Japanese Garden

2023 WIP Parade- Over 50 cross stitch projects including full coverage, dimensions kits & more!

Welcome back! It has been a whole YEAR since I started this little channel and I have had so much fun sharing with you! Join me for a parade of alllllll my wips! 🙂 Thanks for being with me!

My Etsy shop with cross stitch project bags:

My handmade memory bears and more shop:

Weather charting free pattern:

Hey guys welcome to my channel if you are new here my name is Erica and this is stitchy Reese pieces where I talk about all things stitchy mostly crossstitch but also sewing and other stitchy things I love to just be stitchy so welcome if you’re new here

And if you’re not new here welcome back I’m so glad you’re here I love seeing you guys in the comments below and chatting with you and hearing about what you’re working on as as well so I’m super thankful and happy for you to spend your time with me today and every

Time that you watch um so thanks for being here anyways today is my big whip parade so this is my end of the year whip parade and this is also actually just about my one year anniversary here I can’t believe I’ve been making videos for a whole year um I started December

27th I think last year was my first upload so that’s kind of crazy so I’ve been here for a whole year so thank you if you’ve joined me along the way I’ve been having so much fun sharing with you guys so this is kind of exciting I did a

Whip parade uh in December of last year was my first video and so we’ve come full circle and it’s been a whole year so I can’t wait to show you what I have I believe I have quite a few more whips well I know I have a few more whips a

Lot than I did last year um and I’m excited to show you so this will be kind of a long video I’m going to go fairly quickly and hopefully my kids don’t interrupt me um but yeah I’m super excited to be here and I’m excited to

Jump in first real quickly I just wanted to show you for those of you who enjoy my uh project bags I do have new ones listed in the shop so I wanted to show you those real fast I have three different types I have like a regular

Clear regular size this is I think like 13 or 14 by 11 or so 12 11 to 12 by like 13 to 14 so this is like a basic size I also have my Deluxe bag which is slightly bigger similar but slightly bigger it’s gusseted on the bottom and

It has a top zip for all like your main bag but it also has a separate front zip which is about not it’s it’s about half deep so it doesn’t go all the way down it goes to about here so this is my Deluxe bag because it has two zipper

Pockets so um if you’re new and you’re in the market for like a crossstitch bag check out my shop I will leave the link below um it’s just Reese pieces on Etsy but I’ll leave the link so I have some Deluxe bags that are listed in my shop

Um and these have like a full vinyl on the back or full leather on the back like a vinyl and then this one is a fun horse print so those are these are the these are the deluxe bags and then I have my regular bag like I showed you

And then I’ve started I’ve listed a few new ones so this is a new size because I’ve been using this and I’m going to show you uh this is the large so you can see it’s quite a bit bigger this large is 14 by 14 and so

It’s got the clear front in the zipper and I’m finding it really great for my full coverage so that’s why I made some of these to list and I so I just thought I’d show you just take a second here to show you the new prints that are in the large

These are all large bags and they’re up in my shop now if you were in the market for a bag there’s just three left and the reason that I really that I made these and put them in my shop is because I am doing a bunch of full

Coverage so that’s all of them so if you’re in the market there they are but I’m doing a bunch of full coverage and nothing was big enough so I made these this is mine that I made and it is the 14×14 size and you can see it fits a ton T so

Like I have my regular paper pattern look at all this floss like woo um just gobs and gobs of floss for this pattern and the backup floss so that all fits in the 14x 14 large size bags as well as like an 11in hoop I didn’t have this in

The bag but this would fit if I folded it up and put it in there so they’re great if you do large projects this is a great size bag so I just wanted to mention that but moving on let me put this away before it leaves it okay

Moving on let’s start with my whips I have separated these into categories and I think we’ll I think we’ll wait on these I know I just showed you this one but I think we’ll wait for these full coverages CU they’re just I know they’re fun I think we will start

With some of my well okay here we go I have a bunch of new starts so I think we will start with my new starts and then I think we will maybe move on to my smaller patterns and then I think maybe we’ll move on to my full

Coverage and then maybe my like dimensions and kits I think that might be the order we go in we’ll see but those are some categories if you’re interested in any of those kind of things I love winter I love scenery I love Christmasy patterns so if you love

Those kinds of things you’re going to find a lot of that in today’s whip parade like I said I hope this doesn’t take too long I love whip parades I love watching them but also I know that you know we don’t have endless hours so I’m out of breath already let’s get

Started new projects I love me a get new project now so many people will schedule a time to start a new project and they’ll say on this day I’m going to start a new one I’m not like that I I am o I want to start that project I buy the supplies

And either I start it right then if I have the supplies or I buy the supplies and as soon as everything comes in I’m on it so that’s what happened here uh for the holiday uh Black Friday sales and whatever I bought a bunch of stuff

And then I went and I bought a bunch of CXC thread online um and it came from China a couple weeks later and that’s when I got started with everything was like this last week when I got all that thread all that floss so so here we go

One of my new starts is stitchrovia which is an Emma Kong I just realized is now Emma Kong em is Emma kongen designs this one is called Christmas Town and so I just started this one and some of these well most of them I probably won’t be able to tell you the

Fabric I just buy like Michael’s fabric for a lot of things or Hobby Lobby uh but I started up in the middle in the blue sky and worked this way so I like I just got this I just started this this week multiple I just started this week

Oh no the allergies my nose is going to start running now okay so this is where I am on that one and this is some kind of even weave or lugana and it was a scrap piece I had I think it’s from Hobby Lobby I think it’s I think it’s 28

Count so I started up there like I said I’ve only just started this week so I am not very far let’s see if I can there we go so I start up in the sky and I just really like this little town and all the colors

The colors are super fun and I’m excited to work on that one so that was New Start number one these are not in order cuz I actually didn’t start that before the other ones but I’m going to toss these into a bin behind you as I work

Through these because I have I’m going to have a huge mess um this was also another new start now this is actually this this pattern was a new start but the whole series is not a new start these come from Little House needle works the hometown holidays and I have done other patterns

Of these I will show you I have done the school the post office no sorry that’s not that’s the firehouse School firehouse and the post office and just this last week or two I started the pops no that’s where did it go oh no I’m not

Going to have it here it is the what is this one Main Street Station we started Main Street Station I believe that’s the one maybe it’s not hold on hold up maybe I’m wrong okay now that’s it main Su station I couldn’t tell because there’s another

White one okay so I’ve started in the middle and I’ve just gotten kind of over here a bit and this part of this person so not very I haven’t gotten very far but a little ways and this is on 32 or 36 count Morano from Hobby Lobby oh

