Gardening Supplies

SUPPLY VLOG | Yall asked where I get them from| Containers To Freeze Food


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Beauty lives in me I know I don’t you know hey y’all welcome back to the channel Miss girl life so y’all if y’all was in the live stream y’all know I am redoing my kitchen to Mason jws just getting ready for the garden season getting ready for

Spring getting ready for my kitchen to be a certain way so a lot of y’all was asking me about the um leads where I get the plastic Lids from y’all get them from Walmart in the Canon section let me show y’all all right so right

Here um the lids are up here they have the regular Lids the regular mouth and then they have the wide mouth which I’m going to get some 382 okay 382 all right for those so um what I need today is I need and I only do I have learned I only

Do bald or cure brand okay so oh they’re a little cheaper than what they said online they said they was 16 something they 14 something um I’m going get the gallon size Wide Mouth Mason jar and then I’m going to get let’s say regular and y’all if y’all

Looking y if y’all new it’ll say right here with this regular or if it’s wide um the wide mouth quart size is 1644 um I’m trying to think cuz I think one of these is going to be enough for the stuff that I’m using I’m trying

To see that I want to get two of the cuz those are the half galling all right yall let me show y’all so they be um they um got the the dehydrators back look at this one this one is $88 right there this is $54 those you that want pressure cannons is 90

Um yeah they got your utensils for your cany I got all this stuff I got everything I need for canning okay so I don’t have to wor about that um these are the dissolvable labels I do need to get me another pack of these I try to get a pack and keep a

Pack but these are the dissolvable labels that I use they are so easy to deal with um they even got these Lids right here these are they’re more expensive 742 but leak proof Lids they do have those um here go the Cure brand they is another they are another um good um

Brand or whatnot so that’s a good one even up here y’all the sh gels this where you use to make your jellies and stuff like that when you’re canning Walmart got you Walmart got you the fruit fresh preserve for you to put on the fruit to keep it from um from um

Turning brown and stuff like that if you want um I don’t use this because it’s something something in it I feel gives me indigestion um so I don’t use um this right here I haven’t well the one I used was ball I haven’t used it in a long time

Okay so but he’s from browning and preserves flavor all right so let’s see you can use it mix three teaspoons one cup of sugar sprinkle on fruit to form protective coat place in free safe container and cover and freeze you know I’m going to try it I’m going to try it

Again that’ll go good for the garden when I have um stuff um fruit and stuff from the garden I’m going to try it again I’m it’s been so long and now that I don’t have this gall bladder it may just be fine now okay see this see this say citric

Acid this is for like let’s see got tomatoes on there see I don’t want no with no citr acic in it I’m trying to see what is in this ingredients sugar promote attention see this is a lot of different type of acid I’m not going to get that I’m just going

To preserve my stuff the natural way that’s what I’mma do is that them okay no I put mine in there I’m going to do mine natural way like I’ve been doing I don’t want no additives or nothing like that all right y’all for the containers for the freezer cuz I’m

Going to be freezing my food these are $224 you can’t beat that that’s eight with the lids $224 and they are um microwave freezer and dishwasher safe so yeah that’s a good price they got these down here 288 for one um I get a couple of these because

Really cannot beat that okay so just something for y’all to look at look into if y’all want W to you know freeze your food or whatnot all right y I want to clear something up when I say a eight piece that’s four containers and four

Lids okay I don’t want nobody to say I said it’s supposed to be eight of these eight containers itself no it’s four containers and four Lids all right y’all so back from Walmart and up close this is what I got I got um Wide Mouth

Jars um the half gallon and then I got some of the quart ones I got three of the wide mou mouth um um plastic jar lids and then I got me another thing of ball dissolvable labels I did get this thing to um have to drink

Out of like you put this on your mason jar and it’s a you can drink um out of it’s a jar Mason jar um I’ve been one one of them for the longest so I finally got one and I got me some pickling salt picking and Canon

Salt and then I got my little containers um for my freeze and cooking I meant to say for my cooking and freeze so y’all that’s going to be the end of this little video right here I hope it was motivational inspirational all that type of stuff don’t forget to like

Comment and subscribe yall hit the notification Bell so get notified each and every time got upload the video and I will see y’all in the next one if it’s God’s will y’all be safe okay until next time bye


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