Garden Plans

We Hit HOTM 7 & Good Over Plans For Garden: Magzie Plays New Profile: Hypixel Skyblock! EP:28

In this episode, We finally hit HOTM 7 and go over plans for Garden. Also get Slayer Tier III on Spider Slayer and Wolf Slayer!

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Garden Update Patch 0.18.2 Notes:

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That’s fine hello and welcome to magi’s fun time this is mai and we are back here on Hypixel Sky Block this is the vanilla server if you guys like this episode make sure you smack that like button really helps out the Channel with YouTube views YouTube searches YouTube

Ager the movement for the channel if you subscribe to my channel and you want to get notifications when I have new videos out all you got to do is go to my page hit the notification Bell set your settings inside the notification Bell you will get notifications whenever you

Want them not just whenever YouTube wants to send them to you uh subscribe to my channel does th subscriber push you come check out the videos if you do like this video you want to share it with your friends just share tab down below help support the channel uh there’s links down there

Social media site there’s a link down there you can copy and post to your page Channel um I do have Discord open I have my son and my daughter in in Discord you might hear them talking just mindful of that sometimes they mute themselves sometimes they don’t if they feel shy if

They’re not um today I uh have a few things that I want to do and I saved 28 minutes of my God potion really do this and then I forgot to log out when I took my wife to work and since I had a booster cookie on for another eight

Hours I didn’t Lo it didn’t long me back out automatically so I don’t have my booster cookie on again for this one but we’re going to go ahead and do is I I do got my uh sheep uh Min pet on so we’re going

To try to level up both my sheep and my Alchemy uh the last potion on the end I believe or the last two potions is not uh gold potions it’s uh sugar cane I believe wow this going to take a lot for this I am getting the levels on

My that’s cool and I don’t have to go out to actually sell these Potion bottles that’s yep there we go and uh nothing on that one 26 God it takes forever to do alchemy want to find a better potion to make or or more expensive potion or something I don’t

Know do like a large grind of gold and then do like a crap ton of these and it does an automatic way to do potion crafting but I don’t like to do that either so so there’s that back from somewhere um let’s go get us I got I already got

The money for it and I didn’t realize I was going to so I went ahead and got the money out of the bank or another God potion I want to spin my bits on it we’re going God potion yes that’s the cheapest God potion I’ve gotten so far this in the bank Okay so uh what I want to do today is I want to go over um what what’s going to happen on the garden so we’re going to go to the Garden here um I am going to be getting this stuff out and that’s fine sorry guys um let me my needs Out our objective here is we get about something I think it’s 192 so I need 192 to do the upgrade and then we’re going to upgrade um this one sorry this one and this one and then off camera I’m going to set these guys up because I’m I’m because of

The melons under the ground I’m not going to have uh stuff to do that so I’m going to have to replant the melons and stuff um but I’m going to make sure that I have full pack of all the rest of the stuff over here so um cocoa uh

Mushrooms Nether wart uh all are going to be packed full in my bag here my uh aquarium sack never pronoun right the farming sack here I want to make sure that’s full of all of them before we do the upgrade um what I want to do is I want

To start because we just got our squash armor and we need to farm out the ingredients for the next one so that is uh mutant netherwart uh both types of um mushrooms we need we need the enchanted blocks not the regular Enchanted mushrooms so we need Enchanted blocks for that and then

I need sugar cane and Cactus what I want to do is start with mushrooms and grind out what I need for the mushrooms and I also want to work on my farming level because the next armor type requires farming 40 I believe and uh we’re only

36 going on 37 so we need to gain 40 in order to even equip the armor so I was thinking maybe while I’m grinding using my rabbit pet get the farming boost but now I’m thinking I I want to have to do mushrooms with the mushroom the other

Mushrooms about that we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see anyway so that’s the plan for this I’m start out with mushrooms I’m get all the mushrooms that I as well as I’m gonna have to stop that hold on guys um if I mute myself okay hopefully that did it I’m

Getting feedback from Discord anyway so we’re going to get this right here uh we’re going to do mushrooms first then we’re going to move on to um actually no no no no that’s right we’re going to move on to uh Nether wart and then by then I should have um

I should have the compost for sugar canane I’ll get the second uh plot of sugarcan going then we’ll Farm sugarcane till we get that one and then we’ll do probably Cactus last again with the goal of uh getting a second row of cactus to help out with this because we’re going

