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New Annuals You’ll Want in 2024

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Hey friends welcome to Gardening with Creekside  today I am going to review the new 2024 Proven   Winners annuals that will be available to you  this coming spring in fact Guardian withc Creeks has these available for pre-order now  so you can go and check these out I am standing  

Up here at the new production facility um it is  pouring cats and dogs today it started yesterday   we’ve already gotten close to four inches of  rain so this is about the only dry spot uh that  

Is on the properties in the greenh houses and  so I thought I would just come to you because   before we know it this whole space behind me is  going to be filled with these beautiful proven   winter annuals so we’re going to review which  ones are going to be entering onto the market  

I would say uh I think I had experience with  every single one of these maybe minus one so   I can give you my tips and tricks and things that  I found that were successful or maybe some pluses  

And minuses to these plants I do have my little  cheat sheet here every year Proven Winners and our   friends at Pleasant View Gardens sends us the next  year’s introductions so we’re talking about 2024   introductions but I received them in Spring of  2023 and was able to grow them throughout the 2023  

Spring summer fall season pretty soon in a couple  of months they will send me the new introductions   for 2025 they always give me a great uh handout  that breaks down every single plant and gives  

Kind of the basic specifications so this is going  to be my cheat sheet my guide as we go through   these new introductions before we really hit the  new introductions every year Proven Winners will   highlight certain plants as like their annual of  the Year their perennial of the year and so forth  

The annual of the year for 2024 is supera Vista  jazzberry we have grown this plant for several   years and absolutely love it it is a spectacular  super tunia because it is part of that Vista   series it is a nice vigorous spreader and then of  course the color on jazzberry is lovely it truly  

Is that kind of that raspberry pink purple shade  and is just makes a really nice display especially   when you can do it in Mass we visited Pleasant  new Gardens and they had jasberry in a mass   planting on the top of their pergola unbelievably  spectacular this coming year in 2024 we will have  

Jasberry on full display in the signature Garden  so if you’re looking at the annual of the year   that is supera Vista jasberry and then the cadium  of the year is one of my favorites lemon blush  

Lemon blush we grew also for Proven Winners this  past year you might see one of our photos in the   garden idea book for next year um is a beautiful  shade Palladium now the heart-to-heart series   from pren winners with their caladiums they will  have a range of caladiums that can do sun shade or  

Both lemon blush is definitely going to be more  specific and geared towards your shade Gardens   as the name suggests it is a beautiful kind of  a chartreuse yellow on the outside with a nice   pink Center it is a beautiful cadium that thrives  in the Heat and the humidity of the South here in  

North Carolina and does really great in like  I said Landscapes containers hanging baskets   but just you’re going to have shade on it so we  could do a couple of hours maybe of some Morning  

Sun but then it needs a break in the afternoon so  lemon blush is going to be the cadium of the year   now without further Ado let’s just get started  and these are kind of based in and categories  

So we’re just going to go through them a new Bonia  that Proven Winners is introducing to their Proven   Winners line it is not a new plant but the selenia  series of Bonas are just blew my mind away because  

Of how they performed and their color and their  flower there are actually four different colors   in this series I have personal experience with  the selenia yellow and the selenia apricot they   are going to be um heart sun to sun annuals they  come like I said in the apricot you have selenia  

Scarlet you have selenia chocolate orange and then  selenia yellow these have a beautiful kind of a   mounding habit to them nice double flowers on them  that the selenia yellow I used it in both hanging   baskets and in the raised deck boxes and they  just did phenomenal all season long I adore having  

Those selenia yellows in the hanging baskets  because they could take some abuse they did they   were not very needy these are not high maintenance  plants and just really perform quite nicely um so   if you’re looking for something fun and different  these are going to be great additions to your  

Garden especially if you’re in a season or you  have an area that needs that low maintenance   no fuss kind of plant look for those selenia um  Bonas because they just are high performing but   low maintenance right we don’t dead head if you  can fertilize them a couple of times through this  

