Edible Gardening

December 2023 – When will it stop raining?!

It’s been a miserably wet month, and there’s no denying that it’s making me feel miserable too!

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Would you believe it it’s not raining probably for the first time this month it’s been so so wet and I’ve not done much at all in fact I’ve hardly been on the alotment so I’m excited to get down here today to as much as anything just see if it survived what’s

Going on um it’s going to be really wet though and I don’t think I’m going to actually get much done if anything but you know what it’s been a very busy few weeks with obviously Christmas hope you a lovely Christmas christas and we’re now in that weird bit between Christmas

And New Year where you don’t know what day it is you’re still eating all the leftovers and feeling rather fat so it’s just great to get some fresh air and uh yeah let’s see what’s going on inside the plot right scrambled with the lock oh my

Gosh well the archways are still up so that’s one thing well I think actually this is pretty much how I left it a great big mess um but yeah we’ve just had so much rain so much flooding the roads and the fields are still just trying to recover

From what we’ve had throughout early December and it just just doesn’t seem to stop and it’s not I mean I’m not a fair weather Gardener you know I I I don’t mind getting wet I don’t mind coming out in a drizzle a bit of light rain but it’s just been absolutely biblical

And just hasn’t stopped so just making the opportunity today to come down and have a look around really um I can see my helor oh my gosh okay we need to have a little look at this cuz the hello BS are coming the hell BS are

Coming well aren’t they a sight for Sor eyes everything’s just been gray and dull got barely any Sunshine but look we’ve got flowers on the way and I think if I just have a little look over there we’ve got more still got a raspberry cane there also um but yes we’ve got hos

Coming although there looks like something’s trying to nibble them there we go one of my favorite flowers and definitely my favorite winter flower we’ve got quite a few down here just need to give it all a good tidy and cut back the hore leaves I’d actually do that about now cut back all

These old ones to prevent the black spot disease cut them all right to the ground cuz the new ones will come up pretty soon after these lovely flowers it looks like it’s going to be good year for the flowers quite a lot of birds on their

Way but you know what the ground is just that wet my grass paths are that soggy I just shouldn’t even really be walking on it what I want is a a really nice cold Frosty day a sunny day when the ground is still frosted it’s nice

And hard it’s not all soggy and you can actually do a little bit of work and obviously not very much weeding when the ground’s solid but I just want to start cutting back and getting stuck into things but when the ground sort of squatches and is slippery under your

Foot it’s just really really tricky and to be honest you don’t really want to be here when it’s like this so it’s just a good signal to stay at home get some rest but if you’re anything like me then it’s actually a bit harder to rest and

Relax than it is to be here so um yeah just really wanted to say hello these are the main two beds that I’ve yet to clear started to do that one but it just needs good weeding but look at the paths I mean it’s just such a

Mess mostly mud and you can see I just really don’t want to walk on it and compact all of that soil great I’ve just realized the shed roof is missing its felt fantastic oh I didn’t even think about the shed cuz it’s it’s starting to get a

Little bit leaky anyway and now all that whole middle sections disappeared oh my gosh and it’s nowhere to be found uh it’s not in the wildlife corner it’s not in the Hedge we’ve had such strong winds wait a second here it is ripped and torn and not really very salvageable oh

Man you can actually see if I go up this little step ladder there some of the wood he’s looking at cuz look at how it’s bowed there in the middle my shed roof does need quite a bit of TLC oh I hate this sort of

Thing so I’ve probably got to get a tap on that until I have time to sort out the shed and I dread to think how wet it is inside there I mean look at all the daylight coming through that oh okay back to the tunnel and yeah as I kind of expected

Really Chiles are dying back lemon tree is Sulking lime is looking okay uh caught a lot of rain from inside the tunnel that’s quite impressive eucalyptus is still doing fine which is great it’s not been too Frosty now in fact we’ve got some new growth coming on in there and my Sarah senior Judith is doing

Great still got lots of green pictures on my can’s plant well I think I’m going to come back when it’s a bit brighter a lot drier and the ground is a lot less squidgy but I definitely need to tap over the shed that’s really annoying um so yes anyway I hope you had

