Japanese Garden

Risking it all: Moving to Japan to Sell the Worlds Most Expensive Koi Fish!

The Most Expensive Fish in the World is farmed in Japan: the Japanese Koi fish. Once a year, a competition is held at a special location in Tokyo to see who has the most beautiful and best Koi.

In this video I take you to the south of Japan where this fish is farmed and where the most expensive Japanese Koi ever was sold. I follow a man (Mike Snaden, Yume Koi) from England who risked everything and moved to Japan to sell koi. I’m looking for answers to questions like: What is it like to move to Japan? What is it like to sell Koi in Japan? And why are you selling the world’s most expensive fish?

Click here to watch my other documentary’s:

Get your Pond Supplies here (OASE): https://bit.ly/3lZaq3t
USA Get you Koi here (SelectKoi): https://bit.ly/3DsrfK9

00:00 – Intro
02:09 – Mike Snaden Yume Koi
03:11 – What Does Koi Mean?
04:31 – Traveling To Japan
05:49 – Building My Own Greenhouse
10:29 – What is it like moving to Japan?
13:13 – Japan Outdoor Growing Pond for Koi
15:41 – Amazing Traditional Japanese Garden and Koi Pond
18:22 – Preparing Koi for the Koi Show
20:35 – What is a good Koi?
24:29 – Sakai Company Japan Visit
28:30 – Omosako Koi Farm Visit
30:41 – Building My own Koi Pond Inspiration
33:39 – Packing and Shipping Koi for the Competition
37:30 – Traveling to Tokyo Japan
40:20 – Unpacking the Koi Fish
42:35 – The Big Results

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The struggle to survive in the world of one of the most mysterious Industries can have far-reaching consequences for many owners of these expensive living works of art once a year a particular place in Japan is transformed into the stage one of the most prestigious World Championships these fish travel across Japan on their

Way to Tokyo for the main competition but for some this is more than just a competition this is the Japanese koi the fish that is considered one of the most valuable fish in the world and is seen as living works of Arts my name is EO and I’m 34 years old last year I quit my job as a police officer to pursue a career in the world of this special fish in my previous trip I visit nigata prefecture on the west coast of Japan’s honu Island and found answers to the

Question of how this fish is bred in Japan in my search for experience and knowledge I tried to create my own future path and take you along this journey in this video I travel to the south of Japan to Hiroshima prefecture an area with a lot of history but above

All a place where many stories are Hidden The designer okay let’s Go the Japanese Koy is one of the most uniquely bred fish in the world and is considered at the most valuable ornamental fish the Japanese koi is very popular with Pond owners and is also the national fish of Japan represents love and friendship and often appears at ceremonial Gatherings such as this one

With former president Trump during a visit to former prime minister of Japan the Japanese koi can therefore be found everywhere in the streets of Japan especially in nigata prefecture where the fish originally comes from in this documentary we travel to the south of Japan an area where Japan’s most famous

And perhaps best breeders are located and where the most expensive Japanese koi has has been sold among all these Japanese breeders I meet a special man from England who left everything behind sold his house build his own Green House in Japan all by himself and is pursuing his dream of

Winning the biggest prize on one of the biggest stages in Japan we follow him during the weeks before the Big Show with the aim of finding answers for my own career path within this unique world of the Japanese koifish the starting point of my 24-hour Journey journey is the Netherlands this

Is where my long but especially special Journey Begins it is January and my journey starts at skiple the largest airport in the Netherlands from here it’s a 13-hour flight and approximately 8 hours to s a beautiful mountain town about 1 hour drive from Hiroshima located in the south of Japan

In Japan as a foringer it’s advantageous to travel by shinkansen the well-known bullet train or by plane which also has special rates for Forers I choose to travel by train after arriving in Tokyo in Japan you can buy a Japan real pest for about $300 which gives you unlimited travel throughout Japan by train traveling by public transport is very well organized in Japan the trains are clean and everything is indicated in Japanese and

English after almost 24 hours of traveling I arrive at my first destination I’m very tired and I’m happy that I can go straight to my hotel Room it’s the first day of my trip I’m staying in a small hotel run by an older lady it is the first hotel ever where I’m giving my own slippers upon arrival I have to leave my own shoes at the front door it gives a homely feeling

Today I meet Mike snaden an Englishman with a special story and a special dream during this trip I follow Mike and hope to be inspired by his story good morning Michael how you doing morning good morning hi Anna it was 1993 when Mike first came

