Japanese Garden

The Starter Base.. | Hermitcraft 10 | Ep.2

OH IT’S BUILDING TIME. One of my favourite starter bases I’ve ever built and the thumbnail is only one side of it!! The back is my favourite part which is rare for builds haha. Subscribe if you’re new 😀

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Hermitcraft Logo by @DnatorGames

Why hello there ladies and gentlemen welcome back to hermitcraft season 10 episode 2 featuring me smallish beans AKA Joel aka Big Man AKA handsome man AKA ooh there’s a cow behind me I’ll be needing your services later last time we built this tiny little Hut here as we

Were just dipping our toes into hermitcraft it’s our first time here guys please be nice to me please subscribe to me please leave a like on this video ooh guilt tripping Joel ready we’re not even a minute into the video I know that’s what it’s like here get used

To it now I haven’t died yet as you can see by the scoreboard there my name is white corales is red and we’re still playing demise meaning at any moment I could die so I need to look out for like traps and stuff uh or people just trying

To kill me now today we have big big plans to start expanding our area and building our first ever hermitcraft base technically yeah I kind of built one before in season n when I was on Empire Still but that doesn’t count that was God Joel this is normal Joel who’s still

Tall but not as tall but before we can get building we need to get some Basics sorted like getting some animals we haven’t got any animals yet which is why I want that cow there Al so we need to get a better farm setup as this is our

Only farm at the moment and it’s terrible but first cows and I think this area down here be pretty good for keeping our cows nice and safe but I’m going to make an easier path down to it which means destroying these leaves and I’ve just blown up half my base good

Now when I’ve built bases in the past I’ve had quite a lot of space especially in my single player world as there’s no one to contest with but here you can see people are already putting up borders like impulse over here as we’re all quite close together this season so that

Poses a bit of a challenge when building stuff but I’m going to solve that problem by building everything really close together I want to make the most out of all my space and build something epic which is why I’m keeping Pathways Etc extremely narrow like down here to

Where I’m going to have my cows is a cozy tight passageway which will become very common in my build this season so found a lot of sheep wandering around so got my sheep sorted but that one cow that was in my intro seems to be the

Only cow in the area this may take a while if only there was some sort of animal I could take if only there was some sort of animal I could take my anger out on H unfortunately there’s not aha a cow where did where did that just come from was

That here the whole time oh my gosh why did we choose to live on a big hill it’ll be worth it in the end it’ll be worth it in the end there we go that’s that all sorted now I want to also build a bit of a wheat farm however this area

Is just awful for planting wheat it’s just so hilly I’m going to have to clear some space like this look at all that space being cleared look at it look at it go I also went and collected myself a load of oak leaves as well as some

Spruce Wood then I placed those oak leaves up here to make this weird sort of leaf wall thing I then went and HED some of the ground as well as planted the seeds and here we are we have our wheat patch it’s not huge but that’s because it’s early game I don’t need

Loads and loads of wheat yet and that’s why I didn’t use all this space here I want to use the rest of this space for something else also I know this looks kind of weird at the moment but it will make sense all right it will make sense

These leaves here are my solution for making sure you don’t see the ugly Stone and dirt behind I think it’ll look cool in the future at the moment it looks weirdly out of place but once I’ve built my base it won’t I I I promise it might

But it I might not I don’t know now I’m already running out of storage space in our little area here meaning I need to get this base built as quick as possible firstly though I am actually going to wax these trap trap doors I’m going to keep them at this level here and

Speaking of this little Hut here last episode I said I was going to try and stay away from relying on light MAA to help me build and for full transparency this next build I am going to be using a bit of light Matia however here in my

Creative world you can see this is what I’ve designed I’m showing you this because the final product should look completely different to this as this is just a very basic structure without any detailing that I’m hopefully going to improve when once we add it into this world but I needed to know the

Dimensions as we’re going to place it here except not on this level up higher we going to build a little platform for it to go on right now and for that I need some stone bricks meaning we have to smelt some Cobblestone oh my gosh I

Haven’t got silk touch yet I’ve got no enchantments yet while we wait for that to smelt I’ve laid out a square here let me show you all the edges there’s one there’s the second there’s the third and there’s there’s the fourth I don’t think it’s an actual square but I’m thinking

We have our normal build around this height here so we have to build up to here H but although the house is going on this level I want there to be a basement meaning we have to clear out more space hey at least it’ll give us more Cobblestone to smelt I feel like

