Garden Plans

Destiny 2 Lore – Does this Coded Secret Message Reveal The Witness’s Plan in Final Shape!

Get 4 months extra on a 2 year plan here: It’s risk free with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee! Destiny 2’s Lore and Story contains hints that The Witness might be creating a second Heart of the Black Garden. This is all according to a secret coded message found in the Scatter Signal fusion rifle from this season. This could be the key to the final shape and how the Witness intends to control the universe.
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Greetings Guardians my name is B here since the  start of the season this Fusion rifle has been   a persistent mystery it’s called scatter signal  what makes this weapon mysterious is that its LW   tab looks like this now obviously we can’t read  numbers from any of this but the more code Mone  

Amongst you might be able to see that this Fusion  rifles LW tab is made up of code and that that is   heximal or hex code to be precise luckily for us  we can take this lore tab’s hex code and dump it  

Into a hex translator from here the LW is decoded  and the real mystery lies before us so what does   the law say let’s start there and then I’ll get  into the deeper Mysteries and talk about what I  

Think is going on here wait this is just a bunch  of malware oh I I see what this really is it’s an   attempt by the Vex to release their corruptive  code into our own networks and computers here   this could lead to any number of terrible things  from alternate timelines or hundreds of copies  

Of us being simulated by the Vex in tandem  or some kind of terrible uh uh oh okay it’s   I mean that’s bad it’s but it is just a i me it’s  a fishing attempt that’s not great yeah sure okay  

Yeah of course this is Ash air trying to tell  us what the secrets of the veil are right yeah   okay good thing we knew that wasn’t the case  though because we had protection against this   kind of fishing attack thanks to the sponsor  of this video nordvpn you can get this level  

Of protection online too simply by checking the  link Down Below in the description that way when   you see a dodgy link like this one in an email we  get a warning that it’s probably not trustworthy  

And that we shouldn’t be clicking it Nord is of  course also well known for its VPN services but   it can protect you from even more kinds of online  attacks malware dos attacks man-in-the-middle   attacks password attacks the Vex tried all of  these every single one of them failed what do  

You make of that Aris they take Us For Fools  suckers seriously though it’s never a good   time to be targeted by cyber attacks online so  check the link down below and get protected it   is a 30-day risk-free trial down in the link in  the description with a money back guarantee if  

You’re not satisfied with the product don’t be  complacent get 4 months extra on a 2-year plan   here it’s risk-free with nord’s 30-day money  back guarantee thank you again to nordvpn for   sponsoring this video anyway here’s the real  law take a listen to this LW tab from scatter

Signal nmo monitor Spike 003 tracking tracking  nmo monitor Spike 003 signal lead signal lock nmo   monitor Spike 003 feed established a churning  Singularity of Shadow and mimicry beats again   within cultivated chaos Minds orbit its gravity  to bridge communion with a voice to move from  

Parallel to entanglement they dream of a dark  core contained within a Timeless structure a   suspended return to the primordial if not for this  truth why kneel if not for this truth why does it   elude definition though not all agree on all all  agree on this Saul is [Music] salvation now on  

The face of it all this is a pretty vague message  but there are hints at who this might be in that   message in particular the mention of Salvation  at the end and the mention of minds and truth  

It all speaks to the involvement of either  the witness or the Vex of the Soul divisive   the surface examination of the message would  logically allow us to conclude that this is a   message concerning either of the two maybe between  two of them the soul divisive Vex as a refresher  

Are the Vex of the black garden who turned to  worshiping the darkness and who created the   black Garden’s heart on the orders of the witness  they’re different from most other Vex given that   most others will actively flee the forces of the  witness because it represents a paracausal force  

That they cannot hope to succeed against the soul  divisive saw the witness on the other hand and   calculated that their best option was to bind  themselves to this greater force becoming one   with it so that they might survive breaking down  the message line by line is something that I want  

To do in a bit but first I think we need to look  at the message in further context after all the   LW tab starts with some lines prior to this signal  you know the bit where it says nmo monitor Spike  

003 a bunch what does all of that mean well let’s  start there and then we’ll work out the rest nmo   is used in a few different places throughout the  lore of this season in particular take a look at  

The worm guard armor set here this is a point at  which you see someone called nm/ o01 instead of   nmo the conversation features Aris mour on the  other line but nm01 is actually Osiris in this   instance given Osiris’s more recent excursions  to the veil and his close involvement on Neptune  

