Gardening Supplies

Seed Talk #70 – Pantone Color of the Year 2024 & Celosia ‘Jura Salmon’

Happy New Year, everyone! Interested in integrating the Pantone Color of the Year into your garden or floral arrangements? Today, Lisa and Layne discuss the Pantone Color of the Year for 2024 (‘Peach Fuzz’) and a beautiful cockscomb flower that embodies this color story (Celosia ‘Jura Salmon’). Listen to the podcast and find out why ‘Jura Salmon’ is a must-grow flower for your garden or farm!

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The “Seed Talk with Lisa & Layne” podcast is produced by The Gardener’s Workshop and co-hosted by Lisa Mason Ziegler and Layne Angelo. Lisa is the founder and owner of The Gardener’s Workshop, where Layne works as Seed Manager. Lisa is the award-winning author of Vegetables Love Flowers and Cool Flowers and the publisher of Flower Farming School Online, Farmer-Florist School Online, and Florist School Online. Watch Lisa’s Story and connect with her on social media. Layne is an avid gardener, seed starter, and engineer who loves learning and applying her technical knowledge to all areas of life, including gardening and growing flowers. Thanks for joining us!
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Thanks for watching!
Lisa Ziegler


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We are a virtual learning center & online garden supply shop that specializes in gardening & FLOWER FARMING!
Owned & Operated by Lisa Mason Ziegler – She is a leader in the cut-flower growing industry, author, accomplished speaker, virtual course instructor, & the owner of The Gardener’s Workshop. Click To Learn More:

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Hey friends happy New Year welcome to 2024 seed talk with Lisa and Lane hey Lane you don’t look any different Lane neither do you well your hair looks like you might have had a little trim yeah yeah I’m getting sure as the season I’m already planning for the season first

Thing is get all that hair off my head so yes so happy New Year happy 2024 for sure I mean I cannot believe it’s 2024 I just can’t even believe it but I am so excited for just the because now we’re like on the ski slope we’re at

The top of the mountain it is just downhill from here just so much fun stuff happening and um so welcome friends so this is um this podcast seed talk is brought to you by the gardeners where we’d love to have you drop in we have tons of resources over

There and you can hook up with us and explore those so Lane what are we talking about today well today we are going to be talking about a seed of flower that matches panton’s color of the year for 2024 so you know we’re not going to pass up an excuse to talk about

A favorite flower so that’s what we’ll be doing today and we did it last year so it’s becoming a bit of a tradition okay and I love the name what’s the what’s the color name oh we’ll find out in just a minute oh she she is just

She’s making us wait y’all all right let’s take it away let’s find out what this color is and what we can grow because I think it’s really helpful as a especially as a grower to like have suggestions of those flowers that you may not even realize is available in

Some of those colors so that’s a great idea yeah okay so panone it’s probably best known for its color matching system but in addition to that there’s a panone color Institute that’s been selecting a color of the year since the year 2000 and there’s a lot of research and

Analysis and Trend forecasting that goes into it and eventually they select a color of the year that they believe represents what’s going on in the world and our culture in general at this point in time and the color of the Year announcements are very highly anticipated and the chosen color goes on

To influence all sorts of different Industries including potentially the color palets for weddings and the flowers at those weddings but our favorite thing about the Pantone color of the Year is as I mentioned just getting to pick a flower that we think matches that color story for sure I mean

Yes yes so you might remember that the color of the year for last year for 2023 was called Viva magenta and it was a really bold magenta color it was supposed to be quote unquote expressive of a new signal of strength Brave and fearless and our corresponding flower pick was Zenia uproar

Rose yes a favorite for sure a definitely and the color of the year for 2024 is much softer it’s much more muted and it has an adorable name like Lisa was alluding to earlier it’s called peach fuzz and Panton describes it as an appealing Peach Hue nestled between pink

And orange and I’ll just read some quotes directly from Pantone about this color so they said it’s subtly sensual peach fuzz is a heartfelt Peach Hue bringing a feeling of kindness and tenderness communicating a message of caring and sharing community and collaboration a warm and cozy shade highlighting our desire for togetherness

