Japanese Garden

Announcing End-of-Season Specials

The retail garden center is only open for two more weeks until we close for the 2023 season, and today we are announcing end-of-season specials that you will want to take advantage of!

Let us know you will be attending the Power Planter workshop on Dec 16 from 10 am to 11 am by emailing us at orders@gardeningwithcreekside.com or sign up on Facebook here https://fb.me/e/PupXZlI9

🌼 Shop Creekside’s Online Store https://bit.ly/3sSRiut

🪴 Companies We Partner With 🪴
Power Planter Garden Augers & Drills http://bit.ly/3ZZ98GY
Proven Winners https://www.provenwinners.com/
Espoma Organic https://www.espoma.com/

🪴 Products We Use 🪴
Kinsman Garden Company https://www.kinsmangarden.com/
Gardener’s Supply Company https://www.gardeners.com/
Our Amazon Store (we receive a portion of each purchase you make)

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⏰ Nursery Hours:
Wednesday-Saturday 9am-3pm through December 16, 2023

Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034

Hey friends welcome to Gardening with Creekside  and this week’s Nursery Tour oh my goodness so   much has been happening here at Creekside and  Christmas is just around the corner so stay   tuned because we have got a lot of great uh gift  ideas and lots of fun information to pass along to  

You so of course we are Creekside Nursery here in  Dallas North Carolina a Zone 8A Christmas yeah is   uh today is a Monday we’re filming this on Monday  it is 3 weeks from today I believe holy cow if you  

Are looking for some great last minute Christmas  gift ideas head on over to the website gardening   withc Creeks side.com we’ve got felco products  we’ve got merchandise we’ve got gift cards we   have all sorts of really nice great gift ideas  that you can uh give the gardener in your life  

Also okay let’s do a little bit of a little bit  of housekeeping shall we say right quick we have   still a very nice selection of shrubs on online  that we have here at the nursery that we can ship  

Out to you right now while supplies last while  the current shrubs that are in inventory for our   online sales these are qut size shrubs you can  find the whole inventory online they are 40% off   I would much rather send these shrubs to your  home right now instead of having to overwinter  

Them here at the nursery go check out gardening  with Creek . click on it’s a shop or the shrubs   there’s a tab click on that all of those shrubs  that are listed on the website now not all of  

Them are in stock because we’ve already sold out  a son of them they are flying out of here but the   shrubs that say add to CL you can purchased right  now we will send them to you within a day or two  

Of you ordering them so we can send them to you  right now now if you’re covered if you’re a Zone   2 and you’re covered in 4T of snow right now maybe  not a great idea to order room unless you have a  

Greenhouse if you’re in a warmer Zone like I am  say 6B 7 8 9 and Beyond uh go ahead it is great   time to go ahead and get those you can add them to  your garden my gosh we just planted the signature  

Garden uh last week and everybody is doing great  so all those existing shrubs are 40% off it’s only   on those shrubs it’s not on other pre-orders and  it will automatically be deducted you don’t have  

To put in a special code you can just order those  speaking of pre-orders we have got um the annuals   and the perennials that we will be shipping to  you in the spring are we shipping you annuals and  

Perennials right now no we are not one more time  are we shipping you annuals and perennials right   now no we are not are we going to ship them in  the spring according to your Grow Zone yes we are  

So you can go ahead and go now if you know that  you want that super beina Pink Cashmere um from   Proven Winners you need to order it now go ahead  and pre-order it that way you’re guaranteed to  

Have that beautiful pink Verina in the spring that  allows us plenty of time to adjust our inventory   and because when it comes down to the spring say  maybe it’s March and April and you’re like oh yeah  

I needed to get that you know that new verbina by  then it may already be sold out so you need to go   ahead and place your pre-orders now we are not  going to ship them until it is appropriate for  

Your Grow Zone next spring same thing with the  perennials so go check that out and if you sign   up for emails and texting you can get a coupon  so it’s a onetime coupon that you can use for  

