Backyard Garden

Beginner Tropical Garden NQ Backyard Garden Vlog

Sharing our beginner tropical garden NQ journey as we start work on building garden beds and creating an urban tropical garden. As beginner gardeners, we share our mistakes and steps we’ve taken to create as a beginner tropical garden creator, in North Queensland, Australia. Follow along our backyard garden vlog series.

Good morning Denny here from Gone tropo we’re in Aussie North Queensland Lifestyle Channel do a bit of everything and at the moment we’re also learning to become beginner gardeners I’m here with my reluctant YouTube sidekick and husbandly yes he’s probably also my reluctant husband and we’ve got another load of P

FRS we’ve pulled down probably 2/3 of the Palms on our property so far and today we’ll bring you along with us as we try and work out how to deliver an urban tropical garden like I said we are beginners so um come along with us and

I’ll show you some of the mistakes we’ve made and what we’re trying to achieve with our vision with our garden One of the things we’ve been able to successfully grow which we didn’t plant ourselves our friendly Birds did the birds that pick on the cats make those funny cat noises I don’t know what they’re called they’ve planted tomatoes and they’ve gone wild I’ve already taken out a few I need take

Out some more I think and we’re going to add dirt to this so we can continue on with our garden but it’s a bit sad that the only thing we’ve been able to grow is tomatoes and we didn’t grow them the birds do like coming back and

Picking them as well so I might see if I can pop them down the back we’re going to put a chicken Co in at one stage and maybe they can grow wild down there gosh Le you should see all the tomatoes on them today yeah I think we just leave it

I don’t need to do anything with that back don’t you [Applause] Okay It’s just off 10 I’m absolutely cooking out in the sun at least doing most of the work is not even raising it flat we’re getting through two tons of dirt going into our beds over here I’m not sure even if we’re making a difference yet many many Barrow loads

Later we’ll finish around this side it’s premium saw mix so should be half decent for plants to grow in we’ve already got Irrigation in a b I’ll show you when we’re finished we’re to Minds about pulling up the tomatoes so might just bulldoze over the top of them with dirt might pull them

Out later who knows but there’s quite a lot of nice ones there maybe it’s bag bowl for dinner now that level one’s over I think it’s time for swim I did salvage some Tomatoes might make a spag Bowl later on tonight let’s do some planting I’ve got some stuff around the

Place that have outgrown their containers and really need to go in the garden so I’m hoping that that’s a good start for our dirt water is still quite cold my hat oh it’s cold I’ve got these little Ground Covers as well that Lee bought probably 6 months

Ago and I know they well and truly have outgrown their little pot that they’re in so we’ll pop some of those in I just read the instructions they’re called cremy gray star and apparently they’re easy to grow you’re right it’s prob like me and they’re easy

To grow and in sun or Shades one of the problems that we’ve been told about trying to grow in this garden bed is that apparently if you’re trying to grow things around Palms it’s really difficult cuz the roots are everywhere and apparently they take up all the

Nutrients as well now we were going to cut these Palms down we’re not a big fan of Palms as you may know we’ve we’ve taken a lot out from this property however we still needed a little bit of greenage here and from the deck upstairs

It creates a little bit of a scream and something to look at so for now the G cane sustain but that may change also put those two cerina or Cousin It plants apparently they’re really easy to grow but they’re pretty much dead in their pot there’s one there hopefully we can

Get Heats of water on it if that’s what it needs I don’t know what it needs this is the other one the other Garden that grows pads and Rogue Tomatoes I’ll do a bit of a garden tour tomorrow and I’ll share with you what we’ve done so far and and some of our

Plans for the future for now though let’s go and give these plants a good water we do have a bow with irrigation setup and automatic sprinklers but I’ll give them a good water now and see if they like a good drink get whiskey get it there you go cousin it have a big

Drink elephant ears strangely enough these bulbs here we just threw them there cuz we pulled them out from another garden bed and just threw them in there to die and forgot about them and they’ve all pretty much have regrown again so that was a happy accident we only when into the dump this

Morning here making a good old pile already we might buy one of those cheap mulching machines considering the amount of Palms we got and see if that helps just checking on our spray no spray down here we have to add another sprinkler in after hand water oh you adding it now

Or is it already there theay the things just need to be replaced again wouldn’t say there’s a lot of water down this end either these these Golem canes are taking up the real estate have to thin them back a bit probably could have chosen a bit better spot but it is getting

