Gardening Supplies

2024 Garden Seed Haul

Here is my seed haul for 2024! This is most of the seeds I’ll be growing for 2024 with a few extras sprinkled in over time. What does you 2024 garden seed haul look like? Are you doing anything new and exciting in your gardens?!

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A B O U T M E:
Ashley is a soil scientist who has had a passion for plants since she was a small child. In the long summers as a child, she would garden alongside her grandmother and it was then that she realized her love for greenery. With years of great studying, Ashley had begun her post-secondary education at the University of Saskatchewan.
At first, her second love, animals, was the career path she chose but while doing her undergrad she realized that her education would take her elsewhere. And with that, four years later she graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a bachelor’s degree in science and a major in Soil Science.
Some of Ashley’s interests are YouTube, in which she posts informative videos about plants and gardening. The focus of Ashley’s YouTube channel is to bring science to gardening in a way that is informative but also helpful to others learning to garden. She also talks about the importance of having your own garden and the joys of gardening indoors. Ashley continues to study plants in her free time and hopes to expand her YouTube channel as well as her reach to up-and-coming gardeners.
This description or comments section may contain links to affiliate websites. I receive a commission for any purchases made by you on the affiliate website using such a link. This includes the gardening in Canada website. You should assume all links both on the gardening in Canada YouTube, Blog, and all other social media are affiliates and I will receive compensation.

Inside of this box are all the seeds I’m going to grow this year today we are going to do a seed haul which I’m going to show you what I’m going to grow and I’ll specify where I’m going to grow it because as you guys know I grow inground

Rais beds and containers so I will mention that and how many seeds kind of of each I will be doing just so you have some perspective on this I do grow enough plants to sustain food supply wise fresh eats for the summer and a huge portion of the winter for preserves

And then I do try to grow greens and Lett uses and that sort of stuff during the winter this year I’m a little bit off Mark with it but I am going to start those here shortly so that is kind of what I do grow the dollar value I spend

On seeds this doesn’t include the lighting or the trays or the water or the fertilizers nothing like that is somewhere around $100 to $200 per year and that again like I said covers all my grocery needs vegetable and fruit wise for the entire season now I do have some

Flowers in here as well because as you know productive Gardens need flowers and visual appeal especially when you have a front year Garden is important so I do plant those for my poor neighbors who obviously don’t just want to look at tomatoes on a front lwn so let’s get

Into what exactly I have received so far now these are all West Coast Seeds I will get a couple more um McKenzie seeds usually and then it’s it’s mostly McKenzie if I’m being totally honest maybe that Mr for gos would be the other one and then early’s seeds would be the

Next which is like a local seed company where I am um and that’s more for just like last minute runs basic basic basic uh crops and or if I run out while I’m seating I just quickly run out to like a Home Depot or ear’s and grab some so

First one is not for the spraying but it is broccoli seed micro greens so I don’t grow these as micro greens I grow these as Sprouts I do get them from West Coast Seeds because I’ve been purchasing them off Amazon and I find that the germination rates are very low so I end

Up with a lot of seed not a lot of sprout so I’m going to start trying the micro greens from West Coast Seeds because if you guys saw the micro greens video I did where I seated the kale um the germination rates were off the hook and when I actually started like peeling

Apart the different mediums I used so in that video I used paper towel potting soil and hemp fiber mats and when I was cleaning that up kind of disposing of it most of those seeds were germinated there was very few seeds that kind of just rolled off the mat which impressed

Me so it encouraged me to grab some broccoli mro greens so this one is a all year for the most part but particularly during the winter I like these on omelets and for breakfast okay next up is Rosemary so these guys I haven’t grown them in years I usually I have

Been just picking them up from the nurseries this is one that I get as a plant uh the reason for that is because their germination is me most of the time uh particularly so if you aren’t doing uh stratification kind of in the fridge and I have a video that I recently

Released on how to get better results with stratification using the LED light method so these I am trying this year because I had to do them for the video and that obviously includes the lavender that I also started this is a munstead lavender so this is a lavender

