Vegetable Gardening

Essential Tips For Small Space Gardeners Vegetable Gardening 2024 | Suburban Gardening

Essential Tips For New Beginners Gardeners Vegetable Garden 2024 Suburban Gardening
Spring Gardening
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Garden Supplies Used:
Garden Sleeves
black Garden Sleeves
Miracle Gro Sprayer
Vivosun Composter
Plant Velcro
Thuricide BT
VS1000 Vivosun Grow Light:
Vivosun Grow Tent 4×4:
Jobe’s Organics Vegetable & Tomato:
Jobe’s Organic Bone Meal:
Jobe’s Organic Fertilizer Spikes:
Vermiculite Espoma:
Vigoro Perlite:
Alaska Fish Emulsion 5-1-1:
Black Gold Black kow:
Earthworm Casting:
Peat Pellet:
Neem Oil:
Peat Moss:
Mother Earth CoCo Coir:
Vivosun Heat Mats:
Vivosun Grow Bags:
Viosun Spray:
Viosun Pruner:
Viosun Grow Light:
Miracle Gro Water Soluble:
Miracle Gro Indoor Potting Mix:
Miracle Gro Succulent:
Miracle Gro Potting Mix:

Apple Ipad:
Apple Mac book 13:
Apple iPhone :


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Beau By Tee
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Hello everyone welcome to beauty and garden welcome back to the channel right now you guys I am inside of my Greenhouse I am actually checking out all of the plants because this is the only dry place that I can work out into the garden since it is raining the wind

Hasn’t came yet but it is drizzling outside so I decided that I was going to go ahead and work on something so I can catch up and work on the next project once everything starts to dry off so as I’m looking I’m looking for any type of

Weed or anything I need to reinforce or even down to watering now this is a great way to uh have your garden nicely maintained so that all of your nutrients will go towards your plants and not weeds so keeping up with those weeds uh will definitely help your plants and you

When it comes down to fertilizing and making sure that your plant stays nice and healthy removing any yellow leaves definitely will help your plant because you don’t want any kind of disease to travel throughout your plant and as well it will keep down Pest and stress so as I go through my

Greenhouse I’m noticing any kind of weeds or spotting anything like that doing a walkthrough of your garden will definitely make sure that you are keeping up with certain areas of your garden because now that I am back out into the garden I see that I have a

Little bit of work to do not so much inside of the greenhouse but definitely outside in the main Gardens can you guys see this yellowing so this plant right here might need just a tab bit little bit more nutrients as as far as nitrogen when it comes down to

A lot of our plants having a nice balanced fertilizer would definitely help so a nice balanced fertilizer that I use is fishy motion now you can use a grain lid that actually fees your plants slowly now I do use job’s organic it takes a great deal of time to break down

But those are my goto there are so many different products that you can actually go ahead and use down from a spoma brand which is another one that I use uh doctor’s Earth is another one that I use so all the organic products that I do use sometimes

Just looking at your plants you can tell rather not which plants need a little bit more now that does not mean you go in your garden you guys and fertilize everything just that that needs it so that will save you some money as well because you’re just going to fertilize

The plants that actually need it so as you can see these uh spinach right here are dark green they are doing really really well it’s almost time for me to go ahead and harvest a little bit more um we were going to harvest the outer leaves and not the center so harvesting

The outer leaves will keep them coming back and giving you more producing so that’s what we’ll do and as well I’m noticing here that this particular batch of spinaches soil is pretty dry so this plants will definitely need a good little drench of water so that’s what I will be doing

Right here is some extra celery plants I really need to plant them out somewhere because they’re going to outgrow that container my GOI berries has put on two little berries you guys I definitely need to go ahead and up poot this I’m going to trim it uh down so that it’ll

Bush out even more but it is time for me to go ahead and transfer into another container right here is a little top soy that I started the tatto is just gorgeous and it tastes amazing so it’s really good in soup right here’s a purple Lady B Choy great

Another one that is great in soup or stir fry or even just popped in a salad I like to kind of organize my tools by just setting them on my Dollar Tree display and works out great you guys the rubber is still holding up wonderfully and as you guys can see here

This is a toat soy and you always want to look under your plants to all my new gardeners definitely check under your plants it’s definitely going to help you I promise you slugs and snails will love your plants when they have a lot of um dead foliage so and plus it’s not going

To help your plant anyway so just lift them up and and remove them but such a gorgeous plant that’s a gorgeous plan and it looks like it’s wanting to bolt you guys so I will be harvesting most of that like this one right here this one is bolting and I’m

Actually going to H go ahead and harvest some outer leaves but I’m going to continue to leave the center because guess what I need some more bacho I mean I need some more tatto seeds so I want those seeds so I’m going to go ahead and let this one here go to

Seed planting in containers or even small raised beds will even maximize your space when you know how to like plant and companion plants believe me you can pack a ton of plants in such a very very small space like right now I’m just basically putting soil around the

Footings of my Dions because I don’t want them to be exposed to air I want them to stay underground right here is just a pot of chives I’m going to actually break this pot up into maybe three to four uh units and then I’m going to pop them in other areas or

In a different container so I had flowers and vegetables growing into this container the broccoli looks really good but I wanted to show you guys this so so if you look at the center of this uh broccoli plant it is starting to rot from the cold so what we’re going to do

Is go ahead and take care of this plant really fast and you be surprised it’s just a simple uh procedure to take care of this um broccoli plant so I’m simply going to take a pair of shears and you guys I’m going to cut the seed how far I need to

Cut so I removed that Center and you can as can see it’s still mushy so what we’re going to do is going to take it down just a little bit more but we’re going to take it at a 45° angle because we do not want water to pull in its

Wound and create more rot so always make sure that you cut it at an angle even when you’re harvesting your heads of nice good broccoli okay like fresh healthy strong broccoli you still want to cut it at an angle right under the here we have some radishes growing at

The foot of our broccoli plant so this is a great way to utilize even space that you wasn’t even going to use I’m going to harvest this one because I see that it wants to go bad as well but always Harvest that top and then you get some side shoots and you’re

Going to continue on getting little broccoli throughout the season all right you guys we’re at the end of this video I hope you guys really and truly enjoy my content I do have a new channel is my journey to homesteading I will leave that link in the description box below and like I

Always tell you please don’t forget to like comment and subscribe to the channel hit the notification so you can be notified and follow the next video and I’ll see you guys in the next one and remember there’s Beauty in everyone’s garden and bye-bye for now


  1. Hi Tee! Have you had a chance to get your soil tested? I haven’t and was curious. Also, you may want to look into iron being deficient in the pots that have yellowing leaves. Thanks for sharing your abundant garden.

  2. I always wondered does the succulents serve a purpose? Also the Tots Soy are a beautiful plant i agree but what dish enjoyed in.

  3. Hi Tee! Hope you're feeling much better😊
    That Tatsoi is such a beautiful plant. I have 2 of them, and i know i need to harvest them, but they're so beautiful to look at 😊
    As always, thanks for sharing!⚘️😊

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