Garden Design

Garden Design and Layout Ideas 2024 || Reduce Your Lawn

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In today’s video, I’ll be talking about personalities and garden layouts. I think the way we lay out our beds needs to depend on how we want to use the space and our personalities. I’m personally more of an introverted person, and I like the feeling of enclosure that my garden gives me, and am always thinking of ways to enhance that sense of enclosure and screening. I always have gaps I need to fill with more native plants!

An extrovert may have a completely different approach to their garden design layout, and I wanted to share some ideas for both types of people. Of course this list is not exhaustive. There are probably countless ways to design a front garden, and this is just a small grouping I wanted to share with you.

Leave me a comment down below and tell me your garden preferences and why. Do your preferences have to do with how introverted or extroverted you are? Let me know!

Thanks for watching!

Hello everyone welcome back to a wild approach in today’s video I have what I consider to be a pretty big treat for you guys if you are like me and you have some new plans for the garden this coming year then you’ll probably want to see this video because it might give you

Some inspiration and ideas we’re going to be discussing garden design garden layout things like that specifically how you lay out youred beds where you put your garden beds and there’s no set rules that I am going to give you it’s more of if you like this

Then you might want to do that that kind of thing the first thing you want to ask yourself is what are your goals what are your garden goals and why and you may be wondering well why do I need to know why you want to know your why because your

Why is going to drive every decision you you make in the garden uh if you want to have the least amount of failure you’re going to have failures you’re going to kill plants that’s just a fact of life that’s a fact of gardening failing is

Just part of life and it’s part of the journey no matter what hobby or job or fun thing you do you’re going to fail at it probably um in order to improve you actually have to fail most of the time in order to improve so just remember

Don’t get too down if you kill some plants this goes back to what I mentioned earlier when I said you can start small you can start with Native annuals you can start with really um easy to grow native plants that are really perfect for your soil and are

Shorter and just things that are easier to take care of you can start small and you can start that way and then build on from there and they’re also easier to move around the garden depending on their root system uh versus Woody plants like trees and shrubs but again if if you already

Have a pretty big picture idea of what you want your garden to be it is best to start with the trees and shrubs but again it just depends on what you’re doing getting your feet wet start small maybe start with ground covers and then if you actually know you want to do this

And you know you want to build this garden over time maybe start with those bigger trees and shrubs now if you just want to dip your toe and just kind of get your feet wet in the gardening world and you’re not really sure yet if this is the right

Thing for you you can start with Native annuals you can put in just a few native annual plants that are good for wildlife and that can get you a good start and this depends on where you live this video is more of an in general video so

If you want to figure out what’s native to where you live you will need to do some extra research on your end to figure out what plants are right for your area a lot of things that are native over here on the East Coast where

I live well I don’t live on the coast but I live in Tennessee and I’m on the Eastern side of the United States and so things that are native over here are not necessarily native over on the west side of the United States sometimes there’s overlap sometimes there’s not and so

It’s really important that you also use a resource that is called bone app bone app is a great website to help you figure out exactly how Native something is to you and if it’s even native to your specific County it is so it’s such a wonderful resource I recommend it to

Everyone that lives in the United States now if you’re watching this video and you live in a whole other country obviously this video is going to be less for you because I’m speaking from a perspective of being in the United States but in general you can still use

Some of these techniques to your advantage the basic General techniques that we discussed in this video when it comes to layout and layering and how to build garden beds so when it comes to Woody host plants I think that they’re great for being keystone species and potentially screening and creating privacy so there

Are other host plants that are not woody for example but the Woody ones really give you a lot of privacy and screening potential and not only do they give you screening potential and privacy potential but picking keystone species in particular that are Woody is a great way to do things Woody keystone species

Are typically some of the most important keystone species like Oaks Willows and cherries just for some examples and it also depends on where you live so you need to figure out what the keystone species are where you live and look specifically at the Woody keystone species like your

Trees and your shrubs because this will be great for your basic structure of your garden and the basic layout of your garden you’re going to want to lay a garden around a tree or a shrub or a hedge or a line of trees what do I mean

By this this is what people call soft Landings so these Woody host plants they host a lot of insects especially if they are a keystone species within this category and when say an oak has a lot of insects that host on it these insects often times will need to

