Garden Plans

The World’s Priciest Mansions

Where we take you inside the 10 most expensive houses in the world. From Mukesh Ambani’s breathtaking Antilia in Mumbai to the historic Villa Leopolda in France, these homes redefine luxury. Experience the extravagance of Fair Field Estate in New York, marvel at the royal elegance of Kensington Palace Gardens in London, and witness the modern sophistication of One Hyde Park’s penthouse apartments.

Each mansion on our list boasts unique features, be it Larry Ellison’s Japanese-inspired estate in California or Bill Gates’ sustainable Xanadu 2.0 near Seattle. Join us as we explore these billionaire personal palaces, filled with helipads, car museums, and lavish interiors. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to Elite Realm for more exclusive tours of the elite lifestyle.

#MostExpensiveHouses #BillionaireHomes #LuxuryMansions #EliteRealm #RealEstateLuxury

Ever wondered what a billion dollar home  looks like? From helipads to car museums,   the world’s most expensive houses are in a league  of their own when it comes to insane luxury. This   is Elite Realm, and today we’re touring the 11  priciest personal palaces on the planet. Get ready  

To go inside the lavish homes of billionaires and  see how the other half lives. First up – a Mumbai   mega-mansion so massive it took 4 years to build! Number 1: Antilia in Mumbai  Coming in at number 1 is Antilia in Mumbai, India  – the most expensive home in the world at over $1  

Billion! This custom-built behemoth belongs  to billionaire Mukesh Ambani and his family,   who wanted a one-of-a-kind luxury  residence just for themselves.  Get this – Antilia is 400,000 square feet  and has 27 floors of sheer extravagance.   It took a staggering 4 years to construct and  cost over $1 billion – making it pricier than  

The Palace of Versailles! Just let that  sink in. This place is a full-on palace.  Some insane facts about Antilia – it has three  helipads, a health spa, beauty salon, and ballroom   for entertaining. There’s a 50-seat home theater  for movie nights, multiple swimming pools to relax  

In, and yoga and dance studios to stay Zen. It  even has an ice cream room – This home is less of   a house and more of a self-contained luxury city. Can you imagine over 600 staff members needed to  

Maintain this place?! Ambani spared no expense  to build the most decked out dwelling on the   planet. Just one glance at Antilia and  you can instantly tell – this is what   a billion dollar home looks like. Number 2: Villa Leopolda in France 

Nestled on the glittering French Riviera,  Villa Leopolda is a glimpse into Europe’s   gilded age. This Belle Époque jewel was built  in 1902 for French royalty and aristocracy   seeking an escape. Current owner Lily Safra  has made her own additions, but Leopolda’s   timeless magnificence remains untouched. Strolling the villa’s terraced gardens and  

Enjoying afternoon wine overlooking  the Mediterranean is an experience   money can’t buy. Unless you’re a billionaire  trophy collector coveting your own slice of   century-old European luxury like Leopolda. Number 3: Fair Field Estate in New York  Ira Rennert’s Hamptons mega-mansion Fair  Field takes the bronze for priciest homes.  

This staggering 63-acre compound has every amenity  imaginable – 29 bedrooms, 39 bathrooms, 3 pools,   2 bowling alleys, even a 164-seat theater! No  billionaire home is complete without a power   plant, and Fair Field generates enough  electricity to light up a small city. 

When you have endless riches, it becomes a game  of one-upmanship. Rennert succeeded in creating   the ultimate billionaire playground, where fun and  imagination are the only limits. Must be nice to   live a life of “if you dream it, you can build it. Number 4: 18-19 Kensington  

Palace Gardens in London Number 4 brings us to London’s   billionaire’s row – Kensington Palace Gardens.  This exclusive tree-lined street is home to some   of the most expensive real estate on Earth,  with an insane average price per square meter  

Of $107,000! That’s just the average! The elite  of the elite live here, including steel tycoon   Lakshmi Mittal. He spent many millions turning  his property into “Taj Mittal” – a 12 bedroom   palace befitting the owner’s Indian heritage. No expense was spared decking out the interiors  