Either 15 or 20% off so if you go to the website  I’ll have all that linked for you you can get a   great discount on your pre-orders now in case you  missed it we have partnered with our sweet friends  

At Power planner um you know if you have watched  us for any length of time we are huge fans use   these augers all the time uh Greg is just one he’s  an amazing guy two he’s an amazing businessman and  

When we contacted him we’re like Greg you know we  need something different here in North Carolina   with our thick red clay so we fashioned this is  Jenny’s augur it is a 32 in whole augur right  

So it is not an extension like it is one piece  this is the limited edition in pink so this is   available we have a couple of these here at the  nursery and you can also order them online if  

Pink’s not your jam you can get lime green that is  totally fine but what is so great about this augur   we used this when we were planting the signature  Garden y’all this thing is a game changer because  

It’s 32 in so imagine I have my drill on here  I can easily hold my drill and I can still get   some leverage on it it’s not too high because  if I have an auger too high in red clay thick  

Clay soil it’s going to whip back and I can’t  get the The Leverage that I need on it so this   is the perfect height also this is a 5 in so this  will be great for your annuals your gallons and I  

Even planted two gallons with this the flighting  is not as deep as a traditional 5in augur that   takes a little bit of the weight off but it’s not  super short therefore I can get my gallons in the  

Ground with all of this flighting and because we  do have that uh thick clay soil this is the heavy   duty tip right here so traditional augur from  Power planner without the heavy duty tip starts  

Here this is the heavy duty tip what happens is  is that it creates like a pilot hole and so it   can really get in to pierce that thick clay soil  and allows the rest of the augur to get in there  

And work y’all absolute Game Changer love this uh  and I this is going to be my new favorite augur   of all time because it is so incredibly easy to  use use this makes a great Christmas gift um and  

You will you will really enjoy it so you can do it  online or and or we have some of these here at the   nursery for sale as well and the power planner we  had the whole kit we have the kits there and then  

Coming up on Saturday December the 16th yes so  here at at the nursery on Saturday December the   16th you can come and attend a Hands-On power  planner Workshop we did this a couple of weeks   ago maybe a month ago and it was really really  successful people really enjoyed it they came out  

Here you get to put your hands on the drills you  get to go out there and drill some holes you can   use Jenny’s limited edition um augur and really  see what it’s like what’s the difference between  

A five seven and 9 in you know you get to see all  that we will explain how to use them how to take   care of them how to keep you safe what the kind  of the requirements are as far as just using it  

A really Hands-On how-to Workshop so that is  Saturday December the 16th here at Creekside   Nursery it will be from 10:00 a.m. to 1100 a.m.  so come we’re going to have it’s going to be a one  

Workshop it’s not an all day event we don’t I mean  we love power planner unless you know I I guess   I could find a garden that y’all could go plant  for me but it’s not an all day event so from 10:  

To 11: will be the workshop here at the nursery  you can just come and just say hey I’m here for   the workshop and we will get you in the right  direction we will have a um like an events page  

On Facebook so you can sign up there or if you  don’t have Facebook just send us an email at   orders gardening withth creeks side.com and just  say hey Billy Bob and Jenny R will be coming to  

The the power planner uh event can’t wait to see  you so it’s free just come we just kind of like to   have an idea like the numbers of people that are  coming now that was a lot of information so let’s  

Um I do want to let’s just go look real quick um  Jerry and I didn’t talk about this but let’s just   go look really quick at the signature Garden  because we’ve had it’s not even been planted  

For a whole week now the sod of course is in if  you missed that video you can go check out that   video we’ve got some beautiful delicious rain  this past weekend but look at that y’all oh my  

Gosh isn’t it beautiful now yes I could walk on  the side but I’m not going to um but it is very   happy the irrigation system is working great we  did turn it on just a little bit because we didn’t  