Fall down to the layers below the tree in order to overwinter so they kind of go down into the leaf litter into the shrub layer and the ground cover layer and they shelter in place and they uh over winter and stay safe down there in that quote unquote soft Landing so the

Best way to design your garden is really to design gardens around your already existing trees and shrubs and if you have a completely clean slate think about this moving forward gradually design your garden to reflect this layering style so you can probably see why a lot of people say to start

With trees and shrubs because if you start with those structural elements it is a lot easier to create your garden around them and to build off of them rather than having to add them later it doesn’t mean you can’t add them later it just might take more effort and it might

Take more destru of certain plants in your garden in order to do so so things you want to ask yourself to get to your why what’s your personality type this is going to be my top tip in this entire video and if you don’t get anything out

Of this video or anything else out of this video get this out of it please because I think this is really important and it’s probably because I’m an introvert so that’s going to be my first question and we all kind of actually have a little bit of extroversion and a

Little bit of introversion in US us um typically but which end of the spectrum are you closer I am closer to introversion so I like a lot of alone time I get overwhelmed when I’m around too many people or for too long usually it’s the length of time like the longer

I’m in a social setting the more rest I need and I kind of just want to get out of there eventually I don’t want to stay too long and I want to get home and I want to be able to rest as much as I can and if you’re an extrovert you’re more

Likely to get energy from being around people so you might like big groups of people and you might have a large friend group and you might like to be more friendly and talkative to people that you don’t know things like that I personally think of myself as like a

Friendly introvert so like I can be friendly and talkative to people that I have somewhat of an acquaintance with or a friendship with but if they’re strangers to me I’m more likely to be very introverted and not want to talk talk to them unless it’s a situation

Where I am trying to make new friends and meet new people and make new acquaintances so it just really depends on the situation but for the most part I’m an introvert and I get more energy by resting and being alone and working in my art studio for example or being

Alone working in my garden for example but there’s still moments where I do also get lonely just like anyone else and I want company like I might want company in the garden I might want company in the art studio so just because I’m an introvert doesn’t mean I

Don’t need to be around people we all need people and we all need to socialize this is just the natural part of how we work but the reason that this question is coming to the kind of near the beginning of the video sort of is

Because I want to know if you are closer to being an introvert or closer to being an extrovert because in my opinion it will affect your garden design all too many times I see um people having problems in their Garden including myself and it usually has something to do with their person

Personality so for me I really since I’m introverted I really like my garden to feel enclosed I like it to feel like a garden room or a series of garden rooms and I like it to feel private I like it to feel enclosed almost like enveloping

Me in its beauty I don’t know how else to describe it but I like Hedges I like screening I like Evergreens and my entire Garden is not Evergreens far from it but I do find that evergreens are important for me just because I do like to have yearr

Round enclosure even if it’s less enclosure than it is in the summer because it is I mean let’s face facts the more layers you have the more enclosure and screening you have and in summer that’s when you’ve got your most leaves and your most Leaf cover and your

Most um screening so you’ve got those layers but even in the winter I want to have a little bit of privacy and so I really value native Evergreens now if you’re an extrovert you actually might feel the opposite and you might not and that’s okay too but figure out

How you feel when you’re in your garden do you actually value screening and privacy or do you actually want to open your garden up to your neighbors and you want to have people actually talk to you when you’re working in your garden do you want just any neighbor that that

Drives by or walks by to be able to see what you’re up to and to talk to you and say hi or are you a little bit more reserved and you want to kind of Just Do Your Own Thing when you’re out there and concentrate on what you’re working on

Because just because you’re an extrovert it might not mean you want an extroverted Garden but you still want to know kind of what your personality is like when it comes to your garden and how you feel in your garden and what kind of garden you want to have do you

Want a more introverted Garden or do you want a more extroverted Garden so some examples of an extroverted Garden might be instead of having that enclosed Garden Room effect you know completely maybe you have areas that are more open and you have areas that are more um seen

From the street so maybe you have a path that goes from your front door to the road straight in the middle of your garden and that way people can actually come up the middle of your garden all the way to your house and they can like freely move back and forth and there’s

No fence or gate blocking them and it’s just an open space and then the gardens are kind of more on the sides this would be a more in my opinion extroverted Garden because they can see all the way up to your house from the street there’s not really a lot of screening happening