In exotic Makrana marble. There’s also an indoor  pool to take a dip without the London drizzle,   and impeccable gardens to stroll through. Can  you imagine having your own private oasis in   the middle of bustling London? For the ultra  rich, money can buy that slice of paradise,  

Even in the dense city. Kensington Palace Gardens  is mansion central for billionaires – where   location and prestige is everything. Number 5: One Hyde Park apartment in London  At number 5 we head back to London, this  time to the super elite One Hyde Park,  

Where Ukraine’s richest man Rinat Akhmetov broke  real estate records by dropping over $200 million   on not one but two penthouse apartments!  For that price, you expect only the best   of the best – and this place delivers. These luxury residences are decked out   with bulletproof floor-to-ceiling glass,  sleek interiors designed by Candy & Candy,  

And exclusive lighting installations by  artist James Turrell. Now that’s some   high-class home decor! The amenities cater to  the billionaire lifestyle – private cinema,   spa, and ultra secure underground parking. One  Hyde Park is a playground for the international   wealthy looking for an exclusive piece of  London real estate in the heart of the city. 

Number 6: Ellison Estate in California Coming in at number 6 is Larry Ellison’s   jaw-dropping $200 million dollar Japanese-inspired  estate in California. As the co-founder of Oracle,   Ellison spared no expense constructing this  tech-fueled palace, even taking a full 9 years to  

Complete. Spanning 23 stunning acres, the property  includes 3 guest cottages, a traditional Zen   garden and tea house, 5 acre man-made lake, and  a fitness center worthy of a 5-star spa resort.  Throughout the grounds, 8 picturesque footbridges  connect across the landscape. It’s a serene  

Oceanside paradise seemingly worlds away from  Silicon Valley life. Ellison went all out bringing   ancient Japanese architecture and artistry into  the modern era. Each exquisite detail transports   guests to another time and place. While the tech  mogul’s bank account is firmly rooted in futurism,  

His heart remains in the simple beauty of  old Japan. Touring the Ellison Estate is   like taking a peaceful stroll through history –  with modern luxury waiting around every corner.  Number 7: Kensington Palace Gardens, London In 7th place is Roman Abramovich’s Kensington  

Gardens mega-mansion in London. The Russian  billionaire tycoon plans to extend his already   massive Gothic-style estate by constructing an  underground recreational complex. Just imagine   having your own private tennis court,  health spa, and luxury car museum! Only   the super-rich get bored with standard  home theaters and wine cellars. For the  

Right price, anything is possible. Number 8: Blossom Estate, Palm Beach  Palm Beach’s Blossom Estate checks in at number 8,  bought by hedge fund manager Ken Griffin for $130   million. By combining 4 lavish properties into one  compound, the amenities include 6 fully-stocked  

Kitchens, a library rivaling Belle’s in Beauty  and the Beast, and a palatial guest house larger   than most mansions. Talk about living large! This  is the kind of home where you could get lost in a   new room each day for a month. Number 9: Xanadu 2.0, Seattle 

At number 9 we have Bill Gates’ $63 million  sustainable mansion Xanadu 2.0 near Seattle.   This tech-filled pleasure palace spans 66,000  square feet and has insane amenities like   a high-tech sensory system controlling  everything from lighting to music moods.  Gates also wired his pool with underwater  speakers for swimming in surround sound. The  

2,500 square foot home gym puts most commercial  gyms to shame. With 24 bathrooms, 6 kitchens   fully-stocked with personal chefs, and a library  rivaling ancient Alexandria – this silicon forest   has all of Gates’ wildest fantasies covered. Number 10: Silicon Valley Mansion 

Yuri Milner’s lavish Silicon Valley mansion  claims the number 10 spot. The Russian tech   investor splurged on over-the-top interior design  with grand ballrooms and endless amenities.   It’s the perfect pad for hosting fellow tech  elites and new entrepreneur prospects. One look  

At that stunning valley view, and you’ll  be dying to sign Milner’s next big deal.  Let me know in the comments which mega mansion  you’d want to own! This has been Elite Realm,   bringing you behind the gates of the  rich and famous. Be sure to like,  

Subscribe, and come back next time for  more peeks inside the lives of the elite!

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