Get quite as much rain as we were hoping to get  so the irrigation system is working wonderful um   this really nice warm sunshine that we’re having  today it’s going to be like 64 today um is really  

Going to help it but yeah I mean it looks great  phenomenal uh a lot of the comments on the videos   y’all were as impressed as we were with that  and uh be looking for later on this week I just  

Got uh my massive order from color blends of all  the spring bulbs so we are going to be planting   spring bulbs like crazy around here this week  um lots of fun so we’re going to have lots of  

Beautiful spring color um early spring color in  this Garden as well all right um it is a still a   perfect time to be planting shrubs like I said we  literally planted the signature Garden less than  

A week ago we planted that whole Creek bank with  nothing but shrubs trees you will it is totally   fine if you especially if you’re in those warmer  zones like I am right if you’re in the South if  

You’re in Texas if you’re in Florida if you’re in  warmer California you absolutely can be planting   in fact this is the time to be planting those  plants because when the summer heat hits they  

Will be fine and get nice and adjusted our um pre  winter roses are still buy one get one free that   will go through till the end when we close on  December the 16th and also the land and sea is  

Still on special for $12.99 we’ve got all sorts of  things if you’re looking for evergreens we’ve got   the yin and yang VI burum y’all I’m telling you  this is my absolute my my favorite shrubs from  

Proven Winners now you look at this and you’re  like okay it’s a nice green shrub yes but it is   a beautiful Evergreen viburnum this is a d type  of David viburnum in that 2 to 4 foot uh tall 3  

To four wide it is for your warmer zones uh this  is a little bit of my silent protest because Prov   winners is has decided to discontinue this shrub  because just of it is kind of a for a select group  

Here in the South but if you are in the South  and you’re looking for a low-maintenance high   performing evergreen shrub yin and yang viburnum  they’re two different ones um but they look the   exact same will be huge performers for you we put  them in the signature Garden because I love this  

Plant we only have a li limited amount of them so  you can come grab them beautiful Evergreen like   I said low maintenance great for your foundation  planting um and if you plant a yin and a Yang then  

You will get blue berries later on in the season  the honeysuckle this is the sensation honeysuckle   from PR winners y’all we were um 19° then 25°  and look it is still blooming so this is for  

Us it pretty much is an evergreen uh honeysuckle  it is not invasive it will not take over does it   climb and does it um I mean obviously yes I mean  it’s a honeysuckle so it will go up and climb but  

Sensation like I said from the sound of it the  name it smells delicious and it has those classic   honeysuckle blooms on it that even in December is  still blooming for us which is just kind of crazy  

The um aelas we’ve got tons of the Perfecto Mundo  aelas boxwoods Spas now you may look at these spas   and you’re like oh my gosh why are you selling a  plant that’s dead y’all it’s not dead it’s going  

Dormant so we are in North Carolina yes it is  morming yes I do have honeysuckle blooming but   Spas are deciduous right just like your hydrangeas  we have gotten down to 19 25 multiple nights in  

The 30s they are deciduous when it hits a freeze  they will begin to go dormant so if you’re at your   local nursery and you see this plant and you’re  like oh my gosh it’s dead what why would you  

Sell that it’s not dead it’s dormant you’ve got to  keep in mind that some plants are deciduous they   will lose all their leaves they will get fried  others like Sprinter boxwoods the um the aelas   the Perfecto Mundo aelas they are evergreen  they’re not going to get fried and lose their  

Leaves so just keep that in mind when you’re  going through um let’s go up here and there’s   tons of other shrubs right so if you’re looking  for your hydranges if if you’re looking for your   Laura pedms your um like I said we’ve got the  Sprinter box Woods that are absolutely beautiful  

Um all of those things this is still a great time  to do it trees we’ve got people that are looking   for different kinds of trees your hydrangeas all  of those great things are ready to go now mention  

I have not mentioned aquapots so we’re going to  head in here to the to the greenhouse because we   have have an amazing deal going on right now with  aquapots so we’re going to head back here a little  