That’s meant for my zone and I mean that Loosely because if it’s not planted in a space that is is south facing and warmer like a microclimate within your yard that is just naturally warmer it wouldn’t do very well so that is something to keep in mind you couldn’t

Just throw this anywhere you would want a space that you know is historically dry or dries out very easily to put these bad boys in and I do have a space for that otherwise I would not be doing them because they just wouldn’t want to Jive next up spearmint this is one I

Could grow indoors if I wanted to but I also do like growing It Outdoors as well I’m addicted to just grabbing this off of a plant whenever I want and throwing it in a jugun of water or hot water or a beverage of some sort so I always have

Spint kind of just mixed in amongst all my containers I don’t plant this in ground and I actually use it as a Greenery um it’s more of a filler not a Spiller or a thriller so I do kind of plant this in and amongst my flow containers no one knows they just it

Just looks like Greenery so that’s where I do put these guys and I won’t start these till a little bit later I have my seed starting series that I do every year I started it last year I’ll do it again this year of every seed I’m starting based on the month these guys

Are probably going to land somewhere in April I got more Rosemary wow look at me go more Rosemary next up is time so this is just your classic time again I use these in containers and these I actually do use as Spillers so they hang over the sides

I plant them nice and neat and tidy towards the sides to allow them to spill over uh they are going to be started probably likely sometime around the same time with spearm man’s done I like to do all my herbs at once so these guys are

Decorative if you allow them to go to flower they’re very pretty and Thyme well this one is a normal thyme you can get a variegated time I think it’s a lemon thy or something like that has some really nice white patterning on the edges of the leaves down the center that

Sort of thing so you could grab a variegated as well but I’m just going to go with a regular because I found the variegated in my mind the lemon time almost tasted chemical like to me I don’t know why I’m going to stick with these guys okay lettuce so this is just

A loose leaf lettuce this is the Brentwood lettuce it is a purple red it is purple red right off the Hop the seedlings themselves are purple red these guys I like to start in may now I do start them in squares or containers the reason for that is because they’re

Such small seeds they don’t lettuce seeds if you did not know do not like to be shaded by soil or mulch or anything like that they need sun exposure and so that is why I do start these in containers they’re also very tiny and hard to manipulate when you’re dealing

With you know beds and that sort of stuff and keep these moist because of how close to the surface that they are these the all lettuce is a container choice for me I choose Brentwood not because it’s particularly tasty or I like the texture or anything like I

Literally choose it for the color because I like colorful lettuce that is it that is all so Brentwood is a purple lettuce that you could grab if you wanted and taste and texture is normal okay these I’ve grown these every year for the last 4ish years these are the

Purple Mist snap or snow peas these are a climbing pee and they are beautiful so I the first time I encountered these I don’t think that they were called Purple Mist peas they were called something else and I got them from RAR which is the baker Creek Seed Company

Other than that I couldn’t find them anywhere else to get those seeds in I found so when I purchased the one year one I did do through Baker’s Creek I found it took a while to get here I think it’s cuz like it’s cross border continent or country border type thing I

Think that’s what maybe the holdup was there but when I saw these on West Coast seed this year I was like yes absolutely I am grabbing these they taste totally adorable the peas on the inside are just your classic green however I love putting these in a salad because the

Outer shell is like a dark purple almost almost black and when you cut it the inside is it looks like a lime green and it looks so cool in salads because it is such a contrast and everyone always asks me what are those where did you get them

From I love that These Guys these guys are awesome I also I don’t know why I find that the peas themselves are less susceptible to Critters trying to take them away I don’t know why they don’t like purple apparently the seedlings though sparrows love going for seedlings

Uh so you do need to cover these if you’re going to direct sew and that is what I do is I do direct sew these cuz they’re big giant pea seeds so very easy to navigate I do these in containers I’m going to do them in the ground cuz I got

A ton this year West Coast Seeds sent way more than what I got from the original vendor so I’m going to put these in the ground I’m going to Trellis them I used to do these in containers and they did work wonderfully if you did

Not see my video on this go check it out it is on the seed companies that rating the I guess I did like the top five uh but Mackenzie seeds did make the cut because they are very commonly seen in Home Depots and Walmarts and just everywhere it’s a very prominent

