-over” style… thank you. Is it not? You and I are going to turn 40 soon.

You may as well say old age is round the corner… Just look at yourself! Yeah, Ksiusha, look at your mom. She’s young, beautiful and talented lady! You are sure to find a good man to marry him. And where am I supposed to meet him? At the underground? Or right out in the street?

Abroad! I suggest having a tour to Rome. No, to Paris! And there, in the silence of a picture gallery, or which is even better — among the ruins of an old castle… An immense and inspiring feeling will come upon me…

Why not? You’ll place your case in front of the Coliseum and, full of inspiration, paint its picture against the sunset… When suddenly, an elegant connoisseur of painting approaches you and says: “Buongiorno, signorina! I am an admirer of your talent…” Look, I’d really wish to take a trip to Rome…

To see Raphael and Caravaggio’s works in the original… – Ksiukha, can you imagine that? – Aha. So, we go, don’t we?! Are you nuts? I’ve got no money to. Come on, “no money”! Think it to be investment in your future. Here’s my investment, sitting near me.

Me? Aunt Natasha, I take you to witness! I’ve been asking Mom to buy a tablet computer for me. Everyone in my class already has it… You’ll do without it. I have no tablet too — and I’m still all right. You’re talking just like Mom. Do you happen to be Siamese twins? We do.

Well, want to drop to my place? My old folks are out. Nope. Next time. I’d better go home. I’m tired… Any plans for tomorrow? We’ll see when tomorrow comes. My sweetie… See you. Will you give me a call? Promise? See you. Bye. Bye. Hi! Why are you here so early tonight?

I’ve enjoyed myself enough. I thought you’d be with Lena till late at night… You’ll never be pleased. Mom, it’s not that serious as you think. All right, I’m off to my room. It’s a nightmare! He dated Yelena yesterday, Veronika in the winter and he’s dating Tanya presently. His relationships are so unsteady…

Do you really want him to settle down and get married? God forbid! Then let the boy play the field for now. Hey! Hey! All right! A 15 minute break! Hey, hey, you ruffians! You’ve nearly knocked your teacher off her feet… Careful! Quite a… Do you know whom I’ve seen today? My ex.

We encountered face to face. He even said “hello” to me. And they claim Moscow to be a big city! And I have met the boy I met yesterday. In the street. And? He was standing on the opposite side of the street – and trying to run over to reach me. – And?

And… I escaped. And successfully transported to the office. You’re stupid indeed… Natasha, he’s too young. He’s giving a gig in Lens in February. Therefore, we need to book the tickets beforehand. By the way, I want to go too. Book one for me. – Okay. – And for me.

As for me, I don’t like Kalot. This is why you’re staying here. Yep… Wait a moment. Who’s this?… It’s Vadim. I’ll buy the cigarettes. Go ahead… Hallo? Yes, Vadim, hi. Here you are. Good afternoon, miss. Yes, we too. Aha, bye. Look, Vadim and Katia’s just called. They invite us to the cinema.

They say there’s some cool comedy on. Will we go? What? Vadim and Katia invited us to go to the cinema. A cool comedy. I told we would go. Ah, yes. Right. And buy a mint chewing gum for me please. A mint chewing gum, please.

I’m coming. I’ll be home soon. Aha. I’m all right. Yep. Bye. Look, there’s a gal. Go. Go approach her. Look, give me your phone to make a call. No. I don’t get it; are you grudge? Help!!! Help!!! Being stripped!!! Don’t you get it? Give me the phone! Help!! Somebody help!! Hey, hey!

– Let me go!!! Let go of me!!! Help!! – Hands off!! – Come on, rise! – What’s problem, man?! – You’ve broken my nose! – Get off!! You all right? You hurt? Sure? Come, I’ll see you to your home. What’s up?

Mom! Two guys wanted to rob me of my phone… Mom, they broke my phone! Forget the phone. They didn’t hurt you, and that’s above all! Mom! They broke my phone. I need it! And he fell on them… and hit one and kicked another! But hey still broke it… they broke it…

All right, calm down now. Imagine what could have happened to you? Enough. Come in. Where’s your bag? Thank you so much! It’s fate’s decree, don’t you think so? No, I don’t. Thank you. We’ll cope on our own now. Ksiukha, just stop being upset! Mom, what about my phone? We’ll buy a new one.

That’s it. Go to bed. Maybe, we’ll have some more tea? We already had it. Come. Go to bed now. That’s as always! Kostia, it’s me. Hi. We’ve got bad news. Ksiukha’s broken her celly. To be precise, it’s been broken. By who?

That’s a long story. In short, I wanted to fix it, but I failed. Maybe, we’ll buy a new one for her? Could you give a bit more money this month? Look, I believe I give you enough money, don’t I? But it’s urgency… At a time like this Ksiukha can’t do without a phone…

And I will feel easier too. Marina… Marina, please, please understand me too. Tania and I are going to Spain for the holidays. We need to buy the furniture for the flat and we are very short of money. Much as I’d like to, I cannot give more.

I see. Excuse me. We’ll figure out something. Why are you always explaining to her? Does it really matter what we spend money for? After all, can we really live for our own? She gets as much as due. Once you give more, she will demand more and more time after time…

You’re right, as always. How do you find my new fur coat? You’re my baby! You’re perfect. Yes, I’ve packed up everything needed. And done too. Oh, hi. What are you doing here? Me? Waiting for you. Us? Go, or you’ll be late. I won’t… Why do you pursue me?

Let me introduce myself. I am Nikita… Please wait! Why are you keeping silent? Let’s have a talk. What if we have much in common? Hardly. Why? What do you think of circumstances bringing us together all the time? What if it’s fate’s decree? It’s nothing but a coincidence.