With the cloud Striders I think it’s logical to  assume that the NM at the start here stands for   neomuna that’s actually going to be very important  for this next bit of theory that I want to present  

To everyone and it’s Theory because yeah from  here on out we’re doing a little bit of guesswork   compelling as it may be it is still guesswork  note how you see monitor spikes being mentioned in   those opening lines monitor spikes seem to imply  that Osiris is listening for something messages  

Perhaps generally but you know maybe it’s just one  of those things where he set things up to study   the veil and in the process this kind of equipment  was used regardless we know this Osiris is the one  

Who has intercepted or received this message on  one of his monitor spikes so I guess the question   is what exactly is he intercepting I mean yes  it’s a message but how does the message get  

Sent what kind of signal is this and what does it  tell us about the way that it’s being sent that’s   all actually a very important series of details if  this all Rings true and the reason I say I think  

It’s important is because cuz I think I might know  the answer to what kind of signal this is because   it’s in the name of the weapon scatter signal so  what is that referring to my speculation starts  

Here so take everything from this point out with  a pinch of salt I think that the scatter Signal’s   name is referring to a means by which one can send  a message called scatter propagation so what what   the hell is a scatter propagation signal well  let’s do a little bit of science my apologies  

To anyone who actually understands this in far  greater than I do I’m going to try and do my   best to explain tropospheric scatter and if I  absolutely butcher it I’m so sorry when you’re   sending a message nowadays you’re often using a  satellite to get the message through but we’ve  

Not even been in space for 100 years prior to all  of this everything was done via radio back in the   day you could use a lowf frequency crystal radio  and that would be relatively powerful as a means   of long-distance communication but there’s also  a means of sending and receiving radio signals  

At high frequency over shorter distances that is  called tropospheric scatter a scatter signal if   you will this kind of communication is made using  radio waves in the ultra and super high frequency   bands typically tropospheric scatter uses  frequencies at roughly 2 GHz but it can operate  

Between 1 and 20 GHz that’s a very large band of  ranges and it’s all very high but why does any of   this matter for this particular signal what’s  going on about it the real answer to this is  

Because it’s all about range and this is where the  scatter part of scatter signal becomes relevant   and why I think it matters here so get this right  the radio waves that are being received okay   they’re on very high radio frequencies between  1 and 20 GHz and the reason why that ends up  

Being short range is because of something known as  tropospheric scatter basically what you’ll do is   you’ll send out your radio waves in the direction  of the Horizon and those radio waves will all   spill out Wards from that particular point they  will then bounce on the uppermost layer of the  

Atmosphere being projected back down a little bit  like a ball on a bad’s table bouncing off one of   the sides this then bounces the signal back down  to the planet on the opposite point of the Horizon   signal unlike low frequency radios however this  means that messages sent by tropospheric scatter  

Can only reach Beyond the Horizon on Earth that’s  something within 60 km at most compare the to   shortwave radio signals which could be carried  all the way around the world and suddenly you   start to make a connection here this message  if it was sent by scatter propagation if this  

Scatter signal was picked up it’s got to have come  from the local area it won’t have come from space   and it won’t have come from the other side of the  planet whoever was sending out this message that  

Osiris picked up is within two visual Horizons of  the monitor Spike 003 and given that all of this   is connected connected to Osiris’s NM terminal on  neomuna this makes me believe that this signal is   being sent and received on Neptune specifically in  the area local to neomuna itself so these are the  

Base assumptions the signal being sent is being  sent by radio waves using scatter propagation if   that is the case the sender is within two visual  Horizons of the monitor Spike I’m also assuming   that the monitor Spike belongs to Osiris is  on Nuna and has been set up with a purpose of  

Gathering data we do not know a lot about the  cender but we do know that they are nearby now   that we’ve done this this is the point at which I  want to break down the LW tab line by line because  

It starts to indicate some very interesting things  from the very outset of it all you’ll start to see   what I mean in a bit I will say though that as  I break all these things down this is just my  

Speculation and it’s my ideas of what’s going  going on here none of this is set in stone none   of it is guaranteed none of it is confirmed so  don’t take any of this as gospel this is just  

