Garden Design

Landscape Design: Focus On What You Can Actually See

This was a slight redirect, suggesting these clients focus their attention on the area they actually see on a routine basis. It would be great to do both but if you need to choose one, I would go with the high visibility areas. Any suggestions for what to plant underneath the tree?

Regarding mulch up against the tree: don’t do it. This happens all the time and it can kill your tree. Evaluate whether your mulch or soil is built up too high and move it away. The part of the trunk that starts to come out sideways at an angle toward the ground is called the root flare. This should be exposed. I sometimes see these covered with several inches of mulch and it’s fairly easy to fix. ASAP!

A note on the boxwoods: they are very responsive to pruning and very low maintenance with the occasional touch up to remove little overgrown branches. Leave some open spaces so light can get through and growth can emerge on the inside.

Video done by my client Sarah (And yes, that is a baby you hear in the background. So adorable!)

If you’re new here, I’m a garden coach and consultant based in the Boston area (zone 6b). Go to my website to learn more about what I do or to schedule consultations and more:

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What I would do here is I would bring these down these box ones to about here and then just leave them alone let them grow together let them do their thing low maintenance you don’t see this from there but when you’re sitting here you see this so I would get rid of these

Okay give these away and I’d put a beautiful there’s your little garden here with your beautiful perennials and your bulbs and some annuals even pack this in make sure the mulch gets away from the trunk okay but I think this is your beautiful area that you look at

Here that’s your low maintenance area okay


  1. yes you could do that that's exactly right but when you remove those other bushes then you should put them somewhere else on the do you know how much those suckers are a peace

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