Here’s another one I have 32c count Morano in ice this is from Hobby Lobby so I’m doing I have multiple of them and I’m going to do them all on this Fabric and then I’m going to cut them out and I don’t know finish them separately but

Just stitching them on here for now so that’s 32c count Ice by Morano or Morano by Hobby Lobby and that’s where I am just a little start on that one those are pretty quick though um so maybe I’ll get back to them soon I have so many

Patterns who knows when I’ll get back to it but I started that one another one that I started this is one I’ve had in my I had in my cart for a really long time like over a year and I just kept going back and forth I never did it but

I finally decided to it’s by spooky and ston Etsy it’s called I don’t know milk and cookie company I’m I guess and it looks like that in my head I was thinking this was like a huge sign um but it’s really not that big but also

That could be the fabric that I chose that’s okay this was just like scrap fabric that I had screwed something else up on and so I took it out and redid it I think it’s a 16 count I believe um and so there is that it’s just a regular

Again like a cheap Hobby Lobby one I believe or maybe it’s Zar I don’t know I think it’s a 16 count it’s just a Ada I don’t have the called for green so I chose a different green than they had um but it’s just green red and black so I

Just chose one that I thought looked pretty nice and it’s a pretty quick Stitch so I proba this one’s good for working like just color blocks if you’re distracted and you can’t really focus that’s this is a good one for that so I started on that one another one I got started on

Recently I think I showed you this one actually on my last video this one is a free pattern by Jordan PR I I think that’s how you pronounce it it is from 2022 too it’s her uh weather yeah like her weather pattern chart following the weather each day um

And so I just found her and found this pattern and thought you know what I’m going to try that for 2024 we recently moved into a new house this last August and I thought for our first full year here I’m going to track the high temps

Like the weather each day and write it down and try this so um each petal is like one um day so like here’s January 1st January 2nd and then third four fifth like it goes around one petal in the center so that you have enough for the

Whole year so um yeah so I got started on this one cuz you have to have like the stems of the flowers you know ready to go to put the petals on so I’m hoping to keep up there’s not a ton of extra stitching but there is all the stems and

Then there’s like a few little you know uh words I can’t think of words when I start filming um you know little pictures what do you call that ah okay I’ll think of it later but you know there’s a few little things to stitch out in

Between so I got started on that because if I have all that to do and the weather each day I probably won’t keep up so I’m hoping I keep can keep up so I switched it to 2024 and then I got started here in January 1st we’ll go right there and

I’ve started on little bird’s nest but uh this is on some kind of again like hobby W hobby wobby I think even weave or linen or I’m not exactly sure but it it’s 28 counts so it’s actually pretty large and it won’t be all the way down but it’ll be

Most of that so this is pretty it’s going to be pretty big but I think that’s going to be fun and it doesn’t really take too long to do the stems on here so I’m excited to track along with that one and see how I do hopefully I keep up

Because if I don’t keep up each week then I’m not going to be very inclined to just like sit there and Stitch a different color for each day so I’m hoping to do you know keep up each day or each week at least fingers crossed uh next

One this one I just started yesterday and I I was like shocked and impressed with myself um this is a soda Stitch and let’s see there’s multiple things I want to say about okay it’s called Four Seasons window and it’s the winter version and it’s off

Etsy and I just think that it is so cute now all this inside white is stitched but I am not a huge fan of stitching white um and so I decided I’m going to try to not stitch that white and see how it goes like there’s little snow I

Don’t know if you can tell but there’s little snowflakes you can’t I can’t really get it to zoom enough there’s little snowflakes in the window so I’ll Stitch those but um I got this you can’t really tell can you okay it’s the shimmery like iridescent Ada so

I was thinking if I had the iridescent Ada then I don’t stitch in here that it would be kind of like sparkly I mean it’ll be sparkly on the outside too but maybe it’ll give it that snowy kind of vibe without me having to stitch all

That way so that’s what I’m going to try and see what happens uh so I started this yesterday I have this in pattern keeper and this is just regular ad it’s 14 count for some reason I really like to do stowa stitch on 14 count I think because the cute

Blocks of bright color and the big big blocks make it really fast and it was so fast that I got 11% done yesterday I got like 1,300 stitches I don’t even know how I did that because I only did my normal stitching in the evening which is from

Like 8:00 to 10 p.m. for like 2 hours after my kids go to bed so I stitched for like two hours and then I spent like maybe one extra hour in the day um when my kids were outside playing I sat outside but that’s an in that was like

Really fast I don’t that was really fast so I’m really excited excited with my progress because literally I just started this yesterday so there’s where I got this is like 12 or 1300 stitches already which it doesn’t really look like that much but that’s kind of crazy

Um so yeah now that I’m looking at it I hope that I have enough room down here that would sure Ste because it seems like there’s a lot still in the picture down below but I started in the middle and I hope I measured correctly anyways soda Stitch super cute it’s

Going to have they have a lot of back stitching so there’s a lot of back stitching that will happen around here but that one I was just having a lot of fun I love how blocky the colors are I can just I I stitch in hand generally

Unless I’m doing like full coverage with a lot of color changes so I just take a color and I just go until it’s done so I think that’s why I got done so fast but know I just love them so that’s been a really fun you start as of

Yesterday oops I forgot my thread in there hold on I lose my threads my flosses I always say thread because I’m a sewer so floss thread interchangeable in my mind okay let’s see the other new one that I bought during this last like holiday time and there was on

Sale was an Etsy shop also I think this one I can’t pronounce the name yeah I can’t I’ll show you let’s see it’s called house with deer and it’s by that person Maria a a something something oops I guess I shouldn’t show that part um but anyway she’s got a lot of pretty

Pretty patterns this one just really reminded me of my new house because we have some acreage and we have deer and geese Landing in the cornfield I’m looking out my window and there’s like a cornfield where the geese always land um and so this one just reminded me of my new

House so we have like deer walking around and near our woods and yeah just kind of reminded me of my new home so I that’s why I got this one and I started in the middle something one of the colors I have was I was trying to make de with a

Different color than she had and it was basically the same ex that color as my Fabric and so I had to wait I had to wait for different floss to come in because that wasn’t working so I I sort of started but I think I might have to

Undo a little bit of this I don’t know what fabric this is this was something from one two three stitch and it was like actually one of them like modeled color modeled I think or like I don’t know well the back is plain but so this is must be like

Printed I don’t know I just like the variations so this one started in the middle but this gray part is actually not one of the called for colors I don’t believe I used a different color however now I have the called for color so I might have to take out that gray there’s

Not that much and redo it but um yeah I just I think that’ll be a really pretty Fabric in the background so I got started on that one that was another one I have recently started and then okay so I think that was all my new