My best guesses at current okay so line by line  here’s the first line a churning Singularity of   Shadow and mimicry beats again within cultivated  chaos the vagueness of this L tab starts right   at the beginning but it also starts with some  terrifying possibilities that I wanted to talk  

About and I kid you not Theory this may be but if  it’s correct I think this is entirely the central   point of what’s going to happen in final shape a  churning Singularity of Shadow and mimicry that  

Beats again that’s not distinct until you think  about it the first hint is the word beating no   this isn’t the beating of a drum at least I  don’t think so this is more likely in my mind  

To be the beating of a heart and where the Vex  and the witness are concerned there is only one   heart that ever bound them together and that was  the heart of the black garden the black Garden’s   heart was always shifting in its spherical form  that movement could accurately be described as  

Churning and the shape could most definitely be  described as a singularity of shadow shadow and   mimicry are also important words here too given  that we now know that the heart of the black   garden was meant to be a failed flawed copy of  the veil so this is making reference to the heart  

Of the black Garden except I mean 10 years ago we  destroyed that thing and we now have this message   telling us that this heart beats again which  implies that somehow it’s been recreated but we   went to the black garden as recently as with the  wish keeper missions and we know that the nomuni  

Were able to get backdoor access into the black  garden via their own means Rohan and Nimbus have   both gone there we followed them in the process  of the post campaign quests in neomon so we would   have noticed if the black Garden’s heart had been  returned right we even went and killed the mind  

Holding the copy of those designs back in the  aftermath of the lightfall campaign where is   that second churning Singularity of Shadow and  mimicry that’s now beating once more where is   this new heart of the black garden unfortunately  I think we need to look to the rest of the line  

To understand it the first line makes reference  to cultivated chaos some of you might be thinking   of the black garden when hearing this but hear  me out chaos as we learned from the season of   The Deep cutscene was kind of the calling card of  the light and the traveler it’s also expressed by  

The actions of the gardener in the unveiling law  book both of these figures if the gardener does   exist and is indeed different have expressed  a preference for things to be able to freely   unfurl as they will regardless of consequences  the cultivated part of it at first makes me think  

Of the black garden where life blooms ceaselessly  and where the Vex are noted as being its gardeners   by figures who’ve explored the garden such as  pujari but then again the black garden doesn’t   have a new heart as we’ve said so where is this  cultivated chaos I fear I know the answer I fear  

It’s inside the traveler itself deep within the  pale heart cultivated chaos might make reference   to the garden at the beginning of time from the  unveiling law book if this was ever a reference   to something akin to the pale heart then we  can suddenly start to understand and see the  

Witness’s plans laid bare I mean for starters is  the inside of the traveler cultivated chaos I mean   look at some of the Aesthetics of the local you  literally have these giant cubes of terrain that   are being filled and created with substance from  our own minds that sounds like cultivated chaos  

To me and whilst I would remind you all that this  is all a point of speculation if it is correct we   suddenly understand exactly what the witness is  doing thanks to scatter signal I think this might  

Be the key to the entirety of the final shape the  churning Singularity of Shadow and mimicry beating   again within cultivated chaos I think the witness  is trying to recreate the heart of the black   garden inside the traveler attempting to make a  copy of the veil within the pale heart so that  

It merge light and dark now why would it do this  the answer if you know what the final shape is is   relatively simple the witness has tried something  similar to this before it has tried to merge The  

Traveler and the veil together so that it might  be able to gain the powers of both light and   dark by doing so this would allow one to reshape  the universe to whatever one desired that is the  

Truth of the final shape this would allow that  to happen however we also know that in previous   instances The Traveler and the veil for whatever  reason were not able to be combined The Traveler   fled so maybe it’s the case that with control  over one of these entities with control over this  

Singularity of Darkness the witness might finally  be able to bring about the final shape on its own   terms cleansing the universe of life and creating  a new universe of its own design this would be its  

Victory and our end that’s a lot of assumption to  make from one sentence there is a lot more so mad   as the possibilities are let’s keep moving because  as this goes on it almost seems to implicate   that this isn’t necessarily happening and the  reason I say this is because the lines seem to  

Make reference to the Vex a whole lot more which  leaves me with even further questions are there   Vex inside the pale heart at this moment who knows  but I do think it’s worth remembering that all of  

