Front Yard Garden

Mastering 3D Landscape Design: Build Your Vision from the Ground Up with Realtime Architect 2023

Realtime Landscaping Architect 2023 tutorial. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you step-by-step to create a stunning, realistic backyard landscape from the ground up. You’ll learn everything from starting with a blank canvas to building a detailed, client-ready 3D model, mastering lifelike textures, plants, hardscaping elements, and more. This masterclass is perfect for both new and experienced landscapers who want to improve their design skills from scratch.

What You’ll Learn:
• Getting to Know Realtime Landscaping Architect 2023
• Building Your Design from the Ground Up
• Advanced Modeling Tools and Techniques
• Adding Textures and Landscaping Elements
• Rendering Your Design into High-Quality Images and Video

Whether you’re a professional or a landscape enthusiast, this tutorial will boost your skills and help you stand out in the landscaping field.

[00:00] – Introduction
[00:23] – Modeling the House & Scaling
[27:00] – Setting Artboard Area
[30:27] – Creative Process Explained
[50:05] – Importing Drawings
[53:27] – Creating the Landscaping in 3D
[1:29:21] – Plants, Textures, Colors , Details
[1:36:17] – 2D Details
[1:43:17] – 3D Video Creation
[1:49:20] – Example Video (Final Product)

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I’m going to show you how easy it is to create stunning 3D landscape designs to impress clients in this master class you’ll learn step-by-step how to use realtime landscape architect 2023 just like we did on this design we’ll cover every detail to build your skills show

You my creative process and how to make your design Stand Out get ready to wow your clients and beat the competition let’s dive in okay so this is the house that we’re going to be modeling I chose this one cuz it’s quite simple and I’m going to show you exactly

How I’m going to model it and also show you what I did to measure each and every part of this house very quickly so basically I took a measuring tape I have a 200t tape it was like 30 bucks I hook it onto the house here and I String it

Across and I take a picture with my phone where it lands here and then I take a picture where it lands with the windows and a picture where it lands with the end and then the wall then I go wall to wall and I do that process

Around the whole thing and I take screenshot of the measurements like pictures of the measurements or you can write it down on like an 8 by10 piece of paper but for now here’s a picture so you can see what we’re going for now in realtime landscape architect we actually

Don’t have the ability to draw a house and then cut this out very easily so instead we’re drawing two houses one has a floor plan that looks like the L and then on top of it is a house that has about 1ot of wall but it does have the

Pitch roof to it too so we’re building one house with a flat roof and stacked on top of it is another house with a pitch roof and I’ll show you what we’re going to do so let’s dive to realtime landscape architect 2023 by idea Spectrum um okay so this is by default

How things come we’ll worry about everything else later but for now we’re going to go to building click on house and since I’m just doing the backyard the uh measurement from the front to back doesn’t matter so much so real quick actually before I jump in to

Do that let me show you what we’re going to do I’m going to outlay some measurements that way you guys know what we’re doing so we know let’s find a good centered area we know that the patio is 16 ft 6 in wide let’s bump it out here we got to

Zoom in I’m using the wheel on my mouse to basically make these measurements happen so we know that it’s 166 in wide now the depth is 7 9 in so I’m starting at a random corner and I’m going 7t 9 in if it doesn’t work just zoom in more

And that way you can zoom you can get each little increment all the way to 9 in so right there that’s going to be our covered patio that’s what that way we know it’s to scale now our house is going to be our little house post is 12 in by 12

In okay so we have our house Post in the corner if you look at my image we’re we already built the house post we measured out this distance and this linear distance here too so let’s log in over here again okay so we have that now I also know from def

Fault or from from measuring that if I measure from this corner and I go 24 ft that’s the center of my windows so that’s a good one to know then if I go to this corner again and I go to 39t 6 in this is a real plan I’m

Doing for a customer and that’s why I think it’s going to help you guys to watch so 39t 6 in sometimes you got to go slow at first no see I got it 39 6 in and then we also know that the wall is 49 in 49t 6 in so I’m picking a

Random measurement 49 ft 6 in I like to make my plans pretty detailed see I couldn’t quite make that so I’m going to make a measurement that’s 47 and I’m going to go in here and grab this corner and bump it all the way out

To here and see if I hit the mark 494 I need a 49 ft 6 so these as this grid comes it’s 2x two by default so we know that if I do it to the next bump out we should be about 6 in there we go so I’m

Going to unedit those points and I know this is centered amongst the yards so I’m going to come in here here I’m going to drag it in there so it’s about centered that’s roughly centered going to drag it in here we can use these left and right arrows to

Really hone things in that looks pretty centered I think that’s good now from the house Corner outward it’s 33′ 9 in so again I’m using the wheel on my mouse to zoom in 339 so let’s go here click drag all the way out of the realm over there okay so 334 let’s edit

These points and don’t grab all of them or don’t grab one of them to do something weird grab this line you can grab this entire line and we can move it about 5 in down let’s see if that got us to 30 39 yep that’s

339 now this is going to mess with us the way this looks so I’m going to drag these all the way down here and I’m going to select these points and drag them all the way down here and I’ll show you why in a sec now we also know that Beyond

This I have about 6 in from this line cuz there’s a wall a little step up wall here I’ll show this all Mak sense in a sec and then from this line from this face if I go back 5′ 8 that’s my final property boundary so now let’s build the wall first

Actually and I’ll show you why so we go to building retaining wall there’s no such thing as a wall it’s all considered retaining wall um this is a brown wall I have already favored Ed a brown wall it will do this one and I’m going to click we’ll just

Wing it like well I won’t wing it I’ll actually go exact so I click on here we’re going all the way to the edge and see it’s not it’s going to want to uh gravitate towards these lines so instead I’m going to hold down the shift

Key and move my mouse a little and then it goes it keeps in line with true vertical true horizontal or 45° if I do that so I can zoom in here while holding shift and right there is dead on and see see how it bends I don’t like that I

Don’t want that so I’m going to go down here and hit the corner tab we’re going to scroll over I’m click just so you guys know I’m clicking as I move about this I’m clicking and holding the wheel on my mouse you can do all these things

Over here with your um trackpad on your keyboard but it’s not going to flow well so so you need to use your mouse I the mouse I’m using is like a $7 Mouse on Amazon it works great um but I’m clicking the center wheel if I want to

Navigate all over here and move the move the thing about so I’m using my wheel and my mouse to zoom in and all I need to do is get to this point right here and I’m holding shift and I have dead on there so we’re over here and I’m just

Going to end it over here I’m going to right click so see now our wall is there and that’s where I want it to be but just in case if this wall was on the opposite side you can go up here and you can say switch sides and see how that switches

Sides so that way you don’t have to redraw lines if you’re on the opposite side by accident but you can switch sides if you need um if you need to step walls up uh you can use this feature but right now we’re just going to leave it

Like that so now let’s jump into the 3D part so you can see what we drew by doing that we’re going to click on perspective here and now I’m holding my right Mouse button and panning about so we can see the wall we’ve drawn and you can tell

