Gardening Trends

Malvern Autumn Gardening Show – A Complete Gardening Walkthrough

Welcome to our full walk through of the Malvern Autumn Show. Join us as we embark on a captivating journey, exploring the splendid sights and experiences this event has to offer. From stunning floral displays to mouth-watering food stalls, we’ve got it all covered, providing you with a complete immersive experience from start to finish. Get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere and indulge in the autumnal delights that the Malvern Autumn Show has in store for you.

As we take you on this virtual tour, you’ll witness breathtaking gardens showcasing an array of vibrant colors, alongside expert tips from renowned horticulturists. Find inspiration for your own garden as we uncover the latest trends and innovative designs in landscaping.

It doesn’t stop at flowers and gardens – the Malvern Autumn Show has something for everyone. Discover a variety of local, sustainable produce at the farmers market, and treat your taste buds to mouth-watering delights cooked up by talented chefs. From sweet treats to hearty meals, there’s no shortage of culinary delights to satisfy your cravings.

Capture the infectious energy of live performances on our stages, where talented artists and musicians bring the event to life. Experience the thrill of traditional country pursuits and daredevil stunts that will leave you on the edge of your seat. There’s never a dull moment at the Malvern Autumn Show!

Join us as we delve into the heart of this enchanting event, meeting passionate exhibitors and learning the stories behind their remarkable crafts. From local artisans to expert gardeners, you’ll be inspired by their dedication and expertise. Don’t forget to stop by the vendors showcasing unique products and take a piece of the Malvern Autumn Show home with you.

Whether you’re a gardening enthusiast, a food lover, or simply seeking a fun-filled day out, the Malvern Autumn Show offers an unforgettable experience for all. Join us on this incredible adventure and immerse yourself in the splendors of the Malvern Autumn Show.

Remember to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel for more exciting content. We can’t wait to share more captivating videos with you in the future. Stay tuned for the next adventure!

#MalvernAutumnShow #SplendorsOfMalvern #AutumnShow #Walkthrough #ExploringMalvern #GardenShow #FlowerShow #HarvestFestival #Gardening #AutumnalColors #OutdoorEvent #FamilyDayOut #NatureWalk #UKEvents #Horticulture #OutdoorExhibition #GardeningInspiration #FestivalVibes #GardenDesign #FlowerArrangements

Hi guys I hope you’re having a wonderful day it’s Mac today I have a really great one for you we’re at the mvin Autumn show this is new it’s my first Autumn show it is the agricultural show but we’re here at the end of the season this

Should be a wonderful day and I’m on to hunt for some giant pumpkins and really large produce cuz I heard this all here so come along let’s go enjoy this day trust me you’re going to like It I’m really excited to go into the Harvest Pavilion this is a werer beepers Association is in here as well let’s go check this out oh this is really wonderful it looks like this is where a lot of the flowers are located and as I walk through the door

I’m overwhelmed by the smell of fragrant fragrant flowers really beautiful look at what we have here on this first table and it’s a lot of cacti and I love caus I love them a lot but I have a house full of kids and I don’t feel like picking these thorns out of

Tiny little fingers because that’s what I did when I was a kid I couldn’t keep my hands off of them you just want to touch those thorns and boy they hurt you so much later on second place Cactus look at this one it’s really nice colors nice colors

There then here is the first place in the sucklet cactus selection here it’s really nice here’s the first place third place I mean so just a really nice selection of beautiful Cactus and succulents this is unique there’s also a raw horiculture Society show going on

Here and this may be a part of that because these are all balloons from a future plant different varieties but this is really unique I’ve never seen flowers displayed on these boards like this before and I will admit that I have not spent much time around the Royal

Horiculture Society but if this is what they do I’d like it we have the fuchsia the British fuchsia Society is on display here so there will be a lot of fuchsia really a lot of fuchsia here because I see all on this table and right across the way there are quite a

Bit more so the British fure Society is showing here today but my goodness look at these beautiful fuchsia and this is basically a fuchsia Christmas tree now they pull this look off because they a lot of pots in here on a frame and they’re all one variety but it just

Looks so good the way they stacked this up and I mean this is wow this is really tall 30 ft maybe really tall maybe 20 ft but still beautiful second prize for these large pom pom dalas the fourth prize and then the first prize and I’m such a