The only timelapes I’ve done on hermitcraft so far are me just clearing Stone and dirt now before turning all this smooth Stone into stone bricks I want to do a little bit just on the edges next to these dark oak wood here you’ll notice I’m cheating and not

Putting dark oak wood behind this one but no one will ever know but I’ve made some smooth Stone here to do a fun little pattern there we go now let’s fill this in with some stone bricks oh my gosh a time lapse of Joel actually placing stuff and then let’s finish off

The top by adding in some stairs like so in a fun pattern although I’m pretty sure it might be even this way which is fine and there we go it’s looking a bit plain at the moment obviously we’re not done we’re going to detail it later but

It’s nice to have something a little bit bigger built but now it’s in we can start placing down the road and I just logged out to do a bit of editing and I’ve logged back in and I have a tree what’s this where’s this come from

There’s a little Pathway to it as well to Joel from beef my favorite wood use it wisely welcome to hermitcraft okay thank you oh okay okay okay oh right nice try beef nice try nice try oh my gosh that’s a big hole he needs to

Use TNT mine carts I’m sorry beef oh my gosh he’s actually spent quite a while on this you’ve been no no no oh my gosh just fell into it you’ve been reapered you’ve been reapered not I will take the wood though thank you very much for that

But if you’re going to get me you’re going to need to use TNT mine carts I’m sorry beef now before I start the road I want to get some more tools I need more diamonds as we are getting very low and I know gan’s got an enchantment table so

I’m going to show him up by showing you how to do a water bucket clutch green as I saw your video and then I’m going to borrow this 26 enchantment levels and then let’s pull off another sick water bucket clutch plop these down here and see if

We get Fortune free please so okay cuz we get it the second time silk touch okay I’ll take that now iscal just told me he wants to see me and he’s a white name so I trust him oh there he is hello iscal it’s better not be anything to do

With demise no we we we are both uh we are both alive we’re both good how are you doing I have learned now since I haven’t ever spoken with you before I have learned that you are you and uh I yeah you’re Swedish so you’re going to

Say y That’s like French it’s Joel but I say Joel Yol Joel okay well Jo yeah okay yep yep yep this is so bad can you not actually say immediately immediately no okay so here’s the thing Joel uh see there you go perfect so I had this idea

Since we’ve never spoken before I was like wait a minute this is a perfect opportunity to Swedish ify my accent and to and to do the the the Yol Yol yeah very good okay look I I’m here to ask you for a for a smallish favor

Smallish nice see what I did there I see I do uh I scal she see if I can help tried I tried I tried I tried wow that was good man I like that this is the stupidest idea ever but we’re going to do it anyway I needed to pick a number

Between 25 and 32 any number between 25 and 32 29 is my birthday okay you’re picking 29 and where is your where is your H where’s your stuff where’s your uh up at the top there you can kind of see I’m starting to build a little bit

Okay I need you to to put together 29 blocks they can be all the same but that’s a bit boring right uh so i’ i’ i’ recommend at least having a a few differ differentiations in these blocks okay if you’re building with these then I’m going to choose colors that don’t go

Together specifically I think this is 29 yeah I’ve got them all right cool now please if you would come with me and what I would like you to do is you chose the number 29 and you chose the blocks I’d like you to add to this oh gosh and

And the only thing that you will know is that this should eventually be uh a fully comprehendible building of sorts what type of building what what it is I don’t know like I honestly don’t know this is only the template oh yeah but I but I brought stupid blocks is okay

Right it’s just out of render distance of my area so I don’t have to look at it I guess uh W wa we we could we could make this work so I can just place them wherever you can do whatever you want you don’t have to follow any structure

Anything at all this is this is the whole thing 29 blocks is not a lot to work with but did you think starting on hermitcraft would be easy do you think there would be do you think it would be oh yeah no oh yeah you can have as many

Blocks as you want no this is this is wait I can fix this I can fix this I’m going to I brought I brought things that I knew would not go together they go great wait do you say that these pink and I mean they go well together but

They don’t go with the acacia and the Deep slate but there you go that’s all my blocks I think 29 that’s 29 there you go beautiful good luck to the next person welcome to the server sir thank you very much I’ll I’ll let you I I’ll

Come back and have a look at this when it’s looking pretty you s skeptic oh no me never I’m never sarcastic iscal that’s what you learn about me oh gosh well good luck to him with that that’s going to be absolutely hideous okay I’m on a quest