There’s a certain law behind any coincidence. I got it! I know: you’re a teacher and you teach painting. Right? Look, mister… I’m Nikita. Remember? All right… Nikita. Could you approach me never more? Please. You don’t like me at all? It’s just ridiculous. Why? Hi. What are you painting? A landscape.

I see… What’s her name? Marina Vladimirovna. I see… Marina? Who is that young gentleman who saw you to the office? That very one? He’s cute… Take him at once? Don’t say nonsense. He’s 20 at most. Just old enough to court young girls.

Oh, come on! Are we that old? No, we are not! We’re still super! All right, bye. – Nik! Are you going to the gym? – Oh no. I am not. Nik, why are you avoiding me? I’m not avoiding, I’m running now. See the difference?

I called you again and again, but you just didn’t response. Why? I was sleeping. Did you have a good sleep? Zip up your jacket. What are you doing tonight? We might go to some place, shall we? Look, I can’t. I’m busy. With what? It doesn’t matter.

But I have the right to know. What is it you are busy with? What makes you think you have any right at all? Okay, bye. – Hi. – Hi. How much are these ones? 150 per piece. I see. And these ones? The same. Give me one. – Here you are. – Thank you.

He abandoned us long ago. I was little girl then… And you don’t meet since then? Yes, we do. He gives money to us… He doesn’t want me. He’s got a new wife. She’s such a bimbo… “Kostie, I want a fur coat. The fifth? So what? I feel the cold all the time…”

What are you doing here? Fixing the phone. Here. You done? – I have. – Thank you. Go. All right. As you wish. But remember, I’ll be back again. Why are you driving him away?! He’s fixing my celly! – Why did you let the stranger in?! – He’s no stranger.

– Don’t shout at her. – I know what to do, okay?! What do the flowers have to do with it? Mind your own business! Go and do you home task! And you just don’t vent your anger on me! A free ice cream for every second customer! For you too. Thank you!

You are welcome. Visit our café. Free ice cream! Hi. Will you give me one? Thank you. Where? Over there, at the corner. Free ice cream! Visit our café! Free ice cream! Wait! Just stop you… Nik, what is going on? Look, we are no match. Why?

Because you don’t like Kalot. Our tastes differ… I’m sorry. Free ice cream! Are you serious? Yes, I am. Nik, wait! Wait please…! Please don’t abandon me… What? Nik, I love you. Do you hear me? I didn’t promise you anything… Let’s be friends. Friends? Are you serious?

Free ice cream! A free ice cream! Visit our café! Do you realize we’ll be friends never again! Because it’s simple: friends never betray! And now you are a traitor! Come to the opening of a new café! Is it clear?! Nik!… Free Ice cream! Do you hear me? Give it to me!

– Lena, don’t! – Clown!!! Do the details thoroughly. Stay seated. Marina, look through the window… And you keep on drawing. Why are you here? Leave now. Everyone around is looking at us… I’ve brought the flowers for you. Why don’t you leave me alone? What do you want? I love you.

– You what me? – I love you. I love you. Ich liebe dich. Je t’aime. Ti amo… – Are you mocking at me? – Nope. – Do you know how old I am? – I don’t care. But I do care! Of course, I could adopt you… Marina!

How many times do I have to tell you?!… Spoke out your mind? You’re fool. So what do you have now? It’s a…. a crime indeed… They call it this! That’s the way. Do you understand? Why crime? He’s an upright and adult guy. Do you realize what you are saying?!

I’m twice older than he is! I’m old enough to be his mother. Actually, what can we have in common? It’s some kind of silly joke! A prank! Why joke? Why prank? Can you just figure out that the guy has truly fallen in love with you?

That would be the limit. I have enough of my own problems. Marina… Marina… You again? Don’t you get tired of playing clown? Honestly? My dear, forgive me please, will you? Are we on intimate terms now? Yep. Since long. Did you notice that?

All right, I don’t care whether we are on intimate or official terms… Let’s end up with it. – Rise. – I won’t. You’re nothing but a capricious boy who’s used to always getting what he wants. Is it really bad? Good afternoon, Alla Vasilyevna. Afternoon… Are you crazy? Rise.

I am. I’ll be staying like this for all night and all next day long and all next night too… What do you want from me? Well, what’s next? He says he’s not going anywhere and is staying here forever. Thank you, Alla Vasilyevna. Ah, yes. Good bye. Good bye.

– Thank you. – Have a nice day. You’re a piece of blackmailer! Come, I’ll treat you with tea. Your mother is a housewife indeed. She cannot even make a soup for her daughter! We had it. We finished it yesterday. Don’t lie to me. You had no soup. Here. Eat while it’s still warm.

Or you may ruin your stomach and will become a regular visitor to hospitals. Here. I’m not hungry. I’ve already had lunch. I know what you eat for lunches. I do. This was why your father abandoned you — he had no more strength to bear all this. No laundry, no ironing…

Only pictures on her mind, nothing more! Grandma! Just eat! – Hi, Anna Vitalyevna. – You too. Hi. Hi. I’ve brought some jam for Ksiusha. Bilberry one. And I’ve made a soup for you. Thank you. You shouldn’t. I just cannot stay idle while you’re killing the girl by starvation. It’s all right with us.

Who is he? I’m… He’s my student. He’s here to take brushes… Here. Thank you. I’ll give them back. I promise. No need to. – Good bye. – Good bye. And there’s a terrible reek of colors all around! Don’t you really care that the girl breathes it in?

He’s very young… He just stood in front of her on his knees. Does she not feel shame, I wonder? She’d feel shame bringing lovers home in front of her daughter’s eyes. A nightmare indeed! Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Afternoon. Here, look. Just talk of the devil… No “hello”… Aha. Not of the kind to.