Fan of Delia I didn’t us to like them but they have really grown on me the flowers are just undeniable with their beauty I’m not a huge fan of the way the plants grow they’re kind of wild looking but wow look at these balloons they almost don’t look

Real this is why I wanted to come to the Autumn show guys to see what it can be on display here in the fall I’ve seen what’s on display in the middle of the summer and I love it but I also love this fall display as well magnificent

Display of dala by the national Dalia Society dalas are beautiful flowers and blooms and they have come different types as well there’s the pom pom there’s these small ones and large they come in almost every color by color tricolor really spectacular plants wow look at that just a magnificent

Display and here are some Dalia you I don’t see these very often they look on the size and scale with the very large sunflowers but these are Cactus Dalia and these plants are incredibly large cuz just look at the size of that bloom this is my hand and the bloom is much

Larger than my hand just to give you perspective the these blooms are magnificently large and really unique this show just keeps going and going and going and I’m not going to show you every single Bloom and every single flower that’s in here but I do really want you to appreciate the beauty

That’s in here and the care that each Gardener had to put and to grow on these plants and to deliver such beautiful wonderfully shaped blooms look at these petals everything perfectly in place they picked the very best time the pluming to make sure that it would be

Ready for this show a lot of effort went into to getting these blooms into these vases here today this show is not just about beautiful flowers it’s also about produce and look at the size of some of these leaks here the first prize leak and it is massive here again my hand in

Comparison to the size of the leak moving on down here’s the first prize cabbage wow I wish I had weights on this one but this is a truly magnificent cabbage these are larger than any ball basketballs don’t come this large and they’re just massively large I wish I

Had weights on them but they’re really beautiful cabbage first prize Bes in show look at this parsnip it literally goes from one side of the table to the other and right next to it first prize carrots oh my goodness this is magnificent and for anyone who questions

The true size of this produce I put a British pound and American Quarter down on the table just to give you a little bit of scope so you can understand exactly how large these parsnips are and it’s no different for the carrots which are also right here beside them I have

Never seen produce this large is such a magnificent display of high quality massive produce look at this leaks look at the size of the celery and look at those onions massive onions the size of softballs you know and it’s really cool they actually have for sale here seeds

So you can prepare for next year they also have some wonderful buls as well I’m going definitely be checking these out there’s some for sell on this side and there’s some more for sale over here I just think this is a great great addition I am thoroughly in love with this Autumn

Show and here are some massively long and large beats first prize beats second prize beats third prize beats and again more of these magnificent carrots this produce is next level I’m so glad I came to the show today and then here wow look at this celery I’m so glad and I haven’t even

Made it to the giant pumpkins yet uh or the giant gords but I’m thoroughly impressed by what I’m seeing here with this giant celery leaks carrots parsnips just magnificent every time I think I’ve seen all the giant produce I come to another table and it just keeps going look at

This first price celery again I placed the British pound and the American quter on the table just to kind of give you some perspective and scale to sizing on this Produce and the produce just keeps going hey guys we’re going to get out of the out of this pilion eventually but when things are good they’re really good and this is really good so I’m definitely going to pick up some seeds and I recognize some of these

Things can’t be grown until next year but I can definitely start some of these off here in the winter time I think that’ll be a good way to spend some of those long well short winter days but it’s going to be long nights with those long cold winter afternoons when the

Weather’s horrible I can get inside and plant me some wonderful flowers in preparation for spring so I picked up some seeds here we’re going to continue to look around and then we’re going to go on the hut for the large pumpkins cuz I think they’re here as well and see

What else is here at this Autumn Show the Harvest Pavilion showed many different flowers and plants available during the fall we just walked out of the Harvest Pavilion that was the first Pavilion that we’ve gone into since we first came into the show here wow that’s all I can say the giant produce wow the flowers

The fuches the dalas absolutely beautiful now we’re back outside let’s walk around the rest of the show here and see what we have this it says Greenhouse people and they have some truly phenomenal little green houses here this is where if I had the money and space and time I’d definitely invest

In me a nice little Greenhouse have a nice Conservatory but still nothing be a greenhouse this one right here this is all I need this be perfectly sized just perfectly sized I got have my pots back on this side working with the dirt here and then just growing out on this side beautiful

Little Greenhouse has so many plants for sale and on display out here it’s really different than your county shows so whereas your county shows you’d have all your animals this is really plant and produce heavy I’ve already bought some seeds I may go home with a couple plants