From our picture that we only have a brown wall it’s boring There’s No Gray cap so we’re going to come back here we’re going to scroll up instead of removing the gray cap like like changing the color I’m just going to come up here and click

None and you can tell the wall by default is drawn at 1T thick it even says it down here you can see it down here it says width 1T I know this wall is 6 in wall so it’s actually .5 of a foot is 6 in so now the Wall’s 6

In thick and to make it look more realistic I’m going to increase the size of the wall till it matches that corner a little bit more there we go now I’m going to draw another wall remove this cap in advance and we know that we’re starting right

Here and we’re going all the way over to here I right clicked now let’s make it 6 in you can just you can just adjust it this way or you can type in what you need so that’s what we need wait where did our wall

Go h not sure what happened to that wall let’s look well something weird happened to that wall so let’s redraw it okay I hit I hit delete on my keyboard retaining wall let’s zoom in a lot click here and then hold down shift so we’re straight and square and right click

There’s our wall let’s go into perspective view let’s drop this wall 1 2 3 4 5 6 and we can click on this wall and see we’re at 3′ 9 so we can click back on this other wall and bump it up to 39 and this is me being

Picky so you can see how everything goes now we have two walls um this wall height is about I’ll say 3T for now so this is what the other side of the backyard looks like I didn’t care to share a picture with you just imagine that’s what’s on the other side of this

Wall back here so let’s jumping back into the design now we have our boundary our property walls I’ll edit those a little bit later but at least they’re on here and I can see things let’s zoom out by using the wheel on our Mouse now let’s do the fun part let’s

Draw house a we’ll call it I’m going to go house and in our area this is just a nice neutral Brown stucco so I’m going to go to roof material I’m not going to worry about that yet wall material I’m going to go down all the way to stucco

And that stucco is underneath sighing and and I’m going to say it’s stucco 18 so we’re going to do stco 18 roof material uh let’s not worry about that we’ll leave everything just the same now we don’t need to show the rest of the house so I’m actually going to start

Right here left click zoom out scroll over and now see we know where to click our house so I’m going to left click here hold down shift that way we’re not doing this kind of thing if I hold down shift it keeps it square

You can really zoom in if you need to to really hit those points Dead on I’m going to scroll over and click see how dead on that was and then we’re letting gravity of these the mouse naturally gravitates towards these lines so it’s nice but it’s not nice when you have a scenario

Like this because it’s want to jump here so you have to kind of give it that little extra ump to tell it that it has has to go right there so we’re going to go all the way up here kind of get equivalent hold down shift and I’m going to left click then

Go over here and click on there so now we built our first house it was that easy that fast and in perspective view that’s what we have and see it looks great but this house doesn’t have Corner trim so I’m going to scroll down over here and remove this corner trim piece

And that way that’s set but what’s up is we don’t want this house with this roof but for now what I’m going to do while I have a house built is I’m going to click contrl C you can also right click and do copy and then I’m going to paste a house

And I’m going to just drag it over here and I’ll show with you in a second why I’m doing that so I’m going to click on this house a and I need the roof flat so I can stack another house on top of it we’re going to come down here and this

Pitch we’re going to slide it all the way to zero so there’s the house now this house see how nice this house is well we’re going to use that house soon so let’s zoom in and draw this post while we’re here I’m going to make another

House let’s go down and take off this corner trim and this is why I pre-rework now let’s bring it all the way down to being no no pitch see how we’re we’re slowly well actually quickly getting a house to look like this pretty cool now this this house and

This house I’m going to say that their walls are 9 ft tall hit N9 enter we got that done now this house this house is is a well before I I go to that house let’s just model this patio since I have a clear view of this let’s go to patio

Click over here go up to concrete I use concrete 3 a lot I think that’s a good gray concrete and you can see I’m able to quickly as that model that in let’s remove this border cuz there’s no border on the current concrete so now we have concrete on that exterior

Patio and I’m going to rotate this North cuz North true north on the house is that way and that way you can see what we’re drawing better too so here we go instead of drawing a house over this I think it’s easier to take the house well let’s let’s actually go

In here remove the measurements we have I’m clicking on these measurements hitting delete sometimes you have to click around a few times to get it okay now this this one’s done this one’s done this one’s done okay now I’m taking this house select it drag it it’ll naturally

Drop on top see how nice that was and then I’m going to scroll down here edit points I’m going to grab this point and drag it to the well drag it to the very end where it auto clicks and see now we have an issue cuz

We have one big house that consumed our little houses so what we’re doing is we’re going to say the Wall height is one hit enter but here’s a trick the elevation since we know our other roof elevation is 9 ft we’re going to hit 9

Ft and hit enter so now raise the house up and now it’s starting to look like a house but let’s see our roof pitch this roof pitch is a little less and there’s no pitch on the face of this one so let’s go back into here and let’s

Unclick edit points let’s click back on our roof for now let’s edit roof down here edit roof type just hold oh hang on let me show you something see how this yellow is over half the house that’s cuz there’s a point right there in that corner I don’t

Need that point so I’m going to unedit this edit points I’m going to select this one and hit delete and select this one and hit delete that way the house is Just Four Points see how there’s four points that’s going to not disturb us editing the roof

So unclick edit points now as we scroll down here edit roof type now this whole thing lights up and we can click once and there we go just for good measure we’re going to click Once on This one and we have a house now here’s where we

Adjust the pitch let’s unedit Rift type and we just adjust this pitch down I don’t get complicated with it I just draw it till it looks about like the house uh trim color I’m just going to make it a tan and the roof type I’m going to go up

Here let’s see if I favored some I favored this roof tile which seems to match pretty good we’ll see if I can find a tile that works good that works a little better probably this tile yeah we’ll go with that one so now simple as that we have a house

Pretty much built um I don’t like all these trees in the back so I’m going to go up here to this little sun dial go to Skyline I’m going to unclick Skyline so I’m not distracted while we’re here I want to go to season make sure you’re on

Summer I like summer weather don’t worry about that you can add snow if you want but why are we adding snow right now real time I like to make the wind all the way down the wildlife all the way down so you don’t have butterflies distracting your customers in front of

Your view uh realistically speaking and I want the sound all the way down so I don’t hear wind chimes click okay and here’s a big tip for you go to this settings gear and this I’m going to cancel this see how this house looks kind of cartoony see how it looks okay

But not fantastic I’m going to go to the settings and I’m going to click accurate Reflections walk through uh sunlight flare Sun raay I like clicking all of them Global illumination this is what’s going to take account for the Sun and everything else reflecting and it’s going to give

You better graphics it does take more time but it gives you way better graphics so I’m going to do this on this and the walk through sometimes you don’t want to have this on the movie um if you want to make a movie quickly leave that

Unchecked if you want to let the movie render it takes my computer and I have a strong computer it takes it about 20 hours if I leave this on or it takes about 20 minutes if I leave it off to render a 3D video so we’ll click okay

And now let me move around and I’m going to let it sit for one second you’re going to see the global illumination take Effect 3 2 1 see how it it looks a little sharper up here and there’s ambient light I’ll show you as we go on why we did this but