Starts that I have done in the last like two weeks so now we can move on to just the regular whips so we’ll go with this so this bag has multiple things in it this is like a bag I made that I made for a

Trip that I’m going that I was going on this year so it has multiple Pockets multiple zip spots so I have like four or five projects in here so we’ll just go with what’s in here first let’s see what do we have uh this one was from a magazine just crossstitch it

Was a Christmas the just crossstitch um Christmas ornaments 2023 and by Patricia big badge by Patricia and Designs she just has this little ornament and I thought was really cute these in her pattern these are um supposed to be like a kic I think yeah like a gold kic but

Instead of doing that I actually decided to stitch it on an ADA that has the shiny which of course you cannot tell but these like oh you can see a little Sparkle those darker spots are actually like gold woven into the fabric so it’s got It’s very shimmery which you

Cannot tell but it’s very shimmery and then I just used like a brown DMC so that’s where I’ve gotten there I actually have quite a bit of the stitching there’s um couple more trees and the rest of this deer and the rest is back stitching for the trees and French knots there’s french

Knots too so that tree branch has quite a bit of back stitching I need to work on but it’s probably why put this down it’s cuz I was like I don’t want to be back stitching um but it’s cute and it should be pretty quick to

Finish should I pull it out again one day so let’s see that’s another one from in there what else do I have in here ah I have I haven’t worked on this one for a while but it was a new start this year because most of my at least half my

Projects or more were new starts this year I think uh this is a Jan ly um kit Noel I really love all the different birds and it was just I don’t know it just really caught my attention I saw somebody else stitching it and I thought

It was really pretty so I got that it’s just on the kit fabric which I need to uh surge around the edges because it’s starting to fray a little bit maybe I’ll keep that out and try to remember to do that after this video but I started in the

Middle cuz I wasn’t sure how much fabric I have around here so that is this side of an end and the Cardinal it’s kind of pretty I didn’t realize when I bought it I thought that the letters were all just black I didn’t realize there was actually like dark gray in an actual

Pattern in the in the letters but that’s a pretty one again that one’s a kit so I just whatever came with it need to remember to do that edges though I’m not going to Remember by the time this is over oh my gosh we’re already 23 minutes in what do

I just talk on and on okay this one is an old one I started a long time ago I don’t think you can find it anymore but it was pattern art collection on Etsy was the shop and it was You Are My Sunshine I’m just going to do a quick

Thing because this is the pattern so it’s called for like black fabric white and yellow um floss but I switched it to my own colors that I like better and I’m about probably like halfway done um there’s going to be a lot of back stitching now in the next words

Of sunshine and my only and make those are all just back stitched and then there’s only a couple more words that are actually like stitched out so I have a lot of back stitching to do which is why I set this one back down but I haven’t worked on this I pulled it

Out uh maybe last month CU I was like let’s just I just need to get it done so so I pulled it out and I worked quite a bit and then I got to the back stitching and then I got new stuff and got bored

And put it away I would like to just get this one finished cuz this is fairly old this was like few years ago and I thought about cross stitching but then didn’t really get back into it um and that I bought it at the same time

That I bought that one which I actually just finished that one and that was probably like 2018 or something I bet you was around 2018 I don’t know I thought i’ oh I’ll get into crossstitch I did a few things and I put it away and I didn’t pull it back out

Until I think it was two years ago now 20121 maybe I went camping and I pulled this one out and that’s when I fell in love with crossstitch so 2021 went camping in the summer pulled it out and then the rest of this happened so that one I finally finished the sunshine one

I need to finish I want to get that one done so I’m hoping in the next year I just force myself to finish it because I do like the pattern um um it’s just not my favorite torque one okay those were the new starts now what did I say small

Ones maybe they’re not necessarily small but smaller than like Dimensions kits in full coverage I have so I have like 50 something patterns so I was hoping to keep this under an hour this might not happen this was from another um magazine I’ve told PE I’ve

Told you before if you’re new okay I haven’t told you but there’s a a program called readle that you pay for and you can get magazines so I paid for Reedley and I for a few months and I got some they had crossstitch magazines on there

And so this came from one of the Cross magazines and I just printed out the pattern so I can’t I oh this is winter sampler but I’m trying to figure out who did it I know I’m pretty sure you can find this online well on Etsy winter sampler somebody found

It I don’t know who I can’t find who did this one but I’m pretty sure that in my comments on one of my other videos somebody found this but it’s called winter sampler I just thought it was really pretty when I saw it and I love the

Little ice skating rinks and the houses I really like houses houses in scenery seem to be what I really enjoy um so yeah this this was on a 32 count Morano from Hobby Lobby like some of my other ones it’s a darker blue

And there it is so I the some of the DMC has switched like this yellowy green I’m not a huge fan of that color um that kind of matches my shirt today uh it’s a little bit more greenish than the called for color but I was just going with

Whatever I had on hand so some of these are slightly different than what it called called for but I think it’s really kind of um where is it there it is kind of a pretty little pattern and it’s kind of fun to do Motif that’s the word I was trying to

Think about earlier it’s kind of fun to just to do the little Motif you know each little thing you’re like okay I got a little house done or a tree done so yeah that one’s kind of fun to work on I haven’t done too much of that this year though so there’s that

One I knew I think that word later all right next one this is another one I got from from rley it’s a magazine pattern however I know you can get this one on Etsy and it’s little Dove designs I believe and what’s it called home for Christmas maybe of

Course I don’t really have a I don’t have a full picture but mine is almost done it sort of looks like that that’s just like a closeup because I don’t I didn’t print the actual full picture but mine is mine’s pretty close to being done so it’s like a band sampler which I

Don’t normally do but I just thought this was super cute and I like it on this gray fabric that I have again I think this was something from Hobby Lobby couldn’t tell you what the color was exactly but um it’s really cute I have to do a bunch of snow up here and

White so I don’t like stitching white even though majority my patterns have a lot of white so I’m putting that off I’ve been putting it off and moved onto to the fun motifs down below but I will get back to that um so I think this is

About the last band that’s on there and then there’s a some snowflakes that go around which I don’t know if I’ll do and then like another border so I’m pretty close and I’m hoping to finish that up next year Um another one see where can I hey look there’s the picture found it so I’m down here yeah there’s like this nice framing I don’t know if I’ll do that and there’s a few things up here I guess but pretty much I’m done another one I found from a

Magazine I don’t know if I’ve shown you guys this one actually or not dropping floss and I can’t have that because it’ll get all mixed up let’s see it’s called I don’t know if I’ve ever shown this one because I haven’t really even pulled it out or anything um it’s called Jolly holidays