Marina! Marina, wait. Why are you running from me? Why are you here again? To give back the brushes. Here. You need them more. Thank you. Is this all? No, that’s not all. You promised to treat me with tea. Remember? The tea is cancelled. And don’t visit me ever again.

– Ksiukha? – What? – Shut the window. – Aha. Mom! Mom, come here! Look! Why are you sitting here? Come on, rise and go home! Rise or you’ll catch cold! No. Why “no”?! Go home! What are you doing? Have raspberry jam or you’ll fall ill. It’s okay. There’s no illness to take me.

You’d better really have tea; here’s the jam. Or may really catch cold… Mom, why are you not having tea? I am, Ksiusha, I am. Our geography teacher began telling us about Victoria Falls at the class today. She’s never been to, and Pashka Shakhov started to correct her.

He and his father spent a whole months there… All right. I’ll go to bed. See you. Don’t forget to clean your teeth. Or caries will take me in the night! – See you. – See you. Please, believe me. Please. It’s too fast. It happens sometimes: all of a sudden, fast and forever.

I’ve been shaking since yesterday. Still cannot get warm. It’s nervous strain. I couldn’t sleep all night long. I was thinking… Life gives me an opportunity… And I cannot use it. Are you afraid? Of what? I don’t believe in great and radiant future. Marina, excuse me for intervening in your privacy,

But you cannot go on like this! You cannot ask anything of your ex-husband and you suffer your ex-mother-in-law constantly intervening in your life… you’re follower all the time; and you are constantly obeying other people… Marina! You need to struggle for your happiness. No, this is not about me…

Not about you? Are you going to continue being single without changing things? Do meet him halfway! Stop running from him! I sometimes don’t understand him at all. As if I’m going crazy… I feel being 16 when he kisses me… Stupid, am I not? Just say something!

I envy you… I haven’t had things like these for ages. – Ages? – Yep. I love you… What am I doing? Seducing a young boy… No, it’s me who is seducing you. You’re so… Unskillful? Your girls must be different, aren’t they? There are no girls… I see only you…

Your lips are dry… Are you thirsty? I’ll do it. Shall I make some tea for you? Yes, please. Sugar? Yep. I’ve put two spoonfuls. Is it all right? It is. Ksiukha is back from her music classes. Get dressed, hurry up! Come on, move; hurry up! – Hi. – Come in.

– Hi. – What took you so long to open the door? Eh… There was a commercial on the TV. It was very loud. – What TV? It’s off. – I’ve just turned it off. – Will you have dinner? – Nope. – How is it in your school? – It’s okay.

All right. I’m off to bed. – Do you regret? – No. I wish to stay… What shall we tell to Ksiukha? I’ve got an idea. Good bye! See you, Marina! Thank you for your time! I’ll give you a call! All right. Good bye, Nikita! Good bye! See you!

Ksiukha, Nikita’s left. I’m off to bed; I’ve got a headache. All right, Mom. Good night. Sleep well. Hallo? Mom, don’t worry please… Yep, my friends and I are still hanging out. … Mom, I’ve grown up, remember? I will not drink alcohols, I promise.

All right. Bye. I’ll call you in the morning… Bye-bye. Your mom is my age… Please, stop thinking about it, will you? – Are you sleeping? – No, I’m not. I want to marry you. Are you crazy? I imagine what your mother will say about this. She’s going to have a heart attack.

Well, she’s got a good heart. You need to complete you college studies … Damn! I completely forgot you’re a teacher! Don’t worry. I can a) have a part time job and b) switch to the extramural. Right. Let’s go to sleep. It’s nothing but a kind of old women superstitions.

See, you call me old woman now… Hoot! You’re seizing on words again! Listen: I forbid you to think of all sort of nonsense. Do you hear me? We are happy together, aren’t we? Very much. It even frightens. Know what is my worst fear? A thought of not meeting you in the park then.

Yep. If you hadn’t saved Ksiukha from the hooligans… See? We had so many moments where we could miss one another. Therefore, it’s destiny’s decree. Let’s go to sleep. How old are you? Thirty seven. Why such a heavy sight? You’re a beautiful woman. You look great.

Ofcourse, you could do with simple methods, but what I suggest is taking injections. Injections? Aha. Injections. Don’t be afraid of. I do them to myself and am very satisfied with their effect. They must be expensive… I’m raising a daughter. It takes so much money… I see. How old is your daughter?

12. It’s terrible to think! She’s grown up too fast and treats me like a friend of her. That’s great, isn’t it? And I have a son: “Hi, Mom; bye Mom.” And he’s got plenty of girlfriends… And he’s so fast to change them …

For now. Until he has fallen in love, really and truly… Ah… God protect us from that love! He needs to complete his college studies and build a career. Although, I don’t worry much. He’s a persistent boy. He wished to master English once, and he did that.

And even obtained a certificate confirming his skills as a native speaker! He’s eligible to work… your head up… in Europe! Judging from your appearance, one cannot say you have such an adult son… Thanks. I’m trying to keep myself trim. Look. This is the effect of an ordinary mask. But injections work much better.

You know. I need to take off the wrinkles under my eyes… A young lover is the best cure for the wrinkles. Woman’s age doesn’t matter. Love is what matters… Ugh! Shame on you! You old… Vera! Vera, go to your room! Go. Just go! We will take a course … and use hyaluronan.

I guarantee a top effect. No one will know how old you are — 20 or 40. I should probably try. Of course! Of course you should! Put me down! I’m heavy. You’re very light… and very beautiful… You’re flatterer. Why are you so sad? I’m no sad. Actually, I feel you very keenly…

Do you? I’m just afraid we should part some day. We will never part. Hear me? Mom, do you love him? You do, don’t you? I just cannot leave… What shall we do? Ksiukha is about to come back… Let her come. I’ll stay. I just cannot leave — that’s it.

