Gardening Trends

Exploring TPIE 2024, Part 1: Sneak Peek into the Future of Flora

One of the things I most look forward to in the winter is attending the Tropical Plant International Expo in sunny Florida! TPIE is the showcase for plant nerds all around the world: anybody who’s anybody in the plant world is at this conference. If you want to see the latest gardening & plant trends, this is _the_ place to be. This incredible plant show TPIE 2024 is an exclusive insider’s look at what’s in store for the future of gardening.

Join us as we take you on a travel garden vlog to the 2024 Tropical Plant International Expo, the largest trade show in the gardening industry! Get a sneak peek into what’s next in gardening trends, gardening products, and horticultural innovations in this exciting vlog. And *please subscribe* for more content on rare plants, plant shows, and all things gardening:

Kameron, who manages the rare plant Jungle Greenhouse at Grass Roots, came along with me to this international plant show for a one-of-a-kind experience that we won’t soon forget. We saw countless beautiful plants, as well as really neat new gardening products which will for sure be making their way to our nursery this spring.

Grass Roots Garden Center
111 Holly Meadows Drive
Graniteville, SC 29829
(803) 392-7016



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#tpie #tpie2024 #tropicalplants

Window One Please hold by this train is departing the next stop is seat D to to catch the m Which Way ooh look at there oh we can get a lot of trouble in this city yeah I’m excited cam I am too 37 five cool hey guys good to see you hey guys good to see you as always here on Grassroots garden and we finally

Made it to Fort Lauderdale for tpie 2024 and you guys are seeing this with Cameron and I for the first time this is our uh our Duds for a couple of days we’ been this for three nights through VRBO and we just walked through the door what we got cam do the grand

Reveal ocean sweet wow dude what do you think man this is pretty sweet I think this will work and then we got the view of the marina I guess over that way and probably inner Coastal Waterway beautiful beach nice big porch out here dude I know oh yeah this view will work

For some afternoon cocktails after looking at plants all day well y’all this is cool man we’ve been traveling ever since uh 6:00 a.m. this morning I had to get up super early at like 3: get to the airport it’s been a long day but we’re finally here in Fort Lauderdale

Like I said we’re going to um check out our place a little bit more go get something to eat and then make our way to tpie to the conference center get checked in and start checking out some plants cheers buddy cheers do it girl got one in for it that’s a big Burger hey I have that exact truck to you yeah we can make Mr dig videos too hey guys we finally made it to the Broward County Convention Center little hectic traffic out there and we’re about 20 something minutes away but we’re going to go get ourselves uh registered

Right now and go see what we can see where did I see think it said registration all right guys we got our badge check it out we we are with the media so we need this a little hat it’s got a little press thing on it but just

Walking into this year’s exhibit hall for the very first time check it out this is like a ginormous plant nerd Heaven up in here so tell you what cam the mistake I make every time I come in here is I just go so let’s start at one side okay and then

Work our way as as we go across cuz we’re just going to it’s going to be overwhelming and we’re going to get lost okay cuz I do it every single year so let’s go this way yeah cuz I think we’re actually closer to the wall on this side so let’s

Go to this side we’ll just walk around and uh check out this year’s 2024 [Applause] TP Cam you want to know one of the good things about having a camera in your hand people don’t come up and talk to you near as often and try to sell you stuff all right we’re going to start down here at the very end I don’t even

Know which side of the uh conference Hall we are on but we’re going to start all this in and just go up and down zip up and down each aisle this is where I bought the wagons from that we have down in the in the nursery so you’ll see a

Little bit of everything at tpie um you know lots and lots of plants of course which is why we’re really here a lot of innovative products whatever is going to be out new this year um merchandise retail type stuff just a little bit of everything even though we’ve only got

About an hour to uh check out the hul at least we can kind of get a lay of the land yeah and then tomorrow when we come back fresh we can just do work and check out this whole entire but it’s it’s really overwhelming cuz there’s so many

People there’s so many booth and there’s just so many square feet to cover we use everything from from tree from pot tags to tree tree SL everything you take that that’s got a little bit of stuff in there perfect yeah t steak Puck tag slipons yeah this will be

Great and if you want to give us your info I can get you like a hat yeah sure how it works scan click care gotcha plant plant image we supply all the images they licens common name scientific name toxicity weekly watering check at home setup part of the world it

Comes from so we also tell your customers if it’s native or non-native we do all that research inhouse and we embed your company logo here oh yeah I know all Southern States yes sir so you now have a tool for your employees you have a tool for your customers 24/7

