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Stop “Learning” Design.

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In this video, I talk about how you should stop learning design, and what you can do instead.

Hope you enjoy!

// Try the Futuristic Social Media:

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#design #uidesign #development

Music (Support the artists):

I remember how I learned designing it was a  chilly winter day and I had a cup of coffee   in my hand watching YouTube for hours until I got  bored and then I thought you know what would be  

Really cool if I learned designing so I looked up  some tutorials bought a few courses and 6 months   later I was a designer so I created this channel  to show you guys how you two can become a designer  

Believe me I wish I could tell that story when I  get asked how I learned designning but the truth   is it’s not a linear journey of just watching  tutorials and following along it’s more like a  

Tree you learn the fundamentals and then every  day you grow a little more yeah there are a lot   of obstacles when you’re a teeny tiny plant you  get thoughts like am I in the right path should   I learn this new technology is AI threatening  Humanity or how can I get better well you’re  

Not alone we all go through the same thing at  some point I actually think I suck at a lot of   things but still grind and try to improve not by  just learning design but by actually designing you  

Could estain a warm and cozy spot in the tutorial  Hill or you could follow my three magic steps to   getting the hell out of it step one observe it  all starts and pretty much ends with the one   single most important unskippable element in  any creative work passion you need this with  

You all the time passion will make you follow  design around like crazy and when your passion   grows you start exposing yourself to More Design  more projects you surround yourself with things   that remind you of your passion things that feed  it make you curious you just can’t wait to dive  

Deeper and then something really catches your eye  it makes you want to get closer you want to see   everything similar to it you just can’t get enough  you want more inspiration there are really cool  

Stuff out there and you want to make cool stuff  like them but how one thing I did was to start   recreating the designs that I liked it can start  with a simple icon and become more complicated  

In time but recreating makes you learn that skill  deeply so next time you look at something that’s   created the same way you know exactly what steps  were taken but remember the Recreations are just   for you to really learn that skill not to feed  it to your portfolio that’s probably not going  

To help you any anyway instead mix the skills and  the techniques you learned from others with your   own ideas but J where am I supposed to get ideas  from literally anywhere remember how I yapped a  

Whole lot about passion well that passion is key  to finding ideas it’s like you will see and think   design everywhere while you’re walking when you  see an advertisement when you use a mobile app   when you visit a new website when you play a  game watch a movie in your shower thoughts it’s  

Everywhere everything in our world is designed  by someone and that someone could be you and   there you go here’s another source of ideas you  what would help you what problem of yours could   you solve with a new designer product hell you  might even end up solving the problems of others  

In the process wait you already have some ideas  don’t you when you have a bunch of cool ideas to   design or build you might find it overwhelming  to make all of them and that can weigh you down  

Make you disappointed we can’t let that happen  you’d be more productive if you focused on one   but which one look at this diagram well Calli  the what the hell should I do diagram let’s say   you have a bunch of ideas waiting to be ranked  by questions like are you you passionate about  

It do you have the resources to make it will  it help you or others and will it potentially   make you any money you rank every idea on this  diagram and the closer they land to the center  

The better the idea once you have your winning  idea you got to feed it write down everything   you have in mind about it find pictures from the  internet experiment with colors do your research   and just really think about it okay I spend a lot  of time just thinking analyzing and researching  

Before the actual designing or development and  I make sure to record my thoughts and resources   somewhere which brings us to the sponsor of this  video milanote I actually started using milanote   long before I even created this channel milanote  is a tool for organizing your creative projects  

It’s your little creative zen garden you can  make quick notes out of all your thoughts and   ideas track your tasks collect links images and  videos all in one place right in front of you so   you’ll have an easier time analyzing or ideating  right now I’m using meano to brainstorm on this  

Cool idea of a futuristic social media because  I’m super upset obsessed with it and milanote   allows me to just drop all my wild ideas on the  user experience and the user interface and make  

A little sketches to keep in mind and decide later  oh and by the way I can invite my teammates over   to help me decide I love organizing my projects  like this because now I have a big picture of  

The project and I don’t need to collator it  with these smaller aspects like tasks plans   or mood boards I can just drag a new board right  here for each of them and don’t worry if it’s all   blank there are more than 100 templates for  every type of creative project for example I  

Want to make a mood board for my futuristic  social media app and look there are so many   options to choose from moodboards can really  help me get started on the creative process   and collect all the designs images and colors  I’m inspired by and this is my favorite part I  

Installed the Milano Web Clipper plugin and now  whenever I come across a cool link or an image   I want to save for later I’ll just click on the  Web Clipper and save it to mote it’s quick it’s  

Easy I can have it on my phone and take notes  on it or track tasks on the go or use it even   more comfortably on a tablet and finally milanote  is available for free with no time limit sign up  

Using the link in the description and start your  next creative project if you enjoy using milanote   or if you’ve used it before let me know in the  comments step two aose if you’ve managed to come   this far good job you’ve earned Five Points  you’ve observed everything got inspired and  