For diamonds and I’ve decided until I die in demise I’m not going to strip mine I’m going to play it risky so let’s head into a cave and see how this goes very well we got so many diamonds as well as a little bit of a scare there

But also diamonds as well as Redstone and also make sure to take doors everyone so you can look in the water logged caves to get those extra diamonds cuz no one else ever finds them but you can see here I’m using my silk touch pickaxe to gather them up rather than

Mining them as I want to use fortune on these later I actually found so many diamonds that I didn’t actually include me finding all the diamonds because it would have been a lot of clips of me finding diamonds I did almost die to this random skeleton though but luckily

I’ve got that water bucket clutched down I think the skeleton actually died after me I only just saw that cuz at the time I spent ages looking for it so it wouldn’t happen again but anyway after collecting about 38 diamonds I think it was we headed up to the surface well

That was incredibly successful 38 diamond or I need Fortune desperately I want to keep this silk touch pickaxe but let’s see if we can enchant an iron pickaxe to have Fortune free then we can mine this ore Al yes I’m borrowing greens en chanted again bam fortune 3

Fortune 2 you know what I I will take that now I’m not going to mine all these until I get Fortune free but let’s see how lucky we get starting off terribly that’s a bit better that’s terrible also terrible that’s better there we go okay

So I need a diamond helmet and a diamond boots let’s mine some more two for two so far no three for three four for four this is going terribly oh that’ll do let’s make a sword new pickaxe and a new shovel and we’ll stop there for now and it’s time to stop

Eating salmon and start working on the road actually that’s a lie because I bumped into impulse on the way back to my base hey you’re not all shiny you you haven’t Enchanted that stuff yet are you yeah yeah yeah is it not showing enchantments GL yeah it is it is it is

Just barely barely just a little bit glint um I’ve been getting levels in enchanting you want to see how I’ve been doing that I got a little farm set up if you want to use it do you have Fortune free I have Fortune 2 so it was enough

To get it was enough to get some diamonds gem spotted this the other day she saw that there was some Mossy Cobble on the side of the mountain so we checked it out and it turns out that there is a spawner up in here oh yeah oh

It’s oh it’s already ready looed where’s the door where’s the door follow me I such easy where the heck is the door there’s there’s a fake door up there to to throw people off okay come here yeah it’s loaded up look at that okay so just it’s just a little zombie spawner

So get in there yeah whack away I M get down that half block XP gets stuck belly up and you get all that delicious XP wait wait what’s going no what happened buddy is that you are you guys I can’t get out you oh the Devils the Devils they got me

Good oh SK why am I at Green’s base oh for goodness sake oh I’m so annoyed that was good I’ll give them that that was good you guys are the worst skis I trusted you oh I love you buddy I just I’ve been a Reaper for so long dude

Is that all my stuff thing yeah here’s the thing this trap wasn’t set up initially for you it was initially for Scar and then scar decided to go on a a mangrove swamp trip and ended up dying to Cub before he came back and then we were going to go for

Jeem and green killed jeem before we could get her you got me so good third choice I I cuz you I trusted you cuz you had the bluming gray name oh my gosh near died again that was oh that was good well done well done I’m very impressed skiz I

Thought us rookies were going to be sticking together uh so just saying I now hate you but it’s fine it’s fine love you the code word was delicious it oh delicious XP sorry Joel no no I’m but I will be using that farm now to get my blood XP back you Devils

There you go yeah go for it go well I can stop wearing the shield now at least I feel a little bit bad that I had a hand in both my neighbors dead yeah yeah that’s not good for you for the and then lured you to that one out

True I can’t believe it I’m so mad well I’m not mad I’m so happy at the same time because I don’t have to worry anymore but that was good that was so good they got me really good oh anyway now let’s get started on the road fliping e I’m I’m still getting over

That but here we are the road is beginning to be built and as you can see I’m using some of the new tough blocks as I think they just look so cool also we waited for the grass to turn into grass from dirt lovely and I know what

You’re thinking Joel that’s not a road that’s a lane that’s so tiny well I know okay I know calm down this is not going to be the end of the road this is just the start of it I’m not going to build an entirely long road yet and just have

Nothing on it because um I don’t want to okay it’s a lot of blocks and a lot of mining I want to build my house but the plan is for this road here to go down the entire mountain and maybe maybe underground in the future we’ll see

We’ll see but while we were waiting I placed a couple of farms down in here we got some sugarcane and some bamboo growing as well as making a little quick bone meal Farm here for my seeds to go in so they don’t go to waste and actually let’s fill that with these