Season they’ll be great but yeah really fun  on those another Bonia that is that they’re   introducing is a beautiful this is double Delight  Apple Blossom the double Delight is already kind   of the series in the pren winter annuals and  they’re introducing this new color of the  

Double Delight apple blossom it is a really nice  soft creamy white with a little bit of pink in it   this is a gorgeous very soft very kind of romantic  looking color it is going to do part sun to full  

Sun now even Proven Winners says full sun in the  north I have found with the double Delight Bonas   here in the South they can do Morning Sun but they  must have a break in the afternoon so even though  

It says par to full sun keep in mind where you  are so if you’re in those hotter climates those   ones the climates like me that don’t get a break  at night that you say hot and humid during the  

Night you’re probably going to want to put your  double Delights in more of a shaded area this is   going to have um a really kind of a mounding  with a little bit of a trailing Habit to it  

And pairs beautifully with just a whole range of  other plants so double Delight Apple Blossom is   a gorgeous one can’t campfire marshmallow campfire  marshmallow is a Biden this is a specific um right   type of plant right so you have patunas you have  uh caliber colas we have roses well bidens are  

A whole separate category unto themselves plant  category campfire marshmallow just really blew me   away because it performed beautifully especially  for me in the cooler months so I it was one of the   very first things that I planted on the back patio  I kept it very simple I had put them in my Western  

Ears with the Sprinter box was and then surrounded  them with the campfire marshmallows just a nice   petite habit on this because they’re only going  to get anywhere from 8 to 14 Ines tall and by   me putting them in a container pretty tightly  packed it kept it on the shorter side but you’re  

Going to have these small Daisy light flowers pure  white petals with a yellow Center very classic it   paired beautifully with the Sprinter box woods and  these are going to be rated as full sun mine were   definitely in full sun and performed magnificently  well until the real heat of the summer hit so  

That’s just something if you’re in the warmer  zones you might want to keep in mind that these   are going to be more a little bit on the cool side  so you could leave them in your garden through the  

Heat of the summer and maybe they’re just going  to slow down on their flowering but then once you   begin to enter into fall then they’re rejuvenated  and begin blooming again so love that campfire   marshmallow for that classic white daisy like  flower it was just a stunner now super Bells super  

Bells there’s a whole new uh set of super Bells  entering onto the market super Bells is proven   winners um their trademark name for what they  call Caliber coas so caliber coas remember are   going to be your full sun flower they have more of  a mounding trailing habit they’re very similar as  

Two patunas but the typically their flowers are  going to be a little bit smaller than a petunia   also with the superbells you want to keep in mind  when you’re planting them that if you have thick  

Heavy um soil that retains moisture really well  like I do with my red clay then you’re not going   to want to put these in the landscape now if you  have soil that drains super well and it typically  

Stays on the dry side than the damp side then you  certainly could try your super Bells in the ground   for me I’m only going to put them in hanging  baskets pots containers hay racks that type of   thing I need something that’s really well draining  because super Bells hate to have wet soggy feet  

Do not do well so keep that in mind when you’re  picking out where you’re going to be putting these   super Bells they have super Bells blue improved  so we’ve always had super Bells blue but now here  

They have improved it so it seems to have there’s  um it has a Little Bit Stronger resistance to some   diseases it is um a greater um The Habit on it is  going to be nice and Tighter because as a grower  

That is something that we think about with these  trailing plants is it Wild and Woolly and gangly   or does it stay nice and tight and compact so on  the super Bells blue they have improved that habit  

So it is a bit tighter it’s a beautiful keep  in mind a Horticultural blue sometimes is not   always a true blue this is definitely more on the  purple side but with here beautifully like with   that campfire Marshall mallow would be great we  also have the super Bells pink improved pink nice  