Now we’re set up so let’s go back up here I don’t get to technicals with the windows and doors I’m going to add a door and two windows looks like those two windows are the same size so so let’s minimize this well let’s just go over here house we’re going to go to

Door I think it’s a patio door actually it’s a screen door other let’s see Favorites well they’ve updated this a little bit so let’s see what this looks like again it looks like it’s just one door that’s all glass um let’s see let’s see how this one looks literally I’m just placing the door here clicking that on there the problem

Is if it’s all glass it just doesn’t look great usually I can just throw a door on there and it looks all right but this one I might be picky um I’ll use this door but while I’m here I’m going to right click and click add to

Favorites that way I don’t need to search for it again so I’m going to double click on it now we have a door that resembles things much more close I’m going to edit the appearance of it by going here click edit materials if you move this aside when you hover over

And click something it’ll Flash and show you what we’re editing so I’m going to go up here we’ll just edit it to this wood material I’m double clicking I’m going to just leave it at that for now I’m not going to overthink it let’s see it looks

Like there’s about a foot and a half or so here uh the door’s a little bigger so I’m going to raise that door and go like that just so it looks pretty true now for window I’m going to go here and I’m going to choose this window window 42 add to

Favorites let’s do this and copy paste I clicked contrl C and contrl V and let’s see they’re not touching so we’re going to come in here done now I’m going to select I’m going to hold down shift and select this I’m going to hit copy and I’m going to come over here

Right click paste and drag these windows over there so I did eliminate one measure measurement so I can see things better I’m going to click on this house go to transparency and and tone this down see how it’s toning things down a ways I’m going to tone it down so you can see

Through here I forgot that the measurement of these windows was from this corner to 24 ft so if I select this window I’m holding down shift to select the other one now I can see where these windows are and I can make sure that the opening is actually right there where I

Want it and let’s see what it looks like in real life they’re they’re almost together but they’re not quite together so when we zoom out looks like we have ourselves a window now we’re going to go up and we’re going to add the land the the air conditioner so I’m going to go

Up to landscape accessory click on there search AC and there’s an air conditioner if you don’t have this in your system for some reason you can go to um sketchup’s Warehouse I’ll show you how real quick I’ll show you how but that’s in there that’s pretty good

Okay so I opened my internet browsing Tab and I typed I searched SketchUp Warehouse that’s all I did now if you look here it’s this one it’s 3D warehouse. click on there and we are in so I could also type in AC unit and click on

Models and let’s say I wanted this one which is actually really nice download SketchUp 2022 file scroll down here I can go to tools import wizard next accessories good Untitled next now I have an AC unit so let’s see I mean obviously I’ll grab the rotation key and rotate at

90° let’s see which one looks a little more realistic I mean with the power there kind of doesn’t hurt let me see if I can use this one over here so I’m using the right clicker on my mouse and I’m going to slowly drag this in till it matches the house like that

I’m going to drag this over there we have ourselves an air conditioning unit let’s delete this here we are looks pretty real doesn’t it we’re done we’re done with the house that was pretty fast and accurate I think so all righty let’s see now for

Me what I do is I try and look at the house and see if there’s anything else that is going to make um yes I do have a fence I need to add that fence in so I’m going to go up here I know let’s delete

This 24 hit the delete button hit the delete tab I know this fence is 11 ft back so from this corner this is all just doing measurements while I’m on site right there I’m going to go to building fence panel click here drag across hold down

Shift I want the post to be right here so I’m going to right click see I put the post there too let’s go into 3D mode and I don’t like that style I’m going to choose the style that it looks closer to and adjust the height all the way

Down let’s see on the picture looks like like it’s about there so I’ll adjust it down a little bit more and we’re sent we’re sold okay so here’s our house looks pretty good right so let’s jump into the 2D view let’s delete this 11t marker okay

So we have our gate we have our covered patio um we have our air conditioner we have everything drawn to scale so what I do is a lot of times I want to make one print out I’m going to delete this measurement too I want one print out of the

Backyard let’s delete this measurement too why not I want one print out of just the backyard so I can print an 8 by10 on my home computer and then I can take prints and take a pen to paper and draw different designs and see what concepts work I think it’s sometimes easier to

Draw with your pen you can do all the designs here on paper and I do sometimes too but from here here’s what we’ll do to make it printable in the right fashion so you can have a 2d plan to draw on and then come back in and design

On here all righty so what we’re going to do when we want to print this out is we want to make sure like right now if I click on here in zoom out if we printed it it would basically print out this big and the house would be so small we could

Barely draw on it so I want just the backyard printed out and this works for when you send a customer a final two dimensional plan too so I’m going to go to plan detail at the top and go to linear dimensions and I’m going to give a

Little leeway so I’m going to go over there and scroll all the way over towards the end here I’ll probably go here and I’ll get this out of the reader board here we’ll scroll through so we know that’s 58 ft and I’m going to do the same thing with this Back Fence

Basically I’m going to go probably from here all the way past the wall Just One Hair so you can see it’s 54x 58 so we’re going to go up here to file page setup and then we’re going to go to customized size so we’re going to say the width is

58 and the depth is 54 and it’s going to show you a little preview here that show that it’s a rectangle or horizont to make sure you didn’t get those two mixed up and you can click okay now our screen went blank and that’s okay because it actually shrunk this entire

Thing down to the bottom left corner so we’re just going to highlight everything on here and drag it over and I actually use these little markers to show me where my measurements more or less were we’ll pull it down a little bit more right there I’m going to delete these

Measurements and now you can see see we have the backyard completely rendered to how we want it and just to test it I can go to export plan file I’ll title it as print test on my desktop and here it’s going to ask for the resolution I go all the way up to

The highest it’s one of the numbers is going to have 8192 and you can click okay it’s going to take a sec and ask if I want to open it and you can then tell that our print is going to be just of the backyard test test test

Test okay so here we have our paper I put some tape down so I know where it would be centered kind of on this video for you all but what I do is I just print a bunch of papers you can see this is an 8×10 and we just have our standard

Little drawing that we made of the property outlines what’s existing and the house so from here we’re going to start with this way so our biggest thing right now is just to print out I usually print out four five of these and the idea is just to get

Designs on paper my theory is if you get a lot of designs out then you can try and pick and see what works for different areas and from there you can go so this is going to be our standard process so this is going to be our Standard Process okay so instead of drawing like this I’m going to draw from the user standpoint let me straighten this out a bit for you all okay instead of drawing like this I’m going to draw from the user standpoint so I’m going to draw it from how people view I’m going to view

It this way how people view it um on on a daily basis from their house okay so here we go now here’s what the homeowner said uh let me find my notes okay so the homeowner just had a few requests and I’m going to write those

Requests on here so we can make that known so they want curves they wanted a path that’s curved they want plants on the top tier level curves plants path um a patio extension uh they want raised beds they want dimensions and height dimensions and height visually and they want fairly low mantenance

And I should mention we’re out here in the desert so we’re not going to do a lot of lawn and stuff on this plan this is going to be what’s considered Zer Escape Plan and that’s what we’re going to do cuz that’s where I live