Access we do annuals perennials Tropicals trees shrubs fruits herbs and veggies wow okay you got it covered then yes sir uhoh Cameron I know got got to a plant Booth what’s up guys how you doing good how are you doing great you got some good looking stuff man thank you

Thank you this is this is what we came to see right here all right so we’re at coning greens we’re based off Bangkok Thailand and we’re here for the show okay awesome I’m Ryan Ryan yeah nice to meet you this is Cameron hi Cameron yall out of Thailand you say huh yes we’re

Specializing in orchids Dum um catas vandas and then also Awards oh wow right up our alley came oh what is this is that a variegated VIP it looks like it the Lea shap do he he left I don’t know where where he went to so we’ve made it to uh one of the

More up our alley type booths right here and we’re wondering if this is a variegated umol violium I can’t remember how to prounce V folium yeah maybe so anyway beautiful antherium I have to ask him is this a variegated uh we just call it bit bit yeah oh what is this right

Here bifolium yeah balol bifolium okay wow I just got the regular kind not the variegated kind and I’m in love with it they are I’ve not I’ve never seen a variegated one I haven’t either that’s beautiful cam look how they put this uh albow they got it just like in a

Vanda wire wire hanger that’s pretty neat I’ve never seen that before I like that idea i’ save a lot of space yeah that definitely would I’m I’m Ryan by the way yeah toet you pleasure to meet you this is Cameron so let me ask you this what

Do you think is going to be the most sought after plant for 2024 there’s no right answer I’m just curious what your that’s going to be a tough one what your opinion is I do think the moner albow is going to be a come you the elbows going to come back I hope

So cuz we got a good mini I just started probably 30 to 40 and all of them are rooted in we’re just waiting on yeah I hope that I hope you’re right I’m going to hold you to that I’m fingers fingers crossed you know I love

The tie first whenever I first saw it but now I’m not really like a fan of it anymore I don’t know I prefer the albow over the tie I do too and we’ve had a lot of rot problems it’s making a with the tie people are making a come back to

The albow are they the Tai were are most actually the number one seller um in 2022 um and then 20 2023 a little bit too and then now we see the increase of sale in a lot more and we see a decrease in s in oh that’s interesting problem in

Our Greenhouse a lot of them are like just having really bad root rot I’m not taking care of them any differently than I do the other plants so I’m just having a lot of issues with them have you guys had any trouble with r yes we do also

They must it must be pretty these look healthy and look great Florida Beauty oh that’s a Florida Beauty that’s a big old leaf on that thing that’s gorgeous got some good looking stuff here and so suat was just showing us this cool new plant that I

Have yet to see so these are the same guys correct all right tell me the name of it again uh green Congo hybrid or what they call it green Congo nuclear green Congo nuclear and so this is a philad dendrin it is yes that’s beautiful I not seen that I love the

Variegation patternation on these are beautiful Cameron we need one I know I’m seeing a lot of a lot of stuff we need man you have got some really amazing plants in here stuff I’ve never even heard of I’m sorry see what tell me the name of the um this one again yeah this

Is the hybrid right yes this is a hybrid it’s a Florida beauty x um philan mayoi May that’s cool man you got some really amazing looking stuff like thank you I’m very impressed what is that one back there with the split leaves um that one no the one to the left that

One there that one is a a medium I forgot the name on that one to it’s a medium mint uh Su that really pretty that is cool we have the uh the antheriums right there next to it but ours don’t have as much varation much variegation on some of them do they’re

Really pretty and they do like purple flower like purple blooms they’re really cute and then what s gonium is this here that is uh singian Pink lava pink lava we don’t have this yet either doe no we need so much stuff cam I know I just I’m

Not all right see what just give me one of everything okay and and I’ll pick it up on my way back there’s some neat ideas how y’all doing today good doing great thanks ponytail palm does well in it too oh yeah so this is pretty cool y’all this

Is um a company and they ship you the actual plant and the organic pot if you want to call it that it’s a spum Moss all organic pot so you can get kind of any plant that you want already packaged up even got Hoya in it and

That’s all of them are real moist this is a really neat idea they are pretty I like the strany is that what they’re called it’s the TR color yeah the tri color one it’s a good looking Booth here a lot of hibiscus big Palms cam the whole booth

For sale you want to buy it you want to buy it say that you think the plane will let us I don’t know if we can get that much uh back on the commercial flight we might be a little bit of trouble wow that is awesome jeez man that’s uh

That’s the biggest Boni I’ve ever seen leave a card for a chance to win my little brother I don’t want the little brother own this big dude that’s that’s an old Fus right here man yeah that is insane that is cool so this booth we just found y’all has got this giant