Hot pink color on it it too has an improved habit  so it is going to be much tighter I did this in a   um a monoculture meaning that I did one container  and I put several plants of the super Bells pink  

Improved in there and it was really quite lovely  nice and tight um nice mounted habit on it and   just bring that great pop of hot pink to your  garden now into the doubles so we have the super  

Bells but these are going to be a double flower  you can see that they are a much different look   than just a traditional super Bells so we have  several uh new doubles coming onto the market we  

Have super Bell’s Double Redstone this is a really  kind of a nice um to me it Blends it a little   bit more self to like fall colors in that it has  that really beautiful um y red color and then on  

The edges it has a little bit of yellow so it has  that neat kind of look to it so super Bells double   Redstone nice mounded trailing Habit to it I think  a big popular one is going to be the Super Bell’s  

Double smitten pink it is just such a sweet little  flower in that it has nice kind of that softer   baby doll pink color on the outside as you go more  towards the center it gets darker and richer and  

It has a little bit of yellow there in the throat  this is going to be a really nice well branched   mounded trailing Habit to it so if you’re looking  for a smaller double flower in that that sweet  

Pink uh color family then that double smitten pink  might be the one for you you cannot go wrong with   classic white right a pure white flower complement  so many other colors super Bell’s Double white is   just that plant right traditional double flower  but pure pure white to it so depending on if you  

Have something dark maybe you have a darker sweet  potato vine or Plum Dandy um something that has a   nice richer color to it when you pair white with  it they contrast so nicely off of each other and  

They they complement each other and so they  make them stand out so the super Bells double   white is going to be a great one um just is that  nice addition to the color family of the double  

Super Bells last one in the double family is the  super Bells double vintage Coral now this one is a   really fun color again I think this is going to be  extremely popular um because of that color it is  

More of a um gosh how should we say this it’s that  antiquey rose with yellow mixed in so you’ve got a   lot of different kind of color variation within  that antique rose and that yellow nice double  

Flower and is really very very nice I paired this  with an evergreen and a small container and they   just really complemented each other quite nicely  so for those of you that are looking for super   Bells there’s a whole new selection headed your  way in 20124 it is no doubt there is no secret  

That I am a huge fan of the Color Blaze polius  from creen winners these polius can do sun shade   they are extremely low maintenance bugs don’t  like to eat them they bring lots of color and   interest to your um your your landscape your  containers your hanging baskets whatever it is  

That you want to use them in um but the new one on  this year is going to be part of the drop series   The Color Blaze drop series are all going to be  trailing chuses now you may not think of chuses  

As being trailing but the Color Blaze Cherry  drop is the new addition to the drop we already   have strawberry and we already we have chocolate  so with cherry this is going to be more of that  

Pinky red color right nice kind of ruffled edges  with that shark truce Edge on the side of it ways   that you can use your Color Blaze Cherry drop one  obviously in containers and hanging baskets this  

Is going to be a little bit of a mounding and a um  kind of a filler and a Spiller in your container I   have found that it does take a little little bit  of time for them to really get going once they  

Start growing oh my goodness they will Trail like  you will not believe when we first got the drop   series I was like a colus that Trails be patient  my friends I promise you will not be disappointed  

Another great way to use the Cherry drop is as  a ground cover I did this with chocolate drop   because I had a um a good number of them that  I was able to use them and the entrance bed to  

The Nursery it makes a fantastic ground cover the  Cherry drop we then used in the display bed at the   nursery so if you’re looking for a low maintenance  fast growing annual ground cover then Cherry drop  

Might be a good option for you again can do sun or  shade and if it gets a little bit out of the the   zone of where you want it just get your pruners  and prune it back a little bit it just makes it  

Tighter and um you can absolutely Tri trim it  up and it behaves beautifully so I’m telling   you you’re going to love that color Blaze Cherry  drop moving on we have a another fun New Edition   this is going to be an improvement right so Proven  Winners is constantly evaluating their inventory  