As well so we’ve just finished lunch and now we’re off to see my favorite thing that I wanted to see here all day which is the giant vegetable competition this is where you’re going to have those super ultra large vegetables even larger than the ones I showed you earlier let’s go check these

Out through the door this is the national giant vegetable competition and let’s start out right here dead ahead of me look at these massive bell peppers and when possible I want to put down a bit of reference for you here’s a British pound in an American Quarter

Just to kind of give you a bit of scale so you can understand exactly how large these vegetables really really are but these are all massively Giant bcers and the giant vegetables just just keep going here’s a third place and a second place and a first prize although

The first prize is not longer it is girthier than a lot of the others here and again there’s that quarter and that pound to show you a bit of scale and then here’s first prize 2023 look at this these are cucumbers I have never seen cucumbers this long ever abely

Massive and here are the giant vegetables continuing look at the size of these onions they’re as large as a soft ball and in some cases almost as large as a basketball absolutely magnificently large again repter how to give you a bit of understanding of the scope the size of these

Vegetables and look at these giant onions these are yellow onions Guys these are magnificently large here’s first prize Wow here are some very large sunflower heads of large sunflowers before not as shocked by them as I am by some of these other produce such as again these onions are just massive and here is some truly magnificent rot and some pretty hefty potatoes so this is the table with the

Giant vegetables let’s move on to some giant tomatoes and here are some what almost appear to be Frankenstein Tomatoes these things are massive wow and again to help keep that perspective here’s fourth prize there a British p in the quarter again just to kind of keep the

Perspective on the exact size how large these tomatoes are are and on the end here are what we call in the US egg plants these some pretty beefy size eggplants as well and you can see who stands out ahead above all the others which is his first prize winner Here massive eggplant and now we’re moving on to the longest restaurant and these are going to be predominantly your carrots and your parsnips but what is this this is a Guinness World Record largest Runner beam Le Guinness World Record wow wow absolutely this is a Guinness World Record largest monor police and where

Talking about the longest vegetables and you can see this is the root coming off this is all of Ro there’s another root there’s another root starting wow look at these roofs coming off of these beats first prize rener this beat that’s to be at least 20 ft

Long if not longer than that it runs from here literally to the end of the Fate so you have all these carrots and parsnips radishes just look at how long these vegetables are now to me this looks like a cantaloupe but I’ve never seen a cantaloupe look like this before if it

Is a cantaloupe it is it’s a cantaloupe melon I’ve never seen one that’s good are these massively long beans runner beans look at these and then beside those beans we have what appear to be some really long cayenne peppers I’ve never seen a long version of a chili pepper like this but these

Are special Chili Peppers guys now let’s move to the other end where we’re going to see the really big produce so we’re going to start here and work our way around this is called SED I’m not familiar with it but it produces a truly magnificent gold underground the Tre

Look at this first prize winner here look at the size of this guys and as usual going to give you this quarter and pound get to help with your perspective but right past the sweets we move into the massive beats look at the s I’ve never seen beat this CLS

Before I’m just imagine the effort it took to grow these here’s third prize for Beats and here is the first prize for Beats absolutely massive and then on this other side here I think these are going to be radishes oh my goodness look at these giant radishes here’s first Prize and then the mother of all leaks the leaks that I saw earlier I thought they were big but look at these leaks first prize perspective absolutely n here’s the Dennis world record for the heaviest R Bean at 196 G and there’s another heavy Bean beside it at 192 G

Truly massive this is four no five Guinness World Records that I’ve seen at show we have cole Robbie and wow Cole Robbie gets big but these K Robie are massive look at the first prize I wish I had a wait on this but this is the largest to Robbie I could ever imaged

Next to the cor Robbie we have some heavyweight carrots these are not beautiful but they are big and here’s the first prize winner for the largest carrots this is going to be all based on weight not based on beauty guys but these par Snips also really really massive we’re going just keep working

Our way around this table with this absolutely giant giant produce and I do believe this is going to be celery look at the bunch here this is one plant and these bunches are absolutely massive look at some truly heavyweight watermelons and what I wish I could give you we

Don’t have it listed but I wish the heavy weights were actually list it but I don’t see the weights on them but I can tell you it’s truly [Applause] massive massive water okay now we’re moving on to the true heavy waves these are some of the

