Backyard Garden

19 Days into my Backyard Garden!

19 Days into my backyard garden, trying to get more beds in, and vegetables growing. Really trying my best so hopefully all this hard work pays off.

So far i have made 5 Garden beds three raised beds made from Heat Treated pallets i got for free, 2 no dig garden beds. on my second round of composting as the first lot went into top dressing 3 of my garden beds.

It is a learning process i am really enjoying.

If you have been watching my journey so far, thank you.

All right guys just an update from my garden I’ve made uh three raised beds out of heat treated pallets so far this one it’s the first one I made in the last video got zucchinis in there GR my little son pulled this out twice already so hopefully it’ll

Survive this is the second one I made let’s see this one recycle pellets and no big garden bed just put a Basel in there for now much have much to put in and my yard needs to clean up cuz uh cockos get up in this tree and bite

All the little branches off and they just fall in the yard which is good for my compost yes there’s one right there so here’s my climbing beans they’re growing nicely uh once they get a little bit bigger I’ll just push them back under the fishing line trus I made

Up and the shade cloth there just for a bit of shade from the Sun and I’ve got one cucumber right there is going to climb up the metal trellis another one right here and a Seedling over here which I hope it survives it’s hanging in there here’s the third raised bed that

I’m made out of pallets not the prettiest but they’ll do the job just got a bit of carbon for the bottom layer and I’m still working on my compost piles so yeah still working on my compost piles here sple them up with a to here but they’re going all

Right so my little table outside I’ve got three Basel plants that I’ve climed from basil I bought from the store this one looks like it’s starting to flare off oh four sorry there’s another one there uh three chili plants grow nicely and I’ve got my all my tomato seedlings I just put out

Today got to harden them off so see how they go over night and in the morning I got spinach which I think they might have just stretch too much and might be a bit too hot for them so some of them don’t look too good rockets and

Lettuce I don’t even think they’re going to survive they look a bit too stretched out for my indoor setup so try and germinate them outside but I’ll just see how they go They’re not looking very good So again this is the overview of the garden I’ve done so far 1 2 3 4 5 six garden beds at the moment I did end up pulling up the no dig garden bed here and put a ra bed there


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