In that middle area and you can work in your garden and you can see each other your neighbors can see you you can see them completely and there’s Big Wide Open Spaces maybe the garden beds are actually smaller because you don’t need as much screening so that’s something I want you

To keep in mind throughout this video because every single garden layout that I’m going to show you in this video has a different purpose and a different uh personality to it some of these garden layouts are going to be a lot more introverted focused and some of these

Layouts are going to be more extrovert focused and again just because you’re an introvert or an extrovert doesn’t mean that’s how your garden is laid out but it could go hand inand and I’m mostly basing that off of how I feel I feel to be a very introverted person and I also

Like my garden to reflect that because that’s just my comfort zone your comfort zone may not match with your personality it just depends on what you feel so take that in mind as we go throughout this video so first up is a garden more like mine where it is very much enclosed and

Has a lot of screening this Garden is sort of a bottle neck style you have thick deep beds one on the left one on the right and a very skinny little area where you could have a gate or an opening in the beds so that people can

Come up into the garden from the street but it is a very tiny little area so that you know exactly where people are coming in and out so this to me is still sort of an introverted Garden but yet you’re keeping your gate or your opening

To your garden in the center and you’re putting it at the base near the near the street so to me an introvert or an extrovert could probably like this one um I personally like this one as long as there’s a gate because I still want that

Enclosure so even if the opening is Tiny and in the front in the middle I still want to have a gate so that I can close it off and just feel completely shut in there so the next one is more of just a really wide walkway in the center of two

Large deep beds this Garden I feel could fit either side of the spectrum but is probably more geared toward extroverts just because that Center wide walkway is perfect for lots of company coming over and coming straight to your door from your neighborhood you know uninvited guests are probably more likely to be up

An extroverts alley than an introverts alley so I’d still consider this more of an extroverted Garden even though it has deep beds this next one is sort of an X shape design no RH or reason for it I’m just trying to show you a ton of different design ideas and this gives

You four garden beds two large ones and two smaller ones and it gives you two walkways from the street and two walkways from the house and they all converge into the center where you could have a seating area or you could have a gazebo or you could have nothing there

And just have lawn now I consider this an extroverted garden and I think it’s funny that it’s in X shape because I think that that fits perfectly because you can have two walkways from the street which means you can have lots of company come over really easily into

Your garden hanging out with you and your garden and people seeing more into your garden but it has a little bit of an introverted twist because the beds the way that they’re shaped it creates a little bit of a bottleneck up at the top

Near the patio and so so you could get a little bit of screening and a little bit of privacy especially because that small bed at the bottom near the road gives additional screening and since the pathways are not straight and they’re more of a diagonal to create the X again

This could work for an introvert as well and so if you had a gate at each opening down near the road it would be perfect for an introvert in my opinion this Garden style is another favorite of mine and it’s very similar to what I currently have have in my

Garden it is a large deep bed on the bottom left quadrant that continues all the way to the right side um which in my garden is toward the East and it has open space in the middle and then it has another bed that’s smaller near the

Walkway and near the gate and it has an opening toward the driveway so that you can walk from your driveway into the garden and you can walk all the way up to your patio now this is not exactly how is currently laid out but this is

Very similar to how it’s laid out um and so I really like this one I think that since I’m an introvert though I would have a gate there um near the driveway so that people couldn’t just walk into the garden just easily walking in they’d have to um get my permission because

They’d have to be able to open the gate and it would have a lock on it on my side that’s just how I am as an introvert but an extrovert could just leave that open that way their neighbors can just walk right in and they can just

Hang out in the garden whenever this next one is pretty simple but also pretty introverted this is a completely enclosed garden and it has sort of an oval shape in the middle so that you are completely surrounded by plants on pretty much every side except for your

Path to your side Garden which would lead you to your backyard and your path to your patio everything else is planted up everything else has thick Hedges or screening plants like trees and Evergreens things like that and so to me this is definitely an introvert garden

And if you’re an extrovert you may also like this if you are more introverted when it comes to when you’re outside in your garden but if you’re an extrovert through and through in every way you probably wouldn’t love this design as much because it makes you feel more

Isolated from the rest of your neighborhood this next Garden is to me good for pretty much anyone it’s a very basic simple garden design and it’s two main beds one very large deep uh Lush bed and then a more mediumsized bed near the house the Lush deep bed is flanking