This is speculative so what does line two read  well it says Minds orbit its gravity to bridge   communion with a voice to move from parallel  to entanglement in this moment we’re getting   more context about the churning Singularity mind’s  orbit its gravity and the voice they’re bridging  

To commune with could make reference to two things  in my mind first is the more clear possibility of   the Soul divisive Vex trying to commune with the  witness secondly there is the possibility that   this is the many minds of the witnesses precursor  civilization trying to commune with the traveler  

The first of these possibilities makes a lot of  sense when you consider the wording of the line   after this one the line makes references to Minds  in a very Vex specific bit of lexicon here as is  

The note in the next line of a timeless structure  if this line is talking about the soul divisive   this is simply them talking about how they’re  still trying to bind themselves to the witness   hence the line of from parallel to entanglement  the second of these possibilities makes a more  

Direct commentary on the witness’s existence as  an amalgamation of the precursor civilization’s   people even with the witness’s scalp seeming to  still radiate the faces of people long dead which   is likely to be a commentary on this particular  part of its nature if they were trying to bridge  

Communion to a voice this could be commentary on  them trying to communicate with something inside   the traveler or maybe with the traveler itself  whether this would end up being the gardener or   whether it would be someone else that does still  exist within the Traveler’s confines isn’t clear  

But maybe after a very long time the witness’s  many minds are attempting to seek out answers   why did The Traveler flee why did it abandon them  why lift them up in the first place if it didn’t   want to cultivate their greatness all of these  questions and yet maybe there are no answers  

Yet it would make a degree of sense for them to  orbit the gravity of a newly constructed black   heart but it would equally make sense for the  Vex minds of the Soul divisive to do the same   to orbit the black heart literally would imply  proximity though meaning that it’s more likely  

That this is the many minds of the witnesses  precursor civilization but then again all   iting something does simply mean that they are  influenced by it so a more loosen metaphorical   reading of this could simply imply that the Vex  minds of the Soul divisive are still intimately  

Interested in the second black Garden’s heart  moving from parallel to entanglement is important   regardless of circumstance for the Vex it it  imply binding themselves to the darkness for   the many minds of the witness it would imply a  combination between the darkness and the cosmic  

Powers of the pale heart but with them at the  center both possibilities are needless to say   disastrous the third line reads they dream  of a dark core contained within a Timeless   structure a suspended return to the primordial as  I said in the previous set of paragraphs Timeless  

Structure is a very loaded phrase for the Vex  but it is possible that this has other meanings   Timeless structure could be a reference to the  witness’s desire to see the world un Changed by   the Traveler’s chaos or it could simply refer  to the pale heart of the traveler itself the  

Dark core is a little more nebulous but at least  for the Vex perspective it might speak to their   desire to see the Vex infused with darkness and  capable of finally using paracausal abilities   being able to contest their rivals on the stage  of survival in the end game of the universe a  

Suspended return to the primordial is where  all this gets interesting for the vs of the   soul divisive this might be indicating their aim  of escaping the final shape by becoming a part of   it suspending implies that this is them preventing  their return to nothingness as the witness would  

Desire it I say nothingness but the primordial  part of the sentence is there for a reason it’s   basically the implication that the Universe would  be remade from its base structure primordial goop   would be the fate of everything that the witness  sees and as a result you would probably see that  

Be the case for the vex a suspended return to  that means they are no longer going to see their   permanent destruction the fourth line reads if not  for this truth why kneel if not for this truth why  

Does it elude definition to me this all reads yet  again strongly as Vex in my mind I see the image   of the Vex from Destiny 1’s final mission in the  heart of the black garden in the actual Act of  

Praying something the Vex normally do not do they  they knelt and prayed in a practiced imitation   of worship the idea of the thing mentioned before  eluding definition is probably then a reference to   the heart of the black garden which is paracausal  in nature and therefore cannot be easily defined  

By the Vex there’s the outward possibility that  some of this is in reference to the people who   combined to become the witness but I think the  Vex symbolism here reads far more strongly the   final line reads though not all agree on all  all agree on this soul is salvation it’s here  

That all this puzzles me a little this sentence  seems to be a reference again to the Vex but I’m   still not completely comfortable ruling out the  witnesses many combined Minds as a possibility   on the side to focus on the Vex though I think  on a first reading this makes some sense though  

