
houseplantjournal: New to air plants? Most care instructions aren’t wrong, but they get you fixate…

New to air plants? Most care instructions aren’t wrong, but they get you fixated on proper watering and you hope to keep the plant looking perfect forever…but that’s not how it works.

Plants use light to combine water and carbon dioxide to make sugars to sustain themselves and grow. So when you read “bright indirect light; water once a week; etc”, it’s more helpful to structure it in your mind as “given that the plant is receiving this kind of light, watering will be required once a week”. The other part is managing expectations on how the plant should look – the plant is growing the best it can given its environmental conditions. Expecting it to look perfect forever is unrealistic.

Happy plant owners appreciate the balance of environment, effort, and expectations.

Link in bio: here’s an older YouTube video I made on air plant care – I’m so awkward!
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