Stupid pink petals cuz there’s so many of them now at this point I was planning on building an enchantment table and enchanting my tools but thanks to impen skis that number is looking a bit well rubbish so instead we’re just going to collect our materials without any enchantments oh dear hopefully this

Doesn’t take too long oh yeah baby epic material Gathering Montage look at him Gathering all that terra cotta and that bamboo and then that calai and then oh look there’s green what’s he doing why is he fishing oh you caught a big one no no no no stop

It this guy what is he for goodness sake I’ll take on the challenge it’s not like I’m trying to save up my enchantment points right now no no me water anyway where was I oh yeah material Gathering I stole a mangrove prople from Gem and then made my own

Mangrove and collected a load of other wood as well as some deep slay and then some more wood and we have everything all right I’m hoping this here should be enough materials it probably might be too much I guess we’ll see but it’s time for our first proper time lapse on

Hermitcraft where we’re actually building something oh my gosh I’m so excited to show you this base although right now we’re just going to be building the basic shape of it the detailing comes later and honestly the detailing is the coolest part of this base it’s going to look so cool I’ve got

So many ideas but let’s get to work now it’s going to become very clear that the style I’m going for is very sort of Japanese themed also my own style added into it a bit as well and when we get the detailing in in a bit you will see

That we’re going for a very futuristic style look at it it is completely undetailed right now apart from like a little bit here but I am loving this basic shape it’s got so much depth to it with all the different canopies different types of roofs oh I really

Really like it I want to put some like LEC turns here for a balcony however I don’t even have an enchanting table yet I feel like I should not waste bookshelves on on El turns that would be stupid when I’m still using these unenchanted diamond tools but here you

Can see we’ve got a very basic layout inside at the moment we’ve not done any interior decorating we have added a staircase down here and we actually might just work on this basement floor quickly as I hate leaving it like this we’re just going to use some leftover

Deep slate to make this tiled floor here doing actually 2x two tiles rather than one by one to change it up a little bit lovely but we’re going to decorate the interior of this later I want to focus on the exterior because there’s so many little bits and Bobs I want to add

Around this thing first I’m going to need some mud brick walls and I can’t be bothered to go to a mangrove swamp so going to make my own and then we’re going to place these on the front of the house here like so also I want to decorate these

Windows a bit so I’m thinking barrels flower in the middle and then some shutters as well like so and I actually got a silverfish head earlier which I thought was quite cool and quite rare so I’m going to stick this on this Barrel here for a bit of decoration it looks so

Silly and then I’m going to do the trick I did last time with some signs here which by the way this takes so long I think it looks cool but I have to enter all this stuff by myself I don’t think you can copy and paste I tell a lie you

Can but you can only do one line at a time but that’s good to know let’s use some white glass panes for the windows and then some here as well to make you know like it look like it’s an open door or something and now we’re going to get

A bit funky with you know this handle Oh Hey Joe how’s it going hey Joel I see that you’ve got a red name to match these fancy red lines I do I do I do yeah okay well I’m going to try avoid touching anything that might activate a

Trap like you know that or this no they weren’t do you see someone tried to trap me down here though yeah oh wow so I I I it was a bit of an explosion and uh yeah he uh he tried to blow me up but that

Didn’t kill me it was actually me who was killing you no it didn’t get you nope I’m I I had two hearts left oh that was worth a try at least sorry I won’t do that again I promise you know the the funny thing is I I like that the says you’ve been

Reapered no yeah cuz it didn’t kill me either so obviously it didn’t oh terrible oh well oh almost almost two hearts no I can’t believe it if I’d made the hole a bit deeper I should have done that oh well we’ve had our first kill attempt at least back to the detailing

As you can see here we’re just doing lots of little bits I really want these builds that I’m building in this season to be like the most detailed builds and you’ll see as it comes together in a second what I’m talking about first though I need to make some more banners

And these ones are a little bit easier to make as they’re quite simple as you can see here but there’s one and then I’m actually going to duplicate that to make a second except slightly different and the same goes with the other one here and if I place these down on here

Like so I’m trying to make them look like Ki letters in Japanese which obviously they look nothing like it but this is m C okay we’re very limited with what we can do like I can’t make English letters in this either but I think that looks really cool especially from afar

In real life I wouldn’t be able to make that out anyway cuz my eyesight’s terrible but we’re going to be using so many of these around to add loads of little bits of detail I’ve just crafted up all my bucks and I have enough to make an enchanting table with 48 Lev