Fus Bonsai but they’ve also got a lot of other Bonsai stuff too and some big Brads a little bit of everything I’m I’m just in uh overwhelmed mode right now there just plants literally everywhere hey how are you doing how are you doing good you got a beautiful looking Booth

Love all the different Filas look at the size of that dude back there I was just looking at it’s Insanity kind of makes me want to repot all ours and then how how how old is this do you mind if I film first of all no no you’re fine um

This one’s in its 50s 50 years 50 years old jeez that is so cool if we had a business card we could leave it we forgot all of our business cards like like stupids so wonder if that’s the one they’re giving away no probably not probably it says little brother it’s

Probably that one right there on the table that one is very cool back under too all right you want to grab uh some information camera and we’ll move on Down the Line we only got about 3,000 more booths to look at and we have about uh 10 minutes 10 minutes to do no

They’re up they’re up until it’s 5 today right yeah just do black and white cam look at this a be on is that pretty that is pretty I like that we don’t have that one put it on the needed list and then what’s this blooming over here dude I’ve never seen

This before looks like uh I don’t know what it is that’s a cool looking dude that is really so these guys right here we already order from and uh get a good many of the 4 in containers from them that they have beautiful super healthy plants anytime we’ve ever gotten them

Look at thec violence man oh that is insane that color combo right here yeah that looks cool look how dark purple that one is hopefully it’s bright enough for the camera to pick it up alasas palas you name it and you’re going to see it at this show a lot of stuff we

Can’t even name cuz well we don’t know the names of it there’s already been I don’t know how many plants that I have uh never even heard of nor scene and uh that’s exciting is it what is this a type of little Fern or what that is the prettiest little

Thing I’ve ever seen can I take it out do you mind well he’s kind he’s kind of stuck in that pack a little bit I don’t want to break something that’s not mine but that is the coolest color it’s like a rainbow or Avatar yeah that is gorgeous

I love that and then back the frost you need it I need it yeah we have some of the Frosted Misty with East Coast Tropicals who like said we buy for from Grassroots we just asked her the question we’re asking everybody what’s going to be the it plant for 2024 what

Do you think is going to be the most popular the beautiful oh that’s gorgeous network network so I it looks like the Matrix it does look like the Matrix and I know this as um Mosaic Mosaic yeah so we’ve had a few of these and we propagated a

Couple yeah I have a few for S successfully but that’s I think you’re right uh Missy on the foliage plant I think that’s going to be a a hot ticket awesome cool thank you so much you’re welcome which one I don’t know that’s the whales finan oh man we need that too

Cam the Dr is really pretty it’s like a camouflage walket yeah that’s really nice and then what you were talking about this one while I got this white Fusion it’s beautiful I never just can keep mine looking that pretty I always under are purple and it’s just but I

Always get brown edges on my white fusions I don’t know what I’m doing wrong yeah d do you have any tips for growing Calas yeah yeah what’s what’s the cathia growing Secrets Misty fine I have in um my bedroom on my nightstand it gets it doesn’t get too much light so

Low light you feel like low light would you say high humidity or just moderate humidity just moderate humidity yeah low light do you let yours dry out before watering I do I water it like maybe once a week I you know I T all my plants in

My house I have a um um propagation wall as well in my house so I have to you’re you’re a true plant nerd AR you everybody comes in my house and goes wow that’s awesome uhoh Cam’s done found something she needs what is this one do you know

Darling Oh I’m sorry I’m messing up your I’m messing up your Instagram reel it is you got it come on I don’t know it so you got to have it no we have it we have it in our green yeah um it starts with an M yes that one

You think this is I think it is could be I don’t know we’re going to need you guys to leave a lot of comments in the in the comment section because oh wow there is some nice varation on stff that’s beautiful yeah I guess it could be I thought macari was a little

More splotchy but then again well I mean this sleeve is pretty splotchy right here but then again what the hell do I know Cameron I’m the one teaching you now now you got you got us off track you got us going down the wrong aisle already we’re already sidetracked we’re

Going to be wandering around in the middle before it before too long I don’t I wish they had tags and all this stuff that would be kind of helpful for the plant show I’ll be honest it looks similar to the one we have in the Big Greenhouse but our leaves are much

Bigger also feel like our leaves are like a different shade of color too but I don’t know if it’s just cuz they have their Lea Shin or not yeah there everything’s highly up for sure but this is where you know everybody all the Growers bring you know their best of the

Best to kind of show off what they got so everything is going to be polished up every single leaf I mean look at this one little Fus right here theyve got every leaf on that thing all shined up looks good though oh this floor is nice nice and Squishy so I guess this