They’re not satisfied with saying oh well we have  this plant and it’s fine we don’t never need to   we don’t ever need to go back and tweak it and  make it better no so another Improvement this  

Year is going to be the sunia Coco not improve  nesia so nesia is we a really nice plant in the   fact of it’s very different in its habit and its  Bloom structure than some other plants right so  

This is going to be a little little bit shorter  but wider so this will be great in containers as   that kind of a little bit of a filler Spiller  again you could use it in the ground as a more  

Of a low ground cover very similar to that cherry  drop colus but the sensatia coconut improved has   going to be um is going to be able to handle more  diverse growing climates it is an uh excellent  

Source and resistant to more cold tolerant meaning  that you can plant it earlier on in the season   some of these plants like my colus I tell people  don’t don’t you plant colus too early because it   gets cold and it does not like it the coconut  can handle those cooler temperatures so is more  

Resistant to and is more um exceptionally cold  tolerant so even if you’ve got a light frost or   those really cool nights in a spring it can handle  it very well um and then of course the color on it  

Is just fantastic right that sweet little very  soft delicate white flow with that yellow Center   so look for the so sensatia coconut improved nesia  now we’ve covered super Bells now we’re going into   Super Tunas super Tunas um the main difference  between a super tunia and a superbell is going  

To be obviously the bloom size on it and then how  I use them I can use super Tunas in the landscape   all day long they can handle more uh consistent  moist Roots than a superbell can and I use it  

In the landscape and I use it in containers hay  racks hanging baskets you name it you can use a   super tunia in all your different applications in  your garden the blooms on a super tuna are going  

To be significantly larger than a super Bell so  just is going to depend on where you’re using it   as if you want to go with a super tunia or a super  belt Proven Winners is most definitely known for  

Their super Tunas because these are going to be  exceptional performers in your garden these do not   come from seed right they are come from cuting so  that makes a huge difference in that every single   Plant say we’re looking at supera Vista jazzberry  you’re going to have consistency across the board  

Where if it was a seed variety you could have  variation within that line but because they come   from vegetative cuting they are consistently the  exact same plant across the board we talked about   how Proven Winners will improve certain plants  from time to time well one that they improved  

For this year is the supera Bermuda Beach I had  never grown Bermuda Beach until this past year   when I was testing out the the improved version  and oh my gosh I absolutely adore this petunia it  

Is fantastic so the improved part is is that the  color is going to be a little bit more vibrant   to it it is a really nice rich rich um coral  color that Coral pink flower it is going to of  

Course Bloom like other super Tunas from Spring  to Fall you do not have to dead head them and the   um if you’re going to have a stronger performance  right so that was the improved part of it and it   produces that richer glowing Coral paint flowers  these flowers literally almost glow they are  

Almost an iridescent color they were gorgeous and  I paired them with one of the other new superas   that is entering onto the market this year it  is supertunia saffron fent do you’ve followed me  

For any length of time you know that I am a fan  of saffron Finch because this is a true yellow   petunia it doesn’t lend itself to more green as  maybe say superia mini that’s the yellow it has a  

Little bit of that has a little bit of green in it  for me saffron Finch is a true yellow petunia that   almost has an ombre effect to it so it’ll kind  of start out darker in the center and then it can  

Lighten on the edges so supertunia saffron Finch  is a spectacular I think this will be a really   classic popular petuna for Proven Winners because  of that color and it’s habit so if you’re looking   for a color combination saffron Finch and the  Bermuda Beach improved oh classic it is absolutely  

Gorgeous also some new another another new super  tuna that is on the market we’ve talked about this   one many times before is the super tunia hoot  Vivid Orchid this is such a fun petunia because   it has the color of jazzberry in that range so if  you’re familiar with jazzberry kind of that pinky  

Raspberry Center but it has a very wide white  margin all the way around every flower this   thing stands out from a distance we planted it in  Mass at the display bed at the Garden Center and   it was a spectacular display the Habit on this  um because somebody asked me earlier what the  

