Gardening Trends

Spring Vegetable Planting Guide When to Plant Lettuce, Kale, Broccoli, and More!

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Next question is from Joanne in presca Valley she wants to know is it still too early to put out spring vegetables lettuce kale broccoli Etc uh and what about Hardy herbs and then also if she does put them out will she need to protect them at night yeah

So good Joanne that’s a great question you’re you’re good to go so the weather forecast it looks like we’re eting in the 30s high 20s perfect for for early spring I noticed our parsley what else there a couple things that were actively grown right now I mean they wintered

Over with us they are no longer in Winter mode they are in Spring growth mode that’s your cue the the soils warm enough you can plant kales cabbages broccoli brussel sprouts your your parsleys your Sage your mints you thyme all these things like this this Bright Days cool nights they they thrive in

That lettuce spinach they thrive in this uh if you were to wait a month and a half it’d be too late because then they start to bolt they get all flavored really they’re very early spring kind of plants and so you’re it’s time to put

That in I would say I don’t know when the potatoes come in or the garlics the onions any day now as soon as you can get those grab put them in the ground

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