So this yard is going to be all curves this person loved curves so we’re going to be working with curves um sometimes with curves it’s nice to have something like this Um this can help you pinpoint something and draw nice curves if you’re not good at curves but we’re going to do

This freehand um um another good thing is to have things like this that are stencils to show you just little planting outlines that we can put they also have stencils with curves on them and even stencils with more shapes um these are like 10 bucks on Amazon but we

Don’t need all this we’re going to do all this by freehand I’m going to show you the creative process here so I want to extend this patio but the trick is I don’t want to draw some square patio because she likes curves so my big thing

Is I’m going to they already think this patio is maybe okay so sizewise so instead we’re going to add on a simple curve of a patio that way they have a patio extension you’re going to see as I’m drawing all these curves I’m going to be making little dashes like little

Dashes because it kind of illustrates what we’re doing so here we have our extended Pia now as we’re looking outward from this extended patio um I know that she wants one pathway that goes around this yard basically the entire yard my my deal is I don’t want to make

A pathway come right out the right at the front because if this was centered I might make that happen but it’s off to the side so chances are our pathways are going to come off to the side and probably way over here somewhere that’s probably about 3 ft a normal pathway is

About 3 to 4 ft so what I’m going to do is I’m going to pretend we’re walking out here I like 90° stemming from here and 90° stemming from here what I’m going to do is pretend that we’re we’re cruising out here it’s going to naturally turn Curves

In and I’m going to find like the center point of this somehow that’s roughly Center I like this walkway going all the way over here here you know I see how I’m just drawing like simple curves so we’re good with that then this walkway has to dive back down I

Think and Cur comes all the way out here all the way so I’m going to make this curve kind of go out and then back in if you look that’s a pretty good curving spot honestly that’s a pretty good curve so I’m going to draw in my actual

Borders and improve them as we go see I’m just scratching this with a pen just to make a darker line and we’re going to rotate the paper to match I’m going to hug this in a little bit more I’m right-handed so I’m just drawing this like so I’d probably make this

Wider and the the idea here is to just get the general feel of things um so now I’m just going to hug that on the inside of this line about another 3 ft and that way we have our pathway we don’t need to make things perfect we’re going to rely on our

Program on the computer to make things perfect there’s our pathway okay so from here I’m going to probably expect there’s a fire pit they’re going to put here and they’re probably going to put a few seats here and maybe one here let’s say there’s five chairs let’s say there’s

Five chairs so someone can come here walk that way come here walk that way it kind of breaks things up but the big view is going to be this way I think the biggest view is going to be that way so I usually focus on the bigger permanent things so we know we

Have the pder extension we know we have the main walkway that’s going to dictate the pace for the rest of everything else here now I like this we use a lot of dry River beds here and I like this being a main curve that’s coming off of

This and on here we’re going to make a main curve so it it branches off where you mainly visually see this and this is going to be little cobblestones like a dry River bed like it’s called a zeroscape with an X and I think if this

Goes here I’m going to say this is you know it runs in here and makes a y I think that visually to break up this big circle is going to look really nice I see how it matches in the center here I’m going to match it on the center over there all remaining

Curves and this curve is going to taper out and we’re going to make it do like so so that’s all going to be Cobble so it’s all going to be a dry River bed it’s probably going to have a little sale to it so it has some depths

And some processes that just make it look a little more three-dimensional now I think we need one nice plant here that’s going to be straight dead center almost along with that wall and there’s a number of planting directions that I like to use in groups

And there’s only a a handful or two that really look good within landscape and if you want to know all the details all the ends and outs of that you can go to landscapers and find my class on this design stuff and it’ll show you every

Step of the way on how to do this but this one think of this one like like an m so draw a really well draw a really big m so I’m going to have a plant here a plant at the top of the m and a plant

At the bottom of the M well I didn’t Center that really so now we have five Plants 1 2 3 4 five in a staggered format so this area is pretty much done all we’re going to do is block off areas now and finish each area and then we have a done plan

Now there’s an upper Landing here this is like 3 foot higher so they just wanted plantings back here I’m going to put one centered I’m going to put one on the the end put one on the other end we’re going to do a lot of Threes And

Fives in this planting plan odd numbers look better than even numbers so I’m going to draw another one so we have five inter spaced along this back wall there’ll probably be something Evergreen so it constantly makes this really high I think this wall is like 10 ft high or

12 ft high that way it backdrops that wall really nice and honestly I’m going to put a few little plantings in the middle just so it’s staggered and you have a little bit more colorful things up front and you have more Evergreen things in the back so

These look good year round and these look good seasonally so they’re closer when they are when they are in season now we’re keeping with the Curve themes but she also wants these raised planter beds so I could put some in the middle here but it’s going to distract our view

Visually it’s going to be in the way of things so I’d rather put it in these blank two corners and I’m going to draw on a curve here this is a big planter bed I might shape this down a little more once we’re in the program but we have a planter bed

Here now we have a raised planter bed that she can walk all the way around and Garden in this area and we’re going to S sort of match this theme over here as well see how that works so I think that’s going to look pretty good now if this is

A dry River bed it’s got to it’s got to come out on the other side of this walkway in my opinion so that this now matches and I think it’d be nice to put one big statement plant here now if we’re matching that I’m going to put one big statement plant here as

Well now here’s the big thing too these these people have very close neighbors and one thing I like to think on is how are they going to be interacting with the neighbors this side isn’t such a big deal because they’re much further away but this side is so from about this

Point to this patio line cuz our view is going to be that way I’m going to put a plant here plant here that’s going to be Evergreen and we’re going to do seven of these so I’m going to plant seven of these these Evergreens that way it’s covered a

Little bit more privacy from the neighbors and this boring wall is actually going to be covered I’m going to make this a path path that way we don’t forget now I think this area would be a perfect area for a pot or a vase or something like

That and something around it whether it be a different color Cobblestone or something we’ll figure out that in the program now we have this this kind of Figure 8 shape and I think what’s happening is if you’re from this patio and you’re looking this way I’ll grab another pen you’re you’re scanning this

Area you have interest here everywhere’s good we have all the pathways and everything these statement plants and these planter beds from here from The View this is the view well everything’s good until we get to right here so what I’m going to do is I’m going to

Put one plant here we’re going to make it a little spiral one plant here centered on the walkway and one plant here there we go that way this visually is taken care of and that wall isn’t just such a stretch of a wall now they

May want to go this way from this path to go to the front this way is the front so I’m going to draw like a flagstone p path that’s leading all the way to the front yard so that’s done that’s all set now

What we got to do too is we we have this air conditioner we don’t really want to look at this air conditioner so I’m going to plant a big shrub here and you can just draw see how I’m just drawing nonsense it doesn’t you don’t have to be perfect nothing has to

Be perfect about this now I like this big curve visually this this is going to look nice this one big curve from this patio which is 90% of the time how they’re going to view it so I know for a fact that I’m going to want

To plant here I’m going to want like five plants like 1 2 3 4 five just along this big curve now I don’t want this just to be big boring area of gravel all of this by the way is gravel basically so cuz this is going to be a nearly Zero Water yard