Into contact with koi and in no time he was hooked on the Mysterious World of the Japanese koi Mike decided to enter a competition for the first time in 1997 a koi show is a competition where a fish is judged on his Beauty and Technical aspects such as build length

And skin quality he was successful and won the grand champion the biggest prize there was to win not much later he found a y mcoy in 2000 in the UK Mike decided to leave everything behind and immigrate to Japan in 2020 not everyone believed in his dream

Many koi breeders who were good friends with him said he would Fill we have arrived at Mike’s Coy house this greenhouse is located on a beautiful mountain slope there is little to see from the outside but inside there are beautiful works of art each selected by Mike at young age I’m curious about his story and life here in Japan and look at this beautiful

Japanese koi I’m Mike snaden um originally I’m from Bristol in the UK um moved here 3 years ago to basically follow this dream which is become yumo Japan so what the business model is or should I go back a little step to the UK what the business model model was back

In those days was actually buying fish from Japanese breeders and obviously selling them as a DEA to hobbyist but the focus always was on trying to grow fish big and try trying to get fish to the koi show and kinding of win as many Grand Champions as possible for me that

Was always the thing that drove my passion in koi was trying to grow koi and get the most out of them so now here in Japan I’m basically doing the same thing although the business model predominantly is actually supplying koi dealers around the world trying to build

Up a network of people who we can support and who can also support us as a team um but at the same time to raise fish here like special fish that’s the aim um for hobbyist dealers and get those fish to KO shows in Japan that is

The the big dream here we took fish to the old Japan show for the first time last year when it was held in nigata and this year we are taking some fish to Tokyo koi show again which for us is actually the firstest time taking koi there of course we’ve exhibited fish

There in the past but they’ve always been handled by other breeders um so this time is the first find that we will be personally handling fish that we will take to the show as you makeo Japan in Tokyo it took almost a year for Mike’s

COI house to take shape with the help of Japanese breeders and a construction company he managed to build this facility in a very short time I noticed that Mike is excited about the show that will take place in Tokyo in a few days the show is considered at the the

Highest stage and where only the best fish in the world are exhibited the next few days will be exciting Mike’s tells me the fish must be brought to the show in Tokyo in top condition the upcoming show is important for Mike’s future and Company everything

Has to go well Mike proposes to drive to his mod Pond and he wants to introduce me to a Japanese friend a Japanese koi hobbyist with a special Pond but not on an empty stomach If you like food Japan is the country to go to today on the menu spicy Ramen and spicy it Was we are on our way to Mike’s outdoor growing Pond I’m curious what chall es he had immigrating to Japan things really didn’t go quite to plan in some regards many years ago I actually um started talking to breeders about wanting to grow fish in Japan and

Wanting to have ponds here in Japan and basically I was laughed at by breeders back in those days um because it’s like well how are you going to do that um there’s no way that you could run the ponds or find somebody to run the ponds

You wanted to run them and so it’s kind of funny really that right now you know these years on I find myself exactly in this position where I do have pwns in Japan but actually as it happens I am now in Japan and it’s not something that

I ever anticipated happening um but as you can see it has happened I mean there are cultural kind of challenges of course um one thing that I think can be frustrating as a newcomer in this country is that when somebody tells you something’s okay it doesn’t actually

Mean it’s okay at all um as a prime example if you said to somebody um over din would you mind if I just take this knife to your finger and cut your finger off you know they might turn and say oh yeah okay that’s fine actually it’s not

Fine at all they don’t want you to cut their finger off but it’s obviously a major exaggeration but it is a little bit like that culture here like some of might say to you yeah Oh and next time you need to cut your weeds why don’t you

Use my lawn mower that kind of thing and then the one day you do actually knock on the door and say actually I’ve come around can I uh take you up on your offer and borrow your lawn miror please they’re like mortified you’re know wow the nerve I can’t believe you actually

Want to borrow my lawnmower so it’s like in England our way of talking is I think a lot softer but also very straightforward like you know this is okay this is not okay if I offer for you to use my whatever it is it’s because it

Is actually okay okay to use it so in that regard England is is quite a lot different from Japan I think the basic way of Behaving I think an actual fact English society isn’t massively different from Japan we have arrived at Mike’s mod Pond this is the pond where the fish swim