Nik, I miss you very mush too… all the rime. Mom? She’s here. Mom, are you home? Don’t hide. I know he stays with us… I have never experiences things like these… Of course, I loved Kostia… But it’s some sort of obsession… – Does Ksiukha know of you? – Petrov, sit still!

Does Ksiukha know of you? Did you tell her? She’s guessed. But she seems to have no objections. All right. It’s Nikita. Do respond. Go ahead. Talk to him. Hallo? You’re crazy. We are watched! Let them watch. I feel like a schoolgirl… So what? Are you hungry? Will you eat cutlets?

I don’t care. Shall I put the kettle up to boil? Marina? Your student again? Hi. Good afternoon. Anna Vitalyevna, I didn’t know you were coming today. Well… I decided to call on to check Ksiusha. No one ate my jam, as I see! It’s just as I brought him. We didn’t wish to.

I don’t care whether you wished or not. The girl needs bilberry to have good eyes. She spends all days round reading and watching the computer! Of course, you don’t care a fig… You care of your own interests only… Excuse me, who are you? Me? I’m… her mother-in-law, young man! You’re her EX-mother-in-law.

So what? Is this her apartment? Then what are YOU doing here when the mistress is out. M… M… Marina, who is he? Who is this brazen guy?! Don’t you dare bossing me! You’re too young to! I am no brazen guy. Is this clear? I am her fiancé. You… What?… Her fiancé?

Give the keys to the flat back. Give them back, please. So, you’re a fiancé? That’s a bit too thick! You… are you completely nuts? Getting missed up with your students now? All right! You’ll regret it! Make way! Farewell! Nik, you shouldn’t have done that… Yes I should.

There’s going to be hell of trouble now… How long will you suffer all this, I wonder? She treats you like dust. Are you my really fiancé? Why did you tell her this? Why? What’s wrong? There’s going to be hell now…

He said it right, Mom. I’m too sick of Granny coming our home like her own. And always poking her nose in everything… By the way, she’s still your grandmother. And she helped me to raise you… Mom, I’ve grown up. Am I really unable to heat up some soup for myself?

She’s constantly teaching us how to arrange our life, constantly controlling… That’s right, Ksiukha. Why do you constantly depend upon somebody for advice? Please, understand this: your life is your own; you are free to live as you please. It’s easy for you to say that…

And I’m in public all the time. I deal with my students and their parents… And walk in the street together with you at the same time… Know how much I’m afraid to be spotted? Let’s get married, and they’ll shut up then. No, it’s impossible… Mom, why?!

You two just stop torturing me! Enough! Here. This is for January. Thank you. I’ve got one more thing to ask of you, Kostia. You see, I couldn’t find a travel voucher for Ksiukha for the next holiday. So, what do you want me to do? Well, I thought… You’re going to Spain, aren’t you?

Maybe, you could take Ksiukha with you? And I will give you the January alimony back. Eh? Do you realize what you are asking about? We have nothing there. Absolutely nothing. Neither furniture, nor cups or spoons. Tania and I are going to have a month of a really hard job.

And you propose us to burden ourselves with the kid too? How do you suppose Ksiusha is going to have rest there? Running shopping with us? Or sleeping right on the floor? All right, I see. Sorry for disturbing you. Don’t say so. Just don’t say so.

Don’t look at me as if I’m your enemy. I really cannot take Ksiusha with us! I do believe you. Just stop shouting. Wait. I have to ask you too. Who is that youngster you date with? Who do you deal with? It’s none of your business. It’s my own and nobody else’s.

Look, you don’t have any right to behave like this in front of our daughter. Oh come on! You’re talking about our daughter, aren’t you? I demand that you break up this relationship. I will date whoever I wish with. And YOU will put forward your demands towards you wife.

Now, children, we’ll analyze your works. Take for instance Slava Lavrov’s. And this is Ira Guseva’s. So… Good afternoon. Stay sitting. Marina Alekseyevna, will you drop to my office. I need to talk to you. All right, just a minute… Ira, come to the blackboard. Yes, ma’am. Petrov, sit still!

Now Ira’s will analyze Slava Lavrov’s work. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes. Well, it’s awkward to start such a conversation. All in all… people say… you’ve got a relationship with some young man… Is it true? Yes, it is.

Well, in such case I have to tell you this… you are a teacher. And you should not make it public… Well… I don’t. I hope you’ll come to right conclusions. Eh… What right conclusions? You understand this relationship need to be stopped, don’t you? What if I don’t?

Well, you’ll have to resign from school then. I don’t understand it: why my private life is of so great concern for the people at the school. I’m going to marry and he is my future husband. Ah! That’s great! That’s brilliant. Do this as soon as possible. Or…

Our pupils’ parents are uneasy about the things… I see. My dearest boy… My sunshine… Do you agree? Do you? Nik, I’ve asked you to be patient, haven’t I? Can you wait for a while? You promised to the headmaster you would marry by the spring, didn’t you?

It’s no use trying to wiggle out of this now. Yep… You’ve driven me into a corner… So, shall we dance? – Come. – Nik, I don’t want to. – Come. Come. – I don’t want. Come to me. Great, isn’t it? – Who is this? – It’s Kalot. Kalot…

Yes, and I love him. My friends and I are going to Belgium to visit his gig. I could hardly book the tickets. They were almost the last ones. A Belgium singer? No, a French one. To be frank, I don’t understand what he sings about. I learned English. Damn!

O my God…! I’m being late! Where are you going? I need to attend a lab, or I’m not going to be passed. All right, go. I will not marry you if you don’t pass your lab. Aye, ma’am. I knew you were here. What are you doing? Are following me?