Bit towards the back we’ll come back our way  up here in just a minute but aquapots if you’re   not familiar with them aquapots are self-watering  containers from Proven Winners and they have been   on the market for probably four years something  like that somewhere around that Mark and when  

They were first introduced we we bought aquapots  here at the nursery and we’ve been using aquapots   they are the self-watering containers these are  the ceramic glazed pots what happens is there is   no hole in the bottom and so from here from here  down is water so you have water in your container  

Here you’ll notice it has the slits this is your  soil tube so water is below soil is above and   soil go goes in this tube the soil here comes into  contact with the water and it Wicks it up now the  

Tube that I just dropped that is your water that’s  your fill tube it’ll sit right here just like this   guy you’ve got soil all in here with your plants  and then you can take your hose and fill it up and  

When it gets full of water there’s a little hole  right here and so water will squirt out the back   so you fill it up until you get water squirting  out at the back this means you cannot overwater or  

Overfill your pot we have got a huge inventory of  these this is just a like not even a handful this   is a smattering of The Gorgeous aquapots that we  have available for sale they’re out in the Pines  

But we’re currently doing it buy 1 get one free so  you can mix you can match whatever you do um they   are buy one get one free if you were to go with a  bigger pot and a smaller pot your your free one is  

The smaller right so uh the the B one the free is  the of the Lesser value but if you wanted two big   ones then you get to have buy one get one free if  you wanted to have two smalls you wanted to have  

A vase and you wanted to have a flat Rim buy one  get one free doesn’t matter on colors you can mix   you can match this is also the aquapots the buy  one get one free is retail Garden Center only we  

Are not going to be shipping aquapots somebody  sent me a message they’re like I don’t see it   online we don’t sell aquapots online shipping  these things would be an absolute nightmare   that we’re just not going to take on right now so  this is for garden center only we’ve had people  

Though cuz we announced it on like Facebook and  Instagram just a couple of little posts and we   had people this weekend drive a couple of hours  come up here and they were getting they weren’t   just getting two they were getting six they were  getting eight this is a great great deal um on  

These aquapots and like I said you can get them  anywhere from the small um obviously we have a   lot of Blues right here even this big giant one  that CCE decorated the Christmas tree um this is  

An aqua poot as well so you’ve got them in the  Blues this is the antique Lily Leaf which is a   really nice kind of a classic um color to it the  smooth white we’ve got um maybe we’ll take a trip  

Out there but we’ve got matte black we’ve got all  sorts of different colors available to you so buy   one get one free makes a great Christmas present  trust me even if you have a gardener in your life  

And um this could be an early Christmas present  like they get to pick them out you’re going to   score some major points on that along with um  unique stone the unique stone does is still here   we’ve got lots of different options for you CeCe  did a great job kind of decorating setting things  

Up here in the garden center in the greenhouse  for you so that you can look at um so just a whole   range so if you want something cute and small then  you absolutely can do that but we’ve also got some  

Really nice big pieces um let’s just go out there  and look and you can see right I love this little   this is the floral cartouch this is one of the  cutest little containers um that is really quite  

Adaptable I have some pcture plants in mine and  it’s just sitting in the garden but like right   here we’ve got a pansy and some creeping jenny  like look at that it’s not really planted but  

This would be a great option for you put on a  little step or a little stoop or something you   know a little little small space and it will look  great so let’s come on over here because go ahead  

And show you um we’ll hit the aquapots and we’ll  hit the unique Stones so that you can see that   now these guys are the unique stone these are the  tornado ears These are nice big massive containers  

That you could easily plant like a shrub in I got  one of these from my mom when it was a Mother’s   Day present so I did this and we have a David  Austin Rose in it for her so you could put a  

David Austin Rose you could put a hydrangea you  could put a mixed Arrangement it doesn’t matter   cuz you’ve got plenty of room in here and with all  unique stone if it’s meant to be a planter then it  