It’s from crossstitcher but I don’t know the month I might have shown you this it’s by Maria Diaz Maria Diaz Jolly holidays cross Stitcher magazine but I don’t know which one um and it looks like this now now I am not a huge Santa person I we don’t do

Santa in my house and I don’t so I don’t really have Santa stuff but this like vintagey Santa and rud off thing I couldn’t I couldn’t pass that one up so this is my only Santa cross stitch and I think it’s so cute and mostly I like it for the reindeer I think

Um but because I’m not a huge crossstitch person or I am a huge cross person not a huge Santa person I haven’t worked on it very much this is an even weave and I just started it in the middle so I really just have Santa’s some of Santa’s belly is done there I

Have not worked on this at all this year I don’t believe but I should because it would be cute so maybe next year so many things so little time I lost more floss hold on okay next next up what do we have this one sorry I am so not good with the

Details of these things because I just buy the pattern and start so this is a Gloria and Pat precious moment I cannot remember for the life of me what the website is where you can get those there’s a specific website I had to go to because I don’t really make

These patterns anymore does this say I don’t see anywhere on here where this says maybe somebody knows what the website is that sells a lot of the precious moments but I used to love Precious Moments growing up and so some of these were just like oh you should do that this is

Called sharing makes life more fun I don’t really have a picture so I’m just going to do a real quick okay it’s Two Brothers Two Brothers fishing um this was some of that printed fabric from Michaels it’s like a Charles craft printed color and I thought it just was kind of perfect

Colors for like a little Pond scene kind of like the sky and the gray but I haven’t gotone very far I started in the middle on little boy’s hand and I have found that precious moments patterns are cute but soda Stitch seem to be easier

For me so I tend to go to those because these have a bunch of like half Cross or quarter cross stitches and a ton of back stitching and so I just get like discouraged on it but I got this pattern because it reminds me of my sons because

There’s two little boys and they’re fishing and there’s frogs around and so whenever we go camping my boys love to go fishing and love to run around the ponds catching frogs and so there remind me of them so I I want to work on that but I haven’t haven’t done a ton because

The patterns yeah a lot of back stitching and stuff I think anyway moving on blooming Tiny Town by hard and hand is the next one that I’ve started and I started in the middle and I worked my way think I’m going that way let’s see it’s been a while yeah I’ve gotten

Pretty much quite most of this done and this is I think on a nope I’m not even going to say what that’s on I don’t know pretty sure it’s a 28 count though just cute little buildings I think I haven’t done a ton on this I

Think maybe because of all the brown I’m not a huge brown person I feel like there’s a lot of Browns but I’m not really I don’t know it’s super cute so maybe this spring I’ll pull it out pull it out and try to get it done but it’s

Without showing can I it’s got little you know buttons teeny little buttons on it of flowers and that’s super cute so I should just like to just do that yeah I think there’s there’s a Christmas one that’s really cute and there’s a o ocean one with like a

Pelican I think that one’s really cute I like the colors in that one probably more than this one I might have to get that pattern next up that’s not it okay I don’t have a picture of this one this is from wst Iris naps uh she had a freebie pattern

And I’ve shown it before but I I don’t even have the print out now um so I’m sorry but it’s cute little bunny butts and I I did that for my teared tray three little bunny buts in a row and this is this is really bad but there’s

Just three carrots I’m sorry I have no picture to show but there’ll be three little carrots with their Carrot Tops um and that will go in my tear tray also so that’s it’s a whip so I got to show you however go check out walst Iris naps because she’s got cute freebie and

That’s a freebie one just Z it on myself okay um I promise I have more exciting whips than this that have more work done than that what is this one oh yeah this is another Precious Moments this was the other precious moments one that I bought from that same website that I cannot

Think of the name of but this one is called warmest wishes I’ve half colored it in but okay it’s like a snowman wearing a hat and a little like rabbit guy with a cup of hot cocoa and it’s super cute this was another Hobby Lobby fabric with

Pink pink like splatters around it and I thought it went pretty cute with the fun colors so the precious moments does have pretty bright colors on it but again it’s got a bunch of these quarter stitches and back stitching and so I haven’t done a ton on

It but I do think that’s a pretty cute snowman and I will get back to that one day too okay moving on more smallish things here’s one that I have not worked at all at all this year this was an Etsy pattern I bought this was again one of the one of the

First patterns I bought all I have is a pattern not really a picture it’s by Vlada xstitch I on Etsy I don’t even know if they’re there anymore but there was like a four set or something or a bought four I don’t know where it was just like the white pattern on the

Background so it was just like one color so when I first got into cross stitching I was like What if I try it with beads and I justed do it all Beads so I got these seed beads they’re pretty big they’re not the small ones these were

From Hobby Lobby I think they’re size 12 they’re like they’re pretty big but I got a big thing of these and I thought instead of just doing cross stitch I’ll do I’ll bead the whole thing so I got started and it is kind of pretty you

Can’t tell but in in real life you know it’s kind of like sparkly and so I really should continue working on this uh I’ll show you just a quick so I just got the tree and the roof this building but um yeah I should keep working on that but I think you know

It’s I’m doing it just straight beads so it’s taking a while longer nevertheless it’s one of my whips that’s still in there so there’s that one this is Star Spangled Street by Primrose Cottage stitches I think that one is really cute I really like Primrose Cottage

Patterns I think this might be like a mushroom Lana or something so that’s what I did I started in the middle and worked off that way and I think yeah that’s the last house on that side well okay I just threw my pattern on the floor so never mind I was going

To show you there’s like a tree here at the end and that’s the end of that side so I’m close to about halfway done and I like that one for the 4th of July so I’m excited to work on that one again again I got to grab my pattern that flew off

Okay see I have pretty much this chunk minus that tree so just a couple more so maybe I’m over halfway on that one cute pattern I’m excited to do that one probably more there’s summer I’m thirsty already been talking for 38 minutes how is this happening okay this

One so this pattern is techn technically I now know which I didn’t know when I bought the pattern and started it but now I know it’s a Dimensions pattern called Splendor at night however I didn’t know that at the time and I just saw the pattern on I think it was Etsy

And thought wow that’s beautiful I love it and so I got this the pattern is you can’t even get the the kit the dimensions kid anymore so yeah anyways Splender at night it’s got the Church in the deer up front and I started somewhere in the middle um and it’s

On Navy Ada this is just 14 count because I started this was one of my beginning ones so there’s a lot of like half crosses in there just like a Dimensions kit so just not not too much but a little bit of that reflected snow or something in

There this is one of my more fancier projects I have like two fancy kind of projects that have specialty threads and Beads and stuff and this is by the Victoria samper and it’s called heirloom Nativity sampler and I think it is beautiful and I love it but I’m really