Habit was like and I would say this would be kind  of like for saffron fch as well they are not as   aggressive as a Vista but they are more aggressive  than a mini Vista so they’re kind of right there  

In that middle range if you’re familiar with  Bordeaux I mean you’ve grown Bordeaux before   it’s very similar to that has a lovely spreading  habit but it’s not going to be an out of control   type spread if that makes any kind of sense but  um it is going to have just gorgeous gorgeous  

Color we are going to be planting this in Mass  around the fountain at the signature Garden oh   I cannot wait to see them all in the ground next  the mini Vistas I’m a huge fan of the super cha  

Mini Vistas because they are nice compact plants  that do spread but they’re not as aggressive so   we can put these in tighter areas we can put them  in containers and they’re not going to overtake  

The plants so one of the new ones for this year is  the super tuna mini Vista Ultra Marine ultramarine   is going to have that same very similar color as  supertunia Royal Velvet so if you’re familiar with  

Royal velvet it has been on the market for years  it is extremely popular a really nice dark rich   rich purple this is what ultramarine is going to  be compatible to but in a tighter um Habit to it  

And it’s not going to be as aggressive and spread  maybe as much as Royal Velvet also the balloons   compared to Royal Velvet are going to be a little  bit smaller when you have your mini Vistas the  

Balloons are a smidge smaller they’re not as small  as a super Bale but they’re not quite as large   as a traditional super tuna so just kind of keep  that in mind it is a really really gorgeous flower  

Gorgeous color um and again you could pair this  with something you could pair it with the saffron   fch if you wanted to put a nice pop of color you  know just think of those different colors that you  

Can pair with it but if you’re a fan of the mini  Vista series like I am then you’re going to love   that ultramarine now this is the one plant that  I did not I have no experience with so I am just  

Going to H give you the information but I have  high hopes for this plant because it’s beautiful   in pictures and in theory I think it’s going to  be fantastic I just don’t have personal experience  

With it so this is called angel wings and angel  wings is going to to be a beautiful foliage only   there’s not going to be any flowers with it but  this is going to be a great um silver color that  

Will be a nice focal point in your containers and  your landscape it um has large silky silvery white   leaves that uh are a quick grower that form a  beautiful substantial upright Clump so it is heat  

Drought tolerant salt tolerant but it does require  good drainage so so if you’re like me and you have   you know CL soil that tends to hold on to moisture  especially in certain areas maybe you don’t plant  

That there maybe you put it in containers and  then put it that container in that spot or you’re   looking at it in areas that do have really good um  well draining soil it is deer and rabbit resistant  

And like I said it is grown for folage so it’s  going to be a beautiful accent plant it is going   to be 12 to 18 in tall and about 12 to 16 Ines  wide so that kind of gives you an idea of that  

It is going to be a little bit taller is going to  be taller than it just a little bit wide so there   you go so we’ll grow it together for sure in 2024  Scola is one of those annuals that can handle the  

Heat of our Southern conditions like Champs they  improved the Whirlwind white Whirlwind white was   improved and so it is going to have a better um  more cool tolerant so you can plant it in your   garden a little bit earlier because cavola does  love the heat of the summer it thrives in the heat  

So the hotter it is the happier it is the Scola  Whirlwind white is going to have that traditional   that fanlike flower pure white with just a little  bit of a hint of yellow in the throat it makes  

Great you can put it directly in the ground as  a very low growing um kind of a spreading habit   because it’s going to be 8 to 14 inch tall and 18  to 24 wide so definitely it is going to be wider  

Than it is tall so in the landscape it would be  more of a ground cover in your containers it is   going to be um more of a Spiller so just kind of  keep that in mind but another great white option  

For those of us that are in you know just those  hot hot areas July and August your Scola is going   to be loving life and doing great where maybe  some other cool tolerant annuals are going to  