The road so this is going to give you a lot of privacy and a lot of screening in a pretty simple way and so I think this is great for introverts and extroverts alike but especially introverts and you also have that other bed at the house so

If you’re on a hill like I am this will give you layers of screening which is great for that privacy Factor but it also has an opening near the driveway so that you can either have a gate there and make it more enclosed like I would prefer or if you’re more extroverted you

Could probably have that open if you like that better and that way you can just freely move in and out of your garden from your driveway or from your patio area pretty simple this next one is in my opinion just beautiful in general it’s a little bit quirky but

Remember to keep those edges curvy enough that it you know looks more natural but at the same time don’t make them so annoying to mow around it with all these designs you want to keep in mind the mowing part of it you know in most of these designs

They’re meant to have some sort of lawn in there and that’s just the way that I do things my lawn is my path and my path is my lawn and so keep in mind that the areas not drawn in with the bright green is considered lawn

Areas and so if you’re going to have to mow that then you’re going to want your lines to be easy to mow so just keep that in mind so when I’m drawing these little squiggles just keep in mind that it’s not an exact science it’s more of

Just an idea of what you could do and depending on what kind of design you want I like the more natural wild and loose design type and I’m less of a formal type of person so I like the more curves and the more mystery when it

Comes to like the pathways so I love this one for that reason and it has four beds it has one long and skinny bed one kind of thick uh Center bed and then two smaller beds up near the house this gives you a pathway from your kind of

Near your front door a pathway near your patio and your side garden and a path or two toward your driveway and I think what makes this one fun is you can walk around that Island bed and really feel like you’re walking for a while even in

A small space because you can take in all these plants at different moments I think it kind of makes you feel like you have multiple garden rooms in one space next one is pretty simple and I really love it because it’s definitely enclosed definitely private and you just get all

The screening you could probably get in this small of a space without just completely not having anywhere to sit or stand you know you still have plenty of areas to sit and hang out maybe have a gazebo or a table or a greenhouse but you still have thick beds

So with this one you would have multiple beds but they all connect to create one large deep bed and they create sort of um a peninsula shape in the Middle where you could have your lawn and I really love this one for the fact that it gives

You that Garden Room effect but your whole entire front yard is one Garden room so I really like this one it’s not the one that I have but it has some similarities to my design this next one is fun um in my opinion for everyone but

I think that it fits an extrovert a little bit better because it has multiple openings and it has larger open space near the um in well in my case the west side or the left side of the screen here and so you have one big open path

On the left and then you have a smaller path toward the driveway so multiple points of Entry I wouldn’t want this because I I would want to feel a little bit safer private and enclosed but I think it’s still nice and I think it could still be enjoyable by both types

Of personalities you’ve got two smaller beds in the sidey you have a an island bed that attaches to your patio and then you have a corner bed where your driveway and your pathway meet near your front door and then you have a larger bed near the street so that larger bed

Near the street is going to give you the bulk of your privacy and then the corner bed near your house is going to give you some privacy on that side so you still get privacy but it’s a little bit more open this garden design is in my opinion

More formal and more fun and cute and quirky when it comes to the spectrum of design and so this is a nice combo of formal yet quirky because you get that heart shape in the middle and then you get those triangular beds on the corners and

I definitely feel like this is more of an extrovert Garden because you can talk about the heart shape you can talk about what your garden looks like from the air but you also have multiple points of entry and not as much screening now you still get screening because you your

Beds are kind of diagonal from each other but these openings and all of this pathway space and the formality of it just to me screams more of an extroverted Garden this next garden design is very similar to the last one except instead of a heart shape we have a star shape

And instead of just a couple openings we have more openings so more openings in my opinion means more extroverted and it’s still more of a formal design because it has very rigid beds and and very rigid sh shapes and has that star design which to me is more of a formal

Thing when you start to get into these specific shapes that are in these rigid lines and this is going to be more annoying to mow in my opinion so this is higher maintenance but it is kind of a cute quirky design meant for more extroverted people this next garden design in my

Opinion is also an extroverted Garden because it has big wide openings and path ways straight from the street and driveway to the house so your neighbors can easily just walk right up and say hi talk to you hang out for a bit on your patio and you can enjoy the garden

Together and so you have three garden beds one’s really really thick one’s longer and skinny and then you have a smaller bed in the corner near the front door this is a cool design in my opinion even though it’s not really my kind of garden design I think if I were to visit