Struggling to do it because of the specialty stitches so there’s like a motif or picture whatever and then specialty stitches and then another one and then specialty stitches and so I’m having a hard time I’m stuck up here I just don’t like the way that mine

Looks I wish I could tell you what this fabric was but I don’t think I can there’s no sticker on it anymore so sorry I got it off one two three stitch that’s all I know maybe there’s there’s no info in the bag but um okay it’s like a bluish

Gray so I got that first part there’s like a star which I think maybe I couldn’t find the star might I might still be looking for that which might be why I didn’t put it on there but yeah there’s a star bead or something at the top that I need to

Find this one I also struggled with because it’s linen and it was like one of my first linen ones and so and these are like snowflakes are all scattered and Counting them on the linen was very challenging for me I think I just started kind of filling them in wherever

But it messed up my counting so that was a challenge but anyways yeah so I’m down on these like specialty things and I’m supposed to be filling in these Hearts but see it doesn’t look very good I don’t know I’m struggling with that but I just

Need to do it and then I think once it’s all done no one’s going to look at that or care or know because I’m the only one that really knows anything about stitching in my family anyway so there’s that it’s going to be long it’s it’s

Very pretty and I need to just keep working on it yeah it’s got beads and special threads usually I don’t really use specialty threads I usually just use DMC um here’s my other fancy one so those are my I have two fancy ones that I call my fancy ones this is lavender

And Lace I think it’s called oh Christmas tree I saw so many people do this and it was just so pretty I really love it but it is not easy and I think the yeah the like Garland is all beading at the end there’s like gold in here and

Everything keeps falling off cuz I have this tiny table okay there’s like yeah gold and Specialty aads I think I don’t know what is this yeah some different beads and all kinds of stuff so I have all the supplies for it and I have a very tiny

Start and the reason is because I had to make a copy of this pattern and it’s like four pages and I had to like tape it all together because the boxes are small and hard to see and I started in the middle and I can’t tell where I am and I don’t like

That it is not easy for me for some reason with this pattern I think if I get get past the middle that will be helpful but I just have a very measly little baby start on it it’s all it’s a big fabric because it’s fairly big piece so I got magnets

Holding it all together so if I showed you the whole thing I don’t even know which look at how tiny that start is yeah I don’t know I don’t even know I don’t even know I don’t know where the top is or the bottom but all I’ve done is like green

And brown in the middle of the Christmas tree and it’s very scattered because so yeah I I just find it to be a hard pattern but I love love love the the picture so I need to do it I’m going to do it I just need the mental capacity to

Do it and I really only stitch in the evenings when my kids are asleep and so that mental capacity isn’t always there but I need to do it and now I wonder where my needle went there’s thread on the floor floss on the floor where did that come from

Made oh my goodness this table is so tiny and it’s not big enough I don’t know where this gloss goes too okay anyways that was my second fancy apparently I’m not good at fancy ones CU I don’t get very far on them but boy they’re pretty and I want to do them

All right this one was what I thought was another uh precious moments but actually it’s Joan Walsh okay so I started this one when I was little kid my grandma gave me this book she gave me this book this is the cover of the book and when I was a

Little kid I started it and my grandma showed me how a crossstitch and my sister showed me how a crossstitch and so I started on this and I was like somewhere in the middle here and then I grew up and I was like I don’t

Crosstitch I was in my 20s and I donated everything well a couple years ago I got back into crossstitch and I was like I’ve got to find that pattern and I thought I had it and I couldn’t find it but I found this book so this is a photo

Copy but I found the book on Etsy bought the book and this is the pattern that I’m restarting again because I started in my childhood with my grandma so that’s the reason again all this like Christmas tree on the edge is all like quarter stitches and it’s all lots of back stitching so

Not my favorite piece to do but we gonna do it because it’s my childhood piece and it’s cute and I’ll like it when it’s done and it reminds me of my grandma this is on this is a this might be a 16 count I don’t know if this 16 or

14 but I got started I screwed up the gardland somehow I don’t know there’s like a big fat bead and a messed up bead but I don’t care cuz whatever done is better and it looks fine and no one will really know except for that I’m telling you so there’s that

One and it’s a cute Christmas pattern I should probably put some work onto that if I would just stop making new if I would stop buying and stitching new patterns starting new things then other things could get done right silly me okay more oh my gosh 46 M if you’re

Still with me hey thanks for joining me here we go I like just sitting and listening to people talk about their cross stitch for hours so that’s fine that’s what I do in the evening for two hours uh this is by White House Stitchery spring is in the

Air it’s kind of hard to see cuz it’s light but I really liked the like pastel real light colors so kind of that’s kind of what mine is on I started up here and I have I have like this Mo these motif’s done I kind of have the bottom to do and

This you can’t really tell you can’t really see it but it says spring is in the air over there so I have that half pretty much left to do again don’t know what this is this fabric is from3 Stitch and it’s like a linen I

Think this again this is one of my new one of my first Linens too and like a colored one and it’s not really showing up that well as to what color it actually is it’s kind of like a minty green but um I think it’s pretty darn

Cute so that is spring is in the air I need to do the other half and the bottom this one I would like to finish this year and I think if I just do it I could if I just sat and focused on it I could finish it so hopefully that’ll be

Done this year this was another old one one of the very first ones I bought um I was looking for a pattern that wasn’t too big I didn’t know anything because I was just getting into this and I was like oh that looks cute it’s just a house it do

That’s not too bad I was wrong this is called Autumn House by Maria roko it’s cute patterns by Maria on Etsy I love this pattern I love it so much I just think it’s beautiful however for somebody who was like oh I just want a small pattern this is not it okay this

Thing is Big a lot of stitches also lot of back stitching on there for all like look at the roof all this is back stitching details in the tree and the fence okay a lot of back stitching but I didn’t know that I didn’t know what that

Was I just thought it was a pretty pattern so I bought it I love it but I’m not done with it because it’s more intense than I thought then I learned about gritting so I tried gritting this this was like a Fiddler’s cloth I think from Michaels 14c count

And I’ve used friction pen which I hope comes out to grit it but see not a little pattern but boy I I really love it it’s like I love the fall Vibe it gives me so um yeah there’s that one it’s all wrinkly and I’m sorry because it’s just just is what it

Is so actually kind of want to bring this out now every time I do these whip parades every time like I’ve done so many but when I when I show my patterns I’m always like I want to work on that one and I want to work on that one I

Want to work on them all all right next one this one’s almost done this will be done by next year not by next year but by the end of next year I was trying to finish it this year and then I got distracted with new things but this will