Company is just selling uh liner plug trays so H look at the little baby rapid of for little babies what’s this one cam doina purple dazzler oh it’s a quarterline it’s a dark purple though that was pretty yeah I like that hey yeah you can we were

Just uh well I guess what’s your cool little Gizmo here taking a video this little yeah this is our little friend that helps us remember everything as well as put put beautiful women like you on YouTube okay all right yeah so now we’re just admiring your plug trays here

So is this how you guys sell most everything so what we sell what Dan Zager sells who I represent is the unrooted cuting like this okay so I put it in glass you know in a base so it survives at the show but it’s unrooted when it comes from us gotcha what this

One you said is Sublime Sublime and then this dbak up here is panther panther yeah that’s definitely got some more height to it yeah yeah it’s beautiful I really love this purple dazzler Corda that’s one of the darkest ones I’ve seen yeah isn’t that one nice the other thing

That seems to get quite a bit of attention is this macada I don’t know the polka dots are kind of coming back in as a yeah we sold every single one that we had in the green we had some nice big hanging baskets I don’t know somehow it

Looks like a 50s plant to me those polka dots yeah and these root real easily too yes and that could actually go into an annual container as well it’s not only a house PL so you can actually cook in this stuff this this actually they they they didn’t change the ceramic or the

Paint or their system of doing it because they cannot they cannot go ahead and contaminate it you know right okay so this is basically more highly graded this is not going to crackle or flake like the like the upper Stu you can actually feel that the uh density go

Ahead give it don’t drop it again you break you by is so was a lot heavier so uh so this is one line which is my stone War this we started last year this is my PTO collection it’s also stone work grated but the way that they paint is

Different you can feel it that is so nice that’s beautiful all hand painted everything’s hand everything’s hand painted that takes a lot of time yeah also you’re not going to see people on the back of their trailer selling it okay CU I’m the only one doing this

Gotcha you’re the man oh dogs all hand painted y’all that takes some time right there man that’s a very detailed elaborate artwork on this beautiful pottery Center we’ve got a jungle Greenhouse with mall and so yeah love the birds look here everybody got to get

This for Larry have to see if we can’t order a couple of those all kinds of birds that’s some there some great looking stuff dude oh check out the uh chameleon this looks amazing I love this taliva type powy nice thanks thanks again Mr Eduardo all right guys see you

Oh the Halloween stuff’s cool too did you see it yeah I did and a big old puffer fish hey how y’all doing great yourself all right we’re doing good K we made it down Row one without getting to sidetracked but I got a bad feeling on

This aisle cuz there is a lot of plant booths got to go check this one out that’s some big old pink princess is not as big as the one you got in your Greenhouse but nice big pretty ones I got them polished to the max don’t

They hey cam I think these are the people that had the real cool fruit trees that I saw last year you remember all the just weird like saot star fruit not a lot of it’s not Hardy not to take away from what you were just saying but look how tall those

Pots are stacked up with oh crap that’s pretty amazing that makes me very nervous yeah I’m going to go rocket do our hill click right next to it yeah see a lot of this stuff I’ve never even heard of trumpa mommy monana of course I’ve heard of mango

None of that stuff but unfortunately none of this stuff’s Hardy back home but we can PL in the greenhouse cam if you help me get some room the pope is like the Yol of a hard bolded egg oh okay interesting we didn’t go up in here you want to can’t said Yeah it’s a nice band of Bellas hey just I’m sorry did not slap in face yeah you did at least it wasn’t a cactus hey P’s cut you’re fine you can’t get Workers caught when you’re on a a work vacation slash whatever which one’s that one it just

Said shade assorted huh I don’t like when it just says assorted I don’t either need to know the name of it so I can forget it excuse me man nice that is really pretty hey look at that giant Madagascar pal that thing’s freaking huge that is really nice mine

To get that big and I really like this I don’t know what it’s going to be called yeah I don’t know either it’s cool looking though it’s kind of can’t believe said Cam’s on a cactus cake I am I didn’t think I would get to this point because I’m not a fan

Of succulents most of the time or CTI they are cool like I was saying in a video the other day I mean they’re really neat plants I just I water my plants too much and me and Cactus don’t get along I like this guy I know this

One’s I just I think that I’m liking the like unusual ones of it okay Ryan that’s a little too close for comfort well in one time I had a cactus that was next to my bedside table and that’s not a good idea all of the Pricks got into my sheet and com

Comforter and I couldn’t get it out so I had to throw had throw away throw away all your bedding so I think that probably gave me a trauma I could see why I guess with my window open it was like when the wind was blowing it blowed