Nikita, you don’t realize what you’re doing! Look, leave me alone, will you? All right, I will. Nikita, look! Everyone around laughs at you! You see? Because she’s old! Just stop pestering me! Jesus! You’re ruining your life! Idiot! I’m trying to save you… I don’t understand what you’re talking about… What woman?

He dated with you, didn’t he? I’m not sure. Some old one. Oh, I’m sorry… Mature. She’s about 40. And she has a 12 year old daughter. Don’t you worry so much. I don’t think it’s serious… Boys tend to fall for girls…

You don’t understand. He’s going to marry her. And she’s just using him… What marriage? He’s still a student. Oleg! Oleg! We must do something! You must talk to him! To forbid! It’s useless. You see, he’s like a zombie… He doesn’t realize the situation.

Then we need to talk to her. Do you know where she lives? Leave some for the pie. All right, I will… What made you make pies? Is it for Nikita? It is. Why? It’s all right. Are you going to marry him? Not sure yet. What would you advise?

Well, if you love one another, I’m all for it. Just all around? Yep. Please, take that into account. I surely will. Mom, who are they? Ah, I didn’t know you visited your clients. Please, come in… That’s you! Bitch! You smoothed your wrinkles for my son, didn’t you?

I’d have mutilated all ugly mug of yours if I had known that! – You are his mother? – I am! Yes, we are Nikita’s parents. And we demand that you leave our son alone. Mom, who are they? Ksiusha, go to your room… What? Feeling like young boys? You shameless bitch!

I shall not allow ruining my son’s life! I was raising him not for you! We’ve invested so much in him! Wait… You just misunderstand things. Nikita and I love one another… Oleg, did you hear that?! They turn out to be in love!

What love are you talking about?! Did you look into the mirror? You’re old enough to be his mother! Whore! I’m no whore. Your son is adult. And we… We will marry, whether you wish it or not. Huh! You shall never do that! Only over my dead body!

I’ll make sure they won’t! If you don’t leave our son, I’ll create so many troubles for you that no man on the Earth has ever had before… Are you threatening me? None of the sort. Just warning. Number one: you’ll be fired from your job.

Number two: no school in the city will ever accept you for employment, so are going to be dishwasher for the rest of your life. Is it enough? I assure you I have enough power to do so. Look, do you want your son to be happy? We do. Exactly.

We want our son to be happy. And he will later thank us for doing this! Oleg! Hope you’ll take the right decision. I don’t understand. Marina Alekseyevna, it’s next to nothing to the end of the term. What urgency? My mom’s fallen ill. I need to urgently visit her.

All right. A month of the regular leave plus the holidays plus two months unpaid leave. I hope you’ll have enough time to solve your issues. So do I. Did he approve? He did. So, I’ll probably leave today. I’ve already packed up.

Marina, why are you doing this? No use getting away from it all if the cause of all your troubles lies within yourself. Want me to talk to him? No. Please don’t. It’s the best way. For both him and me. So, you decided to give up at all?

I’m tired… Have no more strength. Everyone is against us. Did you think of him? We’re way different, Natasha… I don’t understand his buzzwords and the music he likes… I feel shy to get acquainted with his friends. He speaks English fluently and a career in Europe is before him.

Am I supposed to wake up every morning in fear of being abandoned one day? I don’t get it. Are you going to drive me to my grave? I’ll rather die than allow this to happen! Mom, live very long. You’re so young and charming… Don’t you cheek me! Mom, I’m telling the truth!

It’s no kidding! Mark it well: your mother and I shall never allow you to marry that woman! Should I really ask your permission? It’s my life. Is it clear? I love her. But she’s 40! She is even unable to deliver grandchildren for us! She gives birth to top quality children, by the way.

And I promise to provide you with a couple of them. Don’t be foolish! I demand that you part with her! Why should I? Why, Dad? You don’t even know her! All right, let’s arrange a mixer. You will see what she is, and she will see what you are…

Dad, I assure you’ll like her very much… Son, I don’t understand what you’ve seen in her. She’s absolutely plain… She comes to my saloon to smooth her wrinkles. She tries to look younger than her age for you! Please, don’t be that stupid. People around will laugh at you!

By the way, she understands it perfectly well… Wait… wait… You… Have you visited her? Have you? Of course we have! And I’ve explained my mind to her! Why? How? Mom, Dad, how could you do such a thing? How?! Nikita, your mom did it right! Do you know where…? They left. Where to?

Don’t know. They did not tell me. There are coat hangers and a shelf for you in the wardrobe. And an entire drawer for Ksiusha in the tallboy. Is it enough? It is, Grandma. We don’t have much of the stuff with us. You’d have let me know, honey.

You could have called me and told you were arriving. I’d have made some cherry dumplings for you. We had such a good harvest of cherries last summer…! We’ve stuffed half a freezer with them. Grandma, we’re here for long. We’ll have enough time to enjoy your dumplings.

Sweetie, why are you so sad? Is it all right with you? Yes, I’m all right. Do you happen to set up your mind for marriage? Nope. Girls! The kettle’s on the boil! So, serve the table then. And heat up the patties. All right.

We’ve got a new neighbor. He bought the house across the street. He’s just moved in after a six months’ refurbishment. A handsome man indeed. I don’t care… Honey, you’d better listen to. He works as technical director in our port… He’s a very good person. You know,… Aliosha, go show Ksiusha her room.

– Eh… I… – Just go. Well, all right. Ksiusha, come. Ksiusha, go. Grandpa’ll show you your room. Are you matchmaking me? Why matchmaking? You can just get acquainted… I don’t want geting acquainted with anyone. Mom, please don’t arrange any of those mixing parties, dinners or teas… or the stuff like that.