Be done uh this is adjust your sales and little Dove designs I just thought it was so cute I love the colors the red I like I like the nautical colors um so I have pretty much done everything there might be a little bit of back stitching or something that has

To be done up here and I just have this bottom part left and some of the Border don’t love this fabric this is some witchel fabric and it’s very not my favorite you see and it’s very see-through and I I don’t can’t really hold anything up to show you to cover it

But we’ll try this paper it’s so see through I just have that bottom part down there oops he my garage door opening uh and then the Border hopefully my kids don’t come running upstairs now cuz I think they just got home from taking the trash with their dad probably wondering if I’m done

Up here and I’m not done okay next one is Caterpillar Frost Stitch I don’t think I have a picture of this one either it’s called deck the halls I don’t I ever have pictures of these things this one’s a very popular one just a real

Quick okay so it’s like a bunch of words hang the stocking dress the tree Build a Snowman mistletoe wrap presents bake this was my first attempt on even weave so this is an older one also and I end up doing a few letters and then I get bored and move on to

Something else so I haven’t gotten a an enormous way through but I’ve gotten some I love the bright colors but it’s going to be long it’s going to be a long hanging one but it’s pretty those colors are pretty aren’t they so when I see it I’m

Like oh I should work on that again I think if I had done it in Ada I’d be further because I wouldn’t be so slow trying to count between cuz I I like even weave and I the reason I like I like it better when they’re stuck stuff in between because

You can’t see like these squares I don’t like that B that look as much so I like the even weave and the linen but I really like Ada it because I’m so much faster on it and I don’t like the counting is easy especially with patterns that have stuff in between so I

Think I’d be further fed it in a but oh well I still like it let’s not lose needles hope I’m not losing needles on the floor okay next one up is by cetta Goo it’s called ottom in the city it’s a big one I’m going to try moving along faster here

Okay autumn in the city I’ve started at the top on this one this is just Fiddler cloth again I think from Michaels and that’s where I am it’s going to be large going to be large I just have a small amount I think I haven’t gotten very far because I

Don’t have my floss organized all that well and I think I’m missing a few colors so I just kind of started with what I have so I need to organize that and that would probably help me to move faster the next one which let me see

Where’s the other yeah let me show you the other one this one is spring in the city also by crochetta Goo so this is the spring one this was the first one that I got started in the middle and I think I have almost all that middle section

Done just a 14 count E from Michaels super cute don’t think I don’t think there’s any back stitching in there but I’ve been working off of I downloaded the thing onto pattern keeper oh there’s a little back stitch so I might be missing back stitch here and there because pattern keeper doesn’t

Do that but that’s a cute pattern again way bigger than I realize it would be so there’s that one she also has like a winter one now or a Christmas one and O sorry the summer one they’re really cute but they’re bigger so I can’t keep buying them all this one

Is Garden shelf by Made For You Stitch I have I’m pretty sure people have asked about this one before and it was from Etsy and I think maybe they got shut down I think it might have been a Russian site but so I don’t know if you

Can get it but just really cute I really like this one haven’t gotten very far this was on linen and I screwed up and had to redo things so I started in the middle over here with this guy I really need to get that out too I

Tend to do it more in the spring probably because it’s gardening but also in the spring I’m gardening so I don’t Stitch as much you do that one oh to go along with that one there’s also same same lady has Christmas shelf so I bought these both at the same time

Because they’re both so cute I just thought they were so cute so I started once and then restarted because I didn’t something happened and I didn’t I messed up and I didn’t like it so now I restarted this I was over here and I came over and then I screwed

Something up I’ve restarted and I really only have this very tip top part so it’s hardly anything at all but I like the dark brown a that it’s on I I really like that like it’s like a chocolatey what is it here’s a sticker it’s a witchel 16 count espresso

Espresso Ada there’s the part that I started and I screwed up so I restarted it on the other side and I just have a little tree but I think I like start I would like starting at the top and working down again super

Cute I need to pull it out I need to do all the things I need a month of nothing but stitching and then I could get a whole bunch done imagine how much you could get done I couldn’t sit for that long though okay that one we’re almost done with

These random ones and then I just have full coverage and dimensions kits or kits yeah this one is soda Stitch Country Kitchen okay this one I broke into three separate parts instead of one whole thing so I have already completed this part I’ll show you that and I am on over

Here now and I started at the top and I’m kind of somewhere up in here so I am on section two that one it’s soda Stitch here’s the first portion that I completed so that section is done that’s the middle section although I think it’s supposed to say

Country Kitchen in the middle I don’t know if I’ll add that or not um then section two is right here and I just really love their bright colors this one is I’m slower on this one than some of the other soda stitch patterns that I’ve done I think cuz this one’s just bigger

And I don’t know I don’t know why it’s taking me longer than some of the other ones like that other one I started I’m already 11% through okay then this next one is a shop on Etsy called I believe it’s owl stitching house owl stitching house it’s Christmas gingerbread

Village I started it and I did the colors although I had I had subbed some Reds and yellows and I did not like the red and yellow especially because I did it on this like greenish teely minty can’t really tell green I just did not like those colors so I have done

Completely different colors I am doing like pastels pastel pinks and teals so completely different colors I’ve started in the middle and I think I’ve gone this way so I have some of this done and now I really like it I really like this pastelli gingerbread Vibe so it’s going to

Be fa big but I’m excited and I like my color choices I’ve been working I got started on it and didn’t stop for a while there that was just a couple days of work okay next one is the kingles uh yeah it’s just called kingles by Little House needle

Works I’ve seen a lot of people doing this one again this is a paper pattern and it’s multiple pages so when I started in the middle all the pages can work you know converge into the middle and I this hard so started in the middle and took myself straight up over here so

I just don’t like being in the Middle where all the pages are and I can’t figure it out so went off this way and I’ve pretty much done this window now this is some kind of I think it’s mushroom Lana pretty sure it’s mushroom Lana 28

Count it calls for ecru as the white but on this mushroom lugana color it just Blends right in so I switched my white to 3865 so there’s that it’s kind of a fun one it’s fun to get a little this little window done so I’m going to get back to that one

Too it back in here having problems with my bag okay we’re through one bag Let’s do let’s do these full coverage that are here okay this was my uhoh day I saw a needle fall but I don’t know where it went oh no okay I found the needle hold on we

Got to see where that belongs where does that go to does that go to the one I just had out cannot leave a needle lost that would be really bad no that one has the needle where did that needle come from okay let’s see I’m going to set

That aside and not lose that needle okay this was a new start this is by the crossstitch Studio this is Shirley and it’s Abraham Hunter Abraham Hunter is one of my favorites I have multiple food coverage by him he has a whole like underwater and I think like maybe it’s