So what I’m going to do is I’m probably going to put some sort of a steel board Edge in here that that curves and follows this other walkway and like maybe loops around like that and that gives us an anchor point we can put in the center here that’s one big ass

Tree one tree see that guy that’s going to look really nice there especially at from that visual we’re not blocking much with that tree now up close here I’m going to put something fragrant I’m going to draw little squares for that maybe again we’re keeping with our line in line of

Threes And here I’m not certain what we’re going to do we might just add like a boulder and a yucka that’s just facing someone right here I might leave this boring for now with we’ll see if we need interest when we enter things into the 3D realm so we got a planter it’s

Raised and this is raised with block so it’s a permanent planter we got this covered this might be a little boring along this wall here so I might just add like some grasses here maybe we’re planting too much maybe or not we’ll see in the program how this

Looks in 3D that’s the beauty of this that’s the reason we’re doing all of this um I’m going to put pot I think we’re good so as you can tell we went from having a plan like this to having an organized area an organized fashion that covers curves check plants check

Raised beds check low maintenance that’s going to be the plants that we choose we may have too many plantings we may not we’ll see what looks in person I don’t want to do too much of a planting density um pathway check patio extension we got that check uh dimensions and

Height we’re going to add that into the program a little bit but we have the height with the Planters height with the plantings and we’re going to have some low spots that also accentuate some Heights here too so this might be a little high spot I’ll Circle this a

Little and maybe this becomes a little high spot too just so it has some high spots in the plan I’ll probably draw that on here too so this is a learned skill um imagine an NBA player who has made let’s say 100,000 three-pointers when they go to shoot

Again it’s going to be a Nob brainer for them so the more you operate and and test what you’re capable of and learn the pro the process of a design um you’re going to be able to bang this out faster and faster and faster um don’t think that all the time I just

Take a pen to paper and make it happen the truth is a lot of times I print up a thousand of these and I’ll draw a pathway that that I just it just doesn’t look right and it leaves me with big spaces that I don’t know what to do so

Don’t think I’m always on point I just draw a lot of designs and the more complex the design the more the more printouts I make and the more revisions I try and do so all it is is a learn skill and I know this pathway is going to look pretty nice cuz

It has nice curves we’re at 90° where it where it stems from where it branches off and it still matches up in the center here which I think is nice and it has just a lot of interest a lot of color a lot of depth and a lot of

Different materials and plantings and gravel so let’s move into the program um I will show you what we do from here I’m going to take a picture of this and I’m going to upload it on a program that is called um I think it’s I’ll enter it in here here

In the video I think it’s called like docu scan or something like that so um I will jump into the program boom okay so jumping back into the plans in a digital way here we are now um so what I’m going to do is what I did just now is I went

On my cell phone I went on my iPhone and I went to an app called uh genius scan and I had to pay I think it was between like5 and $20 but what it does is it allows you to take a picture of whatever you just drew and it can

Pinpoint where is paper and where is not paper and it digitizes it for you and I the important part here listen to me the important part is it’s this is its website by the way the important part here is it allows me to send it to myself via email as a

PDF and if you that’s important because I don’t want a picture of this um like raised or anything I want the picture embedded in this design so I can just Trace over it now I’m going to go in here and go to tools and I can’t if I do

Picture import wizard it’s not going to do it right so I actually want to do CAD drawing import and the reason it’s saying CAD is because it’s it’s actually for this purpose it’s for imprint in importing uh drawings that are made by CAD professionals like plans and we made a plan basically

So and this basically also should be labeled cad/ PDF drawing import wizard so we’re going to click it click next here’s the the one that I just downloaded today and there’s our plan pretty cool huh so next and next finish then we’re in so you can do this see how

It comes on smaller that’s normal you can scale this up or down to match whatever works um I got to grab this I’m going to hold the shift key and the shift key will let me know a little bit better when it’s actually that 180° rotation so we have that now I’m

Going to zoom in a little and I’m going to go click over here to the right and say re resize using known distance because I know that right here to all the way across is 49 ft 6 in so this will give us a good starting

Point so I click again left click see it thinks it’s 21 in 21 ft instead I’m going to say 49 and I’m going to enter the apostrophe and I’m going to enter 6 and shift to do the inches on the keyboard then I’m going to hit okay now

I’ll zoom out using the wheel of my mouth see how it resized everything perfectly that’s exactly what we’re after that’s exactly what we’re after it’s a little off here so I’m going to click it and drag it over let’s see how it looks as a hole we’re almost spoton so I’m going to

Hold shift and click it and drag it so it’s right about there now you can see this is embedded on the design and all we’re going to do is Trace what we have going for us so first let’s start with easy things um I’m going to go to landscape I’m going

To add those back plants I’m going to do a plant row I’m going to click here where we have a plant I’m going to hold down shift so instead of going crooked at any possibility it maintains it straight even if my mouse moves where it shouldn’t and I’m going to right click

It by default gives us 10 I’m going to scale it back down to five and see I drew you can tell right away I drew this off as far as this middle plant goes but this program knows what’s up so I’m going to go here change plants I’m going

To go to my favorite plants and I’m going to go down here to do an emerald green Arbor then I’m going to jump into the 3D view those look a little tiny to me so I’m going to bump up the size a little bit if it doesn’t bump up click ignore

Growth limits now I got to bump those suckers down we’ll work on the height stuff later but I’m well I might as well B out the height stuff now shall we so here’s the deal this is about 4T High I drew it 3 ft High

Um let’s just call it 3 and A2 for now I forget the actual measurement I’ll look at my phone and then this wall is higher basically this Wall’s 5 ft except what I’m going to do is I’m going to go here edit points I’m going to click right

Here and I’m going to click right here now I’m going to try selecting these two points go into perspective view I’m going to click stepped over here on the wall so instead of curving it steps it up and increments and I’m going to bump those up and see see how it’s raising the

Whole wall that’s what I don’t want I want the wall to the left and right to remain the same so instead it means I’m going to select this point and this point and move this up to let’s say 7 ft there we go I want this one to go up to so I’m

Just going to click that point and click seven and we’re done with that now instead of messing with the grading of this yard I’m going to do the easy way of filling this in as a planter I’m going to go to this view I’m going to go

To house or well building patio let’s take off the Border let’s make this gravel I’ll go to favorites I favored this tan gravel I’m going to click here go all the way across hold down shift so it’s straight click here and I’m left clicking by the way click

Here all the way here and right click and it’s going to make this just like so and we can drag this green vertical one up and drag it right into place and now everything is there and you can see it’s a little short so I’m going to go to Elevation and bump

Things up a hair now that’s done see how easy that was so now that part of it’s done um I’m going to taper this wall down so it’s not such a big increase and this wall down too so but I’m going to show you a

Trick here if I click on this wall and if I go to edit points I’m going to insert it’s it’s going to by default since it’s stepped it’s going to read well this side may not matter this side’s all down the one level I’m going to start like right here

But if I delete this point it’s going to read right here in the middle of this point and this point and navigate it down see how it did halfway it made it basically half that’s really nice cuz we can go here and here and then we have a beautifully stepped