Canadian company uh but regardless these are some herbs I grabbed for them I grabbed these somewhere in the winter oh I think this is my indoor growing videos when I grow I still haven’t started that but regardless uh cilantro oregano and basil so these are the two of the lines

That McKenzie seeds carries this is the heirloom non GMO uh brand and then this is the Organics brand the difference is that these are obviously heirloom these are grown organically meaning that these heirloom ones could have been grown in Maneuvers or compost that w’t certified organic or they’re treated these are not

Treated it would say treated on the top but that is the heirloom line and then the organic line means it’s followed all of the certifications to be organic and this is just Sweet Basil which if you guys did not know is slightly different than basil basil this is flavor-wise I

Don’t I find it just less intense and the leaves are a little bit smaller so if you don’t love the idea of having to remove leaves from a main stem to make your herbs probably don’t want to go with this because these are smaller seeds this is not time small irritating

To remove but it is smaller so definitely something to think about there cantro does not like the heat so these I grow basically only indoors unless I’m you know having a good time and I will you know plant them out early spring but they need to be Harvest it

Right away oregano using containers as a decorative Spiller so these are great for spilling nice and close to the edge plant them near time for example and they make a nice little hanging decorative display that is where I use my oregano all these I do start in cells

Not in Soil Direct and then I transplant them as needed again probably sometime in April radishes classic radish so these ones are old I didn’t even recently purchase these these are the Easter egg blend ones Easter egg meaning they come in different colors so various different colors of Pinks and purples

And whites they taste like just normal old radishes with a little bit of different color great for fresh eats very quick turnaround time good for growing indoors but also good for growing Outdoors thing to note is that thrips no sorry flea beetles love this stuff and so if you’re going to plant

Radishes you either want to get ahead of the curb and plant them before flea beetles take over the garden and or after the flea beetles have taken over the garden another the reason why you couldn’t cover these or spray these or whatever to keep the flea beetles at Bay

It’s actually because flea beetles Are soil born meaning they come from the soil so even if you cut cover them they’re still going to get at your radishes unfortunately if you’ve had flea beetles in the past so this is one where an you would you could actually

Start these in cells too so flu beetles don’t like mature plant leaves which is why if you plant them before flea beetles become an issue you can escape the flea beetles eating all the calans or if you were to start these in a greenhouse setting and then transplant them outside which these would

Transplant okay that’ be another option to escape the flea Beetle mess so keep that in mind F dos go crazy for these bad boys okay these ones this is just a baby leaf lettuce so they’re called The Fast and Furious blend it’s just a blend of quick germination quick growing lettuce seeds

These I would do for Ender growing more so than anything you could put them outside but I just it’s too much turnover for me so I would just rather do it in like a hydroponic or an indoor kind of environment oh this one is salad bowl loose leaf lettuce meaning it

Doesn’t head either so this is another good indoor grow option the reason I got this is because I have a variety of lettuce that I really like it’s called the Elma variety and it’s likely somewhere in this box area or it’ll be coming in and this variety um it looks

Very similar to that the reason why I like that ilma pelleted variety is actually because of the texture it is a little bit tougher lettuce a little bit more crunch but isn’t difficult to grow in the sense like a a Roman lettuce where I’m anyways those can be difficult

To grow so that is why I chose this one cuz I want to see if it is similar texture cuz I do like a crunchy lettuce and this one appears to be crunchy to me visually looks like crunch now seed companies never list a crunch level on lettuce nugets unfortunately U because

That would just be weird maybe it’s just me that likes lettuce crunch I don’t know but yeah so that that’s why I bought this one never grown it before but we’re going to give it a shot and I like to go for pelleted but that variety did not come pelleted so

Unfortunately we’re if you don’t know what pelleted mean it is not treated all it is is a clay literally soil wrapped around a seed and the purpose for it is to make it easy for someone who’s using mechanical seating methods so those mechanical seeders that’s what uses

Those however if you don’t have a mechanical seedar and you just want to be able to seed the seeds where you place them direct sewn and or you want to be able to ensure proper moisture so again like we talked with lettuce it’s so close to the the soil surface that