Has a hole in the bottom right and we have these  in all the different colors that one I believe   is the dark walnut dark walnut light Walnut are  really hard to to tell apart um so we have got a  

Nice assortment of these guys and then come on  down here um also if you ordered unique stone   and you haven’t come in and gotten it please do um  we we’re open for two more weeks December the 16th  

Is our last uh day so please come get your stuff  but you can just see a whole assortment Galloway   ears we’ve got plenty of those these are Savannah  ears it’s a two-piece same thing you could put um   shrubs in there lots of different options this  these are beautiful these are the jumbo janers  

You can we have like the companion pieces that go  with this y’all you could literally put a tree in   here you could put a Japanese maple you could put  a hydrangea standard you could put tons of things  

In here the Spanish ear is gorgeous now these are  obviously big pieces right here but I kind of want   to give you an idea on what we have available  also these are the what we call rope and weave  

Baskets so we’ve got them in multiple different  colors but the rope and weave they come in three   different sizes now you can absolutely just buy  one size if you want to but if you have an area  

It is gorgeous to do a group of three and plant  them um perennials annuals a small shrub you can   do whatever this is the perfect thing to use if  you have an area that is very difficult to grow  

Things maybe it’s under a large tree maybe you  have moles or vs maybe you have rabbits maybe you   have some sort of issue um very very rocky soil or  like I said under the trees with tons of roots you  

Can still have plants there just think outside the  box you’re not going to plant them in the ground   you’re going to put them in containers and put  them in that area so those in the different colors  

The little oh gosh I love these the um bow Jers so  the bow bow jarder again a three different sizes   very classic uh very upright colmer Planters just  beautiful we’ve got dragonfly ears this is one of  

The builtmore collections um there’s a dragonfly  imprint on there and this is a nice it’s one of   those nice medium siiz you can it’s not crazy  heavy you can still pick it up but you still  

Have plenty of soil room in there that you can  plant um a whole whether you want to do annuals or   perennials it really does not matter but we’ve got  the toad stools which are super sweet the little   small statues the girl with puppies we’ve got  different kinds of ears the pineapples The Sassy  

Frogs tables the hummingbird Planters are always  super popular so whether you want the square   hummingbird planter or you want the rectangular  one um these work great had a customer and she   was like how do you though incorporate it into  your garden and I said for me personally I just  

Put it like literally in the flower bed because  these guys are short they’re up close right by a   pathway a walkway in my garden but I literally  put them in the garden with other plants all   around them and it’s just a nice unique different  feature obviously if you’re going to do a savannah  

Ear maybe you put it in the middle towards the  back and you plant it the options are just you   know endless and you get to choose whatever works  great for you in your garden um all right so here  

We have see look this is where I was talking about  the different sizes of that jumbo jarder so you’ve   got different ones all right if you see a ceramic  pot out here in the Pines these are all Aqua pots  

So if you see colors that you like just know that  these are aquapots the volcanic on the Milky blue   are extremely popular because that beautiful  color on them these are remember all handmade   so the stain is going to look a little different  you can see on this guy it’s a very the volcanic  

Part is quite small as compared to the vase next  door which has more of that volcanic kind of drip   on it so that’s why if you have somebody that  is interested maybe they you bring them out here  

And they can pick it out for themselves but we’ve  got this is the matte black right so it’s kind of   like what I call like a charcoal and we have them  turned upside down because they don’t have holes  

In the bottom and we do get some good rain here so  you know we don’t want them filling up with water   um when we’re not have plants in them so we’ve  got those then on over here all the different  

Like the smooth blue the techno blue here’s that  other companion piece of that quilted blue that   we saw in in the greenhouse so we’ve got those the  Quilted white diamond white um um and there’s also   like Chevron whites so there’s lots of different  options for you if you are interested in those  