With others or for enjoying a moment of Stillness and the feeling of sanctuary this creates and then I’ll just read some quotes as to why they chose peach fuzz as the color of the year they said that at a time of turmoil in many aspects of our lives our need for

Nurturing empathy and compassion grows ever stronger as does our imaginings of a more PE peaceful future we’re reminded that a vital part of living a full life is having the good health stamina and strength to enjoy it that in a world which often emphasizes productivity and external achievements it is critical we

Recognize the importance of fostering our inner selves and find moments of respit creativity and human connection amid the hustle and bustle of Modern Life we’re focusing on health and well-being both mental and physical and we’re cherishing what’s special the warmth and comfort of spending time with friends or family or simply taking a

Moment of time to ourselves wowza I’m loving this I know thinking about it I mean peach fuzz did you know that Steve’s family were Peach Farmers no y the peach orchard and here’s the story when I was a little girl we used to drive I lived in Midtown newer news

Steve and his family lived in North End of newer news we would dri our family would drive up here and buy peaches we don’t know that we bought them from his dad but it’s quite possible oh I’m sure you did oh my goodness I mean so Peach

Is peach is a really important thing we literally have peach orchard equipment from the 30s and the 40s upstairs in our attic what is peach orchard equipment like um heaters like you would um they were kerosene burners that they would put out in the Orchards when the threat

Of um Frost was coming at the wrong time or smoke ERS for insects and all kind I mean all kinds of crazy stuff we just can’t throw it away you know we would never use it but yeah it’s pretty cool so I love the name what do you think

About the color and the reasoning behind the color I think it is great I think it is a very warm fuzzy literally feeling when I look at that color it is especially because I I think of the flowers that are this color and that really warms me up too you know yeah so

Once this color was announced Lisa and I kind of looked at the whole color story this is quite a light color but if you look at some of the other pictures that Pantone put out that correspond to this whole color family we both thought of the same flower that we wanted to share

And it is a coxcomb aosa it’s the type that looks like a velvety brain for those of you not familiar with coxcomb and it is a type called Jura salmon I mean is that not gorgeous yeah it’s abs beautiful and there really is variation in the color you know there’s darker you

Can see on the left there are some darker heads and on the right there’s some lighter blush even colors that are mixed in there um we are super excited about Jura salmon yeah and that’s what I was just going to point out is it has all these really beautiful variations of

Peach apricot and salmon tones so on one end of the spectrum there might be a really light tone like the peach fuzz panone color but there are also these really saturated Rich salmon tones that are just absolutely gorgeous and this is a special seed for the gardener Workshop

Because it’s another one like the Texas plumes soloa that we’re actually having grown for us and Jura salmon is a seed that was widely available before and then it kind of fell out of production so why was it worth Reviving Lisa why was this something you wanted to bring

Back so we grew a lot of this when the was available um and you know we sold primarily commercially to florist and I never had enough I mean you could never ever grow enough of this color it just I mean it was beautiful in a mixed bouquet

Because it’s not it still was beautiful but our florish just I mean for um casket covers for weddings for every they could just use it in so many ways and then when um the seed went unavailable which we understand why it is not a good seed producer so for the

Volume of plants that our grower grew um there’s not nearly as much production which is what leads to why the seed is a little bit pricier than some of the others I mean you once you start diving into it you get you understand right um

But it’s just a great color I love it with all the colors I mean it is gorgeous with lime green and I’m just thinking of all the times that we made bouquet with it so we’re super excited that it is back that it is and it’s an open pollinated cultivar it’s branching

Which not all coxcombs are branching so that’s something else and I did reach out to Emily neckl who is the one who grew the seed for us and she had some commentary about what it was like to grow this for seed so she said that every head had to be cleaned two times

Because the seed was so difficult to remove and coxcomb proved much slower to dry in general compared to the solia pl plumes so compared to when she grew the Texas plumes for us and this line was a very poor seed producer in terms of the volume of seed they got out of it

Compared to the plumes so they harvested about one pound per 50 feet for the Texas plumes but less than half that for this Jura salmon yeah I mean so it just makes you understand why big seed producers stop producing certain seeds that fall into this difficult category