Keeping moisture on in you know the summer is nearly impossible pelleted because it’s a clay polymer thing stitting around the seed it holds on to moisture really really well so visually easier to plant and then germination wise easier to keep the the germination moisture we need up which I love that

For us so that is why I do prefer pelleted for carrots uh lettuce and you can get them for a lot of different ones but those are the two big ones where I like to use the pelleted varieties okay just your classic black be Beauty to

Zini I don’t have to explain it that I will probably only do like two seeds from because I love zucchini but I’m also I have pride and I won’t go to all my neighbors being like zucchini anyone so two Max this is another salad different color that’s the only reason I

Purchased it so sof pler Deep Purple that’s what I went for there the Brentwood purple purple pink that’s deep purple I mean black magic jalapenos I love myself a jalapeno when it comes to hot peppers this is like one of the there’s lots of Ella feathers floating around right now uh this is

Jalapeno is like my Max when I want to enjoy something I’ll go higher if I want to like push myself but anything hotter than jalapeno and I think to myself you’re not adding to this experience like you’re not flavor-wise you’re not adding jalapenos however delicious I also like pickling these love a pickled

Uh jeno I do around four plants usually and I do them in containers if you did not know you haven’t watched videos on this for my channel if you are in a colder climate and you’re struggling with getting jalapenos to put on flowers and give you fruit or any Pepper for

That matter you need to put them in containers they like hot roots and they love to be root bound that is what triggers the flowering cycle fruiting and flowering cycle give it a shot do not plant them in ground plant them in a container you can thank me for that

Later okay this is the first time I’ve been able to get my hands on this but these are the warty pumpkins if you know me you know I love Halloween addicted to it one of my favorite people argue with me it’s a holiday it’s a holiday spooky

Season is a vibe and I love to decorate for it and not just spooky season it’s more so just the fall I love fall that is like my season I love all of the wheat and all I I love it so I for the first time finally got my hands on warty pumpkin

Seeds I did a video on how to seed save for pumpkins however because they’re open pollinated a lot of the cool pumpkins you get from the store the genetic material that you will end up getting expressed and your decorative pumpkins are is all over the map unfortunately so this is where we are

Now I finally got the seeds these sell out fast honestly if they’re still for sale at West Coast Seeds go grab them I don’t know if they’re going to be I’m not even going to try to say the name but Wy pumpkin Wy pumpkin so cute going

To look awesome on my front porch and I that one cuz pumpkins take up a lot of room I’ll probably do them in my front front bed and I will do one or two plants maximum so one or two seeds the actually I can tell you how many seeds

I’m going to do right now so 97% germination I will do two seeds because that was nearly 100 so germination rates are very high on this beauty of West Coast Seeds and I will start them 3 weeks early in the pach or the coconut choir pot so the

Biodegradable pot and I will transplant them outside without touching the pot I will not touch the roots on any vine plant because they don’t transplant well if you do that so absolute must the other option would be the blockers if you had a big block the soil block you

Could block these and then do it but just like the roots for the love of God do not touch them your seedling will be dead okay next one is the pink Brandy Wine this uh sometimes West Coast does this these i ooh I don’t know why I’m addicted to browny wine Tomatoes Tom

Brandy Wine Tomatoes pink browny wine tomatoes do so well in my garden I get some monster monster Siz Tomatoes off of these I love them every year I plant them I seed save as well so I will plant this entire package unfortunately and then I’m going to likely I will dig into

My seed stores as well I plant somewhere around 100 to 100 in 50 Tomatoes a year I know my I’ve said this a million times but it’s cuz they’re my grandma was so influential in my gardening world but my grandma used to start seeds for my

Family as well so anyone who wasn’t you know a tomato person so we would classically start tomatoes together each one of us around 150 and then we would trade varieties between each other and then help you know my sister or my brother or my dad with their Gardens as

Well putting giving them tomato plants I Am The Sole Provider for this so normally I do 150 I’m probably going to do around 200 tomato seedlings this year I know it’s insane we go through tomato sauce like crazy because I want to help out my sister and my brother cuz they