Somebody with a garden Des design like this I would like it I would enjoy walking through it and looking through their Garden this garden design is a little bit different it’s probably one of the easier ones to mow um so you know like I said the lawn areas are the areas that

Are not drawn with the bright green they’re the areas we didn’t drawn so those areas being mowed in this one seems pretty easy you know you come in from your backyard you mow down to the road and then you come come back and you

You go to the right and you mow in this circle and then you go back out and that’s pretty much it um this is a pretty simple design I think it is uh introvert and extrovert friendly you can have a gate down there at the bottom

Where it uh meets the road where the path goes to the road and then you have this completely enclosed space in the circle that gives you the feeling of privacy you know if you’re planting tall enough plants in your beds now the bed is kind of skinny and scrawny and so you

Have to think about what you’re planting a little bit more you don’t have as much room to plant thicker wider plants so you kind of need to utilize skinnier plants so keep that in mind with this garden design but it also depends on how

Big of your how big of a yard you have um my entire yard is a quarter of an acre so my front yard is not even a quarter of an acre so for me I would have to plant really skinny things and I do I have skinny Evergreens planted so

Something to keep in mind depending on how much space you have this next design is probably like my least favorite design but this is the most formal design I think I have in this video this is a set of five garden beds and they are squares or rectangles and

They’re very rigid they’re probably annoying to mow around and weed e around and they’re very they leave a lot of open space so your neighbors can easily see all the way up to your patio actually from the street and all the way to your front door from the street and

This is a very open design perfect for extroverts perfect for for people who like formal Gardens and they like rigid Hedges or rigid uh plantings definitely the opposite of my style but I wanted to include it because I want to include a vast array of design ideas for you guys

This next Garden is an extroverts dream in my opinion especially those people who are also extroverted out in the garden and they want everyone to see everything they’re doing and the reason I say that is because if you look at this Garden it is shaped in such a way

That the viewer’s eyes go straight toward the house and straight toward the middle of the garden where you’re probably at and you can be seen on your patio from the street you can be seen on your main path from the street in the middle of your garden from the street

And it just the way that it’s shaped all eyes are on you so if you really feel like an extrovert in every way including your garden this is probably the garden design for you and it’s super simple because it’s just two medium to large size triangular beds and the rest is

Just lawn now now this garden design is not as good for wildlife because the more lawn you have the less garden beds you have the less it is helping the wildlife but if you choose keystone species and you choose really good ground covers and soft Landing plants

You might actually be able to help the wildlife more than you would expect but it’s still it’s not really up my alley but I thought some of you might enjoy this one it’s also more of a formal design because it’s those triangular shaped beds but you can make this more

Loose by adding more curves to it by switching up what kind of plants you have and having less of the same plants and having more variety and diversity in your garden and remember diversity in your garden is also really good for wildlife I have another formal design

For you this one I feel could fit almost any personality but I think it is more geared toward an extrovert that loves formal design because we have a perfect circle in the middle we have two I don’t know what would you call those trapezoids I don’t know what else to

Call them they’re like trapezoids with curves anyway and then a bottom trapezoid there so there’s two main openings to this Garden from the street so if you’re an introvert you would definitely want to have Gates or some other screening maybe some trellises I don’t know down there if you wanted to

Enclose that but if not then you’re probably more of an extrovert and so people could come in hang out in your garden in that Center area or on your patio and they can probably see most of your garden from the street depending on what angle they’re at but you do get a

Little bit of privacy with that little trapezoid bed down there at the road and of course the thicker beds on the sides will give you more privacy from your neighbors next door wow this garden design I don’t know how to feel because when I drew this one on the one hand I

Really really like it and on the other hand I just don’t know how practical it is um I think when it comes to the areas near the street and near the driveway you have plenty of depth of garden bed that you can put your trees and your

Shrubs and all the things in between but as the Spiral goes toward the center you’re probably having to plant more shorter plants more ground cover type plants and you’re probably not getting as much screening as you go toward the center of that spiral so I don’t know

About this design I think that in my garden it wouldn’t really work because my Garden’s just so small but in a large garden I think this would be so cool cuz it would give you almost a maze feeling you know like you’re entering a maze and you’re going to the center and then

You’d have to come back out that same way cuz it’s like one spiral path among one spiral garden bed so I love it in theory but not for my small garden if I had a huge huge plot of land I think it would be so fun to try to do something