Start to Peter out so look for the Whirlwind white  Catalina pink improved trinia I’m a huge fan of   trinia I think trinia uh doesn’t get enough credit  it doesn’t get enough accolades but this plant is  

A beautiful high performing trailing habit that  is going to do sun or shade so keep that in mind   sun or shade praise the lord we love those plants  that can do either one of these this is going to  

Be an 8 to 12 tall 8 to 12 wide so it’s going to  have kind of that mounded habit to it it is going   to be as wide as it is tall but the improved  um the Catalina pink is going to have larger  

More uniform pink flowers and it’s going to have  a little bit more of a Vigor to it with the flower   production on it and it’s going to be a little bit  of an ear they improve the like the performance  

On it earlier on in the season tolerates both  sun and shade in the North and the South it is   very very versatile and of course we love that  they are self-cleaning meaning you do not have  

To dead head these I personally love using trinia  in the ground I will put them um typically I use   them more in the shade garden because sometimes  I struggle finding um shade tolerant annuals for  

Like a ground cover in my shade garden and so I  will tend to put them there simply because I have   other sun-loving annuals that I can fill in in my  sun Gardens but this Catalina pink improved trinia   is a magnificent attractor for bumblebees and  honey bees my trinia absolutely buzzes literally  

All season long because you’ve got Little Bees in  there just going to town because those blooms are   nice and open and those bees and those pollinators  can get in there and get all that sweet nectar  

From them CeCe who works with us she had this  plant cuz we shared some of the plants with our uh   with our employees this year to let them test them  out in their Gardens she did the Catalina pink in  

A hanging basket and she was blown away with its  performance so not only can It Go in the ground   but obviously in a hanging basket CC had great  results doing it that way especially if you have   a shady area that sometimes can be problematic  but you want those flowers try the Catalina pink  

Improved trinia it is uh if you’ve been around me  for any length of time I may have once or twice   mentioned how much I love the new super Bea Pink  Cashmere verbina this has been um and rightly so  

One of the hottest plants I think that’s going  to be in 2024 people are really excited about   this plant it is an absolutely stunning verbina  this is not only is it Gorgeous Flowers but it  

Is also a quite a viig ous plant give it Room to  Grow because oh my goodness she will perform her   head off and and just Bloom and and grow for you  all season long so the super beina Pink Cashmere  

Is going to be 6 to 12 Ines tall but 18 to 30  inches wide yes my friends she is very vigorous   if you’re familiar with super beina white out it  has kind of that same Vigor to it now it’s going  

To be because your verbas will Bloom at different  times so it may be a little bit of a later Bloomer   but once she starts it just continues to go  really nice soft pink it has and it’ll kind  

Of the colors will kind of change you’ll have  a little bit of white you’ll have a little bit   of solid pink in there but the whole plant just  kind of tends to transition as the season goes  

On as with other verbas do not be afraid to cut  this back so because verbas sometimes will go   through those Peaks where they’re blooming then  when the heat hits they will kind of slow down  

A little bit this kind of es and flows right do  not be afraid to trim this back you can literally   whack it I took HED trimmers to mine and they  bounce back within three weeks better than ever  

So the super Bea Pink Cashmere is going to be  a beautiful mounding trailing habit flower that   you are going to love the color on it is gorgeous  there’s also the superbena Cherry burst improved  

So Cherry burst is going to have that bolor  FL flower on it of kind of a bit of a creamy   white with that pink and again it’s going to have  that same kind of spread really 6 or 12 tall 18 to  

30 in wide it has a great resistance to powdery  milde that’s still that mounding trailing Habit   to it you can use it as I did right you can use  it in your deck boxes or hay racks or um hanging  

Baskets and sometimes it will you’ll notice that  some of those flowers will revert a little bit to   a solid color but predominantly you’re going to  have that by color on there and it’s just going  