Water it’s supposed to be easy to look after didn’t do very well you Reon that’s a bird buff we’ll try and repurpose it that is supposed to be over in the corner here not that rock what I don’t have anything I’m saying is water going into the garden from the sprinkles We just unloaded a heap of sleepers to make more garden beds and finish off what we started today is Sunday so we’re going to get a fair few things organized for during the week so we can keep working around the place um cuz going out and getting your your stuff is

Probably this the bit that takes up a fair amount of time now we’re about to go and get some more rocks to finish off what we finishing off Pathways pathway yeah to finish off some Pathways so it’s 10:00 for the time I get back from getting rocks I might have

Time to have some Brey cuz be middle of the day some brunch and then we’ll pot her about and get some more jobs done [Applause] A Are you helping Pepsi what’s your job your job you look pretty you pretty boy apparently Lee wants me to have a crack at shoveling rocks into our Barrow and I’m not very fit this is not going to end well feel was thought of exercise mate in an

Sh here scoop it in there and whack it in there easy he you have this things recording in the barrel is that a little red light flashing okay yeah the stones go in the red thing dog there only one barrel left that’ll fit into there you’re almost finished

That’s my Trailer Load I mean no that’s my Barrow load bar load no you’ve done The Trailer Load that’s it looks empty but that’s a lot of work still so even though Lee and I walk on the caves every single day we just went to the Landscaping shop and bought more

And we bought more of the wrong one so here I’m back with the right one and we’ll get on with [Applause] It fortunately we have have to go for a swim some rocks have ended up in the pool what a [Applause] [Applause] Shame The gate is finally up it took a fair bit of effort luckily we had a couple of 70 plus year olds a 60 plus year old and a couple of 50 OD plus year olds home at at the time to help with getting the 6.1 M gate off the

Back of the trailer the rest of the um fence will start soon the color is a Color Bond Monument color I’ll start from the back corner of our yard so we’ve chopped some palm trees and bits and pieces down and we’re going to leave this corner available for

Someone to either use as compost get some trees or maybe another garden bed we’re a bit undecided at this stage we haven’t agreed on what to do with the top of the pool area yet the Hibiscus is starting to look a bit straggly do we chop them down trim them

Back add more plants do we get rid of them completely not sure but I’m looking forward to when we get to that point Lee has spent a lot of time fixing the irrigation and it’s a prettyy good feeling knowing that it is all working throughout the whole property now this

Side here we’ve added more garden bed edges to more dirt and more mulch I’m just waiting to get more plants this garden bed will continue down behind the Gazebo something yet to be finished but we have come a long way and hopefully we might try and figure out

How to do some plantings in the Rock Gardens around the pool as well this area here needs more plantings and we’re going to take out that tomato plant that we keep talking about there’s also a rogue Bush passion fruit in there and we’re very grateful to have these

Pads and we’ve built this Garden here out of spare rocks that were line around the Garden or line around the pool I should say and Le created a little bit of a boardwalk get around to the back of the pool area challenging plants you can see here we haven’t done

So great with our phones we bought them off Facebook and only about half of them worked and this poor old brommie here has been really ated from the spot incredibly hot and didn’t like it hopefully it will last a bit better where it is we did have a couple of fern

Trees here but they didn’t like the full sun they died so basically I’m going to continue telling you about our failures coming up we’re going to revamp some more garden beds and then get to the point of findind some plants either off Facebook or from really good nurseries and start planting

Out our garden and ideally I’d love to see a difference of what it looks like today to what it look like in the future maybe in 6 months time 12 months time that sort of thing thanks so much for following along today really appreciate your support it means the world to me

Maybe I’ll see you in the next episode cheers bye


  1. Love this. Thanks for taking me through your garden. I cant wait for the end result. Realy admire you for all you did so far. Wow, such hard work in FNQ heat. Lovely property 🎉

  2. G,day Deni, Waw! Wat a amaizing job u guys have done, ❤it huge job too but ur doin great, so sorry we didn’t catch up we did go away for 6 wks but spent most of our time at Carmila & Hydeaway Bay and it was fantastic. so good to see Lee looking so well too that’s really good too see ❤️ur outdoor cane furniture and I hope u enjoyed that pasta yum looked amaizing anyway I know it’s late u just spoke about alcohol 😂so best I finish mine and head off to bed 😂Great to c u and give yourself a pat on the back 👍🏻job well done

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