Front Yard Garden

How to BUY a HOUSE! INVITE! First Time Home Buyer Workshop! Jan. 11th & Jan. 13th! Register NOW!

Register for Workshop HERE:


➡ Better school district?
➡ Safer neighborhood?
➡ Front yard? Back yard? Garden?
➡ Closer to family/friends?
➡ Further from family/friends? LOL!
➡ More space? Finished basement?
➡ Off street parking? Driveway? Garage?
➡ Custom Kitchen? Man Cave?
➡ Closer to your job or business?

We ALL have DIFFERENT needs and wants! The FIRST step is to get started!
Hurry! Only 50 spots available for each session!

Start 2024 with momentum and a plan! SHARE this VIDEO INVITE with someone you want to see WIN! Let’s GO!

~Terri 💋


Follow Up Videos:

Credit Repair for Beginners:

First Time Home Buyer’s Guide:

Buy One Property:

“How to House Hack – Masterclass Replay!”

“How to Increase Your Credit Scores in 30 Days!”

“How to Buy a House with NO Money!”


THREE CREDIT Trainings Bundle:

(1) Build Business Credit in 30 Days!
(2) How to Increase Your Personal Credit Scores FAST!
(3) How to BUY a CAR in Your Business Name!

Schedule a Credit Jumpstart Call:

ALL Online Courses:

All 2023 Wealth Building Services:



Get Started HERE:

Questions? Email –

Thank YOU for watching! I provide TIPS every TUESDAY & THURSDAY! FREE GEMS to HELP you achieve YOUR GOALS! I provide TIPS on personal credit, business credit, what lenders are looking for, credit scores, home ownership, dispelling myths, answering your questions, real estate investing, being self employed, becoming an entrepreneur, budgeting, goal setting, and MORE! Super excited to start SHARING with you MORE!!! Tell a FRIEND!

Looking for a speaker, panelist, trainer, or coach for YOUR event, school, nonprofit, or company? Looking to interview an expert?

Send requests & details to:

Hi wealth Warriors so guys I am super excited because this is your formal invite to my home buyer workshops guys I’m having two firsttime home buyer workshops and the goal is to help you qualify for your mortgage pre-approval in the next 30 to 90 days yes y’all come

With a notebook and Pen because I’m going to go over everything the home buying process preferred lenders the documentation required how to even find a realtor that’s right for you but more importantly I’m going to spend time training you on the workshop on how to increase your personal credit scores to

Qualify for your mortgage pre approval guys do you want to move to a better neighborhood a better school district do you want more parking do you want a man cave do you want a custom kitchen guys it is time do not let and I mean it

Y’all don’t let one more month one more year go by where you desire to buy a home but you haven’t put anything in place to actually get you there guys I purchased my very first home at the age of 21 while only making $14 an hour it changed my entire life

That’s why I’m passionate about what I do leveraging my credit to build wealth and that’s what I teach you all to do this is one way that you can leverage your credit to have Legacy to have wealth to have a tangible result okay so your next steps is January 11th and

January 13th everybody all of my wealth Warriors you are invited so your next step is to click the link in the description of this video I will also pin it there is limited availability in all everybody in YouTube land you are all invited okay so this is going to be

A private Zoom for everybody who registered with me directly live not pre-recorded got it got it good so your next steps register for the workshop make sure you get your notebook and your pen and you show up I’m going to be having some live Q&A at the end of the

Workshop and then end 2024 with your house amen


  1. Register for Workshop HERE:

    It's TIME to CHANGE your ZIP CODE!

    ➡ Better school district?

    ➡ Safer neighborhood?

    ➡ Front yard? Back yard? Garden?

    ➡ Closer to family/friends?

    ➡ Further from family/friends? LOL!

    ➡ More space? Finished basement?

    ➡ Off street parking? Driveway? Garage?

    ➡ Custom Kitchen? Man Cave?

    ➡ Closer to your job or business?

    We ALL have DIFFERENT needs and wants! The FIRST step is to get started!

    Hurry! Only 50 spots available for each session!

    Start 2024 with momentum and a plan! SHARE this VIDEO INVITE with someone you want to see WIN! Let's GO!


    Follow Up Videos:

    Credit Repair for Beginners:

    First Time Home Buyer's Guide:

    Buy One Property:

    “How to House Hack – Masterclass Replay!”

    “How to Increase Your Credit Scores in 30 Days!”

    “How to Buy a House with NO Money!”


  2. Well I'll register on the 10th for the 13th if there is an opening still. All I got is -16 in the bank so if it doesn't happen then I'll just catch it next time

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