Usually got those seeds off my Grandma so I’m going to take over Place uh because my mom’s also gone so she definitely can help out morbid I know this is when we take a sip of rubble next ones are mortgage lifters so this is a big big uh tomato

Variety they what makes these kind of nice maybe nicer than the brownie WS is the amount of Flesh inside of them so they’re a fleshy tomato they are great if you want something that goes on toast and isn’t going to make your toast mushy you forget that or you get too much the

Gel well this doesn’t have the gel this is a a lot of fles you can also use these because there are so much flesh in them you could use these for tomato sauces and tomato paste you might need to you know cook them a little bit

Longer to get rid of some of that moisture just because they are a larger tomato and they do still have some juice in them but for the most part very fleshy very good for that sort of stuff carrots I always do the Bolero carrots these are not pelleted I don’t know why

I I didn’t look these do come from West Coast Seeds and my brain didn’t decide to do it but that’s okay if you guys watch my video on carrot seeds and how to thin without wasting that’s what I’m going to do with these because these are not palleted meeing I’m going to over

Sow and I will need to thin so here we go that’s fine though I can uh do the old school thinning way and make sure I get some fresh baby carrots for cooking without destroying everything okay borage these these guys are a very unique pretty plant so the plant itself

Has a white fuzz the flowers are purple which I love and the flowers taste like cucumbers when you eat them CU you can eat the flowers now these are very attractive to pollinators the pollinators go wild wild for these things and so I mean they’re valuable when you’re trying to increase your

Fruit and vegetable production putting these everywhere because they are decorative they are used for cut flowers quite often so these will be in containers as a decorative plant that secretly has a purpose which is like myo for planting flowers in my yard the flower needs to have a purpose and this

One does you can also like I said use young leaves and or flowers in salads if you wanted to spice things up make things different this would work and ultimately containers mostly As the thriller so the centerpiece of my containers these guys I’m going to leave out because we’re actually going to

Start these today I’ll do a separate video I’ll post that here this week probably on Wednesday no yeah Wednesday uh or no no anyways I’ll post it this week these are my favorite tomato or favorite onions onions I love these These are giant onions they are a German

Heirloom variety and they get huge and they do well in our Zone in Canada so this variety I love I found this variety four years ago I see this variety every single year I’m going to start these here now in January the last week of January yeah I think so second last week

Of January these are getting planted um yeah I’ve got I’ve got nothing to say I’ve got the world’s largest chaer onion has a record of 15 lb for one onion they’re just I just they I love them I love those onions and you can’t buy those from a nursery and you can buy

Those from a grocery store they store nicely um yeah just I can’t they those get them you will not regret it you can thank me later best onions ever I got another pretty looking pumpkin that’s not a pumpkin it actually well it’s a pumpkin like fruit with a

Cantaloupe scented flesh and it is sweet in taste and it will last in storage for months I um I love a a sweet squash particularly if it’s cantaloupe flavor the problem may be that these take 110 days to come to maturity so the chances of these even becoming a thing

In my world are pretty slim basically zero uh but I will start them with my lofas here this week unfortunately because that’s when they need to be started and uh yeah so they’re just a black kind of purple pumpkin again decorative supposed to be tasty I hope

They are tasty uh but I don’t actually think that this will turn into anything so I’m going to try one plant and see how it works my hopes are zero because I’m in zone three next one is purple top white Globe turn ups they also can be

Called purple prince turn ups these are cool they are pretty the purple on this doesn’t look I just isn’t doing it justice it is when I grew these last year it’s like half was like a purple and half was a white these are delicious I cannot express how good these are you

Take these cut them up and then put like cottage cheese in a bowl with some sort of spice and just use the turnup as a cottage cheese spoon these are so good and they’re so easy to grow now they are they fall in the same flea Beetle family

Unfortunately so I would start these in a greenhouse um to make sure that that doesn’t happen but yeah no these are good these are so so so good and they get big they get huge um if you leave them they can get a little bit Woody if

You leave them too long but yeah no yes yes I like these I found these last year and now they are a staple in our garden because of the fact that my husband ate them like they were candy okay next SW is uh pruden’s purple this is an early