During the spring summer and a Mike explains why he uses this mod Pond well and as you can see uh the mod Pond is quite a sizable one um it’s about 5 or 6 M deep so it’s also quite deep now the advantag is really with it this kind

Of seism up on this kind of water depth is good in so far as to me people might say okay the body shape’s going to be good it’s more water pressure for the body for me that’s not actually the main point point the main point with a pond

Of this size is that in summer in Japan the temperatures do get really really hot and it’s quite common place for temperatures to ride let’s say about 30° and when that happens the fish lose appetite so whenever that does happen you’re lose and feed in time grow in

Time with the fish so with a pond of this size and this kind of water depth 5 6 M the highest this Rose through last year was about 26 and 1 12 27° and it was up around that high for very long and T typically speaking the water

Temperature is around sort of 24 so to me it’s ideal because if you’re trying to raise fish really well if that temperature does go too high and you’re suspending feeding then you’re not getting a as much growth and B as much volume you start getting the fish losing

Weight if that temperature goes too high oxygen levels fall too too much and then the appetite Falls and then metabolically speaking the fish grow longer too quickly with higher temperature but they don’t eat enough to keep up the body weight so this Pond I think is the perfect really scenario for

Raising fish and getting good bodies on them and good growth as well that depth I think is really quite Paramount to keeping the temperature in the kind of levels that you would want it to be ideally speaking racing koi is a technical story that has been passed down from

Generation to generation among the Japanese koi breeders I noticed that Mike knows a lot and I try to remember as much as possible we have little daylight left so we drive to a Japanese hobbiest friend who wants to show me his Koon it is winter not the most ideal time to visit an authentic Japanese garden Empire Pond I have visited many ponds and Gardens all over the world but never a Japanese koi pond Mike introduced me to mura okasan the owner of this beautiful Koi pond and garden

Mike tells me that mura Oka son also takes care of his growing Pond we just visited today we are at the garden pond of mokas San mokas San is basically the local community leader who is in charge of controlling our mud pump and which rice fuels surrounding the mud

Pond actually get the water from that pond and how much they get so he controls all of that which means that everyone in this surrounding area gets enough water but also our fish that are in the mud Pond aren’t at risk from water level you know getting lower so he

Takes care of everything he’s got this garden pond here um as you can see it’s got big rocks and things around there um and what he was saying a moment ago before you started filming is that in hoshima area or generally speaking in Japan people don’t really have ponds so

Much like this and certainly ones with big rocks um and Big Trees like that around it are really quite rare it’s not really common place in Japan to have you know such nice ornamental ponds like this I am very impressed by the gigantic bonsai trees and the size of the stones

I noticed that there is a very peaceful atmosphere around this garden and I imagine how beautiful is here in spring and summer as you know I think yourself in Europe and England people tend to have a pond that is just a koi pond for koi so maybe it’s just concrete rectangular and

So on but really this is kind of what everything is about in Japan with nisho and Bonsai the combination of the two um so it’s really I I think in a way got a lot of prestige to have a pun that’s done in this kind of style because I

Mean even getting the Rocks alone I think is really very expensive costly and difficult it’s not just buying the Rocks it’s actually finding rocks like this in the first place as well so I think this is kind of really as nice as Garden ponds get without actually going

Into a huge Japanese garden um I think this is well personally superb um is now or getting on for 8:00 p.m. on Monday prior to the show and what we’re doing now is moving the fish that are going to the show to these canvas pools

Um with a little salt in there as well and basically the idea is that the fish can clear out any um waste that’s inside them and we can net that out in the morning um and then the fish can also be lowered in temperature with the salt and then

What we’ll do on the day of packing on Wednesday is pack into fresh water no salt um and send the fish to the show from there so this is basically to so that we can let the temperature fall down a little bit and the new water

That’s behind you as well in the tank we can let that fall down at the same rate and um hopefully that preparation will be good enough to give the fish that little bit of EXT ra Nice condition for the show it worked well last year the fish got their pristine so hopefully

It’ll work again this year being Disgust it’s a long day we’re back at Mike’s Koy house tonight the preparation starts for the upcoming show that will take place in Tokyo in a few days from now I’m curious whether Mike is excited to travel to Tokyo with his valuable fish there’s nothing exciting about this um

The concept of the show is exciting being at the show is exciting the preparation is just well is stressful and makes me nervous so uh because everything’s got to be just right it’s so easy to make some kind of mistake damage the fish or anything can happen

