Japanese Garden

Garden Hack YOU Need to know! Divide Plants to Save Money!

Did you know that most plants at nurseries & floral departments almost always have multiple plants in one container in order to make them look bigger and bushier so they sell faster? It’s TRUE! Today I will show you how to Save Money in the Garden by Dividing Plants. I will turn 1 Azalea plant into 5 new Azalea plants for my garden, simply by dividing what was already in the pot. This method is super easy and a great way to get free plants for your garden. An awesome garden hack all gardeners need to know!

Hi everyone in today’s video I’m going to show you how I can turn this one ailia plant into five Yes you heard me right five plants from this one aelia now I’m not talking about propagating or taking root cuting I’m talking about instantly getting more than one plant

From this let me fill you in on a little secret a lot of times when you go to the Garden Center the nurseries or in my case when you go to the floral department at your grocery store yep that’s where I got this plant from a lot of times The Growers will actually

Put more than one plant into the Container in order to make it look nice and full so let me show you what I’m talking about so I’m going to open this up and if you look closely you’ll see that there’s more than one aelia plant

In here see there’s one 2 3 4 and five five plants in one now you know the secret to saving money and getting more bang for your buck so what I’m going to do today is I’m going to divide them all and put them in different places in my

Garden so I end up with five aelas now this is super simple and you don’t need any special tools to divide them a lot of times when there’s Pete moths they’re kind of hard to break apart with your bare hands so what I’ll do is I’ll just

Get a shovel if you have a h Hy knife that would probably be easier but I just get a shovel in there maybe and you just break them apart a lot of times the floral departments and nurseries for some reason they like to use a lot of Pete Moss and they’re not

Always easy to break apart so you can get your pruners out and just cut it because these plants are sold as gifts they want them to look as full as possible so they’ll just stick at least three four or five plants in the pot so they sell I mean imagine

Buying that at the floral department one single plant it wouldn’t sell as easy so that’s why they put five of them together but see look at this guys I have a free aelia plant now if you find that two of these plants are very close together I might

Just leave this together as one because I’m thinking if I separate this I might d damage the roots and maybe this was one plant that just grew into two so I’m probably just going to leave these two together and let’s see how this feels I think this one I can

Separate I probably could have separated the other two I still might I’ll look at it a little bit better okay so there we go two more and these look really nice look how beautiful that is okay so with a little elbow grease I am going to separate this one after all because I

Said I was going to make five plants and I’m stubborn that way there I did it I separated them one 2 3 four and five okay now it’s time to plant them in my garden so the first place I’m going to plant my aelas are in

These two pots I have a couple colius plants that are pretty much done for the winter they don’t like temperatures under 40° in it’s getting very very cold so out with the colus in with the aelas and this is where I’m going to plant my other three aelas one of my

Favorite Corners in my backyard because this area gets Morning Sun only I know they’ll do really well and make great companions with the Mahonia soft caress a hoop Uka uh carriots some succulents so my plan is to plant one ailia right there one right there and the other one behind

This Japanese maple tree I think it’ll add a nice pop of pink color and here’s my thoughts even if a couple of them don’t make it oh well it didn’t cost me anything right and if one of them does then I’ll be happy so let me get him in the ground [Applause] [Applause] n there I think it looks really pretty and definitely adds some bright colors back here now keep in mind because this plant was in a protected environment it was sheltered from the cold weather before I planted these in the ground I put them outside in my patio for a few days just

To acclimate to the outside environment so if you ever get plants from the floral department and you want to put them outside that goes with house plants any kind of plant just make sure you get it used to the weather first before you put it in the ground And that’s how I turned one plant into five thanks for watching


  1. Wow thank you so much Liz I never even imagined that thank you what a money saver that is when someone gives you a plant❤

  2. Thanks Liz, I like this tip a lot. I have separated a few plants over the years but forget to consider this as a way to add more plants. I look for multiple plants when I purchase tomato plants and have had great success with them. LOL many of our Arizona plants are 'untouchable' so separating them isn't 'fun'. I love the enjoyment you have with your garden and how you share that with us. Everything is looking really beautiful there. Stay warm!

  3. Yes, I have been dividing plants like this for many years. Like you said, when you unpot the plant you will see that it is made up of several small starter plants put into the larger pot which makes it easy to divide the plant.

  4. We're saving in about 6 to 12 months. I want small house. I don't want a big house to clean. Children are grown. I just want a cute place for my English bulldog and my husband and that's it. But yes safe . my flowers and my garden and he needs a small shed workshop to do hi woodworking. Liz to tell you the truth I am not going to be house poor big giant house big utility bills big massive house no way I just want little house as long as my Walker can fit through the doors ways lol😅 we are retired and so we just want a nice place to have people come over to play cards go on three to four trips. The journeys exciting because I trust in the Lord that he's going to direct us in the right place the right town the right neighborhood I'm just so excited Liz but I absolutely love your place is it okay if I copy a few things what you did?? Thank you so much for always replying I just appreciate it thank you and God bless you keep strong be safe

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