Seasoned tomato so what this means is we are going to start them with the rest of our Tomatoes but they are going to mature and be ready for Harvest around 20 days earlier than most Tomatoes the purpose for this if you have an issue with late blight and or you just have

Issues with blight you don’t know what cut it is if you have tomato blight problems then an early variety can help curb that it also means you’ll get some form of tomato Harvest a little earlier in the year which is nice so you get stuff before the big rush and you end up

With containers and containers and bags and bags and bags of tomatoes then you then have to freeze so that is why I got these not particularly big not particularly small just your average size tomato average amount of Flesh average amount of juice the only reason a GES would be if you want something

Early to harvest from that is why you get these early season prudent purple tomatoes early girl is another variety that falls into this so okay we have Sage basil and more oregano oh my gosh okay so the sage is a Purple Sage hello so I did that for color because I’ve

Just I’ve said this a million times I use my uh garden herbs as decoratives in my containers so I need some color and this to me mimic and looks similar to a like a sweet potato vine that wouldn’t you know yield sweet potatoes in my zone

That sort of thing that Sage I think it’s popping beautiful oregano we are do went on that and then this is actually just your classic basil I do this in containers I just plant it and I harvest from it all year that is it that is all

So okay so I lied that’s definitely not my entire order I also still need to get a cucumber of some sort so I want to try gerkens this year and then just your regular pickle and I do want to do like a long English as well so I have three

Cucumber varieties on the list that I need to grab and then I also want to do my potatoes but my potatoes are just the same potatoes I reuse them every year because I store so many that they just yeah so I do want to do those I did do a

Corn and spaghetti squash I’m sick of those two squashes so this year I’m not going to actually do them uh because I’m tired of the flavor so those ones I’m going to tap out on no more of those and then what else I don’t do spinach in

Aruga I just kind of find it meh to me I don’t see the purpose in that taking up space in my garden not particularly interested uh what else zucchini yeah I’m probably missing some stuff that I want to grow oh garlic is already planted I did video on that cuz

That’s already in the ground a lot of peas I already have pre-planted as well that is something that you could pre-plant as Peas I have my whole bed already uh bumping with those in and then I oh beets I don’t have beets on this in this box so that would be one definitely

Beets would be another one I would add in and then I I don’t have a lot of flowers actually in that and I do have the intention to do a lot of flowers so I’m going to try ronculus this year I did get seeds for that from early I’ll

Maybe show what that package looks like patunas I always do patunas cuz I just I do find them very pretty so those ones I am starting from seed this year I trade off between starting them from seed and just buying them I don’t know it depends

On the mood I’m in to be honest so I will start those and then other than that I do buy a lot of flowers so I just like go out and grab them from the store and I will go for Merry Golds for example those ones I actually will rexo

So marry Golds I put everywhere um that sort of thing so I will add some of those nerum is another one that I’ll be adding in the mix I’m not going to do I say I’m not going to do it and then I’ll end up doing it but broccoli and

Cauliflower are just two that do well like I I I’m successful with the plant it’s just the time it takes for that to turn around irritates me and so I don’t know I might not do that this year the other one is cabbage every year I do

Cabbage and every year I think to myself this is so much work to get a harvest off of um because you need to cover them and you need to dust them and you just like I don’t know again I’m saying right now I’m not going to do it am I going to

Probably I’m probably going to do cop H and cabbage cuz I do it every single freaking year but it’s just one of those things where I’m like H I’m not sure Scarlet runner beans I’ll do I have the seed Sav for that so those ones I’ll definitely just pop in um

And then I’ll probably do like a Bok Troy Pock Troy in the spring just for something early and quick for uh Asian greens but yeah that’s kind of it I think that’s that’s the list I I go for the bacas oh corn corn would be another

One I don’t know if I’m going to do corn this year I we’ll see we’ll see I I don’t mind doing it and I like teaching you guys how to grow it and I’ve been pretty successful in growing corn but I just it’s not that it’s not the

Turnaround isn’t great the turnaround on corn is awesome it’s the the process of getting the corn cut up and stored and all that sort of stuff that’s where it gets a little bit tedious because of how long it takes to Shu it and get into bags and prep it