Largest of the large guys here are some heavyweight marrows we’re getting to the forklift sides guys there’s those for scale just so you can Understand these are absolutely massive marrows look like giant squash to me is what we call it in the states I believe but wow magnificently large let’s take a walk around and look at all of these giant marrows [Applause] I’ve seen giant cabbage before I’ve never seen giant cabbage like this that one says this I believe it say it’s 10 kg look the third Prize winner here here’s the first prize winner cabbage I think that says it’s 24 kgrs look at this cabbage you know you need a team just to

Help pick these up Okay last but not least what everyone has been waiting on let’s go check out the giant pumpkin there’s no reason to put a porter down for these I’ll use a little kids to let you see exactly how large these pumpkins really are these are squash on this side here’s the first prize

Squash again that’s a grown lady standing behind it to give you a size perspective 213 kg that is a massive Squatch wow and tucked away in the corner is another Guinness World Record the world tallest T pill CL 11 6 in so here are the large pumpkins 256 kg 244

Kg truly magnificent this is what I always wanted to see these massively large pumpkins wow 590 kg and this is second progress first prize is 636 kg truly magnificent there are some others on around the other side so let’s take a look around the other side to see a

Couple of the other very large Poes here massively large pumpkins Blair take a seat next to these pumpkins let me just get a perspective of how large these pumpkins really Are was asking the guy from can which I think hosted this whole event what do you need to grow these giant pumpkins of course you need to write seeds they told me about those and then they told me about a website giant pumpkins. comom if

I want to go giant pumpkins and tell me everything I know I might give it a shot next year let’s grow some giant Pumpkins Garden theater let’s see what this is all about I can tell you one thing plants plants and more plants and I’m so glad that I’m someone who really likes plants Indigo blueberry is a very un tomato look at that I’ve never seen that one before but there’s some beautiful plants here

Patio patio Plum look at that Habanero there are some truly magnificent flowers here there’s some truly magnificent some peppers here and then next to that are a wonderful selection of cactus and succulents well cacti succulents and here’s a beautiful selection of brets as well bromet are really great and beautiful plants they

Blw them only once and then they shoot off a plant off to the side but they do kind of reproduce themselves so you could have bromal for a long time if you treat them with the right proper care plants to our hearts content here there’s some things I’ve never seen

Before but look at these artillery those are nice but I think Blair is looking at some really nice tulips let’s see if we can find some beautiful tulips chch oh it’s a narcissist oh the daffodill yes that is unique though I don’t think I’ve ever seen that

Before look at the size of these are Mires wow I’ve never seen buls this big these are old it takes a really long time over many years to get a mirorless bowl to this size beautiful plants though let’s take we have to get to New some one of these

Guys here is a beautiful bunai wow and look at this tiny little Japanese Maple Forest the coloration on that fall colors really beautiful let’s keep moving this is such a wonderful Pavilion if you love plants it’s a great place to do here are roses mostly hyas really

Beautiful and all of this is for sale so if you want to take one of these beautiful plants home with you you can here’s some magnificent FMS that’s a nice setup to bring that into the show here agap pantheus which is one of my favorite

Plants I have a lot of these already at home and once again Blair is attracted to the hostas hostas really are beautiful shap PL here are beautiful bows you this is such a wonderful wonderful show never been to an Autumn show before it has an entirely different

Vibe than our summer shows that we’ve going to the county shows you know there are no animals here but I love a show that’s just dedicated to flowers and foliates I’m thoroughly impressed here is a magnificent selection of gy actually I thought they were Jani but they’re not Jani

So this is us working down one side now here are some beautiful gladiolas and here are some pelagonians nice flowers oh and even ases I love the way this is set up really flower specific dianthus is a gr flower almost looks like grass until it blooms then here are chamia is a wonderful

Wonderful plant from Japanese don’t have a lot of smell on those balloons but they’re so beautiful some of them are quite geometric in their design these Astros are really and here the Beloved picture plants wow so here’s a Japanese Anam which is an elf one and enies are really

Beautiful you know these little wooden houses green houses I’m telling you they’re really beautiful I like this one a lot look at this glass and you can just kind of you can see yourself in there just gardening to your heart’s content got the nice boxes there you can grow things hot boxes really

Nice I’ve gone to a lot of great shows but this one ranks right up there at the top I love flowers so this been a wonderful experience something new for me this Autumn show is really really topnotch if you get a chance to make it here next

Year I highly suggest you do this is one you don’t want to miss if you’re into garden plants anything like that this is where you want to be so hey thanks for watching until next time take Care

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