Like this but it it’s going to be a challenge no matter what the scale is but I think it’s a fun idea and I think it’s definitely more of an introvert Garden cuz you can have some decent screening in this Garden I think where you’re going to lose a little bit of

Screening potential is in the very middle of the bottom near the street you can see how thin and skinny even the thickest bed is right there but I think you could maybe make up for it in the middle of the Spiral or the the uh halfway Point into the spiral those

Areas because you could add some tall and skinny Evergreens or some trellising with vines you could still get some privacy and still get some screening you’re just not going to have as thick you’re not going to have as much room for thick plants in that Center area if

That makes sense this next Garden I actually kind of like because even though it’s more formal it has potential to have lots of privacy screening and enclosure options so you basically have three C’s um you have uh one C that is facing the correct way and then two backwards C’s

And then you only have one actual opening it’s kind of skinny and it’s near the road so you could put a gate there and make it more of an introvert dream and I think what I love about this one is the way that the left Sea and the

Center sea connect there’s an opening in the smaller sea and you could create a really fun and cute seating area here you could create you could put like a swing like you know an adult bench swing and you could put like uh trellising and Vines and you can make it really pretty

Or you can even do it more of a kids Garden right there and give them more of like a kids playground type effect and that could give you a lot of privacy too in that spot so you could put like patio tables and chairs there depending on what kind of like situation you’re

Dealing with I’m on a hill so I would have to dig a flat spot to create something like that but there are a lot of options and so I really love this little sea within the larger Seas effect because you get these little areas where you get some privacy but you know you

Don’t have the winding paths you don’t have as much Garden mystery so this isn’t like my favorite design but it is pretty cute okay guys so this design is similar to my design but has some big differences and it’s similar to other designs we’ve shown earlier in the video

But again has some differences so one main thing of this design is that it has a thick large bed in the bottom right corner that takes up the bulk of the space of the garden and um diagonal from that is a corner bed that is much smaller and

Together they create almost like a stomach shape I know that sounds weird and it’s kind of grotesque but if you look the top part kind of looks like an esophagus coming down to a stomach and then the stomach is about to be intestines on the left side there

Now I know this sounds weird and kind of gross but think of it more like this that quote unquote stomach area is actually just a perfect little um enclosed private Oasis because the bed on the bottom right quadrant is so large that you can you can plant trees shrubs

You can plant Evergreens and deciduous things all mixed together and get a pretty good privacy screening especially if you add some trellises and vines on top of that now one thing about this Garden is there is an opening at the road all the way down in the bottom left

But I think what’s great about this is an introvert could put a gate there and it still feel completely private and it would feel so private just because even if somebody walks into that gate they have to Wind Through the paths to even find you like it’s sort of a maze

Because you also have these small beds on the left side in the side garden and that gives even more of a sense of mystery and a sense of destination which is something I really love about gardening all right this next garden design could fit almost anyone it’s not

Really my cup of tea but I think it’s more for the kind of people who like a little bit of formality but they still like a little bit of quirkiness because this one has three really skinny little openings one at the driveway side and two at the street but you still get some

Screening and some privacy because you have multiple garden beds and you even have a center Island bed so this can give you that sense of mystery going around the corner going around the curves but still give you a little bit of room to be an extrovert and invite

People into your garden from the street next one is definitely more geared toward the extroverts this is almost like an upside down tornado shape when it comes to the lawn area and then the garden beds are just two decently sized garden beds one’s very large and one kind of more mediumsized and these

Garden beds can be they look like they could be pretty thick and they could give you some great screening but with this layout you have like this big opening near the street so that people can see perfectly all the way to your patio and they can’t really necessarily

See to your front door as well but they can see to your patio which is probably where you’re going to be sitting at the most anyway so you can invite your friends over really easily from across the street you can say hi and you can can have a great time with your friends

Coming into this garden and like hanging out with you but what I don’t really like about this Garden is there’s not a lot of mystery to it there’s not a destination other than the patio of course and you can see the patio from the street so it’s not really hidden or

Tucked away so there’s not really any mystery or anything to figure out it’s just boom there it is and that’s just not really up my alley but I think this would be great for someone who loves to have friends over and loves to invite their neighbors over same thing with this one it’s