So yeah stressful Mike Works late into the evening but it’s time to go back to the hotel tomorrow promises to be a beautiful day maybe or something she C today is a special day Mike has promised to show us some of his beautiful fish and then he will take us

To two famous Japanese koi breeders who he considers as good friends this Coy for those people that maybe aren’t so new to the Hobby or sorry aren’t so old to the Hobby um is sank or otherwise known as Tao sanaku sanaku meaning three colors um so you’ve got basically a

Kahaku in this case with smaller Sumi markings so sui yeah basically is black Sumi is also another word for like ink or Squid Ink so if you look at squid the Black Ink that they um screw it out if you upset them that is basically what Sumi is um and that’s

Really how you would identify it as being a shanki um whereas shower on the other hand would be much more dominant in the sui area or the Sumi element of the fish so as say this is sanki um for me I think this is a particularly nice

Example this fish actually came here as Nissi I think was 54 55 cm in spring of last year um the fish is now Sans are now measures 67 cm um this body structure I think is really really nice on this fish the fish isn’t carrying any excess weight the overall like height

Structure of the fish is nice the body line of the fish is really nice the amount of body shape it’s carrying for this age I think is pretty much ideal head shap as well I think is really nice color quality on this fish is I think

Extrem good um K also is very nice sashy style is very nice Sashi being the front edge of the pattern where the red scales basically underly white skin that area the refinement is really good and to me that area is actually very important because the Sachi area really determines

How refined the koi will be when the fish grows up so it is really important Sumi placement on this fish is beautiful um if you look just behind the head we’ve got that kind of area shoulder Sumi there but even if that wasn’t there the next area further back on the

Shoulder is just really nicely placed that area of Sumi and and all of the sui through the fish is just really balanced and I think just the right amount of sui and I think with this quality of Sumi in the future it will thicken up and consolidate and hopefully by my

Impression of it hopefully will become really nice and refined you won’t end up with any like small low quality sui it should be nice decent size block of Sumi with really nice finish to the Sumi and also really nice keywa to the Sumi which is also important so sui finish in

Itself is actually just as important just as important as the actual Sumi quality itself and I think this fish in those areas I think really is extremely good after these short master class I realized that Mike has an enormous amount of knowledge about koi I learned

A lot from him in just a few days it is cold for this time of the year and snow is expected Mike takes me to koi breeders where he regularly comes to buy his fish before we drive that way Mike introduced me to his wife at one of the

Best hamburger restaurants in the Region so we’ve just had lunch in Sarah after leaving yumo Japan we are now heading out on one of my um very frequent trips to Sakai company which is about 35 minute drive so not very far um and they’re reasonably close to hoshimo airport so we’re going to go there first

And take a look around see what they’ve got and then after that we will I guess we’ll be there maybe 30 30 minutes maybe an hour but we’ll head out after that to going and see moaco and um which again is another um usual visit for me um

Actually Sakurai company is literally on Route so if I was to drive to osaco I’m almost driving directly past um Sakai company anyway so um it makes good sense to go and see both in one trip as it were Expanding on the legacy of Sakai fish farm Sakai company was founded in 2014 by yoshimichi Sakai and son they are situated near toyoshima airport using Bloodlines from the Sakai fish farm they are building on a sustainable future koi farming in Japan is a multi-million dollar business and was

Number 28th in Japan export rankings last year I note that Mike is received as a friend I’m curious about the mutual relationship I think I mean this is one of our main breeders um sacki company and obviously because I like the fish but also I think the relationship we

Have here I think is pretty good and M hanu and year before last was kind enough to um let us use two of his staff to help with various jobs at ARL like FRP and F FRP preparation of the concrete um also painting the top of the

Walls that kind of thing so um they are really nice people to be fair one of the staff that I was talking to a minute ago was actually since left that’s um Oma San kenter Oma um he’s left and gone to work for his father now in their family

Business which is z Yogo who is a like a Japanese agent the same as we are and doing the same work so but know he’s a really really nice guy and I think to be fair everybody here is so yeah come on you go first if you want to compete for the big

Prizes like in a few days from today you have to be skilled enough to pick the right fish that has the most potential to become a champion I just um my way really with places like this is when I’m looking for KO what I like

About it is to just come here and I usually just stay and watch upon myself and sometimes maybe like for an hour or two and just study the qu and get some like familiar familiarization with body structure of the Cory color key with that kind of thing and then once I’ve