Not fully underwater but like it’s a scene where there’s dolphins jumping out and like sunset or something and then underwater fish so this is a crop of it which is sea turtle cuz I just think that sea turtle is cute I literally just started and I started right in this itty

Bitty corner so so I’m like got these pink colors going on this is huge um and on this one this is 20 this is 20 count 20 count easy grid so where there’s a bunch of um when there’s a bunch of uh confetti I have learned how

To park usually I do cross country and usually I do in hand but on these big full coverages I do like cross country unless it’s a bunch of confetti and then I’ve learned to park and I also do it in the hoop but this thing okay this is all

Folded up it’s a full yard it’s huge I probably never get it done but it’s fun so that’s one of them put that in the space so I don’t lose that needle too so that was Shirley that’s my first full coverage this one is by Heaven and Earth

Designs Donna Ginger mini Chapel in the snow a lot of wh I hear my kids [Applause] downstairs okay this one is started in the middle and I think it’s on the same kind of fabric I I like this easy grid 20 I think it’s 20 count almost it’s 25 count

I think it’s 20 count oh yeah also two over one t Stitch is what I have found this one might be I think I’m doing four over one on this one but I I do half cross because otherwise I’ll never get these done so for the full coverages that’s what I

Do this was my very first full coverage that I started and it’s by artisy the way it used to be from Chuck Pinson really love that scene it’s like a fall scene so I started up here and I have a lot of this done and then I came over here and

I when I started it I was doing full cross but and this is on I think 18 count this is 18 count so I started with full cross and then I learned about the half cross and I switched half cross but you can’t really even tell and I’ve been

Using four threads for the half cross just because it’s 18 count but I didn’t want to redoing it so when I see it like this it makes me want to work on it when I’m working on it I’m like don’t know what I’m working

On but then I when you get it like like this it’s so pretty so I might have to pull this one out too so that’s that one the way it used to be I’ve seen multiple people have this one done and it looks so nice how am I supposed to choose which

To work on okay next one is is oh that’s not it where’s the paper oh okay artisy uh Abraham hun another Abraham Hunter Noah’s Arc I was looking for one that had a bunch of animals and I really like this one I started in the middle so I’ve got

Some of the elephants and these like lions down here again this is that 20 count I believe you can see that the arcs peeking out there now too that one too I really like full full coverage I think cuz I just really like the I just love the scenery I love how

They look like a real picture I wish they were faster um this is another one articy by Abraham Hunter God shed his grace and I started in the middle and I’m on must be the roof of this like FN right over here this one I’ve

Also seen done and it looks so pretty I have a harder time working on this one because of all the Browns and it’s got a lot more um lot more what do you call it confetti I got to keep moving it’s already an hour in all right there’s that

One two more full coverage and then just my Dimensions kits and I’ll be done this one is gigantic gigantic this one is on 22c count hardinger just because I needed I just had the fabric I started it on 32c count easy grid but it was way too small and I

Did not like those teeny tiny stitches so I have restarted this one this is the cross cross stitch Studio Light Of Hope another uh Abraham Hunter painting now because I had restarted it on my own fabric I don’t have enough fabric to do the whole thing so I

Think I’ve cut off which I was kind of sad to lose that ship however it’s not a huge thing because I just like the colors on all my house so I’ve had to like cut off here and some of the tops so I’ve made my own like crop of it

Pretty much I’ll still have the Sun but um to make it fit on the fabric cuz I just had to use fabric I had because I just yeah I also bought dxc thread for this or floss for this one I don’t know if you can tell

But there’s like a ton of it and so just couldn’t afford with all these I just couldn’t afford DMC so I got the CXC and then when I restarted it the it was going to be bigger so I was going to need more floss so I was like okay well

If I cut off part of it the floss I have work and yeah so this is on 22 count and it’s going to be it’s all folded up it’s going to be gigantic but um I just really love the colors in this one I have the same kind

Of colors and a few patterns and I love the colors purpley pinks and blues together so I just started up in the sky over here that one and again this huge giant thing fits very well in these large crossstitch bags there’s the bag that I need for that project okay last full coverage

This one has the most done this is Arsy hope runs Deep by Chuck Pinon he’s he’s another one of the artists that I really like so I started up in this corner and I kind of gotten around over here so I have about that much

Done and I this one’s on this Frame and I really like having it on this Frame it’s on 18 count and I have gritted it myself sort of again I kind of take a color and go but where there’s a lot of confetti I’ve parked I was this is somewhere over here

Is halfway so I was trying to just take it over to see how far it was actually going to go but um yeah that one’s really pretty really like that one so that is my final full coverage that’s not like a Dimensions kit those are huge and the last category are my kits

So here we go these most of these are dimensions this is Dimensions gold balloon glow I my husband promotes me on high a balloon so I really like cot air balloons and I like all the colors started in the middle somewhere again the pages were all connected so I was

Getting getting lost in here trying to figure out where I was I didn’t get very far on this one I started on that balloon and then went down to where there was one page so I could just go on one page so I’m not a huge amount done

On that one it’s more of like a summer project I feel like this one is cozy cottage a bigger bag it’s fairly fitting okay that see life Vibe cozy cottage again haven’t gotten too far on these none of these have I’ve gotten that far on I started in the middle they think

They just require more brain power because they’re paper pattern and there’s like a lot of color changes and it’s different thread counts you know two strands three strands half half Stitch so I have to be more awake when I’m working on them so that’s cozy cottage sorry I have to make sure these

Go back in here I’m going to have a ton of lost needs um this one is Dimensions but I didn’t know it was Dimensions when I bought it I just bought it as a pattern on Etsy later learned it was Dimensions but you can’t even get the

Anyways so I’m just going with it it’s called coming home for the holidays and I’ve started in the middle so I’ve got part of this house done actually just started I started a while ago but I really focused on it here recently however I have it in pattern

Keeper because it was like a Etsy download thing but I forget that there’s like just like Dimensions two strands three strands four strands half cross and so some of this like bushy stuff I’ve screwed up the colors and I have to really do different number of strands or

Stuff on it but it looks okay right now I really like that one this is another Dimensions that I was working on recently A lot of people have been working on this one it’s called a treasured time again christmy scenery it’s my favorite I think and I started in the bottom corner over

Here little bunnies I’ve started I did back stitching kind of as I went but now I’ve got more more to do as I get further in here trying to go faster work we only have a few more this is Scenic [Applause] farm and I’m somewhere in the middle think right around on this