All the Pricks in my bed I might have to edit that part out blow all the you don’t have to edit that out oh Lord look at all the succulents dude it’s a load of them oh check this variegated one out that I like him oh man we got a

Name oh yeah that one’s called Flapjack Flapjack I like him what’s this dude there some that’s variated uh string of Hearts he’s just not very not very stringy yet yeah I thought it was like bul like bulbous bulb pulling out the big words what you got cool is that monkeyy

Tail I think that’s called monkey’s Tail cuz it looks like a monkey’s tail it does look like a monkey tail I think that we need to get some yeah I like that I like all these hanging basket stuff things the variegated whale fin whale tail I’m with you though I like those

Dude it’s fox tail fox tail H there’s cacti twisty eye he needs a tag in him oh this one looks funky you know what this looks like oh ORS no it looks like a giant tomato worm I’ve never seen a you come on a this one’s cool too oh yeah I like

It he does like a little uh like deal Pickle basket uh-oh k done found trouble she’s over here working on her Instagram reels oh that’s going to be a good one cam look at that is that a skeleto big that’s what she said we’re getting we’re tired man we’ve

Been up well like I told you guys earlier since like 3:00 a.m. and the show closes in 12 minutes and I’m kind of glad because um we’re just we’re kind of a little burned out and getting and silly and uh silly silly goofy goofy there’s some good looking stuff right

Here though yeah this is nice I hope what dude said about the ties is going to be true like that the elbows will come back I hope so I’ve been having so much trouble with them they’re so frustrating they have been a little problematic haven’t they is that black

Velvet maybe or nebula I think it’s a I want to say it’s a nebula but it’s a very thick Lea oh yeah like leather it is pretty what’s that different bakia right next to it I wonder which one he is nothing has tags in it really is getting on my

Nerves there’s cuz it looks kind of like one called crocodile but crocodile has more white spots you like that D don’t you it’s kind of the way the leaf is like it’s like very Lim I think it is we’re having a debate on this one right

Here what what’s this monstera if I may ask you what do you think it is I think it’s a skeleton and what do you think it is now I’m starting to second guess what do you think it was I was just thinking that it was a mature version of the ad

In Sonia yeah you would this your dad husband cousin uncle I got I got to go find somewhere to cry now cuz he just thought that Cameron is my daughter or your wife Uncle that’s my cousin I’m just G I’m just giving you a hard time oh you

Guys are cousins yeah oh okay I was going to say you look kind of L yeah so so what is it I’m not going to tell you just want you guys were dating or not anyway I’m going to hit on go hey you can as long as I know what the plant

Name is I don’t care it’s ASO is it okay yeah you got it I was right sorry do you all right so we’re with Matt here with anchor foliage as well as plant proper is it plant that’s it all right so I was just asking Matt the question we’re

Asking everybody what plant do you think is going to be hot for 20 24 plants that are hot for 2024 are monsteras okay and boas those are your two hot spots for 2024 yeah and I know this because I can tell the future all right well there you have it from a mind

Reader future teller Matt there’s your 24th prediction look at these giant freaking pictures man I know jeez it’s like a foot more than a foot long beautiful hanging baskets the p picture plants hanging baskets why you look so confused talking to no there cuz there’s people around on other side of that

Screen I was just like talking to right now is this variegated um oh no that’s the that’s the Mickey Mouse the zanos or most people call it Alasia yeah want to take a ride on my disco stick oh Lord I think it’s time to go

It’s time to go we need with love yeah we need food and alcohol one of two stand next to it at least so people cuz Cam’s got a big old head anyway but look at the size of that fct plate right there I want that M looks nothing like that where do

You put this thing because obviously you don’t fertilize these because they yeah um they do good in bathrooms just cuz they love humidity I’m saying you got a window if you don’t fertilize them and they eat the but like I wonder like where’s a good place to put this where

These things get so big I’m saying I guess I wonder how old this is or if it’s that specific variety that makes the picture that large it’s probably a couple year old plant but you know I would think out on the patio you know obviously during summertime got a lot of

Bug activity out there a lot of humidity too yeah that think probably eat some small tree frogs too as big as it is all right guys they are kicking us out so we’re going to be back tomorrow so stay tuned for that video and remember the more you know the more you grow

We’re going to get something to eat and a cold beer see you tomorrow


  1. What a cool adventure! I can’t imagine how overwhelming it would be to see that place. It’s kinda overwhelming just watching you guys. I didn’t know Cameron was your cousin. Tell her to keep the pricks out of her bed!😂😂 That was hilarious! Thanks for videoing this trip. It’s exhilarating!

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