Done what I want to do and seen everything that I want to see it’s only then that I’ll go and get help and say okay right can I see this Co and this Co and so on and usually like autn time the way they do things is to literally just

Take pictures of fish from above from the pond using the iPhone just to remember which fish is which and then get the boss over and then say okay then I want to see this one this one this one this one this one and then it’s yeah got

Everything in the bowl together so um the usual style so when I come here it’s quite normal to see me just staring into the pond like I’m completely vacant and there’s no one home we’re now just leaving Sakai company temperatures plummeting we’re at – 3 at

The moment it’s going to go down to about – 8 or 9 UM in the next couple of hours so we’re now heading off down to omosako who is basically the capital of Shiro as it were so um a world full of black and white Omosako koi farm was founded in 1960 in Kur City in Hiroshima prefecture the farm is run by Takashi omosako who specializes in breeding Shiro utsuri a black fish with white patterns truly a beautiful variety that is very popular with Pond owners it is busy today just

Like Mike the farm is preparing for the upcoming Competition Okay let’s go and take a look around to show you the stuff that’s going to the show oh wow yeah cool so we’re now in the fish house to see the Cy that hosac are taken to Tokyo Coy show this weekend so we got two boms here um and as you’ll

See in a second predominantly Shi um a few Kaku as well um one shower by the looks of it but let take a look the fish are really beautiful it remains special how relaxing it is to watch these beautiful animals for a while we get a full tour of the farm

Which consists of several koi houses I could stay here for hours unfortunately we have to leave the show starts in 2 days and tomorrow we have to pack all the fish and send them to Tokyo I wake up in a snowy World quite unique to Hiroshima you been w tomorrow Mike and I leave for Tokyo for the world championships today the fish must be transported and therefore safely packaged tomorrow we will fly to Tokyo together with the Japanese breeders to

Wait for the fish at the show we start the day with coffee from the 7-Eleven and drive to a friend of Mike we still have a few hours left for something fun Mike wants to show me the pond of taku yamasan a koi hobbyist and friend who has beautiful Koy so good morning

Evo um welcome here this is toyan space um he lives near in onomichi city which is near Hiroshima and I’ve brought you here today so that you can have some inspiration for the pond that you are planning to build this will perhaps give you some other kind of ideas on things

That you want to implement when you come to build your pond hopefully within this year so come and take a look around and see what ideas as you can Use I am warmly welcomed even a chair is set up so I can watch the koi after this trip I want to start building my own Koi pond something I’ve been dreaming about for years I want to gain inspiration and try to collect as much information as possible and take a look

Around I’m curious how long takoyama has been collecting koi and where he gets his koi from oh about uh 4 40 yes so he’s 63 years old so yeah been keeping Co since he was 23 so mainly it’s tacky go co that are in here yeah some other boy Farm Specials while enjoying something to drink we take the time to few the ponds and fish I feel honored that I can come here and look at these amazing koi takuam son is a very sincere and friendly host he wants to take a picture before we leave

As a memory he also has a message for Mike oh I wish tomorrow your big price today for me is a one of stress and panic so just final preparation we need to obviously pack the koi and get those to codani parking area to meet the

Truck and load them up but in addition to that we need to think about all the smaller details like oxygen bottle um spare bags for the return Journey uh packing all of that and all the other equipment like net for scooping out any waste that’s in the pool at the show um

So all of the the finer details that are so easy to miss and forget so uh for me of course most of that’s already done but it doesn’t stop me from panck that maybe I missed something anyway so yeah there’s no Second Chances with This I notice that I’m starting to get nervous I feel the tension and enthusiasm in Mike and we drive back to the farm a koi breeder friend is waiting for us here who will help with packing the fish together they study the fish one more time before sending them to

Tokyo the koi are carefully packed with enough water and oxygen for the journey to Tokyo koi can survive in the Box this way for 40 272 Hours Haai takawa and Mike work carefully to ship the fish as safely as possible we have to hurry the truck is already waiting for all the breeders in the region on a parking lot next to the highway we are still on time as much as Mike wants to have everything under control he discusses

The route with the driver so much snow has fallen that highways are closed luckily they have an alternative route to Tokyo okay let’s go all good all good yeah for now we can rest easy because from this point there’s nothing we can do until we get get to the Koy show tomorrow so