Recreated designs to master the skill recreating  is great but you know what’s better creating and   it’s time to challenge everything I had an idea to  design a futuristic social media I have my Clues   and examples right here so I’ll just go ahead  and start creating a layout filling it up with  

Colors and just making sure it’s super futuristic  okay pause pause this is not it rewind I have my   Clues and examples right here but I can’t just  start designing and decide how to make a fun and  

Engaging UI that will serve users along the way  I got to work backward from what what I want to   serve users with toward how I should design them  or make them fun and engaging like okay so it’s a  

Futuristic social media on a futuristic device and  the way that we’re headed we’re probably going to   be a bunch of talking characters on the internet  updating our status every single moment because of   course in that future technology is much more  accessible and connected to us with a little  

Chip or an omnipresent phone I don’t know but  things are fast right and in that future you’re   not going to want a lot of options in front of  you you want things to be simple and yeah this  

Whole thing is pretty dystopian but at least now  I have a lead but who am I kidding these are all   just boring discussions real question is how do  I make it look good honestly looking good can   mean several things looking clean looking  new looking impressive I mean it’s pretty  

Subjective but if you take each of these synonyms  of looking good your job will be easier like sure   I can make it look clean or add something new by  thinking out of the box like avatars don’t have  

To be 2D maybe they can be 3D that’s much more  immersive and impressive but here’s the thing   it doesn’t have to be clean new or impressive to  look good right maybe it just works very well or   it’s user friendly but again that all depends  on the end goal doesn’t it step three upscale  

You’ve come a long way and you certainly deserve  five extra points for that by now you’ve seen a   lot you’ve pushed the boundaries and now you’re  ready to ascend to a higher quality by mixing   what you’ve experienced with the power of your  creativity like I could make this background  

Effect by making different elements or I could  make different drop Shadows or even simpler I can   make it a linear gradient and put the turning  points right next to each other the point is   I know my options and now I can choose which one  is more efficient who knows maybe I’ll observe a  

Pose and upscale again and again and come up with  better options essentially it’s all just practice   but I had to prove this point I had to make sure  that learning the basics in like 10 minutes and   immediately starting the grind would actually  help you design faster and better so in another  

Video I asked you guys to come up with an idea  and redesign it in different styles for 7 days   and you know what happened you did it you started  with a simple design and worked on it from A New  

Perspective every day and by the end you learned  so much through just experience moral of the story   is it’s time to stop learning and start doing  I mean what do you have to lose am I right what  

What were the points for well nothing but wouldn’t  you say it improved your experience anyway that’s   all for this video if you liked it make sure you  do your magic down there and see you on the next one [Music]


  1. You are so true! I never "learned" how to design something. I just started making stuff that I like and stuff that has potential but a bad design.. so I started redesign Apps, Websites … I think that is the passion you mentioned.

  2. A great book about design thinking is Melis Senova's "This Human: How to be the person designing for other people"! Her book covers all the design thinking stages and it's an easy way to begin understanding the underlying framework of how designing works. I'm reading it for my UX courses at university rn, highly recommend!

  3. Right after finishing university I couldn't get a design job due to covid – "only" thing I got was supermarket jobs. But damn that was a nice starting point. I had 8h a day to stare at branding of other products, study them, see which ones stuck out to me. Tried to recreate some of them after work hours. And boy oh boy did every single company love this story / attitude.

    Design is literally everywhere, it's wild how much stuff you can study about it nowadays just by interacting with your phone or by going shopping!

  4. Bro, every time I see the cat meme, I get neuron activation. LMAO. This is genius editing right there.

  5. You have no idea how much I needed that video. I am spiralling around the "am I doing the right thing" point right now and it's just comforting to know that I'm not alone

  6. Thank you for sharing your design journey. I loved the part where you explained the whole process to find inspiration and ideas for your project using Venn diagram. Definitely , I m going to use it.
    Thanks a lot.This video is just in time for people like us who wants to learn design seriously.

  7. please use different background music next time, this shit is hurting my ears 😭😭

  8. That diagram might be a little misleading because it implies that passion is a cross section of resources, money, and want to help others will lead to passion. The commodification of art will be its death.

  9. I was here since 30k, Omw you've come a long way. I'm a bit sad I missed your challenge. I hope to catch the next one.

  10. 2:53 just a tiny nerd note, a 4 way venn diagram really needs to be ellipses. With circles you can't place something that you have passion for + helps you or others

  11. I can totally relate with you !

    i am too following the same thing Unexpectedly
    because passion is driving me 🔥🔥😉

  12. Really been doubting myself a lot these days about if I even had passion for design. This helped when i first watched it and I'm back to say I even got an idea out of nowhere and EXECUTED it. Execution had always been another problem too. Practice really does wonders, who would've thought 💀

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