Not all agree on all all agree on this that seems  like it’s a reference to the many Divergent minds   and subtypes all attempting to answer the same  question of how they’re supposed to survive to   become the final power at the end of the universe  the Hazen Vex of Venus tried manipulating time  

With the Vault of Glass the Mercurial Vex tried  to more accurately predict a Victorious future   with the infinite forest and the Vex mind known  as poopes and the Soul divisive were intent on   binding themselves to the darkness as a higher  force that would be victorious thanks to its  

Parac caal might this is the Crux of the not all  agree on all bit if it is indeed referencing the   Vex there are many paths to Victory some Minds  have calculated things differently all agree   on this soul is salvation though renders a very  mysterious note for the end of this particular  

Law Tab and potentially tells us a lot about the  Vex if sa itself is special this means that there   are key features that every Vex subtype would  converge on soul to control perhaps it’s a series  

Of key access points to the black garden for the  soul divisive perhaps it’s the Vault of Glass for   the Hazen Lords whatever the case seeing all of X  subtypes agree on the importance of our system is   curious if that’s what’s actually happening here  now I know that all the stuff I’ve just talked  

About is stuff I’ve talked about in the context  of speculation but I wanted to just ask one more   question with this video and that’s simply who  is sending this message again let’s remember if   my theory that I put forward at the beginning  is correct this is a message that was sent by  

Tropospheric scatter signal not guaranteed but it  feels likely given the name and the conventions   and a whole bunch of other things the sender of  these messages would therefore be local to Neptune   and within the visual Horizons of neomuna so who  could be sending this it seems to be a report on  

The happenings of the Vex or potentially the  interior of the pale heart of the traveler and   yet I don’t know if anyone on neomuna that would  immediately have access to all of that information   that’s from our side more importantly the message  seems to speak from a third person perspective  

Which seems to imply that it isn’t necessarily  the Vex even if there is a distinct possibility   of that coming to pass so if the sender is local  to Nuna who are they it is possible that this is  

Being relayed from somewhere else as part of a  string of communication methods and I think this   opens up a few Poss possibilities that string  of communications principle is one that needs   to be examined and if we are going to look at  it I think we need to talk about the elephant  

In the room you know the one above the formerly  opulent cabal Emperor the veil if the messages   are local to neomuna is it possible that the veil  is involved in the process of sending after all   it is technically within the visual Horizon of  these monitor spikes if they are local to neomuna  

So yeah that in itself opens up a number of huge  questions let’s talk about some of them firstly   I think it’s worth remembering that the veil  and traveler are linked the nature of this link   between the veil and the traveler is something  that seemingly is very poorly understood but as it  

Turns out the former civilization that combined to  become the witness was able to understand it they   found the veil using the signal of the traveler  the two are linked on our plane of existence so  

Ultimately it does mean that there is a way that  the two of them are connected and it might then   be possible for them to send messages across the  gap of space if this message was outputed by the  

Veil it might have come directly from the traveler  or from something inside it and let me be really   clear in all of the speculation of this video  that is a big if even compared to everything  

Else but should it turn out to be the case then  maybe it allows for a few different theories to   be possible firstly it means that this could be  a communication from the Vex of the Soul divisive  

To the witness the witness would likely not care  whatsoever given that an update or a report from   the Vex is I mean at this point it’s about to  achieve the final shape it doesn’t care secondly   the communication could have come from within the  pale heart itself in which case maybe the witness  

Was reaching out to command the Vex why it would  care to sense such a communication in the first   place is unkown known as I stated the witness  likely doesn’t care for the Vex thirdly and   most intriguingly what if the message came from  something else that resides within the pale heart  

There has long been speculation of a gardener type  figure as portrayed in the unveiling law book but   we also know that the traveler has reached out  to Guardians before to communicate in dreams and   Visions it’s even communicated to normal people  during the Golden Age back in the day they were  

Known as speakers yet yes like that speaker they  would receive Vivid and unpredictable Visions from   The Traveler and they would preach its word since  the witness entered the pale heart we know that   the traveler has been mostly silent allbe it for  the reported anguish and Terror that imaru has  

Supposedly heard as well as a few other ghosts  but what if the link between the veil and the   traveler or perhaps the combination of the two has  allowed them to send a more informed communication   what if this is something that comes from the  traveler itself it provides that third person  