And blah blah blah blah blah it’s the preservation process that kind of turns me off uh for the most part so that’s one where I’m like oh I’ll do it cuz you guys want me to but I’m not sure and I’ve done all of them in zone three I’ve

Done classic peaches and cream I’ve done like your your painted corn your colored corns that sort of thing so that’s one where I’m just like I’ll do it cuz you want me to but I’m not sure if I’m you know particularly interested in it so anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this

Video if you did thumbs up what are you growing this year what’s your grow list what zone are you in make sure to include that because people like to see that and I will talk to you guys next time bye


  1. Now I dare all of you to let a couple plants you eat a lot to go to seed this year, spread food around your entire area via birds and wind.

  2. Is this a duplicate video? Something at youtube is weird, I get suggested multiple copies of the same video. I have to downvote the duplicates i guess.

  3. I’m growing around 70 Carolina reaper plants this year, started seeds back in November and they’re booming now. Any pepper plant varieties you’d recommend as possible breeding choices?

  4. Hmmm. That's odd. Romaine is difficult? I'm not the greatest gardener ever by any means, but Little Gem romaine always works super for me. I'm in Edmonton, Alberta, zone 3.

  5. So okra can be sown in fall/winter, like peas? Good to know. Is it too late for me in zone 6 US to do that? One less thing to start inside 😅

  6. It looks like you got the orangelo thyme(has a hint of orange/citrus), I got those a few years ago and it smells great! I’m not sure if it’s because I had it in a GreenStalk tower (I recently transplanted it to a bed) but it grew much slower than the other types of thyme I’ve started. Thanks for the Flea Beetle advice, I hadn’t heard that before.

  7. I’m zone 3 in Central Alberta & am concentrating on growing more perennials from seed, like Borage, Lovage. I’m going to put them in my permaculture front yard where I have lots of Seabuckthorn, comfrey, Bob Gordon Elderberry, Adams Elderberry, Bergamot, Hollyhock, Calendula (self-seeding, not perennial, Day Lily, Yarrow. It seems that our many Mule deer don’t bother the herbs!
    For carrots, I’ve done foot wide rows, sprinkled on top & covered (after wetting) with boards & they germinated well. After plants are about 1/2” tall, I remove the boards. My sister puts small seeds on paper towel strips, covers them with a flour paste & adds another layer of paper towel. Then plants them in a row.

  8. What is the purple Sage called? I was looking for different sages months ago and could only find regular Sage.

  9. One question, do you have berry recommendations? Im starting over in a new yard with heavy clay soil. Zone 3 just south of you

  10. Other women have ridiculous high heal shoe and clothing hauls. Real women have seed hauls. But like the other ladies with overstuffed closets, I sometimes get too excited when I look at the seed catalogues and have too many unrealistic time lines, and buy more seeds than I have room or time to grow.

  11. 💖💖 Pretty please, Ashley, I love Korean sweet potatoes but I failed at growing, as a newbie. Can you please grow this??? It's delicious!

  12. Around $200 dollars worth of seeds. Not including what you already have. It might be advisable to save your own seed. I brought my seed hall costs down to $30 dollars from $200 dollars. most of that is for new varieties.

  13. Great video!! 🎉 I really appreciate all of the info on what can be grown in containers since I don’t have the best plot to have a bunch of beds. I grow lots of varieties of peppers, so those are always on the list, but this year I am definitely trying some of the herb containers, lettuce- some indoors, basil, tomatoes, carrots, microgreens, beets, radish, zucchini. I’m making raised beds, grow bags, and some things are going in decorative beds in the front. 6b – Michigan

  14. Hey, I definitely recommended Microgreens from Organic matters as well. Well priced and a canadian company. Weve been growing micros in the winter for a quick nutritious substitute between our lettuce crops in our hydro gardens.

  15. Never thought I'd be excited for a seed unboxing review. Great video and ideas!

  16. i forgot to start my lettuce seeds for my greenhouse this year so i cheated and potted up some "living lettuce" from superstore lol

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