We’ve done everything we can do and the rest is now beyond all our control which is right now it’s the easiest place to Be it’s time to travel to where it all has to happen Mike picks me up at the hotel and we drive to haai takawa who also flies with us from Hiroshima to Tokyo while we were sleeping the fish arrived at the show venue but they’re waiting for us so we can help unload the fish and take them to the temporary show Barrels I sense a certain relief for Mike who has done everything he can to get the fish ready for the competition but is it good enough the coming weekend will be dedicated to the all Japan koi show the most important competition of the Year like a military operation all breeders from Japan unload their valuable koi from the trucks as the Japanese can do it happens in the right order Mike is standing outside waiting for his turn to pick up his koi and look at them the fish must be in top

Condition to compete for the big prizes yeah we finally arrived here at the Ryu Center and we are now waiting for the koi to arrive I mean actually the koi are already here but the loading PHS are all at the moment um occupied with other trucks so as soon as there’s

Space uh available the truck with all of our areas fish on will will be brought up to here so that we can unload the fish and bring them inside and unpack them so hopefully that’s going to happen quite quickly because I’m starting to build up an appetite and of course I

Need energy to be able to live Fish we need those fish yeah so finally the truck’s now on the loading Bay or unloading Bay so um trying to get everything off and get it all into the Balls I say That Mike patiently Waits his turn the coy are transported along their length so that they are not damaged when breaking or accelerating some breeders choose to build entire water tanks into their trucks everything’s Await On everything looks okay um one fish the water is a bit dirty I don’t know quite why maybe it’s bad of it I don’t know um but we just need to unbag the fish now and dispose of the water or as much of the water from the bags as possible

Probably basically lifting them out of there and putting them back into the boxes again and taking them outside so yeah here goes nothing satisfied with that part yeah and just hopefully now the condition tomorrow and Beyond will be looking good so that um hopefully they can do the best they can Do the judging will take place today in the early morning and behind closed doors this is the day Mike has been living for lately I have exclusive access and I can film how the Koy are judged but not everything I’ve been given very strict rules so that the Prize winners are not

Announced early today only the press and jury are welcome after hours of judging all Prize winners have been announced the big prize the grand champion has been won by Sakai fish farm from Hiroshima with this very impressive fish a fish that will now increase in value and is even more

Lost by anti chests I congratulate canaro Sakai and I’m curious about the bloodline of this Champion so first of all congratulations thank you very much so can you tell me a little bit about the sunka that won grand champion this Grand Champion s all Springs of

Shet and 6 years old one m this is so so miss Japan bloodline I cross uh Crush bloodline m h future I think uh I want to make one point 1 M oh wow in two years then I challenge all Japan Again Mike is not yet at the show and the award ceremony is about to start I decide to call bike without telling him if he want any price so good morning or good afternoon um so here now at the V Center and I didn’t come to the show yesterday

Because obviously it was closed for judging and I didn’t really see too much point in coming late in the day um after the was finished so um here now today and I think it’s a pretty good result for us for uo Japan I think um well we’ve got five fish that

Obviously you know that you’ve already taken movies of um that we brought to the show um the best result we’ve got is one Sanka here that’s 80 cm in 80 boo class um that fish last year got a third prize and obviously a third prize is a lot less significant because there are

Quite a number of third priz is given out whereas second prize to me is massively more significant so that I’m particularly happy with really really happy about that result because I think that at boo class um particularly in any ghost hany variety I think is a really

Really tough class because in this case this fish is something that we’ve grown up so as the fish gets older it’s harder to keep the fish looking nice um so to me it’s kind of like an endorsement or Testament to the fact that we must surely have done something right so that

I’m really really happy with I’m happy with the other results too but to get a second for me is actually quite a big deal personally so I’m really pleased with That I have come to the conclusion that pursuing your dreams is extremely important and I made the right choice by quitting my job my journey continues and I will continue to share it with you making this documentary takes a lot of time and money I would appreciate it if

You leave a comment and subscribe to my channel so you can follow me in pursuing my own dreams I would like to thank Mike and yoy for a special insight into his life and sharing his experiences I’ll keep following Mike and who knows you will see him in our next movie


  1. Thank you for making this movie, Evo. I admire you that you have done everything you could to follow your dream. From a koi hobbyist in Vietnam.

  2. Brilliant as always. Great insight and commentary. 🙏.. keep up the great work 💯%.. look forward to the next one.

  3. This has to be one of the best, if not the best Koi documentary I’ve watched. Mike has done incredibly well, such a giant leap of faith to not only relocate to a new country but to go head to head with the masters of this amazing hobby/ business.
    Thank you Yvo and Mike.