Mom, why have we left You didn’t scare them, do you? It needed to be done. Who by? All. I’m not supposed to ruin his life. Nikita will mourn for a while and then find a young girl, marry her and they will have children… What if he doesn’t? He loves YOU. Everything goes…

Love will wane. And he will soon forget me… And we should forget him either. And live on. So, it turns out you have simply fled? It turns out I have. Why? Because… Look, let’s just drop it. Good afternoon. Do you remember me? Good afternoon. Of course I do.

Do you know where Marina is? Where has she gone? She’s taken a vacation… What vacation? The term isn’t over yet! Her mother’s fallen ill. She’s taken an unpaid vacation. I see. Can you tell me her address? I’d love to, but I really don’t know her address.

But I seem to know the one who does. Wait a moment. Nikita? Why have you withdrawn?! Why? I switched to the extramural. It’s because of her? Is it? It’s none of your business. Is it clear? Hear me? Forget her! You fool…! Sweetie… don’t do that! Please, don’t!

Mom, just stop it. I’m not going to stay here anyway. Where are you going? I’ve hired a room. O Lord! You’re not going anywhere. I forbid you. On what grounds, eh?! Dad, I’ve grown up, if you still don’t see it. Honey, what are you going to live on?

It’s okay. I’ll teach English to lazybones. Do you want to be mustered to the army? Do you? Is this what are you seeking for?! Just stop scaring me with the army! My great grandfather was killed in the trenches when he was 20.

You were dinning it into my ears all the time, weren’t you? No, Nikita… Nikita, I shan’t let you go! Do to me whatever you wish! I shan’t let you go! Mom, step away. Please. If you leave now, I will never give you a single bean.

And you shall count on your own only. I know. And if you get mixed up with that one… You shall stay where you are forever. Oh! How’s your much-praised neighbor? His name is Igor. Why are you still not dressed? It’s impolite. They invited us… I’m not going. Why? We promised to come.

Dad, you promised, you go. Aha. That’s all wee need… You go, Granny. Why… you’re so unsociable? All right. We go, and you do as you wish. – Liosha, come. – Are you sure you’re not going? Dad, I’ve got a headache. I’m sorry. Go. Enjoy yourselves. – Get along with you! – Liosha, come.

See you. Oh, I’m sorry. We didn’t intend to. I love you. I’ll be staying like this for all night and all next day long and all next night too … What are you doing? I want to marry you. Marina, I cannot believe in what you’re talking about.

It’s just like some Brazilian soap opera… Asia, I can believe it neither. It’s just like a dream. I have fallen in love like this never before… You’re right to have decided to break up. It’s no go. Such an age difference… People here in the province would strongly disapprove both of you…

The same in Moscow… I thought I would flee, escape from there… I just cannot forget him. He’s constantly on my mind. Yeah… I have already forgotten what love is… But is there really anyone to fall in love with? My clients in the barber’s are either bald or having dandruff…

Often reeking of beer all around and attempting to put the moves on me. Ugh! I haven’t had a normal man since pasha and I divorced. Marinie, it’s good you’ve come here. Are you Konstantin? Konstantin Lvovich. Do I know you? It doesn’t matter. Where do Marina’s parents live? Give me their address.

Ah… You are that very Marina’s boyfriend, aren’t you? What?! You milksop, just stop trailing along behind her. She’s no match for you. You’re not the one to decide. I am. Until she’s my daughter’s mother. I do care about Ksiusha’s company. And I shall not suffer a wimpy gigolo.

Just nod if you get what I’m talking about. Fuck off! Hope, it’s a deal. Hi. You have been painting since early morning, as I see. I’ve been here for half an hour yet. Catching the morning light. The world seems mysterious and magical in it.

By the way, they failed to introduce us to one another. I’m Igor. And you? are Marina, aren’t you? It’s hard to deny I am. Are you out of humor? You feel sad? Has anyone offended you? Will you excuse me? I have to work. I just not got accustomed to idle talks.

I see. Beg my pardon. I too hate when people pry into my heart. I don’t know what happened to you, gut it’s very good you’ve come here. Really? Why? Because life’s blessed here. Quiet and calm and tranquil. When you go home from work in the evenings, say, about 10 p.m.,

The streets are already empty. And the lights in the windows are off almost all around. It brings in sort of peace… Yep. But I’m afraid it won’t help in my case… Look, want me to go to Moscow? I’ll find your offender and deal with him.

No. No need. Honestly speaking, I escaped voluntarily. Ah, that’s the way. Who from, may I ask? Myself. I see. Look, I know what to do. Let me take you to a very special place. Eh? I assure you’ll like it. Excuse me — Igor, as far as I remember?

This is my hometown and I know every ordinary and special place here. You don’t know this one. Because it’s not opened yet. Come, you’ll see. Watch out. She’s beautiful, isn’t she? You may consider me nuts for inviting such a young and beautiful lady

To see the museum made out of an old submarine. Eh? Well, YOU told this, not me. This place is special for me. It was the scene of my childhood. You mean you’ve been serving with the Navy since you were five, had an eight year independent cruise?

I see you’re strong in this subject. No, I cannot boast an independent cruise. This submarine was build by my father. He was senior engineer. And I used to come here whenever I could. Every worker here knew me. Now I understand why you chose your occupation.

Exactly. Though, I made several attempts to quit, but I couldn’t. You know, when you see how the submarine you’ve build submerges, how it does maneuvering, how it hits targets ahead of estimated time… it’s… It’s difficult to explain. Perhaps, it has much in common with raising children. You’re romantic. I didn’t expect.