Perspective and it gives an idea of why the Vex  might be acting in the way they are and what the   witness is doing within the Traveler’s confines  it’s possibly the most compelling Theory I have   in my mind but it doesn’t make it true whatsoever  if it is though perhaps Osiris didn’t intercept  

It at all perhaps This was meant for him perhaps  it was sent to him directly by the veil one also   needs to consider another possibility this is  a far more mundane one but what if this is just  

A communication from one Vex subtype to another  there is after all a back door to the black garden   in the local neomuna space and the Vex on neomuna  are of a different subtype to the soul divisive  

If that’s the case perhaps the soul divisive are  trying to convince other Vex to join their cause   believing that they are about to acquire victory  at last there are some other even Wilder theories   that lie way out in the far scope of possibility  but I don’t think they’re worth mentioning without  

Further Evidence I could go on about Gia forms  and the nine but I don’t think there’s enough   proof of either of them being immediately involved  if you want a weird video on all that well maybe I  

Could look into it but I’m going to need to bust  out The Conspiracy Theory Board again and at that   point Martin needs to do a bunch more editing no  matter what this communication matters I think   that if it’s indicative of what’s happening in the  pale heart it tells us something vital about the  

Witness’s plans and hints as to what is coming  in the final shape even if it isn’t telling us   about that it’s telling us a lot about the Vex  and their obsession with soul and the Darkness   however you slice it scatter signal matters even  if the weird theory about the veil Communications  

And tropospheric Scatter proves to be incorrect  I think this coded message holds relevant Secret   the best I can do for all of you in this moment  is arm you with potential knowledge and let you  

Know that there is more that I’ve not talked about  that is possible that way we might be prepared for   whatever one of these outcomes turns out to be  the truth for the time being though that’s all  

From me for now and I hope you enjoyed the video  if you have your own thoughts on what the scatter   signal is trying to tell us let me know Down Below  in the comments section and if you haven’t got any  

Thoughts on that maybe tell me what you think of  my theory do you think the witness is trying to   recreate the heart of the black garden inside  the pale heart of the traveler who knows it’s   something that we will discover in time but as  per usual know that your viewership as always is  

Quite enough for me and in the meantime my name  has been my name is Basia arastra I’ll see you starside [Music]


  1. The Exo Stranger still hasn’t explained why she didn’t have time to explain what she needed to explain…

  2. Nordvpn wouldnt even know what the vex were so hell nah it couldnt defend against time traveling reality bening dimension hopping robots 😅

  3. Only challenge to the signal being local is a phenomenon called atmospheric ducting where in certain situations a signal that would, normally, be expected to refract or reflect winds up getting “caught” bouncing between different atmospheric densities resulting in the signal following the curve of the planet for longer than intended and finally reflecting back to the surface well past its intended location.

    In the context of lore it could be interesting if Osiris caught a ducted signal, but that’s such a niche thing to know happens I doubt it would be that way.

  4. By far the best Segway into an ad I've ever seen. That was the 1st ad I've ever actually watched. Very creative,good job!

  5. Man, if everyone could make ads this fun and seamless I'd watch them just to support the creativity. (I mean, I do watch most of them to support the creators, but not every single time…)

  6. 18:00 This sounds like the Sol Divisive want to move from following the model of and serving the witness to "Becoming absorbed into the witness's collective community being". They want to move from parallel to entanglement. They worship and model everything from the witness's hive mind that is set on bringing in the final shape. I believe that the individual beings inside the witness are still partially conscious…. an entire community living in relative harmony inside his being. The witness is a "community consciousness" in which its community members may disagree, but there is no murder, starving, suffering, etc… The witness wants all life to be perfect like the many lives inside of him. kinda like "Ego" from the marvel series.

    I think the Sol Divisive want to be accepted into the witness's being and its plan for the final shape… I dont think they are 100% slaves to the witness. I think they willingly agree with its plan and want to survive in its perfect "pattern"

  7. The connection made to the veil and traveler will probably enable the Vextarian Collective(ishtar vex) to enter the traveler. Once there they wait for the final battle and either weaken the witness for us to win or create a power using the paracausality that occurs within every garden game(the pale heart is affected by those in it from the vidoc). We don't get the third darkness subclass but the Vextarians do or either a combination of powers. It leads into echoes which involve the red vex with their new powers. We finally get the warrior vex and I need a vex centaur in my life. Of course at this point I don't know if bungie will want to or be able to deploy something this big or wild.