Left over for decorating perfect however I’ve ran out of sugarcan so let’s craft ourselves an enchanting table and pop it up here where we should yes level 30 enchantments great AP from the fact I don’t have 30 levels but I don’t really care about enchanting right now I just

Want to make some LEC turns now I won’t finish the front right now as we wait for our sugar cane to grow instead let’s work on the back here and this is looking quite plain and I think at first we need to add some windows so let’s add

A window here quite a big one at that but we’ll add another small one around the side here and then maybe on the top we’ll do another very large window from here to there quite a big window now I just went and got a moss block from

Pearl all she required was me to slap the fish is that enough slapping for a moss block take the MOs okay thank you pe don’t know why she want me to do that but I’ve got a few now as I just bone milled some and I’m going to use these

As well as some other blocks to decorate our little Garden area by our Wheat Field here we got placing some different things just to make it blend into the rest of the build and add in a bit of texture it also has some practicality as these flowers here are the ones you can

Bone me yes I know I’m missing the sunflower right I can’t fit it in because I want to put like a balcony here and it would look weird with the wall is it’s a whole thing all right don’t get into it but I can come out

Here bone maal these if I want any sort of dye Etc or more of these flowers or some ferns this here is also a water sauce look at that isn’t that lovely doesn’t look like one but it is and then we just decorated our little bone maill

Thing as well we’re now going to work on the wall behind it first let’s add the window in like so then let’s connect these up and in fact let’s add in some trap doors to make this a smoother incline it’s not completely straight now but it looks quite cool we’re going to

Make this stripy pattern here and lovely a nice little canopy I also added in these little two plant pot things here by the way I think they just look cool when windows are looking plain my go-to is always just add in some shutters there we go that’s looking way better

And we’re also going to add in some more of our line things I don’t know really what to call these other than line things and some banners we’ve made at as well all right cool this is starting to come together let’s work on this wall here as well as this is looking really

Empty now in comparison to all this okay and let’s place a mix of these Signs and Banners on the wall here let’s see maybe the white one here and let’s get placing some signs with these dashes on and I’m just trying to like randomize this a bit

We’ve still got four banners what if I put them h no cuz they cover up the sign if I put them there how about here that’s looking good that’s looking really good and it’s a bit dark but luckily I collected some glow lyen earlier so we can put some on the wall

In the spots that are available I am really happy of this it’s looking like really crowded and sort of close together which is like I said in episode one what I really want to build in this series it is looking so detailed and I

Love it now to do the rest but before we do I need a lot of glow ink sacks and I want to improve the rate I get them I’m not making a glow ink sack Farm although that would be a good idea later for now

I just want to get looting free on my sword here and here’s how that went oh Smite Again Minecraft you annoy me sometimes I’m I’m not going to waste my time I’m just going to go kill some glow squid I’m building a base basic glow squid Farm first thing next episode

Anyway it’s time to decorate the side of this stone wall here let’s do it in a cheeky time lapse and here you can see how long these signs take to place as this is sped up quite a lot but anyway we Ed on a load of a cool little details

Oh yeah we getting funky now look at these ooh that looks fun doesn’t it and I think it’s time to decorate the rest of this let’s start off with this window here and I’m thinking we add a bit of dark oak to match the dark oak on the

Side that’s kind of fun I want to link into the more like futuristic part for the rest of the wall though let’s have a look at that yeah that’s pretty cool I think we can squeeze in a couple of banners there maybe we could put another window here

And then we could put some trap doors like that because I want to do some more signs underneath here with just the lines as they’re easier to place I love the contrast between the straight lines and these lines here that looks really cool let’s do the top as well so we

Finished one entire wall so I added on some stripes and another window plus a lantern to make sure it wasn’t too dark up there and we almost have enough lect turns to finish the front here so let’s get started on that this is such a waste

Of early game materials but I don’t care let’s add some more signs this time mixing some pink in with the red more banners some dark oak signs some decorations for the window here a nice little planter here little cherry blossom pot and a bit of a weird one but

We’re adding a sort of like telephone pole or some sort of pole on this thing it’s the future all right I don’t know what’s going on and then we can add on the final Le turns lovely and to finish it off some banners of course this time featuring some pink lovely and we’ll

Place a lantern on there for a bit of light and I’ve just had an idea which I think will look really cool as there’s this sort of ledge up here right well what if I get a couple of levers and then we’ll put some Redstone repeaters