Wall just like that on the other side cuz these walls kind of go clockwise I have it’s probably going to bump this out a little different um see how that bumped it out oddly well I’m going to have to tell that specific point that that point is in fact

5T and then only then can I click in the middle here let’s make it that look we’ll do middle see how I did that automatically and middle and middle that way our wall is stepped up nicely look how nice that looks that took what only 30 seconds a minute

Okay now I’m going to start with the big boy I’m going to start with the pathway well we might as well just extend this patio out so um I could extend this patio I’m going to draw this as an extra patio that way if I need to

Click on it and gather the square feet later I can so I’m going to go to building patio we’re going to go back up to concrete concrete 3 I’m going to click here I’m going to hold down the sh uh no I’m not going to hold down shift I’ll just click here

Randomly about the center point on the patio I’m left clicking and I’m going to click here and then we’ll right click back so we drew a triangle I’m going to edit points I’m going to select all of them um this one I’m I’m going to do this so I can drag these anchors

Out and these two I’m going to make not this one but I’m going to do this one so I can drag each individual anchor at a different angle and I’m going to face this to go I’m holding down shift so it’s 90° outward and same with this

Guy 90° outward and to be honest that patio extension looks pretty good there it’s half rounded um if you wanted to get technical you could find that 166 divide it in half get the 8T 3 or whatever it would be and let’s out of curiosity let’s see how far off we

Were boom 8T three edit see my Center Line was off just a hair now it’s on that’s the way to ensure that it’s perfect this looks a little shorter than this one so I’m going to bump this out just a hair and just like that our patio’s done

And what’s nice is this is an odd shape so now I’m able to click on this if I ever need to install it and know that it’s 83 sare ft that’s going to come in valuable later if this client says yes or if this client says hey I’m doing my

Own stuff I want to know how much this costs or how much I need to order so that way this plan is draw to scale now let’s go and we’re going to do the measuring tool and see how wide this roughly is it’s about 29 so I drew it

I’d like to make that pathway 3T so I’m going to go into landscape go to path we’re going to leave it at that gravel for now I guess and instead of 4T let’s move this to be 3 ft wide now I’m going to click all I got to

Do is click in the the middle well backspace I’m going to click back here just like so like there there and I’m just going to trace out Click by click I’m just seeing what I think would look best if and if and if I’m let’s say I mess

Something up I can hit the backspace on the keyboard and go back a few times if I’d like so we can edit this later but for now I think it’s important for you to realize we just have to get the bulk of it down and I’m it tells you when we’re centered

Up with it when we’re square but I’m just going to go past it and right click and now our walkway is in just as simple as that our walkway is in and we’re done well I wish we’re done but let’s go back to plan View and now

You have the option here to see how the border is kind of fuzzy you have the option to go soft which makes it fuzzier or Sharp which makes it much more sharp I’m going to stick with sharp I like the way sharp looks um I think we should

Enter our planter bed zones now building retaining wall we have our walls going for us we’re going to do matching walls um I’m going to just draw a shape that I think will be nice and right click inste of one foot let’s make it 8 in wide well 6 in wide that’s our

Standard block here for planters edit points I want this point I can hold down shift to edit both of those and I want to keep them over here so let’s drag these points there this point Oh wrong one this tab here this tab goes here let’s check our walls our walls are

3′ 9 the spacing so this one should be 39 as well and you can say wow that looks pretty freaking tall well it is so we need to move it down to 2 ft let’s go a little last bump that way it’s not too tile okay I’d say that planter looks pretty

Awesome um I’m going to cheat and probably copy and paste this drag it over here I’m going to rotate it hold down shift so I hit 90° now that’s in I’m going to leave that one I’m going to move this one all the way down

Here shape is off a little bit I’d like to taper this in a little while just like so and just like that we have our Planters now while I’m here I think I should PL fill the planters with a patio that’s in the shape of a gravel so it

Looks like we thought this through favorites Stone 239 so you can just punch this in I usually instead of going at the edge like that I usually go on the center of the planter beds it usually looks better with curves cuz sometimes I can catch that out out the side there we

Go that I’m actually going to make this mulch 31 now this is already lifted so I’m going to just copy and paste this drag it over here rotate it you can see this is a tedious process but if you do this all the time um you’ll quickly see that you get

Better and better and faster I Would by far already be done with this plan had I not had to describe it on this video does hope that makes sense it’s the describing it that is taking me much longer okay our Planters are done we might add plants in there later if we feel

Frisky now for here let’s go back to landscape region I’m going to fill this in we I’m making sure the curves is selected over here to the right and you know we’re going right here and right Here see we’re literally just tracing what we what ideas we thought worked and seeing if they if they perform well what’s fun is on this end of things we can test the 3D realm and just make sure using technology now that it looks good in real life which I think is a pretty

Cool option for you to provide to your clients I’m going to go in here and go to my favorites I probably have a nice Cobblestone we’ll use and see how this is over the walkway I’m going to right click on this and go to render order and say bring to back and that pushed it behind the PDF

So I’m actually going to go render order send forward one layer and then we have that now I’m going to come here and I might adjust the height down a little and see what that does for us but it does mess with our walkways I’ll wait before I do anything with the

Grades but you can start to see how nice this is really looking and um I’m loving it so before we do more gravel um I’m going to do more of these accents what’s nice is if you draw a shape that you like and you use all the

Time you can save this shape in this program and it’s going to use it you can use it again at the flip of a switch you can just go here to shape options and I’ve done that with multiple shapes in my Arsenal and it’s helped a lot

No I’m going to go to favorites we’ll just make this any gravel and before I cover up more gravel I’m going to start adding plants where I think we should get some so I’ve favored plants in this in this thing um and that way I can just pick and go

And see what’ll work there’s a nice plant there that we got I think we should put a row of plants starting here J J with the rows of plants you just want to click around in the middle of where you’re wanting these plants you don’t want to be to the left or the

Right we’ll make this five and I’m envisioning these to be like a cool grass we’ll just try this one for now we’re going to edit the plants later but before I can do more gravel I have to basically figure out what we’re doing with going to select all these make it right

Angles you can see I may want to taper these in just a little bit and then put one plant here I’ll make this like a butterfly bush these ones would be something nice and maybe yellowing yellow like these poenas this plant right here we could do I’ll walk you through

On my other videos especially in landscapers I will show you exactly how and why I choose these plants but for now I’m mostly showing you how to I’m mostly wanting to show you how to render anything you’d need need in this program and we can go over plants later

Three we’ll just throw in some space holders here some flocks see now this thing’s starting to look like an actual landscape plan this needs to get a little bigger whoa not a lot bigger so in this thing I’m I’m going to right click render order I’m going to just send

Backward that’s going to set that I’m going to put this into being a tree of some sort um Western Red Bud sure we’ll play around with that see how I how it covers my design I’m going to change the symbol to a cad symbol I like I like these ones

And you can see that this needs to scale down the Plant I might change this to a different plant a cheese tree that way you can see through it more it’s not enclosing the yard too all too much and then for this water feature here I’m going to go to water features and