Me? Romantic? Oh, no! I… I’m a techie to the marrow of my bones. And, by the way, I’m a businessman too. It’s always simple and clear with me. Yep, we fly on Friday. Did you take the scarf? Mom, I’ll take everything I need. When do you come back? Next week.

No… I mean, you… when do you come back home…? Mom, we had many talks on this. I haven’t changed my mind. You don’t realize what you’re doing! You will never forgive me and your dad for letting you do that… I will… Nikita, she doesn’t love you.

She’s escaped from you as if from the plaque. Even a slight push was enough. She’ll be back. If you’re finished, bye for now. Time is over. A strange proposal indeed. You barely know each other. And he did it out of hand… What if I agree out of hand and marry him?

I don’t know… I’m worn out with this love. It’s unbearable. He’s always on my mind. Are you talking about love? It’s women talks. Go. You’re too young to listen to. Fuff! Secrets! Yes, you’re too young. Marinie, actually, Igor is a perfect match. Many women in our town dream to trap him.

He’s a reliable and respected man. He’s a technical director… I don’t care. Well, if you don’t care, then does it really matter which one to marry? Marry him… Yep… It doesn’t matter. Marry first and love will come afterwards. Maybe, he’ll have love enough for both of us?

Well, let’s drink to the last day of my bachelor life. Well, let us. – Hurrah! – Come, come! But you’ve been too fast to take decision about the wedding. You’ve known each other for a week only. Why delaying? We’re adult people and we take our decisions responsibly.

We are going to have a wedding, aren’t we? Did I miss something? – What are you hiding from me? – Ksiukha… Igor made a proposal to me and I said “yes”. We visited the registry office and they told us they would register our wedding in a week. Why delaying?

That’s right. Have you bought the foodstuff for the wedding? Don’t worry. I have already booked a banquet. The chef himself promised to cook for us. By the way, we still haven’t decided where we are going to live after the wedding.

I don’t think returning to Moscow will be good for you. Why? Because I’ve got a good job here that I will hardly get in Moscow. And we have an arts school in out town. I promise to talk to its headmaster and he is sure to take you. You’re superman indeed!

You can solve any issue. No. I’m a businessman… and I solve issues a man can do. That’s good. At last we are going to live together, next door. That’s right. Yeah. And we will let out the Moscow apartment until Ksiusha grows up. Exactly. That’s right.

Just wonderful! You have decided! Only, you have forgotten to ask my opinion. Mom, say something! Ksiusha, we… it’s going to be better for all of us, isn’t it? We’ll be near Grandma and Grandpa. Please, don’t pay any attention… She is in a storm-and-stress period. – I see. – She’s jealous…

I see. It’s okay. She’ll get used to it over time. It’s going to be okay. We meet three hours before the check-in. Here are the tickets. Three hours before the check-in… Vadim, did the hotel confirm the reservation? It’s okay. Two doubles with breakfast. We are going to listen to Kalot singing live tomorrow!

Wake up timely. The plane departs at 9.00 a.m. So we need to come to the airport at 6.00! And wake up at 5.00. I’ll stay awake all night long. Got that? Hi. Are you leaving for Belgium tomorrow? How long does it take to get to Brussels by train? Is it far?

– Wait, are you going to join us? – I am. Are you going to forbid me that? By the way, I’m going on my own cost… What hotel will you stay? l’Etoile? I checked the map and it’s turned out to be the closest one to the concert hall…

Look, you have the impudence to trail along behind me? You’re squealer. Nikita, wait. What do you have to do with it? I just want to listen to Kalot singing live. Guys, are you going to desert me in a foreign country? I don’t speak French, Belgian the more so…

Don’t worry. We’re not going to desert you. Want some coffee? I’d rather have jasmine tea… Hey, miss. A jasmine tea, please. Nik, you’d better spell things out between you. Or it’s going to be a real mess… Look here: Just stay away from me. Is it clear? All right. See you tomorrow.

See you. Nikita… Hallo? Nikita? Is that you? Yes, it’s me. Come here now! It has! She’s aboutto marry! What? Yes… Put down the address: we are in Kamyshin. Apartment 7, 5 Kupecheskaya street… Yes, come here now to stop her! – Hi. – Hi. When is the next bus for Kamyshin? In three hours.

How many? Three hours. You’re arriving at 10.00 a.m. Wonderful. One ticket please. Here you are. Thanks. Nikita… Nikita… When are we leaving? Now. MOSCOW – KAMYSHIN Marinie, what’s up? Pull yourself together. Or just break it up. Wait. Just a minute… It’s just a sort of mood… a sort of anxiety…

What are you anxious about? You’re safe behind Igor as if behind a brick wall. I know. Why are you lingering? Marie, honey, please, hurry up. Did you cry? She feels anxious. It’s understood… such an important day it is… You’re changing your entire life… Don’t be afraid of changes, sweetie. They bring happiness.

Yep. Today? After office hours? So what? After office… Hey, are you free? Wait a second. I’m not, mister. Waiting for a client. And how can I reach Station street? There’s a share taxi coming. Take it. Hurry up and you’ll catch it. It gets you there. Thanks. Wait! Wait!

Marina, what keeps you so long? Igor is going to come any minute. Dad, I’ll just touch up my makeup. Honey, you’re so beautiful! As good as gold! And your hairdo is really nice. Asia you’re the best hairdresser in our town! It’s not for nothing that there’s no end to your clients.

So, take the posy. And here’s the last thing… Liosha! The box with the shoes was here. One cannot find a thing in your mess! You’d have put it in its place. Get along with you! I don’t know what to do. Ksiusha, have you seen your mother’s shoes?

