Garden Plans

Martini Town review, hockey game, Christmas Brunch, & Garden plans πŸŽ„πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸŒΎπŸ€žπŸ»βœ¨ Vlogmas 2023

What to expect:
0:00 – GRWM & Church Girls Brunch
0:16 – Car Chats
2:05 – Garden Chats
4:30 – Wrap Gifts With Me
5:48 – Hockey
6:17 – Sunday/Martini Town
7:17 – Morning After Chats

#vlogmas #vlogmas2023 #weeklyvlog #decembervlog #adayinmylife #weekendvlog
Vlogmas 2023, cozy december vlog, December vlog, Weekend in my life, a weekend in my life, a weekend in my life vlog, Giants hockey, martini town merry & bright, martini town christmas, martini town langley, Martini town, Martini film studios, 2024 garden plans, 2024 garden planning, garden ideas, vlogmas day 1, Holiday activities, Holiday vlog, christmas vlog, winter holiday vlog, ultimate christmas vlog, day in my life vlog

That was so fun it was so nice I only knew one of the girls from life group and then of course the girl hosting but it was really nice to meet some more people that all go to our church I don’t like pancakes so I wasn’t really

Expecting to like the Crepes but it was delish and then the data on my phone has not been working I don’t know why because I’m on the same plan as cam got the same phones as all the fam like all the fames on the same plan as the same

Phones and mine’s the only one whose data is not working and we’ll be beside each other and I can’t like do anything with data which when you start to rely on data like for directions and for messaging and Googling things when you’re out like it really like impacts

Your life it gets really annoying and so I forgot that I didn’t have data and drove to the house for the first time because I had never driven there before cam always drives and I am a passenger princess I’m looking at the Landscaping I’m not looking at signs or where to go

And so then I was like I don’t have their Wi-Fi and I have no data so I don’t know how to get back but luckily I’m a geographical genius just kidding I’m terrible with geography but um I knew the two liquor stores at the turns I needed to take so

I I just waited until I saw those and then I turned but I was hoping to pick some things up afterwards from Facebook Marketplace and then I realized I don’t know how to get there I don’t have data and I would even if I could find Wi-Fi

At like a McDonald’s or something I wouldn’t even know how to get back so I’m might have to cancel those so that’s too Bad I was just adding some items to my compost pile and look over here so this is how bristles Sprouts were looking before we have the heads right what the heck eat the heads off of these three what the heck I’m not too mad because the Brussels weren’t doing that

Well like look how small they are but still that’s rude also I want to know like what it is because what if they eat like my actually big ones like in the future when I have actually big ones like look this is a pretty decent Siz prussel not too bad but come

On you can see I have these garden beds here but I really we don’t do anything with this space over there so I’m hoping to make it into more of a gardening area in the summer next year the only thing is I would have to get free dirt and

Make like Mounds the idea is like a row here a row here a row here and then so I put this up to remind me that that’s what I want to do I have some more Tomatoes there but yeah that’s the kind of idea that I’m thinking I also think it would be

Great to be using this area last year I tried to put hydranges there we’ll see if they come back but like all around here we have dirt given it’s very very Rocky dirt so I don’t know if anything will actually grow but I may as well try

I like crazy planted sporadic planted I don’t know what it’s called when you just throw lentil seeds everywhere so I did that with lentils I tried the hydrangeas I don’t think they did that well but also I bought them in August so that’s on me so yeah I might try some like pumpkins

In there some other things like things I don’t really care about tomatoes garlic onion those I care about a lot cuz we actually like eat with them but I might try things that we don’t really care about that much also you might be like Sam why are you dressed up when it’s so

Sunny and beautiful outside cuz it’s still very cold it is sunny and beautiful though which I can’t believe for this winter which makes me happy but yeah got bundle up Beni you’re always bundled aren’t you you’re one beautiful fur coat in half you’re cutie I’m just wrapping a few

More presents because some of my mom’s like filler gifts came in and Tiana texted me asking if I want to go to a local hockey game I love hockey I used to go to all of the the University hockey games and all of that because I just love Hoy so

Much I don’t love like actual like the sport I just like when they fight but it’s a nice like I don’t know what I’m saying but so I’m just waiting for her to come over and we’ll drive together and go watch some sports but no I enjoy like I enjoy the

Fast pace of hockey and how they’re like running back and forth and how you’re like where’s the book where’s the book and then I really like when the coaches get mad and start yelling and I like when they get in fights and if they fight the captain that’s kind of like the

Best or like most entertaining I don’t really care about oh that’s a hat trick or or he got the assist or anything like that I just care about Entertainment tonight to make it over snazzy baby wearing the jacket I bought him looking oh so cool destined to ca this is actually crazy yeah that’s Czy So a quick morning debrief just before my work starts last night was so fun it was so funny though because we go to this and I think on the website it says 16 Acres that’s their whole entire lot including the parking this actual thing wasn’t even an acre it took 2 minutes to

Walk around it’s $22 a ticket so I kind of had I kind of thought that I didn’t believe it was 16 Acres cuz I’ve looked at all the influencers posts and everything and it’s just like a Instagram lot right and it never looked like they had a ton of food trucks there

Or anything like that and so and so I like kind of knew what I was expecting and my my expectations were a lot closer to what it was than everybody else’s expectations like all the I’m going to say like kids like cam his brothers and me knew what we were

Getting into but the parents were shocked and so it was kind of funny we walk in and right away Gary goes this is not 16 Acres I’m like I think they meant like the whole lot including parking but yeah it it was really beautiful cool to

See the movie Set because from the back it’s so fake and from the front it looks like a real build it’s just like so well done and it was so beautiful all the lights were amazing if I were them I would spread it out more they had like

Photo booths and and like sleds and like props for photos in the town I would have spread it out further and then they also had the food trucks in the town and two food trucks only I would have gone more food trucks but two two food trucks

In the town and a little like market like you know like local vendors there like a craft sale but um they had that in the town I would have made like a food truck section with like 5 to 10 food trucks and a tent and that’s where you eat over there and then

The town and then over there is a market outside the town and you get to like walk through there and space it out more cuz it was so crowded you could even look at anything and and then like the photo booth I would have scattered around outside the

Town because it’s beautiful enough you don’t need the photo booths in the middle section hi sweet Beni where where the town is cuz it’s already beautiful enough so and people are taking pictures with the town you know and so um I would have put those in a separate

Area you guys need to see him it was a great time I wouldn’t pay to go again it was cool to see um and I think next year they definitely have some areas that I just listed that would make huge upgrades hate me or love me watched that’s all

You could do thank you

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