To be a absolutely really fun like if you like  a little bit of Whimsy in your garden then the   super beina Cherry burst improved is going to be  a great one for you now moving a little bit more  

Towards I don’t know if y’all can hear it but  it is absolutely pouring right now oh my gosh   we’re gonna float away gonna start building an  arc pretty soon um so color you can have color  

In your garden with no flowers sometimes I think  we as gardeners tend to think color in a garden   means that we have to have flowers absolutely not  some of my most favorite plants never produce a  

Flower one of those is padium I am a huge fan of  padium because here in the South they just perform   so well Palladiums love heat and humidity they are  one of the rare plants that thrive understand the  

Heat and humidity especially at nighttime in the  South when you hit into late June July August even   early September our kns do not cool off they  don’t cool off and the humidity it seems like  

The humidity in the duo goes up at night instead  of going down so our nighttime can be very very   sticky Palladiums thrive in these conditions I  was uh fortunate enough to be able to test out   the new heart to Heart rain or shine cadium this  year and it was gorgeous absolutely a beautiful  

Cadium this is going to be a sun padium so  part sun to Sun meaning you need to have a   minimum of five hours for this plant so you’re  going to get massive leaves on it that um are  

Going to have like Speckles on them it’s a really  really neat different kind of of color variation   for a cadium it is is going to be more of a tall  upright Palladium instead of a mounding Palladium  

So really fun and it I actually started them from  corns so Proven Winners sent me the padian corns   popped them into a the hay rack that is right  there on front of the garden shed and they  

Were in full sun they were in afternoon hot hot  sun thed and did great until we got a very hard   freeze so look for that Rainer shine it might be  a little tricky to find because some of those new  

Caladiums they’re so popular so if you see it and  you’re interested grab it don’t wait go ahead and   get it and then sweet potato vines right so sweet  potato vines are ornamental sweet potato vines we  

Have two um I would say well one’s an improved  and then one’s a new one they’re going to be in   those burgundy colors so first we have the proven  accents Sweet Carolina Red Hulk improved so red  

Hulk is um has is more going to be of a mounding  habit to it it has those really sharp kind of um   serrated leaves to it and it is going to be six to  16 inches tall with a spread of 20 to 36 inches so  

It is going to be a nice trailing plant obviously  you can put it in hanging baskets you can put it   in containers and to give you that trailing habit  it’s going to be a part sun to full sun plant but  

Also think about using your sweet potato vines  as ground covers they work great as ground covers   very quick to grow so they can cover a good amount  of area in a in a short amount of time so this is  

A great way to have a seasonal um ground cover so  look for that sweet hulks red improved and then   the new one for this year was The Proven accents  Sweet Caroline sweetheart mahogany and sweetheart  

Mahogany is just going to be a great match that’s  to join the jet black and the sweetheart lime a   lot of people will tend I’ve just noticed at the  Garden Center in the spring they like these um   these sweetheart leaves on them because they’re  kind of that heartshaped flower to them not flower  

Sorry heart-shaped Leaf to them and people tend to  be more drawn to that shape so this is going to be   a beautiful mahogany red um color into that line  of course jet black is a nice really dark dark  

Black and then lime chartreuse lime so now you  have three color options for you so you can do   the jet black you can do the mahogany and more of  that coppery um red color and then the lime which  

Is that chartreuse color as well so that is the  20204 new introductions from Proven Winners super   excited about it this is we’re actually filming  this um this this is the time of the week between   Christmas and New Year and I know sometimes we  can get very disoriented I know our family is  

Like what day is it I don’t even know what day it  is it’s just you know it’s seems like Groundhog   Day we’re in that that time zone that’s just kind  of very very uh fluid and you’re just like I don’t  

Even know where I am what’s happening today so  this is a great time on these wet cold rainy   days like this maybe you’re getting rain maybe  you’re getting snow who knows right depends on   where you are in the country this is a great  time to start dreaming and planning for next  