  8. Honestly, I believe your theory mostly, however I think you've missed an important possibility. The Speakers received visions from the Traveler, and the Traveler has spoken to us before. The Veil is linked to the Traveler, but is also referred to as its counterpart. What if this message was directed to Osiris, and is a message sent directly from the Veil. Information and knowledge needed to protect its counterpart.

  9. If the black heart was recreated, I'd argue that it was possible due to the simulation of the veil that Asher Mir created. They must've found the data of its structure and recreated the Black Heart again with that data.
    Edit: The idea that there is something special in Sol that made all of Vex agree that "Sol is Salvation" reminds me of the fact that the Traveler also saw something "special" in Sol. It saw something on the sun, and for some unknown reason, despite eons of its escaping the Witness, it decided to stay in Sol and even gifted Humanity the power to directly control the Light. There's also the fact that as Savathun said, only humanity can wield both Light and Darkness simultaneously to the degree we are able to do so. I wish all these hints wouldn't simply be swept under the rug.

  10. Ima be real, I’m not reading lore tabs anymore… I’m tired boss… lol which is crazy because I used to read everything and I felt like a lore master

  11. What if it's some sort of request for alliance? We have the iktar collective (if thats how it's spelled) within the vex. There is this threat of returning to goop. what if the message is sent to or from Osiris and through the iktar collective we could have an alliance with the vex to fight against the witness? We ally with the cabal, we had to work with the witch queen… Good or evil, no one wants the final shape…

  12. I think the lore card talking about us rebuilding the black heart (the synthesised veil) and trying to use it to open a way into the traveller. The logs are most likely the vex detecting the reactivation of the black heart.

  13. This seems kind of obvious to me, but of course it's just theory, so I could be wrong. What about Asher Mir? He merged into the Vex Network. His background as a Gaurdian would explain why this signal was sent to Osiris. It would only be poetic of Bungee to end the Final Shape where we first began this saga. With the Heart from the Black Garden, or rather, something like it. This was, after all, at the center of Asher's research. It's not outside the realm of possibility that Asher, having discovered this via means of the Vex Network, would try to warn us of the incoming doom. It is what the Stranger was most concerned about in D1. It all fits together. I guess we will see in a few months, if not sooner.

  14. Personally my take away from that all was that: The sol divisive were clearly talking about the witness and their plan is coming together. So they are for lack of a better phrase, preaching the glories of the darkness / witness / sol divisive and using the current scenario as truth.

    As for who they were sending this message to? being short range radio it was probably going to other Vex. Being missionaries trying to convert the whole of the Vex to darkness.

    Another crazier idea though is actually sending the message through the Veil and it's link to the Witnesses weird portal, and spamming it across all of the parallel timelines/dimensions. The whole in parallel to entangled line. Trying to convince the Vex across all timelines, both inside and outside the universe of the darkness.

  15. Another theory could be that it was Maya Sundaresh from within the veil. If she someone communed with it and her "soul" lives within the veil then she could posses the knowledge of everything from the beginning. Kind of a stretch. I'm on team traveler, but I feel like if the traveler has sent us a code then it would be a bigger deal like the vision he gave us to warn about the Witness

  16. this sounds insane, but playing Destiny 1 i was wondering if The Speaker was of The Witness’ original civilisation. he seems like what i’d imagine “the scholars who studied The Veil” to be like … just for The Traveler!

  17. When you were reading this my immediate thoughts went to the Nine actually. Possibly this message was sent by a Nine, or references them. I'll address only the points that support this (there are still holes):

    1. If this is a short range message, it would make sense the Nine would be able to send this. From my understanding they are basically representations of old celestial bodies themselves. So the sender could be "Neptune"….or anywhere in space. How would they send this message though?

    2. "Minds orbit its gravity"…"to move from parallel to entanglement." The Nine are orbiting minds and their goal seems to be to have a real physical presence in the Sol System. Currently their existence at least to us seems to be on a parallel plane.

    3. "Suspended return to primordial"….this could refer to many things but we've seen the Nine referred to as primordial Gods in the lore before.