Building here not very far again they require more Focus once I get into it it’s really not that hard but it’s hard for me to get into it in the evening this one is was like really cheap last year around this time it was like $15 so I

Couldn’t pass it up it’s Dimensions winter cabin where the pencil I have in there sorry about the glare this just really pretty I like that I’ve heard though that there’s a lot of back stitching up in there so we’ll see when I get to that I am not

Very far I started just in the middle actually I think that’s upside down somewhere just like under the house not very far this one’s really not very far this was I think it’s the only petite one that I have and it’s Cliffside Beacon so I started again in the middle and

This just like kind of Browns and not very exciting so I got bored I think not actually sure which I don’t even know which side is up but I just barely a start there hopefully I’ll work on that one again this summer too we want to go camping at

The ocean so maybe we’ll go camping at the ocean and then I can take that with me this this might be I think this is the last dimensions and then I have just a couple other kits so this is summer Cottage and started in the

Middle over here and then I came over to this roof I don’t always like starting in the middle but these these Dimensions I don’t know how much fabric is there so that’s what I do so middle and then I’ve got the roof over there started this one’s actually one of the

Easier ones I feel like at least the portion that I’m on for Dimensions so I’ll probably see that one again soon too okay these three are lety Stitch or Luca s which is the same company or designer pretty much I think just a different name so this one

Or maybe they’re all Lucas I think they’re all Lucas this one I love the color so much the bird summer this is kind of like the same colors as that as that Lighthouse one and that other Christmas full coverage I had I just love it so I got that one and I

Just started this one recently too in the last month or two there is a lot of color changes though um so I started kind of in the middle and I’m trying to work myself up but there’s there’s quite a few colors in there it’s it’s fun because it’s very bright

And colorful so I really like that one can’t wait to do that one again too maybe closer to Spring this one I got a full page finish on this is my first Luca S one that I bought it’s I don’t know Christmas Eve it

Says so pretty a lot of whites a lot of that’s kind of like Light blues I guess um just love that one but I got a page finished earlier this year on this one so I started in the middle oh man I just really love it I

Need to work on this one too it’s a little slower going for me as a full coverage because it’s paper pattern instead of on pattern keeper but I really love it I need water been talking for over an hour if you’re still with me thanks for hanging

Out hope you’re having a good holiday season okay this is also Luca s and this one is dreaming of a white Christmas somebody just got done with this one and it’s so cute there this one has some sparkles in it some sparkly threads I think within like the

Decorations so I had to put in my sparkly gold bag um let’s see I’m not terribly far I started in the middle at the fireplace on this stocking and so I’m just all up in the brown which isn’t that exciting for me although this pattern is a lot of brown

And white so while I don’t it’s not my favorite color to stitch but it looks so pretty when it’s done and this is all just kind of wound up because I’ve been stitching it in hand doing like the sewing method haven’t really worked on it much this year mostly I did that last

Year and see I think there’s where’ the other one go okay there are three left and we are done the other one this is lety Stitch which I think is the same as Luca s but just like a different name these are ornaments so these are light Stitch

Ornaments so this last year I did this one for my son and now I am starting on this one um I think I’m just kind of up in the bottom of her dress I don’t have very much done but I just thought that was so cute this

Actually comes on perforated paper but I or perforated um not perforated the ca the plastic canvas but I didn’t like that so I this one this new one that I’m doing I’m doing it on just regular Ada oops I think that’s upside down so it’s like on 16 count8 I

Believe and there’s two more this is a millhill it’s almost done I mostly beading done it’s a buttons and Beads Country Lane Autumn bench is all wrinkly so I have most of it I just have a lot of beading left and there’s some crossstitch but

I have found that if I put some f fabric on here so I can get it in a hoop and put it on a stand then I can do two hands because the the needle like falls through this perforated paper so I found this works the best but

Um yeah I messed up something up here so my coloring I don’t know it was slightly off and throwing me off but I think I’ve filled in enough to kind of manage to make it work so I’ve still got some some stitching to do down in here but there’s

A lot of beating left some a lot of this is beating and this will be a finish this year I think and the very last one which I don’t think I even touched this year and it’s so cute is crackers about cheese by Boy threads

And I started in the middle I got this for Christmas I think two years ago and I’m pretty much I think I started well I got two of them and I finished one and then I started this one and then I got kind of burnt out but I like the

Speckled Ada that these come with and um randelle Hannah Ren Hannah doll yeah Hannah doll Randell designs I just think they’re so cute so I got that one Mouse and his little friends coming along a lot of yellow in that cheese I need get back to that one too

Because they are so cute when they’re done well that is all my whips I think it’s around 50 something um which actually that’s pretty good I thought I had more even though that’s a lot of them and I’ll never finish them all but I’m having lots of fun doing it

So anyways if you stuck around for all that thank you so much I hope you enjoyed seeing all the different projects I know I love seeing everybody’s projects and getting different ideas and more patterns I need to buy so anyways I hope you have a good holiday season and a good new year

Thanks for joining me and um until next time see you later bye


  1. ❤❤❤ great WIP parade thanks for sharing ! I know how much work they take to prepare 🫶🏽🫶🏽🎄🎄🎄❄️ merry Christmas 🎄🎁 happy holidays

  2. Oh Christmas Tree by Lavender and Lace is one of my unicorns! I’m currently stitching the Spirit of Christmas by L&L and the life saving thing is to hilight what you stitch on your working copy. Her patterns stitch up so beautiful

  3. I went on the Maria Etsy shop and bought that Autumn house. It is so pretty and she has adorable charts!I So enjoyed seeing all of your WIPS!! 😊🩷 When you figure out how to stop buying charts, please share!! 😂🤣
    I have SO many I want to stitch!!
    Your sweater and top is so pretty!! Great colors on you!
    Merry Christmas!! 🩷❤️💚🤍

  4. Great fun to see everything.
    I did try to find Maria Ovsyannikova on Etsy but no luck. Is she listed under a different name? I also tried by chart name. Nothing there either. I’ll keep trying. Thank you.

  5. Loved the WIP parade and yes you have plenty of years to get all those beauties stitched. I am really enjoying your videos. I am going back and watching all your previous ones. Happy New Year.

  6. I just discovered your youtube! Thank you for sharing! I love the same kinds of things you do. I have a couple of Dimensions going and a bunch of other things. I went on ebay and found your Noel with the birds and just got it… I had to and I am going to get that Luca Christmas Eve, that is gorgeous! All of your work is beautiful, again, thanks for sharing!

  7. I just came across your wip parade and really like most of your projects!! Looking forward to seeing your regular videos. Love it that you found your childhood memory project your Grand Mother showed you how to do!!!. I know she is rooting for you on that one.

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