Like this except set them all to four ticks so they’re nice and evenly spread and yeah it looks a bit weird from up here but if we head down and head over here and have a look that looks kind of cool I bet that looks cool at night but

If you ignore those dirt blocks and have a look at this oh my gosh that’s looking so cool the detailing adds so much to it I love it and now we’ve only got to finish these bits here now let’s just get a full view here of what we’re doing

You can see me in the window hello how you doing and we’re going to make a big window here however we’re not going to use glass all the way through instead let’s see how that looks yeah it looks pretty cool I feel like we could add something in the middle though maybe

Some mud brick walls like that yeah that looks cool and let me just SC on through and we’ll place a little window sill maybe a little top of the window sill then for the other window we’re going to go a bit simpler I think just this maybe

Some fences to do that make a very normal looking window I do those all the time but we still got to fill this middle space here let’s do the lever trick again putting them coming down here like so this time using some lightning rods instead of chains though

And then some neon signs in the middle and then a couple of lanterns and finally some signs very nice that’s that part done all right let’s begin by adding on a couple of walls here o not there and sticking a couple of mango fences between it and we’re just getting weird

Now I I’m not really sure what I’m doing but I’ve just collected a load of random materials I’ve got flying around in hopes that I can decorate with them then we’re going to make this match with the bit over there and we’re actually going to use more dark oak here stripped of

Course oh no I might be one block short no never mind I found one bam we’re going to get some cherry wood like so o and while we’re down here as well we can add our banners in we’ll put one here then one there and then we’ve got one

More because this is all the wool I had left I guess we’ll place it there and then we’ll replace the other Banner that was meant to be there with a lantern and finish this off I might use some more copper here like so just to give it a

Bit more detail and then let’s have a look at that shall we yeah it’s looking pretty good I feel like we need some dark oak signs coming off here and then of course glow ink sack them all and we’ll dye them all pink because we got

The pink banners up here and I’ve got so much pink dye and then finally let’s add some fences on and some trap doors here yeah that’s cool a cool window get rid of this dirt go go away we’re done we’re done we’re done we’re done and oh mama

Would you look at that look how detailed this whole thing is it looks so good wait I’m happy with this a lot I am so excited to build more in this style I think it’s one of the coolest Styles I’ve ever built in and it just has so

Many possibilities we don’t have to use red in the future we can use different colors same with these we can go underground and when I get end rods oh that’s going to be a game changer the neon signs are going to go hard and as the Sun is setting I think it’s only

Fair we have a look at this with some shaders oh yes that’s looking rather nice indeed I’ll be decorating the inside next time don’t you worry but for now that is all we have got time for this hermit episode I hope you did enjoy make sure to leave a like and comment

Subscribe if you’re new and I’ll see you in episode 3


  1. I saw your house in Grians video and instantly fell in love with your build style, so I'm definitely gonna keep an eye on your projects from now on

  2. to find words for it id say its giving me really hard "neon dynastie" vibes. and after thinking a bit about it actually MTG with its kamigawa setting fits really well to your building ( i know the pack is even called neon dynastie but thats the best description for "neon future x japanese tradition" style). or thats atleast what i would imagine

  3. could have turned the blast furnace and dropper?(or dispenser) around on the wall so they look nicer since the dropper face is kinda goofy + it reminds me of hanging ac things

  4. Your build style this season gives me futuristic Ghibli smh 🤔 like, Spirited Away bathhouse, but retrofuturistic

  5. 2:26
    "If only there was some sort of animal i could take my anger out on… Unfortunately there's not"
    A second later-
    A horse head magically appearing in his hotbar

  6. The description sounds like you intentionally (or maybe not) mocking grian for not finishing the back of his base🤣🤣🤣

  7. Joel's builds are consistently the best builds I've ever seen in minecraft, and pretty much always look better without shaders than with, while still looking great either way. I've been watching him for like 4 years now and am always amazed at how friggin good he is at this.

  8. I’m crying, your base looks so good.. I’m gonna die, I love the idea with the Kanji banners😭😭😭😭
    I’m never gonna be as good as this holy sh-

  9. I dont know much about japanese writing but from what I have learned the baners look alot like hirigana, the simbol that looks similar to this [ looks similar to the hirigana symbol for shi and this one = looks like pixelated ko Im not japanese but this is what I see if anyone who sees this is Japanese please let me know if Im wrong (:

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