Aquapots buy one get one free all of these  specials are running until we close on December   the 16th the nursery does close for about two  months and we will close December the 16th like   I said take those two months off because those are  kind of the colder wetter holiday seasons so we  

Get a little bit of time just to kind of breathe  just a little bit more we do a lot of projects   around here of course we still do the V videos  five times a week just because the retail Garden  

Center closes does not mean that we’re not going  to do our videos we still do our videos we’re a   lot of planting left to do I’ve got the chicken Co  area that I’ve got oh we need to get the signature  

Garden kind of taken care of and buttoned up  we’re going to have some more projects in there   that we need to get some trees in the ground that  kind of thing and then Jerry’s got to turn his   attention to the new production greenhouse and  get electrical and water going and that because  

You know come January February we’re going to have  thousands of little babies in there that uh need   to be taken care of the gas guys came on Saturday  and hooked up the heaters so we do have heat so  

There’s that um but yeah so lots of different  options for you if you have any questions just   let us know we’ll be happy to answer them in the  comments below but yeah check out the website  

Gardening withc Creeks side.com um if you place an  order we that things that are in stock we will get   it out to you as like that day or the next day um  because it is the holiday season and things not on  

Our end but on the other end uh with shipping can  sometimes can run a little bit slower so we want   to make sure we get it out in plenty of time  for you as always thanks so much for grinding  

With Creekside y’all have a fantastic day and  we’ll see you in the next video bye friends


  1. Oh my gosh, Jenny!!! People who can visit the nursery are so incredibly fortunate!! This would DEFINITELY be on my Christmas list from my husband!! BOGO would be a dream come true on aquapots!!

  2. So glad I pre-ordered Superbena Pink Cashmore, pentas and Diamond Snow Euphorbia from you!!! I can’t risk that I couldn’t find them in my area in the spring! Thank you!!!

  3. Wow question I bought 2 proven winners roses on Nov.29.23 but the lady that help me dis not tell me that it was buy one get one free? Is this a new special? I know I hurt this announcement before.before my purchase. I visited from Texas.

  4. I am happy to see that a lot of the shrubs are now sold out. I hope that means a successful online season for you all. I see new growth on my evergreen shrubs that you sent out about a month ago.

  5. Gosh! That's an INCREDIBLE deal on the Aquapots. Almost makes me want to jump in my car and get some…from Minnesota. 😆
    I received my first order shipped from you guys! Thanks. Now I can use this winter down time to clean and sharpen my garden tools. (I ordered all the stuff for maintaining my Felco no. 2 pruners and other cutting tools.)
    Say, I wonder if you have experience overwintering geraniums (pelargoniums). I'm experimenting and today, went to my basement to mist the roots. How in the world will those dried up things ever come back to life?! I had 5 plants tied up with twine. When I opened the paper sack it looked like there was just a couple plants until I realized they'd just shrunk. 😏 I'm real skeptical about this process despite watching many videos on the method.

  6. Can we preorder annuals for pickup instead of shipping? I’ll be coming to nursery anyway so I’d prefer to save shipping costs but want to guarantee some pink cashmere and other stuff.
    Also, are you going to carry the aqua pots lite (I think that’s the name, the lighter resin styles).

  7. Jenny, just an idea… would or could you make it so we could purchase the self water like a kit, for us to purchase online, for those of us that live too far away?

  8. If I wasn't over 12 hours away I would be heading over for that aquapot deal! I would love to have some aquapots, but its not in this newish homeowners budget quite yet! QUESTION.. I love all of the online shopping updates since I am far away. I am keeping an eye on what you have available, curious if will you ever have those Walters Gardens pitcher plants that you have for sale? I have looked locally this past year (Long Island, NY) and online in several places and I have not seen them. I would love to add them to my garden! Thanks for all of the tips and gardening info 🙂

  9. Jenny, will you ship a Charleston Basket Boy to FL? I have been looking for one for one for a few years and no one in FL seems to carry unique stone.

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