Fountain and go here all we’re going to scroll through here see if we can find something cool I like one of these I’m going to drop it right there but honestly when I look at it in the 3D view I don’t like the Basin like I don’t

Like that look so I’d rather drop this in the ground like so I’m going to bump the height down I don’t want it to be too high of a pot and I’m going to go edit the color I like my pots blue for most scenarios this blue cloth will probably

Be fine there we go so now we have a blue pot now that blue pot it’s not going to look good on the plan so I’m going to right click on here advance properties I’m going to take it off of the plan view well before I do I’ll show you what

I’m going to do I’m going to go to landscape accessory go to pot search for a pot and I’m going to put like this pot there it’s almost you can see it’s almost where that pot is I’m going to make it the same width more or less I’ll even make it

Blue so that’s okay now that pot I’m going to right click and I don’t want to see it except only on the plan view there now this pot I’m going to right click and I don’t want to see that on the plan View so now we took we got

Rid of that ugly base there region I’m going to start I’m going to go here and say load shape we want a circle let’s select our Circle oh I don’t know what I did let’s select the circle scale this down I’m going to make this this River

Rock and we’re going to bring it to a height to make it look cool okay I’m also going to plug a plant here and drag it all the way to here we want this one to be seven plants like we spoke about earlier I’m going to do the same emerald

Green or provid us Here think I want my pot to be a little bit bit bigger throw it on the ground a hair so that’s there see how it kind of gave a nice privacy from all this wall and all these neighbors I like that a lot I really

Do this gravel I think I should move it to being a different gravel maybe let’s say this one we can bump the size down a ways that way that’s there we had three coloring plants you can also choose like watch we’ll be we’ll find a favorite here that is let’s say

One of these gut Coral Bells if you know you want to no multiple you can hold that control and click click click just like that we have three of those I can select them I can move them all around a little bit which which I will

Do I’m going to drag and drop a rock here you can see that this does become easy and it does become fun now I want plants around this water feature I’m actually going to highlight this water feature and move it a little bit this way we can go to plant row and

Actually do a shape and I’m going to do a circle double click so now we have 10 plants in a row let’s see how six looks I’m going to drag it over here we can Center it that blue line will show us where our Center is Center it here

That red line This Way will show us where our Center is but we got to zoom in more there we go so we have those plants but plants don’t look like that out here in the desert forest so I’m going to go to my favorites and we’ll

See maybe on this one we should do these lavenders I’m going to shrink this in just a hair honestly we’re getting pretty good so now I’m going to get a region on this tab go here go across I’m clicking just our border and I’m I’m going to throw this underneath

Everything so as you can see everything turned green I think this is going to to save money I’m going to go with the gray gravel with them but I don’t want that there so I’m going to go to render order send to back Beyond everything and then I’m going

To instead of instead of bumping it up one I’m just going to grab our plan and hit and just like that you can see our plan is starting to look like a plan which is pretty cool to me I want this pathway just a hair darker and a hair less

Blue cuz we do have a gravel very similar to that here and um I think I’m forgetting three things along this wall and a flagstone path so I’m going to click this go over here let’s find something from our favorites something that’ll hold up well against that wall we’ll just throw some

Grasses there and bump them against the wall closer maybe make them like 1.9 there we go can’t say I’m exactly happy with this tree cuz it’s a little big um but I’m looking for Alternatives maybe they’d like a tree there I’m just debating for now I’m

Going to leave it I guess make it a little smaller but’s see how nice like this plan this is a this is a really nice plan by the way I don’t like that plant I think we could do a little better I’ll make that a blue mist and I’ll put these as butterfly

Bushes I want to see these I haven’t used these yet H so this is the fun part of it uh no need to focus on this all too much I might change these just to be a little lower cuz they look better when they’re lower and that’s how they

Naturally grow um in these beds I think oh W this is off um let’s select both things in this bed drag this over they’re off they’re not matching and they should match so I’m going to bump this in towards in line and push this over there we

Go now I’m going to edit the points of this cuz I think now that I moved that these should go a little further In see these curves look a little nicer now I think they do at least okay we forgot some plants to stagger between these Evergreens let’s drag this here we can just click in the middle and click here right click I’m going to make those four and favorites we’ll just do these

Barberry drag them forward One Hair see how they look they look a little big I might do them to one that way these are just ready to go okay I like the way everything’s looking I don’t see any major need for things which is cool let’s build our flagstone pathway

And we’re going to kind of call it get I might go over it once over but this is a very simple plan this plan they did not they paid me my minimum for and I do need to do a great job but also I don’t want to waste

Time I want to see their reaction and see what they think I’m going to make this like a nice tan let’s see how this looks in person yeah it looks pretty good I like that so I’m going to copy and paste another one I’m going to just change the shape to anything in

Particular copy and paste going to change the shape to whatever pops up so I usually do about four of these in different shapes then I hold down shift and select all of these and copy and paste those four and I red drag them over here make them like this that way I’m reusing

What we already Drew and we’re hopefully saving time that’s the goal amazing design and the amount of time that we can um while making this all seem possible I’m actually going to take this gravel and loop it over here so just play around with these lines move things until it starts to look

Nice you be the judge okay so now that I think that looks pretty good although um this this tan gravel I want this to have a border and I want to use a different color favorites let’s use maybe use the same I’ll use this

Gravel but I’m going to edit it to be a little brighter little saturation definitely a different Hue well that doesn’t look too great let’s start over um I’m going to do this one I’m wanting it to be a little less of that brown I think that looks nice that purple looks really

Nice now I’m going to add a border I want to add like a steelb border so I’m going to make this like a solid color that’s black I want to go through here and make it very thin and let’s see to me that looks good but it does show off the different that

Black is pretty dark let’s just go to patio I’m going to do one of these random ones I’m going to make it just extremely dark like that and that way it’s more of a gray let’s edit these points I don’t want that one our goal is to make these curves

Really really stand out nicely see what I’m doing is mainly just trying to make these curves all looks super natural super flowing No harsh angles cool okay I think this looks pretty cool I might just continue this these points to hit here going to delete all these add one drag it over

Here now I’m having trouble seeing this a little so I’m going to darken it a little so it’s a little more contrast and it’s a little more known on the plan that it is what it is so now let’s think of this a little bit on a 3D

Perspective we have the height of those but I want this area to be higher too so I’m going to go into terrain go into height painter I’m going to drag a square over where I want this to be right immediately you’re always going to say that line so immediately I always go

Here and click no line so it’s done but I’m going to go to razor lower and I want to raise this by one let’s do 2 in and see how big my cursor is I’m going to make the brush size instead of 6 ft I’m probably going to go down to

Like 3 and 1/2 and I’m going to draw a circle see how it raised it and I’m going to draw another Circle that was 2 in I’m going to undo that last one and you can even find it I mean you can really work with those elevations

And see what happens now these plants I want them dropped in a little bit so they’re showing off but they’re we can still see the hill underneath it I can also grab this height painter and drag what we drew a little back so that way it’s lifting that back plant a

