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How To Grow A Year Supply Of Herbs In A Small Space

How To Grow A Year Supply Of Herbs

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#herbs #gardentips #containergardening

Hi everyone welcome back to my channel I’m Shamir Benson one part of Team Benson it is chilly but we are going to talk herbs and how to grow a year supply of them okay guys so if you’re new to my channel welcome I am a Jewish desert

Gardener here in Phoenix Arizona Zone 9B and I try to grow all of my family’s seasonings which means herbs I do purchased spices but I am going to try growing some spices too but for right now herbs are our seasonings so that’s what I grow so I want to talk about

Growing a year supply of them while I’m harvesting some of my parsley so tip number one is going to be to figure out how much you need by trial and era how much do you use and when you’re using it are you using it dried

Or using it fresh which do you prefer to use it it like dry or fresh or how do you like it are you eating it raw are you cooking it all of those different things you need to decide which plants that you use the most I use my parsley

Way more than I use my Shel so I have three parsley plants versus one plant of chevel this is just one of my parsley plants I’ll take you guys to the other two but my second tip is going to be to harvest them often take all of these

Leaves that are grown up off and just leave the little stems now I do have two plants in here growing that’s going to be tip three is that you can get a bushier plant on some of your herbs by planting two of them versus one but back

To the second tip let’s take all of these leaves off of this parsley so that then we’re not wasting them like this Leaf down here is a wasted leaf that we could have eaten but we didn’t pick it early enough so on just one plant I harvested

The that much parsley and I took the plant down all the way to that bare minimum like the few little crowns that it would need and don’t worry it’s going to grow back and it’s going to grow back even more because now it’s like oh my

Goodness I need more leaves I need them quickly so the next step is going to be to take a year to see what you actually use I try to grow everything like a year supply of everything and then the next year I’ll adjust and see if maybe that

Wasn’t enough or if I needed more or if I needed less because you don’t want to waste space on things that you could be growing other things for instance I have a small space Garden even when we get a lot of land I’m probably still going to

Have a small space Garden because I don’t like to waste time and effort on growing stuff that I have an overabundance of that I really don’t need when I only needed a few of those plants like my Rosemary for instance I don’t need like 47 rosemary

Plants so see these are my other two parsley plants that we are going to take from but this is my herb bed where I have majority of my herbs at now the next tip is going to be to like I said we don’t need a million of all of these

Herbs but decide how they grow and how long you can keep them Rosemary here in Arizona can survive our hot deserts versus our parsley that cannot so I rarely dry the Rosemary I just have one Bush here and like a backup Bush there

And I just let it grow and I use it as I need it and also as it needs to be trimmed but my parsley on the other hand I know that I’m not going to get a whole year of that one so I try and grow it

Preserve it and I have three plants of those versus only the two of the Rosemary also with that guys know the Time of the Season that you are growing these plants even if they are in your garden all your year long they may not produce all year long like as strong as

They would like that Rosemary will survive the winter but it prefers like the late spring and the summer and the fall and that’s when it’s going to really Bush out so when I’m planning my meals I’m not going to have Rosemary heavy meals during the winter because I

Know that I’m it’s not going to grow back as fast like especially like after the holidays and that’s when it needs its break my last tip is going to be don’t be afraid to plant things close together guys did you guys even notice that I had a sage underneath both of these parsley

Plants probably not the sun didn’t but now that I have harvested what I needed for the parsley the Sun is going to be able to get more to the sage and grow the sage out so the sage will probably be bushier before the parsley will it’s

Just it just tells me what I need to eat essentially so whatever is used whatever is growing in abundance I will use use that mostly give the sage a break because I’m not going to pull leaves from that but it’s going to allow it to

Grow once we can open it up so you don’t need like a giant space to grow anything you just need to know when you’re going to use it also this Thai Basil is hiding another Sage down there so that lets us know we should probably be using that

Soon well guys we are getting more winter rains so I’m going to take all of this parsley inside and I’ll show you guys how I preserve it in a later video but for right now I’m going to take myself parsley and Camera inside before we get rained on


  1. Good timing! I’m putting together my list. My sister was so sweet and I received a vertical planter (aka Greenstalk”ish”) and another one that has three levels. I’m thinking a LOT of strawberries and mint(s) in the vertical planter and a majority of my herbs in the tiered a-line planter. I have a lot from last year so I’m being very precise in planting this year. I need more midget cantaloupe seeds (thank you, those were amazing!) and I want to find mini watermelon seeds as well. So much fun. We’re buried in snow right now and more snow/ice tomorrow so I’m planning for spring, lol. This too shall pass and this year will definitely be an experiment due to changing zones.

  2. I said it before and I'll say it again!! Spinach is my #1 go to in the garden!! Surprisingly survived the heat today!!

  3. I love having herbs, I would love to add many medicinal lol little help 😅, by the way I finally got some rain in my desert 🌵 garden ❤ love the vengo beds 😊

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