    4. "Though not all agree on all, all agree on this. Sol is Salvation." We know the Nine has differing opinions and may have 2 factions based around their approaches to light. Their existence is literally tied to the the life in the Sol System.

    I guess what I don't understand, is if this is from the Nine or referencing them….what exactly is being said? Is one faction on the move?

    Actually reading through lore I found this this tidbit regarding the factions:

    "The other faction walks a different path. A path of folds and needles slipped through spacetime itself, existential syringes yielding new spaces, to be remade as the Nine desire. They have tried to gather enough dark dust in one place to form a black hole, and found it difficult: when the dark mass collapses in gravity's fist, the dust passes through itself and scatters."

    I think your theory regarding the Sol divisive makes more sense…

  18. Is it possible the black garden is inside the viel, and it’s a dark/mirror version of what’s inside the traveler? And that’s why we don’t know anything about the black garden?

  19. If the first line is about the black heart, and the BH was supposed to be a failed veil copy, and the veil is the traveler’s opposite and equal… then maybe the pale heart is the opposite of the BH.

    I don’t really know where to keep stringing this thought. Is he making a new black heart in the traveler or is he talking about the veil in place of the BH despite using BH connotations.

  20. I’m willing to bet the signal is from the veil. EM signals are sort of the veil’s thing. It was able to cause a jamming bubble on Neomuna. Maya has done several experiments on it that have involved a lot of EM talk. Even Maya’s diaries and Osiris’s explanation to Nimbus, all involve stuff about electromagnetism. Waves which can be sent on a 1 to 20 GHz frequency.

  21. I’m willing to bet the signal is from the veil. EM signals are sort of the veil’s thing. It was able to cause a jamming bubble on Neomuna. Maya has done several experiments on it that have involved a lot of EM talk. Even Maya’s diaries and Osiris’s explanation to Nimbus, all involve stuff about electromagnetism. Waves which can be sent on a 1 to 20 GHz frequency.

  22. I know I'm late to the party here… But my guess is that it is Maya S.

    I think you're spot on with the origin of the signal and it's location, and even it's intended recipient.

    The reason I'm calling it for Maya, is because she is in the Vex network. The end of the Insight Terminus has dialog indicating she was messing around in Vex networks, and this lore is from The Red War. More recently she's been featured prominently in Neomuna lore, and conveniently went missing (I know it seems like she uploaded herself or something… but the point is, she disappeared from the city unexpectedly).

    More spinfoily stuff now but….

    In Starcrossed, the large Vex structure on the horizon is an exact replica of the Citadel on Venus. Down to the crappy low res renders. That could mean nothing on it's own, but it is odd to choose that specific structure. Add to this that at the end of Star Crossed, we have a Dreaming City portal above broken Dreaming City architecture that leads to a room that does not appear to be like the Garden (can't see for sure if it's inside it or not) that has the Ishtar symbol inside (and a cute kitty cat).

    The Citadel, for those who don't remember or don't know, is where the "real" Maya sent the copies of her and her research team into the Vex Network to study them.

    So the appearance of the Citadel, and of the Ishtar symbol in the Garden tells me something is up with her. That she's either doing something, or trying to tell us something. Or something is trying to tell us about her.

    And given all that focus on her and her team lately, and how this lore tab is explicitly "Vexy" in it's style, but doesn't make sense as something Vex would "say"…. I'm betting one of the Maya's in the Vex network sent it, or someone on her team. Or it is in some other way directly related to her or her team.

  23. why do people in destiny call new players blueberry's?

    Because all the gear you get 10 mins into the game is purple/legendary.. aren't they just plums?

    100% Sure Destiny player base is colour-blind

  24. Was there not a truth or lie saying there is more than 1 traveller?
    So, it’s an avatar or the gardener.
    Why was it buried on their world in the first place?
    Waiting for 1 of the first experiments to lift a civilisation?

  25. Okay so if the Veil isn’t actually evil but just the equal/opposite/inverse of the traveler, then wouldn’t it probably not want the final shape to be enacted as well? Meaning, is it possible the traveler and the veil are actually communicating with each other? The traveler is trying to relay a message to us via the veil since we have no speakers alive and someone like crow who the traveler has spoken with is now inside of the traveler. Could crow have something to do with this? And finally, could the message be coming from Asher Mir? He is local to Neptune via the Vex network and has become sort of omniscient because of it.

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