Basically the same design just reverse and it’s less of a tornado shape for lawn and it’s really got an even smaller bed in the corner and I think you can see the front door from the street a little bit easier as well as the patio

So this is even wider of a path it looks like to me where the lawn is and so this is even more of an extroverted Garden in my opinion because people can see even further into the garden they can even see kind of into your sidey yard from

The street so that’s something to think about this is definitely more of an extroverted garden design and this next garden design is really cool because you get one really large deep bed and then you get a smaller bed and what’s great about this is with that deep bed you have all this

Room to plant tall trees or mediumsized trees and smaller shrubs and in general a hedge or a mix between a hedge and some trees with ground covers and medium siiz perennials in between so you have a lot of space in that bed and a lot of room for privacy and screening and in

The smaller bed it gives you another Garden layer between that other bed and your house so this is going to screen your patio decently and it’s going to screen your main path really well and it’s going to give you a little bit more of a sense of mystery because you have

This path in the center and you can kind of see what you have around the corner and it kind of feels more like a destination but you know it’s not full of mystery it’s a little bit more straightforward so it isn’t my favorite design but I do love how deep the bigger

Garden bed is so I would say this one is more of an introvert Garden but an extrovert could also use it because as you can see the path kind of connects the side Garden to the driveway and so in a way you’re opening yourself up to your neighbors

Next to you but you’re not opening yourself up to strangers on the street or anyone across the street so it’s still more introverted but with a little bit of a friendly twist to it this garden design is again more of an extraverted Garden but it has a little bit of introversion sprinkled in

So the introversion part of it is the fact that the beds are thick so you can have a lot of garden screening a lot of plants if you choose to do so and the more extroverted side of it is it has a wide path right near the street going

All the way to the front door so you can invite your friends over similar to a couple other designs we saw earlier and you know it just it really depends like is this what you enjoy let me know in the comments down below right this

Design is similar to the last one with a little bit of a Twist um the garden bed on the left is much smaller than the garden bed on the right the garden bed on the right is really thick you could have a lot of screening but there’s a

Pretty pretty wide path to the street and that wide path can pretty much see the entire front of your house all the way from the patio to the front door so this garden design in my opinion is more extrovert friendly it also has a path that goes to the sidey yard that’s

Pretty wide so it’s pretty efficient when it comes to mowing when it comes to utilizing your tools and your your like Garden uh wheelbarrow things like that pretty easy to like maintain and like move through it but it’s more of an extroverted Garden space just because people can see pretty much your entire

House um because there’s just no Landscaping up against the front of your house and the final garden design I have for you guys today is in my opinion more of an extroverted Twist on an introvert design so I do think this leans more toward extroverts but I think introverts

Could do this design too it’s just not my style and it’s not my style because there’s not enough of a barrier between me and the street especially down there at the street so for this one you have three garden beds you have two medium to large

Size beds and then one kind of smaller SL medium Peninsula bed or Island bed in the middle now I said Peninsula or Island bed because it connects to the patio and Main path and since it does so it kind of feels more like a peninsula when in fact it’s really more of an

Island bed so one cool thing about this design is it has a path that can lead you from your um side Garden down to the street and from the street up to the main path toward your front door and so you have a little bit of a destination

And a journey you have a little bit of garden mystery but not a ton and so it kind of has some introverted feels in it but I think it’s mostly an extroverted Garden because that bottom path to the street is just so wide it’s so open

People can see quite a bit of that front area but you do get a little bit of privacy and a little bit of screening from that Island bed in the middle because if you notice the way it’s positioned it’s going to give your patio a little bit of privacy but it also just

Depends on what angle people are standing at you know depending on where they’re standing they might actually see your patio and at other angles they won’t see your patio so so it gives you a little bit of privacy but a little bit of openness so maybe this is one of the

More um best garden designs for in between people people who kind of want people to come over but kind of want some privacy sometimes and maybe they want options and you can modify this designed to fit those parameters thank you guys so much for watching stickers paintings and collector

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  1. The 'why' is very important. If you want a pollinator garden, that will drive what plants you put in.

  2. Lots of great discussion and things to think about here. I've never really thought about garden design reflecting introversion / extroversion tendencies / preferences, but it totally makes sense. I have native gardens right by the sidewalk on my street and I enjoy meeting the neighbours and chatting about plants as they stroll by. Interesting concepts! Thanks for sharing! 💚

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