To need the second row for these two to get the amount of cactus and sugar cane that we need that’s if I don’t decide to just buy it straight out so there’s that I also want to make sure that I’m keeping uh any uh Nether wart that I get

Uh beyond what I need for the armor because we do also want to upgrade our tool so and that’s an easy one to do with so that’s the goal for this one uh the other thing that I want to do today is in the mines so we’re going to go overhead to Dwarven

Mines and uh perfect oh no it’s uh there’s no way I’m going to get it in time um we’re going to go over here I’m going to go to the king and do this you don’t have to but I promised you guys that I would do upgrades on camera whenever possible and

This is a substantial upgrade so we’re doing this on camera here’s the King part of the Mountain Seven baby now I am going to be grinding uh the uh Commissions in the dwarfen mines to to get the Royal pigeon but I do do all my dailies in the um in the crystal Hollow so I do the crystal Holo dailies and anytime I want

To grind the rest of it I do it out here the reason why that is is we have to get the titanium uh drill that’s going to be our main uh drill and we just been putting it off putting it off putting it off

So I will show you guys that one and I think what I want to do is um I want to buy the first titanium Grill but if we go in here the first titanium oh so the first titanium drill is this one the 355 x355 I want to go

Ahead and buy this one instead of crafting it but we will have to upgrade that and as you can see it is quite expensive so we’re going to need to farm titanium no matter what uh buying titanium is really really expensive so it’s going to take us a while to upgrade

This and I believe the last level is right here and then you can go to the Divine uh which which is the end drill as you can see it’s the end level drill and there’s no way we’re going to be able to afford afford that and to craft

This one uh it’s it requires it Divine alloy which we can buy the titanium drill which we will craft ourselves and then 50 million coins so it’s quite expensive but we we wanted to uh look at upgrading our uh gr engine too we have the Ruby polished one

What we want to do is go up to the Amber one I believe in order to go up to the Amber one we’re going to need both we’re going to need both the Ruby one and the sapphire one which means I need to start concentrating on um getting the the sapphire um

Grill there it is so the sappire this is the sapphire drill engine and it requires the titanium plated drill engine um it’s not that expensive actually um except for the titanium drill part so the titanium drill engine is over here and it requires 10 drill engines five plasma four mythal plates

And five titanium so I think what we’re going to do first is I’m going to save up the money and buy the titanium so we can switch it out for this one and start using that one and then we’re going to uh start working on the titanium drill engine so we can upgrade

It to the sapphire uh engine polished drill engine and then that one and the other one can go up into the Amber one which also isn’t that bad uh we will need 50 um ratron ratron deflectors and we got to do this twice guys because I’m actually

We got to do this three times we need one for each drill so but I want to do the The Jasper one first and then I want to do the myth one and then we’ll do the um Titanium drill last with the end of goal is we won’t

Need a we really need a drill engine for the titanium one as long as we uh progressively upgrade it with the end go to go to go to the Divine Dr so that’s the goal in here let’s move this back to that we actually

En and I did want to get that done on camera I was really really close to upgrading it so and uh my dailies just barely didn’t cover it so I did like eight sets of uh commissions and I looked out because the uh raid uh a goblin raate hereit and I need I

Had two commissions here for goblin raids I had a um I had one here for I had one here completing Goblin Raid and one here for getting 24 goblins in a Goblin Raid so that that worked out really good the new ones here are 500 powder in a times two event and then

Uh Goblin golden goblins kind of annoying but but so I’m going to be working on getting the um the Royal pigeon after that I really don’t care I I would like to have the crystal nucleus uh should we be grinding that out probably not doing four dailies

Every day we’ll we’ll cover that to get it but uh we need the titanium anyway so I might as well try to do as many commissions as I can get that get the titanium anyway um and and will I will will that be what happens I don’t know um the likelihood

Of me just giving up and just spending a bunch of money and then buying the titanium I need to get the Dr ready is a it’s a it’s a big possibility um the last thing that I wanted to do today is uh I wanted to work on my Slayers now Slayer is

Um the Slayer mayor is not active anymore we have our sheet p on we have our armor on there I did uh do something with this one but I didn’t get the money so we’re going to have to work on that separately uh that’s probably going to

Be next week uh Monday I’m going to try this weekend to get the upgrades for this get this one upgraded that’ll probably be Monday’s video upgrading our our oural site getting some uh good enchantments on it yeah being we’re going to do that uh however I wanted to kind of show you guys