So yeah so Emily grew it for us this past year and we’ve just packaged it up and it is available now so if you’d like some Jura salmon in your life I will put the link for that in the show notes and you will not be sorry yeah you won’t be

Sorry and it’s a brancher and I mean Emily had excellent results pinch she pinched her plants so what you’re looking at is pinched plants so and I think something else that it’s just another great attribute of sosias in general ener and this is no different the folage on these stems you don’t have

They hydrate really well you don’t have to worry about them wielding right so you can leave a little more foliage on them so they’re really useful um as filler and the foliage is um just not problemsome as it as some other stems can be and so it’s just all around a

Great easy to grow as long as you’re hot give them full sun um and you don’t have a ton of rain I mean we get our fair share of rain here you know coxcomb is in my top 10 cash crops and has been for 20 years um so give them what they love

And they are just amazing and in this color oh my goodness gracious they’re just so beautiful they’re beautiful and there’s nothing that looks like coxcomb nothing and they last forever and they dry so it’s pretty a pretty a crop that you can have a wide window of harvest so

We love it for that yeah well that was it for this episode but we’d also like to hear from you which flowers do you think of that fit this peach fuzz color or even just a peach or apricot coloration in general so are there any flowers that instantly come to mind for

You Lisa well of course there’s zenas that come in Z there’s the Baner giant the salmon and oh and then there’s several plume sosias sway has a salmon and a terracotta that fall in there Sunday a couple of colors that could definitely go that way um and yeah I

Mean and there’s I’m sure there’s Snap Dragons and I know that there’s also Sweet Williams and I also think of some varieties of straw flow there’s some beautiful status stock right I mean it’s endless it is so feel free to share with us your flower pick for this peach fuzz

Color you can share that over on YouTube in the comments or you can fill out the form Linked In the show notes and let us know what you think but thanks so much for joining us again and for kicking off another year with us here on seed talk

And just make sure to follow or subscribe wherever you’re watching or listening so you don’t miss any of our future episodes and you know Lane what I just thought about we we haven’t even introduced oursel for a long time and I know we have lots of new listeners so

We’ll just give it real brief here so my name is Lisa Mason Ziggler and I am um the head bottle washer at the gardener Workshop which started is a little Cut Flower Farm 25 years ago that has grown into an amazing educational platform you can learn all about it over at the

Gardeners where laye is the seed manager yes I’m the seed manager over at the gardeners Workshop my background is actually in engineering so I’m a very detailed person I love delving into the science behind various Concepts and I’m a home Gardener Lisa would probably call me a crazy home

Gardener I start a lot of things from seed a lot of annuals but also a lot of perennials and I just love growing things and just so happy to be sharing that with all of you here on seed talk yeah it just makes a it’s kind of fun to

Be able to talk about what we’re doing right I mean that it is gardening and farming and flowers but most of all we love helping other people to do it so all right friends just thought it occurred to me maybe you don’t even know who we are so head over to the gardeners and we have a ton of stuff yeah all right lane anything else nope just like I said make sure to follow or subscribe because we’re going to have a lot of great seed starting and flower growing content coming your way in 2024 all right friends till we meet again ciao bye


  1. I’m so happy you will be carrying Jura salmon celosia! I purchased seeds from harvest home flowers last season after stumbling across a photo of this variety on Instagram instantly needed it but found it almost it almost impossible to source from the major seed companies until I found harvest home flowers. Now I’m happy I can also support you with purchasing this variety! Thank you for taking on this project!

  2. I'll succession plant some California Thai Silk Apricot poppies in that gorgeous pantone this year. I'd also like to try your Celosia (thank you for the link Layne) but I've never tried growing them. Lisa said they like hot dry weather but I'm way up here in the Puget Sound and we had a very late arriving Spring last year. Any quick tips for 8b on that Celosia? As always thanks for the Seed Talk!

  3. Peach fuzz 🍑 Love this adorable name and shade! Never really followed Pantone’s color of year as most of times they don’t seem practical nor usable.. But this year’s color, wow! Jura Salmon celosia is soooo gorgeous!❤

  4. I love some of the calendulas that have peach tones 🤩 this color goes well with everything!

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