A lovely Christmas I hope your ground is a bit drier than mine do let me know if you’ve got any nice allotment or garden themed Christmas presents and happy New Year because it’s just around the corner now 2024 lots of good plans to get excited

For but at the minute I think we’re all just feeling a little bit down in the dumps because it’s just been so gloomy and so wet and you know we’ll get by this soon and the weather will be on its way fingers crossed take care and I’ll see you Soon


  1. Hey Kat, hows married life? Happy new year to you and hubby. This reminds me, I need to get my seed trays out and plan for the spring!

  2. Happy New Year, Kat!! I hope you and your husband are abundantly blessed in 2024.🎉🍾🥂 For Christmas, I got a 6 foot tin 🐓 rooster. I love him! He will stand over my garden in his colorful plumes until the color of Spring becomes his competition.

  3. Its been continued heavy rain and high winds here in Dorset for so long the garden is looking a little battered. Still, looking forward to brighter weather and days ahead. Planning changes in the garden this year.
    Hope you had a great Christmas.

  4. It’s not that bad. You just need another beam inside there to pop up that saggy board. And some new shingles. That could be done in half a day. Even by an nonprofessional. Your husband can handle it, he’s handy. 😊

  5. Oh, by the way, no flowers growing here in Chicago area. Northwest Indiana actually. All I have alive is one kale plant. It refuses to die. 😂 We are supposed to have the warmest winter we’ve ever had this year. Mostly rain they say. My one kale plant will live another year. Usually needs to get below -10 Celsius to kill this dwarf curly kale. I’ve heard about people in warm climates that grow there kale for several years and it get really tall. But mine will probably go to seed as soon as it warms up, that’s usually what happens when they survive winter. Decades ago we never had warm weather now. Usually -20C to -5C by now. Last 2 winters now, We haven’t had snow until January. So far, just a light dusting of snow.

  6. Happy New Year, Katrina! I I sense that you've been feeling somewhat overwhelmed these last few months, so I hope your life starts to slow down over the winter. My advice would be to prioritize the projects that need to be addressed on your allotment, then tackle them one at a time. The shed roof would be my first recommendation, to prevent any further water damage inside and out. This will also provide you with a snug place to enjoy a cup of tea while you address the outdoor chores.

  7. My son and his girlfriend got me a whole pile of seeds for Christmas, including some super hot peppers. I'll definitely be making hot sauce to send to him.

  8. Bill Micrisoft needs to block the sunlight for his w.w project to track all the people on our planet.

  9. Oh the rain, you are not kidding , I don’t think it’s ever going to stop. But I too noticed my Helebores are also flowering really lifts the mood.

  10. Happy new year !! Looks grim though Kat.

    Just so you feel a bit better we’ve had a shockingly wet December in South Australia – on Christmas Day the temperature here was the same as Dorset where I come from, except it was windier and wetter here. It’s the last two days of my summer holiday aaannnddd it’s blinking pouring down again.

    So I’m working in my shed – insulating and lining it. Problem is it’s 26°C and humid as a tropical swamp – I’m so wet I may as well be in the rain.

    I’m on my third generation of tomato plants this summer – the last two lots just got blight and fell to bits.

    Let’s hope the weather improves soon !!

    Enjoy the sofa 🍷👍🏻.

  11. Hi Katrina, just found your channel, have some catching up to do with yr videos. Am searching for chilli growing tips. I live in Stapleford, so the other side of Nottingham. I don't have an allotment be the garden is pretty big and has a decent size greenhouse that needs a major tidy up. I will be starting my chillis in the spare bedroom soon but need to get some lighting similar to yours. Any advice on make and model would be useful. All the best for this growing season. Helen (PS I watch Chillichump a lot!)

  12. I have been feeling so bad that my allotment has been a mess since November and I've barely been there. Decided to catch up on your videos to see what I SHOULD be doing and I'm just so relieved you're also in the same position. 😀

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