Little more which is nice I’m going to make that a little bigger and that’s pretty much done this yard needs to be low maintenance so I’m going to leave it at that I think this is really nice I might put landscape I might put a little planter pot right here just for

Grins you can do what whatever you’d like to do um if you want to draw something in these Planters my advice is to do a plant fill and we can I’ll go into this plan so I can get into a little more detail you can just select a broad outline and I usually

Make it a little wavy in these planter beds and it’s going to start out with 200 plants I would just jump to 20 right away and what I like on this one is we’ll just say basil this basil looks pretty good 20 seems like a lot so we’re going to do

Less I like the way that looks see that way they can see how their Garden’s going to look and this bigger one I might choose a different symbol cuz that’s really loud and these are quite big I’m going to just drag and drop that over here rotate it a

Little drag this here I’m going to edit these points I’m going to put some tomato I’m just going to do Tom wait what did I do plant I’m just typing in Tom and seeing if tomato pops up tomato um I guess it’s not really popping up so instead we’re going to do

Chili oh my gosh let’s see what can we do annuals where did I find everything cool we can find these here these here okra okra is kind of cool uh eggplant we’ll do eggplant here let’s see those just look annoying you can’t tell what they even are 6

Cool that’s good I’m going to do a plant fill five and we’re going to go in here annuals I’m going to do some of these Egyptian beats and you get the process so we can like make a whole list of things that people can plant you don’t have to do this um I

Found it people like it zucchini we’ll just play around with that that’s probably a good middle ground one we can move this back here um Cabbage basil um let’s do I don’t know this arugula cool and we have 10 of those that way you can they can just see the layers of these and 10 of those that way we’re set I feel personally like these plants I I don’t want to include these for free

Like I don’t want to include these in the prices so I’d rather right click on these Advanced take them off the project material list and same with these right click Advance take it off the project material list there we go now speaking of M material project list

You can go to plan detail plant Legend and I’ll zoom out that’s what it looks like click we can drag it down to size so we’re not bombarding anybody um I’ll actually put these probably over here over the house I’ll drag this in um a lot of

Times I’ll do the botanical name but these these guys are pretty simple people they don’t want to see that I believe so I’m going to go to the Botanical and uh undo that so people can just see what we got here see what we’re working with here and right here I would say

Something like landcape plan for um address here whatever the address is I’m not going to give you my customer’s address in this plan that would be unprofessional and just overall creepy um this doesn’t work good I’m going to move this to two columns and we can push

This back here and this one I’m going to click enough until I get this and we’re going to add this here and Center it so that’s that and let’s measure from here to here we’re at 70 so I’m going to move the height of this to be 70

Now that’s in there I can include the north value as well put it out of the way that’s good um the issue here though is I think they’re going to want to see this gravel line go all the way back and then these this pathway we got going for

Us I’m going to move this all the way back too okay so now when we go to print this plan it’s it’s going to look pretty good and it’s going to look professional I might move this down one little hair no I’ll leave it so watch let’s do export to plan and

I’m going to say tester just to test make sure it’s at that high resolution see it’s the highest hit okay let’s see what this bad boy looks like look how nice that looks you guys look how professional that looks we got trees marked out we got Shadows on there we

Got this pathway that rolls through I mean everything looks really really really nice I think um The Only Thing Worth adding is probably a border around this pathway but look how nice that looks they have plant lists so they can see what each plant is the addresses on the plan I think that’s

Sharp it’s ready to rock and roll so let’s jump in here add a pathway border add border we’re just going to make this as dark as we can go click okay I’m going to bump this down move this to 1 in let’s see how this looks I think it looks a little nicer

With the Border installed on there um it’ll also show them what the Border will look like so we’re set I like this I’m going to call it done I might make this a little darker that way that stands out this Fountain needs to go on the center let’s make sure it’s on the

Center on the plan too yep we’re good um you could also label a few things I’ll could say extended patio I usually do that I’ll capitalize it we’ll look professional right let’s scale this down this plan can do anything you guys um the this program can do anything I’m

Going to copy and paste that I’m going to drag it here I’m going to say Crusher path but I want this to be like yellow oh no now it’s yellow There’s that I’m going to say I’m going to overlap this and say just like that garden bed raised that way it reads really well they can see what it means um I think that’s pretty good I’m going to match it with that one and pull it all the way

Over I’m going to make this one this way other than that I think we’re good um I’m going to also mention that this is existing patio drag this here this door let’s make it this one little details I think we’re good now if you would like to watch me uh send

Them a video of this I think it’d be nice to pan around the yard this way like so and then zoom in and then cover and then like hover and show like a real life value here so we’re going to do that by going to plan

Zoom in a little go to utilities camera we’re going to click out here I’m drawing a bunch of points and right click when I’m done all right edit points so we’re going to edit those points I’m going to click on this one and in 2023 it has

This amazing camera preview I can hit Plus on my keyboard to raise it up and right click and our first image is going to be right here I’m going to do the same here edit view hit the Plus on the keyboard I want to hit the forward

Button on my on my mouse so I’m zoomed in more hit the Plus on my keyboard I’d say that’s a pretty good like starting point right there to turn maybe a little higher a little further back cool and this one you can you can edit each point by going to Elevation and

It’ll show you as that preview goes up but see how much slower this is so I like to actually just click in here raise my camera up Zoom it down and we’re ging I might insert a point here do the same thing make it a little different height View That way they’re going to see this yard literally see this yard from every angle and this really really helps with sails you guys so we’re just going through and the program will render all the rest if we just tell the camera where to point it’s going to do a good job of

Doing everything else so now what I do let’s go forward here and then turn so what I do is I make this last slide hold for one second oh let me edit that view out um hold time I add 1 second to the last slide you could even

Do two so they get to stare at the water feature for a sec let’s do a quick walk through you go uh to do so you go to walk through and go to realtime camera camera one which is what we just drew and you can check there’s no other ones

Hit okay it’ll give us a preview see it shows us flying up we just made all this happen in just a few minutes we made all this program know exactly how to film film all this from which height and which angle and it’s making all the Shadows it’s making all

The renderings it’s doing all the rest it’s really neat how it does this um and this sells jobs guys this is why I do this I don’t do this cuz it’s fun although it is but this literally sells projects so well so here we go now we

Zoom down in elevation we wrap around that tree so cool we zoom in show them the patio a little bit then swoop over we still get to see that water feature and there we go and now at the end you’ll notice it pauses here for about 2 seconds so they can really see

Their yard before the video ends I’m going to hit escape and we’re good so I’m going to now let this render into a video I’m going to click walk through and I’m going to say create movie now I’ll say Test movie 14 cuz cuz I did some others save now do the

Recommended that’s the camera we want you can do full t8p I do 4K cuz it’s better on YouTube and we’re done except for graphics settings and you choose if you want to add this Global illumination it makes it look better but you don’t need it it takes about 10 times more

Time so I’m going to leave it off um and let things render out Here’s the final deliverable ready to be sent to the Client Please subscribe to my channel to show me your likeing what I’m putting out

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