Year’s Garden because y’all it is going to be here  before we know it this is one of my favorite times   of the year is to plan and think about next year  if you are like me and you tend to take lots of  

Pictures of your garden go back and look at your  pictures from this past year just spend you know   snuggle up on the couch with a great blanket and  a nice hot cup of coffee or something and just go  

Back through and just take note of okay what did  my garden look like in February March April go   through kind of month by month to see you know  what was win because this will also jog your  

Memory of oh yeah I planted that this year um and  that did great or maybe that didn’t do great and I   want to do something different and even you can  go back to past years I know that I was looking  

At some pictures from two years ago and I was  like man I love that combination it is gorgeous   I’m going to do that again so just you know Jerry  says I have a memory of a nap so when you’re going  

Back and you’re looking at other pictures from  past months years of your garden it jogs your   memory of oh gosh yeah I love doing that plant why  did I not do that plant more so just kind of plan  

For that take some notes I even have it because  I have an iPhone on my iPhone I’ve created a note   and it’s like garden plants for 2024 and as I have  those thoughts I can just randomly go in there and  

I can put you know uh plant Senorita Rosalita  back in Cottage Garden or super Bells mini um   super tunia mini vist White backend patio beds  so you’re just kind of jogging your memory and   making those plans so that way when you go to  the Garden Center or you start ordering online  

Then you can kind of have a plan of where those  plants are going to go of course here at Garden   of the Creekside we would love for you to order  pre-order your plants your annuals your perennials  

Your shrubs with us we will not ship them out I  promise y’all we’re not going to ship them out   clearly we have no plants I am not shipping you  annuals right now they will start to come to us  

In mid Jan January when it is appropriate for your  growing zone then we will send them out to you um   but yeah so go ahead and if you sign up for emails  or texts it’ll pop up for you and then you can get  

A discount code as well so hey winwin as always  we hope you have found this fun informative and   inspirational y’all have a great day hang in  there in this limbo week between Christmas and  

New Year as always we so appreciate you y’all have  a great day see you in the next video bye friends


  1. I live In Ok and any of the “supers” stop blooming when it gets really hot. I fertilize weekly… i have given up but really like all the color choices for my containers. Any suggestions? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

  2. Thank you for the lovely video! S.W. Virginia here, and I can tell you, during summer, the dew point is regularly higher when I walk the dog at 7AM vs 10AM.

    I also take a ton of photos of my garden, my phone gallery is pretty much yarn, dog, and garden.

  3. Jenny,
    I'm Zone 7A/now 7B in VA & the Jazzberry I planted last summer is still green–no flowers, but STILL GREEN–despite multiple nights of lower 30s/upper 20s temperatures! 😯😯😯😃

  4. Jenny,
    What are the light requirements on the Angel Wings senecio? 🤔 It looks like what you'd get if ya crossed a hosta w/ an artimesia. 😉 Seriously, though, is it a type of succulent or something else?
    Thank you. 😊

  5. Yay !! Looking forward to another season even though it will be a long time coming in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Thanks for the inspiration. Keep up the good work !!

  6. I always thought calibricoa were hard to grow. But the ones I got last year. Purple and the variegated antique one had made it through rain and cold temps down to 22 and still green. Until 3 weeks ago it still had to blooms that kept holding on. Such a suprise when you watch plants do what they do. The risk is a learning opportunity and it's been an amazing year to watch thing keep up! I've had to sit out the fall garden this year, tending to a foot fracture. Hoping I'll be able to jump back in to spring!

  7. Its been 3 weeks and i was so glad to see you back, your garden at the old house is so beautiful, and im so excited to follow you at the new house

  8. Jenny your shirt looks like the exact color of the Supertunia Bermuda Beach. Of course you love that color. 😁😁

  9. When i put in my discount code for text messages on a perennial order, I got a message that the code was invalid. What am I doing wrong?

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