  4. One of the best documentaries I have seen on koi. What an amazing experience to have been able to participate in the All Japan Koi Show showcasing the best koi in the world. Congratulations to Mike. Very much looking forward to seeing more from you as your journey in Japan continues.

  5. Incredible documentary! Thank you for sharing. I’ve learned so much about Koi from your channel. Your channel and videos have given me even a deeper love for Koi.

  6. Just came upon your videos today and have found them very interesting with informative details. I especially enjoyed beautiful cultural details as well. I am sure you will be very blessed in your courage to pursue your dream. I will look forward to watching your documentaries in the future. Hopefully, you will make many interesting documentaries of Japanese culture and people.

  7. About 18 years ago I went to visit him in England on the advice of a friend. i read articles and saw results with tosai to yonsai that i had not seen from anyone. who was this man and what did he do differently from others. This made me so curious that I flew to England several times a year to see, listen, hear and feel what he was doing. What he did differently is a long story for here. Mike is water Mike is koi Mike has primarily remained a hobbyist enthusiast and, above all, never strayed into his shoes. I owe him a lot as a hobbyist and as a person he has benefited our koi hobby. taken to a higher level. yume koi Japan is your dream and especially your mission. I wish you much happiness, health and success. it is an honor to have you as a teacher. and above all, always be yourself Mike.John Ans Wesley

  8. Amazing documentary as always Evo, absolutely stunning actual Japanese pond. I love watching all the videos of koi, koi houses and the breeders it’s makes me feel like I’m there, beautifully captured footage ❤🖤🤍

  9. Great vid Yvo amazing, I think Mike is brilliant at what he does. Your vids are so interesting I could watch them all day so keep them coming 👍🏻

  10. Wow yvo what an insite in to what a journey you have been on yourself. The documentary is outstanding. An English koi hobbyist in Japan. From being told he was crazy it was almost impossible to do. Mike is a very humble guy. His knowledge on koi is undeniable. It proves that hard work and determination does pay off. I really enjoyed the film..Good luck on building your koi pond.

  11. That was very interesting – a great insight into preparing for the top show and a great insight into Mike Snaden & Yume Koi Japan.

  12. great video, love the content of the entire process to get a koi to a show. keep up the great work!

  13. Great documentary. You've come a long way! Great how you have earned the trust of so many breeders and others in the business. Looking forward to the next one. I would someday like to see a video chronicling the process of a private individual setting up a buying trip (I assume with one of the businesses that do that), traveling to Japan, dealing with the breeders, the help they get deciding on and picking koi, negotiating price, etc. Basically, all the stages from deciding to go until the fish are in his pond.

  14. Fantastic work. I love the way you showcase koi fish farming to the world. Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing it. Greetings from the Azores islands – Portugal

  15. American woman to her American man: “Go do whatever you want…”

    (American man does whatever he wants)

    American woman screams at and breaks up with her American man for doing whatever he wanted

    So both Japanese women AND men are like this???

    Oh my…

  16. Cheers Yvo. Thank you for this video. An excellent short documentary on a guy who has an amazing eye and understanding of water and koi. I salute you Mike for have a big enough pair of balls to chase your dreams mate. Hopefully, see you in Autumn mate.

  17. I live in the Netherlands aswell. 🇳🇱my dream is to go to japan, and do the same as you do right now❤. Love your content keep it going!

  18. Absolutely brilliant video! I kept koi for around 15 years from the early 1980’s, worked in koi retail while a student and loved the hobby. I had to leave it for reasons beyond my control but this brings back so many happy memories. There’s something truly magical about those beautiful fish. Thanks so much for sharing.

  19. – Wow you make absolutely fantastic videos 📹 ❤ You quit your job for this. Has it been worth it? 🤔 Thanks for making these videos. I subscribed!!

  20. 😂❤😂😂❤ the iam you tuber ₹#₹ fish koi oranda gold fish 😢😢😢😢😮❤😂🎉🎉😅🎉😅

  21. Yvo
    As always you’ve created yet another epic video, with results of Mike’s dream. As a hobbyist, I do plan on entering a local event with a koi of mine. Thanks for the contents.

  22. Wonderful insight into a different aspect of Japan. Yours certainly leading the way with videos like this and I look forward to each video you post. Keep up the great work. 👍🏻

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