Nope. I’ll check at the entrance hall. Please, do it, honey. Marina, do you have other shoes? I don’t. Only winter boots… I just don’t know what to do! Wait, I seem to have seen them near the sofa… Mom, it’s a sign… I’m not supposed to go anywhere…

Don’t say nonsense. They could not just disappear. Hi. What is it all about? My shoes are gone. I have nothing to put on. No problem! We go to the registry office and drop in the shop to buy a new pair for you. Careful!

Get dressed. The cars are waiting already. Come! Why are you so sad? Maybe, we’re making a mistake? It’s so fast. Oh, come on! You’re just nervous. Calm down. It’s going to be okay. – Do you believe me? – I do… Come… we come… hurry up. Watch your step.

Guys, is the registry office far from here? Not really… It’s about 15 minute walk away. Which is the shortest way? Look here: you’ll get there by shortcutting through the courtyards. Aha. Thanks. So, bride. It’s high time to buy shoes for you, isn’t it? I’m afraid we are going to be late.

No, we won’t. Hi. How can I get to the registry office? Hurrying to marry? Men usually don’t. Oh, just stop joking… Cross the street and go a block ahead. It’s on the parallel street. You’ll see it. Got it. Thanks. Oh that youth! Thank you… – Your size? – They’re okay.

– All right. We take them. – Right. – Can I walk with them on? – Of course. That’s it. I don’t want any wedding at all… We shouldn’t have been in such a rush… Oh, come on, Marinie! It’s no problem. Miss, have you got another pair of the same model? I’ll check up.

– Do get it here as soon as possible. – Okay. We must be late for the registry office. It’s all right. Never mind. They will register us later. Never mind. Things are stacked up against us today. We shouldn’t have been in such a rush… Marinie! What is it with you? What’s up? Smile.

Just smile! So? You know, I don’t care a fig about fate’s willing or not willing. I got used to be master of the circumstances, not their slave. So, it’s going to be all right. Here you are. It’s the last pair. Perfect. We take it. Here.

He just rushed from behind the bus… right in front of me… what could I do? I could do nothing! It’s his own fault. He just rushed in the traffic area. We’ll see. Sign the protocol please. Get into the car please and wait for a while. Well, he’s registered in Moscow…

He’s come to our town today… We need to call his family. Got something? Yeah. Here’s the “Mom” record. Here, take it. – Congratulations! Congratulations! – Thank you! Thank all of you! Many happy years! Congratulations! You too! Thank you! What is it? I’m going to faint away now. Hold me tight. Easy, easy.

Hold on. Are you happy with me? Very much… I’m just crazy about you… Your lips are dry. Are you thirsty? Want some tea? Yes, please. Sugar? Nikita… What? Nothing. I’ve put two teaspoons in. Or you prefer sweeter? It’s all right. So… So?

Mom. Will you bring my jacket? It’s too hot in the puffer now… Yep. I’ll bring all our stuff with me. Ksiukha, I also need to visit your school to withdraw your papers. And to resign at my school and to let out our apartment…

Look, want me to come with you? I might be helpful in some way. No, I’ll cope. So, shall we go? It’s an hour before the train departs. Easy. Calm down. Have your tea. You’re still not used to our distances. They are far shorter than in Moscow. Will you cope without me here?

Of course we will. Oh! I’m coming with you to the railway station. I’ll get changed. Ksiukha. Igor is going to his office after he sees me off. So, we’ll take you to Granny’s; is it all right? Okay. Do you regret marrying me? You’re poor silly thing…

I mean it. There are so much abrupt changes in your life… I feel very happy beside you… You do? Me too. – Thank you very much. – You’re welcome. Oh, hi. Hi, Alla Vasilyevna. I haven’t seen you and your daughter for long…

I got married. Now I’m going to live in another town. You did? Congratulations… Thank you. And what about your apartment? Well, we’ll be letting it out until Ksiukha has grown up. Ah… I see. See you. Alla Vasilyevna? Did anybody visit me?

Of course. Your boy did… But now it’s long since then… About three month ago… He visited just once. And he never appeared after… Good… I leave the tableware and bedclothes here… You room is large. What’s its size? 27 square meters. 27? Well, your apartment is good and large.

And it’s situated well — in the downtown… there will be no problem to let it out. How much do you want for it? Around 20,000. 20,000? They’ll seize it with both hands for 40,000. That would be great. Who is he? It’s just a portrait. Just a portrait. Well, we have signed the agreement.

I’ll get in touch withyou. I’ll be bringing potential tenants to see the apartment. – Thank you… – Don’t see me off.


  1. Now, this film just depressed the heck outta me. 💔💔 People should have left them alone. What I don’t understand is why society doesn’t bat an eye if the man is twice as old as the woman, but if it’s reversed, it’s frowned upon. Talk about a double standard here. 🧐🙄

  2. Always Russian movies message: Never settle because jealous bitches that you didn’t like all that much will always ruin your real love

  3. People may feel sad but these sad endings r lessons people will remember it n they won't make it in their life that's y director mad a harsh sad ending.

  4. The movie was good, but the ending was way to much for me. The young man getting hit and killed. Not and ending to a young man's life I wanted to see.

  5. i can't stop thinking of this movie……actually the last scene…….i don't know how can i tell that what is my feeling……i can't stop my tears……this movie is very emotional and a real life movie ♥️♥️♥️

  6. I wanted a different ending. Very sad story. I felt pity for Nikita. 🥺 I don’t know how much it will take for me to heal. 😢

  7. Nikita doesn't seem to have a direction or foundation in life and only blinded by the idealistic love.

    As for Marina, when Nikita is trying to pursue her, she should tell the truth that she is already married with a daughter but no, she let Nikita kissed her and do that sex.

  8. where can i find the piano playing in the very start of the movie? please someone name the artist and name of piano music?

  9. I dont like the ending of .this movie so true if the man is alot older then the woman its ok but if its the other way around its frowend up on

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