How good the uh the Mage um thing was oh let’s get the money for this oh um let’s get out okay should do It now our current levels here I did have to farm up to level five and this one so we’re at level six so we really don’t need to do this one and our if we go here we look we are at um level four Revenant Slayer so we can Farm

Level four Revenant Slayer so I wanted to show you one of these and do we we do we do have enough so let’s grab that one I want to show you guys this you guys have seen me grind on my combat tune rant Slayers so you guys can

Compare with that other video If you haven’t watched that series make sure you go watch it and you’ll understand what I’m talking about I’m not going to say it’s easier but uh you guys can see it’s a lot easier to farm the XP to summon these guys again my volume is down oh

Yes okay so this this should be the last right here and uh do a heal now if you don’t stay near him to where he can actually hit you uh he will start regenerating so that didn’t hit him done yes so do I take a little bit more damage

Yes but I don’t have my actual Max armor on and uh the armor set that I’m using on uh our combat profile is is a lot lot more a lot more than this one a lot more defense too um so I thought that was pretty cool U um so we we are

At sorry wrong wrong thing we are at level uh four and I would like to get the other two at level three so to level threes here we can just do level threes right does require spiders do I have Tel I do don’t need to go although I should start

Teleporting to the top Nest just to see if those spider boss is up there and again this should not take but a few minutes to uh do this boss and get these guys up and I am going to grind out the uh the spider stuff so or the

Slayers there will be episodes where we just do spider Slayers on this account but I kind of feel bad because I did it on the other one so there’s the boss there we go now question is can I do that with the wolf boss cuz he’s a bit much he’s a bit

Much but let’s go ahead and head back to the hub we’ll go turn this in we’ll see if we can do it with the wol boss I don’t know that we will be able to now level three okay so we can do this one now most times I get p face on this

One we’re going to do this up here so we don’t have other players come and kill the boss for us which is kind of counterproductive but you should really do this in the park sir I’ve seen you and get all the woods up here just rotate back and forth through

Here this is what I’ll probably end up having to do on my uh main profile or my combat challenge he does deal some damage so I hate when it does that have time to wait on we’re just going to have to do this oh we have to let him hit us I

Forgot we got a wol oh he doesn’t take damage from these okay we’re going to need a an actual weapon for him aren’t we right not taking damage period can’t even Target him okay we’re going have to get our other weapon out in order to kill

Him yep see if we can bring up here yeah he’s immune so we’re not going to be able to use Magic on this one this is not the weapon to do this with I can’t get my other weapon out that’s the problem hit me hit me yeah won’t even Target

Him i’ I’ve used that on him before I don’t think we’re going to get this one it would be fine if I had my other weapon uh she will she will summon her wols it is a she cuz she summons her wol cat but we only have a minute left no don’t get

Out we’re basically fisting this guy cuz our our our thing here doesn’t do that much damage here we are there we go Cubs are Gone oh it actually it hit an AA hit her so so it does Target her it does affect her she just for some reason it wasn’t targeting her well we got it that’s all we needed and uh if we’re going to continue to do that we’re going to have to get a sword

Yeah maybe it’s about time we invest in the uh the aspect of the Void there we go now we got the combat buff from those uh I don’t know whether I can do the tier four ones uh I will try off camera and see about that um but um we are at level

Two on uh spiders and level two on um the wolf Slayers uh I mean I don’t mind doing it that way I just I’m going to have to have something besides this this doesn’t do that much damage so we’re going to need some substantial do I have a weapon I think I

Put my other one in the the vault have the void sword doesn’t help me yeah I might have to break that out use it again but anyway guys that’s that uh I will just you’ve seen how much easier it was the the wolf Slayers wasn’t that easy I’m I’m pretty sure

They’re immune to the magic from the the Deval side but I have used this one on it before I don’t know why it wasn’t actually affecting him uh if you if you guys like this episode make sure you smack that like button it really helps out the Channel with YouTube views

YouTube searches YouTube algorithm movement for the channel if you subscribe to my channel and you want to get notifications when I have new videos out all you got to do is go to my page hit the notification Bell set your settings inside the notification Bell you’ll get notifications whenever you

Want them not just whenever YouTube wants to send them to you come check out the videos if you do like this video you want to share it with your friends tell you like the share tab down below there’s links there social media site there’s a link there for you to copy and

Post wherever you want have any tips strcture comments put it in the comments down below don’t forget to follow my social media Pages don’t forget notification setting for the channel notification Bell I’ll see you guys on the next episode


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